Chapter 40

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JP (Fusion) POV

[Since my last duel, I've been chosen to represent Duel Academy in the School Duel versus North Academy. I combined my old deck with my new deck to make it even better. I honestly don't know how anything can get any better. People are looking for Chazz but I'm sure he'll show up at some point when least expect it. I just got out of my dorm when Celina approaches me]

3rd Person POV

JP: Hey, Celina. What's going on?

[JP starts walking towards the cafeteria when Celina takes his arm]

Celina: Nope. You aren't going that way.

JP: Why not?

Celina: Bastion, Cyrus, and Alexis have been looking all over for you.

JP: Why?

Celina: They want you to add a card of theirs to your deck. I already know how you feel about something like that.

JP: You're right. Thanks.

[JP and Celina hear Alexis, Syrus, and Bastion from around the corner]

Alexis: I swear I just saw him with Celina. I'd recognize that Indigo hair anywhere.

[JP pulls Celina by her hand which makes her blush and they hide in a corner]

Celina: I should've changed my hair.

JP: I actually really like it the way it is.

Celina: (Blush) Really?

JP: Yeah.

[Alexis, Bastion, and Cyrus run past their hiding spot]

Alexis: There is no way that girl is beating me!

Bastion: What is she talking about, Cyrus?

Cyrus: You wouldn't understand.

[The coast is clear]

JP: Whew. I thought we were going to get caught.

[Celina faces JP]

Celina: JP, there is something that I need to tell you.

JP: Sure. What's up?

Celina: I...

[A student finds JP and Celina standing together]

Student: JP, the Chancellor wants you at the docks to meet the representive of North Academy.

JP: Thanks. I'll be there is a second.

[The student walks away]

JP: So, what was it, Celina?

Celina: I'll tell you another time. You better get going.

JP: You sure?

Celina: I'm sure.

JP: If you say so.

[JP walks away. Alexis finds Celina standing by herself]

Alexis: You tried to tell him and failed didn't you?

Celina: I don't understand why JP even wastes his time with you.

Alexis: You're one to talk. He doesn't even notice you either.

Celina: Do we have to duel again so I can shut you up?

Alexis: No but I'd be ready this time.

Celina: Yeah right. Let's go support JP.

[Celina and Alexis head over to the docks. JP stands there waiting for his opponent]

JP: I wonder who my opponent is.

[A voice is heard]

Voice: It's going to surprise you!

[Chazz steps out wearing a black outfit]

Chazz: Remember me?

JP: You're the one I'm dueling?

Chazz: That's right! I'm the representative of North Academy.

JP: Wow. They really must be getting desperate if they chose you.

Chazz: That's not funny! We'll settle this in the duel arena.

[Everyone gathers in the duel arena anxiously awaiting this duel. Chazz has his supporters sing his song]

Chazz: Give me a "C"!

Students: "H-A-Z-Z" The CHAZZ!

Chazz: That's right! Chazz it up!

Sudents: Chazz it up! Chazz it up!

Chazz: Jealous, JP, that I have my own fan base?

[JP looks over to the girls from Duel Academy and blows them a kiss. All of the girls squeal. Celina and Alexis play along]

Alexis: Oh! JP is the best duelist who ever lived! He's the only one that is fit to date me! It's definitely not Chazz!

Celina: JP wears purple now! That means he's a step above Obelisk Blue! Not even in his dreams will Chazz reach that level!

[JP looks at Chazz and smirks]

JP: I'm not jealous at all.

Chazz: You wear purple now?

JP: I'm a step above you.

Chazz: Yeah, right. Enough talk. Let's get this duel underway!

[JP and Chazz activate their duel disks]

JP: It's time to get your game on!

JP/Chazz: Duel!

Turn 1-JP

JP-8000 LP/Chazz-8000 LP

JP: I'll start. My turn. I place a card face down. I summon Cyber Dragon Core in ATK Mode! This monster's name becomes Cyber Dragon.

Cyber Dragon Core: Level 2- 400 ATK/ 1500 DEF

JP: Its ability activates! I can add Cyber Repair Plant to my hand. Turn end.

Turn 2-Chazz

JP-8000 LP/Chazz-8000 LP

Chazz: If you're going to duel like that then this will be over before you know it! My turn. I draw. From my hand I activate a spell: Magical Mallet. I shuffle the cards I don't want into my deck and then redraw. From my hand I activate a spell: Lighting Vortex! By discarding a card I destroy you monster!

JP: Hmph.

Chazz: I summon Flying Kamakiri #1 in ATK Mode!

Flying Kamakiri #1: Level 4- 1400 ATK/ 900 DEF

Chazz: Battle. My monster now attacks!

JP: Hmph.

JP-8000 LP - - - 6600 LP

Chazz: You're not a step above me. You only got that title because I left. I end my turn.

Turn 3-JP

JP-6600 LP/Chazz-8000 LP

JP: You played right into my hand. My turn. Draw. I summon Cyber Dragon from my hand in ATK Mode!

Cyber Dragon: Level 5- 2100 ATK/ 1600 DEF

JP: I can summon this monster without tributing when you have a monster and I don't. From my hand I activate a spell: Cyber Repair Plant! This allows me to add Cyber Dragon Drei to my hand. It won't stay for long because I'm summoning it in ATK Mode. Its name becomes Cyber Dragon.

Cyber Dragon Drei- Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 800 DEF

Chazz: Then you'll attack me with your two monsters.

JP: I'm not done. The ability of my monster activates making all Cyber Dragons Level 5. Now the real fun can begin.

Chazz: What?

JP: I overlay my two Level 5 Cyber Dragons to build the Overlay Network! I XYZ Summon! Come forth! Rank 5! Cyber Dragon Nova!

Cyber Dragon Nova: Rank 5- 2100 ATK/ 1600 DEF

Chazz: What is that?

JP: I'm still not done. I rebuild the Overlay Network with my Cyber Dragon Nova! Go Rank Up XYZ Evolution! Come forth! Rank 6! Cyber Dragon Infinity!

Cyber Dragon Infinity: Rank 6- 2100 ATK/ 1600 DEF

Chazz: What is happening?

JP: This monster gains 200 ATK for each Overlay Unit.

Cyber Dragon Infinity- 2100 ATK - - - 2700 ATK

JP: I now activate the special ability of my monster! I can turn your monster into an Overlay Unit so it gains another 200 ATK. The best part of this is now your field is empty!

Chazz: No!

Cyber Dragon Infinity- 2700 ATK - - - 2900 ATK

JP: Battle. Cyber Dragon Infinity, attack Chazz directly!

Chazz: Ahh!

Chazz-8000 LP - - - 5100 LP

JP: Turn end.

Turn 4-Chazz

JP-6600 LP/Chazz-5100 LP

Chazz: I won't lose to you! My turn. I draw! I place a monster face down in DEF Mode and end my turn.

Turn 5- JP

JP-6600 LP/Chazz-5100 LP

JP: You're making this too easy. My turn. Draw. I place a card face down. I summon Dragonpulse Magician in ATK Mode!

Dragonpulse Magician: Scale 1: Rank 4- 1800 ATK/ 900 DEF

JP: Battle. Dragonpulse Magician, destroy his face down monster!

Chazz: Hmph.

JP: Cyber Dragon Infinity, attack him directly!

Chazz: Ahh!

Chazz-5100 LP - - - 2200 LP

JP: Turn end.

Turn 6-Chazz

JP-6600 LP/Chazz-2200 LP

Chazz: I will not lose to you! My turn! I draw! I place a monster face down in DEF Mode and end my turn.

Turn 7-JP

JP-6600 LP/Chazz-2200 LP

JP: That was your last chance. My turn. Draw. I place a card face down. I summon Nobledragon Magician in ATK Mode!

Nobledragon Magician: Scale 5: Level 3- 700 ATK/ 1400 DEF

JP: The ability of my Cyber Dragon Infinity activates! It turns my Nobledragon Magician into an Overlay Unit and then gains another 200 ATK!

Cyber Dragon Infinity-2900 ATK - - - 3100 ATK

JP: Battle. Dragonpulse Magician, attack his face down monster!

Chazz: That was my last chance!

JP: Cyber Dragon Infinity, attack him directly and end this duel!

Chazz: Ahh!

Chazz-2200 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: JP

Chancellor: The winner of the School Duel is Duel Academy represented by JP!

[Everyone cheers for JP as the duel ends. Celina and Alexis each hug JP from a side. In the end Chazz decides to stay instead of going back to North Academy. JP thought that nothing could go wrong. Well, he was wrong]

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