Chapter 41

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[The Blue Eyes Master had just finished his first duel. He is leaving the arena to heading to see the next couple of duels. He is approached by the Akiza]

Akiza: Hey, I need to talk to you.

[The Blue Eyes Master turns around]

Blue Eyes Master: Yes?

Akiza: This is who I am.

Blue Eyes Master: Are you asking me what I'm think of it?

Akiza: Yes.

[The Blue Eyes Master takes Akiza away from everyone's sight]

Blue Eyes Master: You're beautiful.

[Akiza blushes]

Akiza: You shouldn't say such things.

Blue Eyes Master: I only speak the truth. I guess Sayer put you in this tournament?

Akiza: I did. He thinks it's time for the Arcadia movement to come forward.

Blue Eyes Master: I think he's crazy.

Akiza: I revealed who I am. Will you show me who you are?

[The Blue Eyes Master removes his mask and reveals JP]

JP: What do you think?

[Akiza is blushing like crazy]

JP: I'll take your silence as you like what you see.


JP (Thoughts) Should I reveal my counterpart's secret?

[JP takes out his deck]

JP: I want to show you my deck.

[Akiza looks through the deck]

Akiza: It's just a bunch of Blue Eyes cards.

JP: Take a look closer.

[Akiza pulls out the card Blue Eyes Shining Dragon]

Akiza: You have this card? Where did you get it? Only Seto Kaiba had this card.

JP: That's because he's my brother.

Akiza: You're the missing Kaiba brother?

JP: Yes I am. I haven't told anyone this before. I trust you with my secret.

Akiza: I promise not to tell anyone.

JP: One more thing.

Akiza: Yes?

JP: After I ace this tournament, do you want to go on a date sometime?

[Akiza blushes]

Akiza: I would love to. We'll find time and I don't care what Sayer says.

JP: Good. I have to go but I'll see you later. Good luck in your next duel.

Akiza: Thank you.

[JP walks away but before he does, he kisses Akiza on the cheek]

JP: (Thoughts) My Syncro counterpart it going to kill me but that's just the way it's going to be.

[JP is approached by Luna]

JP: Can I help you, Luna?

Luna: I know your secret.

JP: Which is?

Luna: You're not JP. You may look like him and know how to use his deck but you're not JP.

JP: Did Kuribon tell you that or did you figure that out on your own?

Luna: You know about her?

JP: Of course I do. You introduced me to her after all in the Spirit World.

Luna: You know about the Spirit World? How do you know all of this?

JP: I may not be the JP you know but I'm still JP.

Luna: How is that possible?

JP: It's complicated but after this tournament I promise I'll explain everything.

Luna: Okay. I also have another thing to say.

JP: You don't want me to use my new deck.

Luna: She told you didn't she?

JP: She did.

Luna: Please don't use your new deck. It's very dangerous.

JP: I understand, Luna, but there are things coming that are very dangerous and I need to protect everyone.

Luna: You know something that no one else knows?

JP: I can't say because I don't know who's listening, but I promise I'll do everything I can to protect you. You mean a lot to me.

Luna: Enough to maybe go on a date with me?

JP: Yes.

[Luna's eyes light up. She kisses JP on the cheek. Later that day, Luna has another duel. JP knows this is Goodwin's plan to try to get her to reveal her signer mark. He has to protect her just like Akiza and Rin]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[Luna's duel has just finished. He saw Luna's mark. His began to glow as well. He was angry that Goodwin had put her through this. The duel ends and he picks her up to take her the where her brother is]

JP: I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, Luna.

[Luna, almost unconsciously, kisses JP and then speaks weakly]

Luna: (Whisper) I love you, JP. I always have.

JP (Thoughts) Look at that. Luna beat both Akiza and Rin.

[JP hears Kuribon]

JP: Don't worry, Koribon and Ancient Fairy Dragon, I'll always protect Luna.

[JP places Luna down on a couch near her brother and kisses her forehead. He leaves the room to watch Akiza's duel against Commander Koda. She is pushed to her limits as well and reveals her mark. JP knows this is going according to Goodwin's plan. JP knows that he must stop him]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[The duel has just ended. She tries to talk to JP (rather the Blue Eyes Master) but Sayer wasn't having it. Sayer approaches him]

Sayer: So, Akiza tells me that you two have a date.

Blue Eyes Master: Using psychic powers to invade other's thoughts is against our ways.

Sayer: I know. Just know this. Stay away from Akiza. She doesn't need anything distracting her.

Blue Eyes Master: I could beat her and you know it.

Sayer: Oh I do. That's why I have different plans for her. So stay away.

[Blue Eyes Master walks away to the arena to face Grieger. He debates whether to reveal himself or not. He sees Luna up in the stands. They decide to go to the Spirit World]

Luna: What is it, JP?

JP: I need your help. This tournament is getting dangerous. You were almost hurt badly.

Luna: Ancient Fairy Dragon told me how angry you were.

JP: I promised to protect you and I failed.

Luna: You didn't fail.

JP: Goodwin needs all of our marks to show. That's his plan. I just don't know if I should use my new deck.

[Luna thinks for a moment]

Luna: I don't think you should. Your next duel is a friendly duel. You don't need to expose yourself or you'll be giving Goodwin what he wants.

JP: Very well. I'll do as you say.

Luna: Just curious...I didn't say anything weird when I was hurt did I?

JP: Of course not.

Luna: Good because...

JP: I love you too, Luna.

[Luna blushes as JP disappears. He heads to the arena to face Greiger in his Blue Eyes Master outfit. He is being introduced]

Announcer: Now please welcome to the field, the person that everyone wants to face Jack Atlas again. The person who wields the mighty dragon of destruction! Please welcome the Blue Eyes Master!

[The Blue Eyes Master shows and the crowd cheers wildly. He sees Greiger]

Greiger: It's an honor to duel against you. May the best man win.

Blue Eyes Master: I know what you're fighting for, Greiger. In a perfect world we both get what we want. Unfortunatley that isn't the case.

Greiger: I understand. Thank you.

[Blue Eyes Master activates his duel disk]

Blue Eyes Master: Let's rev it up!

Blue Eyes Master/Greiger: Duel!

Turn 1-Blue Eyes Master

Blue Eyes Master-8000 LP/Greiger-8000 LP

Blue Eyes Master: I'll go first! My turn. I place a card face down in DEF mode and another card face down. Turn end.

Announcer: The Blue Eyes Master starts thing mysteriously. Greiger better be careful.

Turn 2-Greiger

JP-8000 LP/Greiger-8000 LP

Greiger: My turn. I draw. I summon Spell Reactor RE in ATK Mode!

Spell Reactor RE: Level 3- 1200 ATK/ 900 DEF

Greiger: Now destroy his face down!

JP: Hmph.

Greiger: I place one card face down and end my turn.

JP: The special effect of my White Stone of Ancients activates. I can special summon my most faithful ally from my deck! Come forth, Blue Eyes White Dragon!

Blue Eyes White Dragon: Level 8- 3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF

Greiger: Urk.

Announcer: Greiger may have destroyed the Blue Eyes Master's monster but the Blue Eyes Master is still able to bring his most famous monster to the field. What will Greiger do?

Turn 3- Blue Eyes Master

Blue Eyes Master-8000 LP/Greiger-8000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. I summon The White Stone of Legend in ATK Mode!

White Stone of Legend: Level 1- 300 ATK/ 250 DEF

JP: I tune Level 1 White Stone of Legend with my Level 8 Blue Eyes White Dragon! I Syncro Summon! Come forth! Level 9! Azure Eyes Silver Dragon!

Azure Eyes Silver Dragon: Level 9- 2500 ATK/ 3000 DEF

JP: All dragons are safe from being destroyed by card effects this turn. Also since I sent The White Stone of Legend was sent to the Graveyard, I can add one Blue Eyes White Dragon to my hand. Battle. Azure Eyes, destroy his monster!

Greiger: Ahh!

Greiger-8000 LP - - - 6700 LP

JP: Turn end.

Announcer: The Blue Eyes Master takes a bite out of Greiger's life points. Can Greiger mount a comeback?

Turn 4-Greigar

Blue Eyes Master-8000 LP/Greigar-6700 LP

Greiger: My turn. I draw. I place a monster face down in DEF Mode. From my hand I activate a spell: Swords of Revealing Light! Now you can't attack for three turns! I end my turn.

Announcer: All Greigar can do is by time and defend.

Turn 5-Blue Eyes Master

Blue Eyes Master-8000 LP/Greigar-6700 LP

Blue Eyes Master: My turn. Draw. The ability of my Azure Eyes activates reviving one of my Blue Eyes from the Graveyard. From my hand I activate a spell: Polymerization! I fuse together my Blue Eyes on the field with the two Blue Eyes in my hand.

Announcer: No way! Could he be fusion summoning...?

Blue Eyes Master: Feast your eyes on the most powerful of all dragons, in its fully evolved glory! Fusion Summon! Show yourself, Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon: Level 12- 4500 ATK/ 3800 DEF

[The crowd is completely amazed. Akiza sees this and smiles. Leo is super ecstatic. Luna just smiles]

Greigar: That's impossible! There is no way you could have that card! The only person who had that card was Seto Kaiba and he's dead! Unless you are...

Blue Eyes Master: You are correct!

[Blue Eyes Master throws away his mask and his cloak. The crowd is stunned]

JP: My name is JP Kaiba! I'm the lost Kaiba brother! My brothers were killed before me! I came to do what my brother would've done! Become the number one duelist in the world!

[Everyone is completely stunned that some girls faint because of his looks and boys faint because of the revelation. Jack is surprised the most but he smiles at his rival]

JP: From my hand I activate a spell: Mystical Space Typhoon! Say goodbye to your swords and your last chance of winning this duel!

Greiger: Oh no!

JP: Battle. Azure Eyes, take out his face down!

Greiger: No!

JP: You're wide open! Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, attack Greiger directly! Hyper Neutron Blast!

Greiger: Ahh!

Greiger-6700 LP - - - 2200 LP

Greiger: I'm still in this. I still have LP.

JP: Sorry, Greiger but I'm ending this duel on this turn!

Greiger: You can't! Both of your monsters have attacked already! There's nothing else you can do!

JP: Wrong! I can activate the special ability of my of Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon! By sending Blue Eyes Ulitmate Dragon from my extra deck to the Graveyard I can attack again!

Greiger: What!

JP: Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, attack Greiger directly and end this duel! Hyper Neutron Blast!

Greiger: Ahh!

Greiger-2200 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: JP

Announcer: What a turn of events! The Blue Eyes Master turns out to be the missing Kaiba brother: JP Kaiba! He will be advancing to the finals to take on the Black Rose, Akiza! What a showdown this will be!

[Far away, Rin and Yugo are shocked]

Yugo: I knew he was the Blue Eyes Master but I had no idea he was Seto Kaiba's brother!

Rin: He's...amazing. (Thoughts) Now I definitely know that I'm in love with him.

[Everyone in the arena have different thoughts]

Leo: (Thoughts) My big bro is the greatest big bro of all time! He's the ultimate big bro! I'm his Mokuba to his Seto!

Akiza: (Thoughts) We both decided to reveal ourselves. I'm very proud to be your girlfriend.

Luna: (Thoughts) That's the mighty dragon that was in his deck! I've never felt more safe in my life. He will always protect me.

Jack: (Thoughts) You and I will be the greatest rivals of all time! We will even be better than your brother and the King of Games! I'm proud to call you my rival! Just beat Akiza and you and I will have the greatest duel of all time!

[JP walks out of the arena where he finds Akiza]

JP: How about that date?

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