Chapter 42.1

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[I'm in the World Duel Carnival Finals. I am on the road of revenge. I have scores to settle. I want to face Quinton because he mistreated Kite. So I want to avenge him for Kite since he's no longer here. I want to face Quattro because he hurt Bronk and Caswell. He was also Shark's rival and cheated Shark in the championship. I'm going to beat him for Shark. I have things riding on this tournament and I won't stop until they're done. But before I do all of this, I have something that is more terryifying then dueling very dangerous people who could possible kill me. I had to deal with the party before the finals. I have my invitation and I'm walking through school. I'm the talk of the school. If I wasn't before I am now. Girls have been flirting with me all week and asking me to take them to the party. It apparently is the fanciest party of the year. I turn a corner and overhear Tori and Cat talking]

Cat: You haven't even picked out a dress yet! Why should you go with JP if you aren't even prepared to go!

Tori: I've known him longer than you! Plus, I didn't need to rearrange his clothes just for him to talk to me!

Cat: That was only a few times!

[I decide to walk away. There is no way I'm getting into that mess. Honestly, I don't even have a person in mind to go with me. I can go just by myself. Bronk, Caswell, and Flip find me]

Bronk: Hey, JP, if the girls don't work out...maybe you could take one of us?

JP: Not you too.

Caswell: Come on, JP! It will be fun!

JP: Really? Bronk would only eat. Caswell would embarrass himself. Who knows what plan Flip has?


JP: I have some place I have to be.

[I leave to go to the hospital to see a friend. She is lying in a bed with bandages on her eyes]

Rio: JP? Is that you?

JP: With your heighten senses you knew it was me?

Rio: I'd recognize those footsteps and that smell from anywhere.

JP: Cool on the first part. Little creepy on the second.

Rio: Why you here?

JP: Can't I just pay a visit?

Rio: I can feel it in the air. Something's wrong.

JP: It's the final's party.

Rio: Can't find someone to go with you?

JP: Actually, I have plenty of people to ask. I just don't know who.

Rio: I have competition I see.

[I chuckle]

Rio: Just ask one of them. There is no wrong choice.

JP: I know that you can't come but what would you say if I asked you?

Rio: I'd say yes in a heartbeat and probably kiss you.

JP: Who says you can't do that now?

[Rio points to her bandages]

JP: Right. Well, I'd kiss you back.

[I see the time]

JP: I have to go. I'll see you later.

Rio: Have fun, JP.

[I sigh as I walk away. I go outside. Anna lands beside me]

Anna: Hey! How's it going?

JP: I just don't know who to ask to this before party.

Anna: There are plenty of girls you could ask. Like Tori and Cathy. Or...

JP: You?

[Anna waves her hands in front]

Anna: Well...if you wanted to...I'd totally say yes.

JP: Thanks, Anna. It's good to see you. You're on the top of my list.

Anna: Why thank you. I'll have a dress ready just in case.

[Anna flies away on her hovercraft. Dextra comes out of the shadows]

JP: You coming to ask me to the party?

Dextra: I don't need to. I'll already be there.

JP: What's wrong?

Dextra: I'm here to warn you about Vetrix.

JP: I know. He's dangerous.

Dextra: You don't seem to be taking this seriously.

JP: Do you really believe that?

Dextra: No.

[I wrap my arms around Dextra]

JP: I'll be fine.

Dextra: I can't lose you like I lost Kite.

JP: I'm not going anywhere.

[Dextra walks away]

Dextra: I'll see you there! Save me a dance!

[I walk a little farther Lulu walking by herself]

JP: Hey.

Lulu: Hey.


JP: How are you doing?

Lulu: I'm hanging in there.

JP: I'm glad.


Lulu: Good luck in the finals.

JP: Thanks.


JP: So, I got this invitation and I can bring a guest. So...


JP: Would you please be my date?

Lulu: (Blushes) Of course.

[Now it's the night of the party. I'm dressed up with Lulu by my side. Everyone is going to be fine]

Cathy: Who is she?

[I spoke too soon]

Bronk: JP, who's the girl?

Lulu: My name is Lulu. Pleased to meet you all.

Cathy: What is she doing here?

Lulu: I'm his date.

Tori/Cathy: What?

[Suddenly Anna lands next to us]

Anna: What?

JP: Why are you guys dressed up? It's an invite only party.

Tori: You didn't tell which one of us was going with you so we all came!

[I just laugh]

Caswell: So if it's invite only then no one except JP and Lulu are getting in since we don't have invites.

Cathy: But I got all fancy and bought a new dress!

[I just laugh]

Bronk: What's so funny?

JP: I knew you guy would do this so I was able to get you all in. Here are the invites.

[I hand each person an envelope. I turn to the boys]

JP: If you embarrass yourself, you will be asked to leave.

Flip: Why are you looking at us that way?

JP: I wonder why. Let's go guys.

[We walk to the entrance]

Guard: Invites please.

[I show mine and the man starts to freak out]

JP: Are you okay?

Guard: Yes. Is there anything that I can do for you, sir?

Tori: What's going on?

JP: I'm a pretty big deal in the duel world now. (To guard) No. I'm fine for now.

Guard: Very well: (Into mic) JP is entering the building. Repeat. JP is entering the building.

[We begin to walk the red carpet where people are taking pictures. I've become somewhat of a celebrity. All of the girls fight for a spot on my arm. This makes the photographers go crazy]

Photographers: JP, which girl is your date?

[All of the girls glare at me waiting for an answer. I start to sweat. I look to Lulu and as if she reads my mind nods]

JP: All of them.

Photographer: What a lucky guy! Can we get a group photo and then a photo with each girl?

Tori: Do we get a copy of the photo?

Photographer: Of course!

All Girls: Then yes!

[I spend the next ten to fifteen minutes getting pictures taken of me with the girls. I look to see where the guys went but I guess they were kicked out since they aren't girls. The pictures are done and we walk inside. I look around to see my opponents]

JP: Okay, girls. You can go and have fun.

[None of them move]

JP: You girls okay?

Lulu: No one wants to move because none of us want anyone else to get a lead.

JP: (Sigh) If I promise each of you a dance will you go away?

Tori: You heard him, girls. That means all of us!

[All of the girls leave. I sigh. I look to see all of the competition. I know that Shark and Kite were among the finalists but now that they're gone it will make things more interesting. I have scores to settle with Quattro and Quinton so I'll go after them first. Everyone else can pick each other apart. As the night goes on, each girl approaches me secretly. First it was Cathy]

Cathy: You know, I'm not shy anymore around you.

JP: I've noticed.

Cathy: Do you like me better this way?

JP: I don't know what to say.

[Next was Tori]

Tori: I really wished you asked me.

JP: If Lulu said "no" I would've asked you.

Tori: Really?

JP: Yes.

[Next was Anna]

Anna: So, how do I look in this dress?

JP: I know you usually don't where one but it suits you.

Anna: Why thank you. I got it in your favorite color.

JP: Thanks.

[Even Dextra came over]

JP: You look beautiful.

Dextra: Thank you. You don't need those girls. You need a woman.

JP: I guess you want that role?

Dextra: Definitely.

[Then it ended with Lulu]

JP: I'm glad you're okay with this.

Lulu: Of course. I knew you were going to have this problem anyway. I saw this coming.

JP: Thanks.

Lulu: I am the favorite, right?

JP: (Whispers) Yes.

[The music starts playing and people start dancing. Someone coughs to get my attention. I turn to see all of the girls looking at me]

JP: What?

Tori: Well?

Cathy: Who are you dancing with first?

[That's how the rest of my night went. The girls continued to fight all night. I slept well though that night. I needed my rest for the next day]

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