Chapter 49

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3rd Person POV

[JP and Celina had just come off a date. Love was in full bloom for the two young love birds. JP (Original) looked over his Fusion counterpart. The year was basically over but it wasn't over just yet. There was still one more thing that had to be done. That was the Graduation Match. JP obviously was chosen since he was the top student. But who he was dueling remained unknown. Well unknown to everyone except JP and Celina. Alexis didn't like what she saw but she knew dueling Celina wouldn't be a good idea. She had to think of another way]

Celina: Thanks for the date, JP.

JP: You're welcome.

Celina: This isn't just to butter me up before tomorrow's duel, right?

JP: No. I just wanted to spend time with you.

Celina: So, I guess I had back to my dorm. Walk me there?

JP: I have a better idea. Spend the night with me.

Celina: That isn't allowed.

JP: I bet I could get an exception.

[Celina thought for a moment and went against her better judgement]

Celina: Just one night. Okay?

JP: Sure.

[JP and Celina walked into his room. They both laid down on the bed. JP hugged Celina from behind]

JP: (Whispers) Good luck in tomorrow's duel. You're going to need it.

[JP (Fusion) decided to talk to JP (Original)]

JP (Original): You ready for tomorrow?

JP (Fusion): I feel confident. Will you be there?

JP (Original): As long as I'm not pulled then yes.

JP (Fusion): You want to duel for me?

JP (Original): This is you're moment. I'm not taking it from you.

JP (Fusion): As long as you think I can handle it.

JP (Original) I know you can.

[The night came and went. Morning arrived. Everyone was in the stadium excited for this duel. This was a duel people really wanted to see. The two best fusion duelists in school battling it out one on one. Not to mention they're dating each other and are best friends. The tension is high]

Crowler: Today is the day for the Graduation Match! Two of the best duelists in school will battle it out to close out the year! Let's wish them both luck! For today's duel we have JP...

[The crowd cheers]

Crowler:...versus Celina.

[The crowd cheers]

Crowler: Duelists, activate your duel disks because it's time to duel!

JP: Good luck, Celina. You're going to need it. I'm not holding back.

Celina: Loser pays for dinner next time.

JP: I always pay.

Celina: That's right.

[JP and Celina activate their duel disks]

JP/Celina: Get your game on! Duel!

Turn 1-Celina

JP-8000 LP/Celina-8000 LP

Celina: Ladies first in this duel. It's my turn. From my hand I activate a Continous Spell: Fire Formation-Tenki. This allows me to add 1 Level 4 or below Beast-Warrior type monster from my deck to my hand. I summon Lunalight Blue Cat in ATK Mode!

Lunanlight Blue Cat: Level 4- 1600 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Celina: My spell card gives my Blue Cat a 100 ATK boost.

Lunalight Blue Cat-1600 ATK - - - 1700 ATK

Celina: I end my turn with a face down.

Turn 2-JP

JP-8000 LP/Celina-8000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. From my hand I activate a spell: Twin Twisters! By discarding from my hand to the Graveyard, I can destroy both of your spell cards.

Celina: No! Now my Blue Cat's ATK go back to 1600 ATK.

JP: I place Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon in my Pendulum Zone. Turn end. Now the ability of my Odd Eyes in my Pendulum Zone activates! I can add Timegazer Magician to my hand.

Turn 3-Celina

JP-8000 LP/Celina-8000 LP

Celina: I see what you're up to. You don't fool me! But you made a mistake by leaving yourself wide open! I'll make you pay for that mistake! My turn. I draw. Just like my first turn I activate the spell: Fire Formation-Tenki. I also summon another Lunalight Blue Cat! Thanks to my spell card, they both have 1700 ATK. Since you're wide open, they'll both attack you directly!

JP: At the same time?

Celina: I learned from you. I don't choose favorites.

JP: Ahh!

JP-8000 LP - - - 4600 LP

Celina: With that I'll end my turn. Let's see you come back from that.

Turn 4-JP

JP-4600 LP/Celina-8000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. I use Scale 1 Dragonpulse Magician and Scale 8 Timegazer Magician to set the Pendulum Scale! I'm taking control of this duel starting now!

Celina: Here we go.

JP: I can now summon monsters from between Levels 2 and 7 all at the same time! Swing far, Pendulum! Carve the Arc of Victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action! Turn up the heat, Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon. Also joining will be Cyber Dragon and Cyber Dragon Zwei.

Celina: Three monsters. I'm in trouble.

JP: Yes you are! Battle. Odd Eyes, attack one of her Blue Cats! Spiral Flame Strike! When Odd Eyes causes damage, it's doubled! Reaction Force!

Celina: Ahh!

Celina-8000 LP - - - 6400 LP

Celina: My Blue Cat's special ability activates! I can replace it with Lunalight Wolf!

Lunalight Wolf: Scale 1: Level 6- 2000 ATK/ 1800 DEF

JP: Cyber Dragon, destroy her other Blue Cat!

Celina: Ahh!

Celina-6400 LP - - - 6000 LP

Celina: I activate my Blue Cat's ability! I summon another Lunalight Wolf!

JP. Turn end.

Turn 5-Celina

JP-4600 LP/Celina-6000 LP

Celina: My turn. I draw. Both of my Lunalight Wolves have 2100 ATK thanks to my spell card. Now, one of them will attack and destroy your Cyber Dragon Drei!

JP: Ahh!

JP-4600 LP - - - 4000 LP

Celina: Now my other wolf will destroy your Cyber Dragon! I know what you're planning and I won't let it happen so I don't care of both our monsters are destroyed!

JP: Hmph.

Celina: I end my turn.

Turn 6-JP

JP-4000 LP/Celina-6000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. I use the Pendulum Scale I've already set! Pendulum Summon! Say hello to another Cyber Dragon!

Celina: It didn't matter!

JP: From my hand I activate a spell: Cyber Repair Plant! You know that this does!

Celina: Oh no!

JP: I add Cyber Dragon Drei to my hand. I summon Cyber Dragon Drei in ATK Mode!

Cyber Dragon Drei: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 800 DEF

JP: This monster becomes Cyber Dragon and turns all Cyber Dragons to Level 5!

Celina: Uh oh.

JP: Battle. Odd Eyes, destroy her wolf! Spiral Flame Strike! The damage is doubled! Reaction Force!

Celina: Ahh!

Celina-6000 LP - - - 5200 LP

JP: Cyber Dragon with 2100 ATK, destroy her face down! Strident Blast!

Celina: The ability of my Blue Cat activates which allows me to summon another Lunalight Wolf!

JP: I end my Battle Phase. This is the difference between you and me, Celina! I overlay my two Level 5 Cyber Dragons to build the Overlay Network! I XYZ Summon! Appear! Rank 5! Cyber Dragon Nova!

Cyber Dragon Nova: Rank 5- 2100 ATK/ 1600 DEF

JP: I'm not done. I rebuild the Overlay Network with Cyber Dragon Nova! Go Rank Up XYZ Evolution! Come forth! Rank 6! Cyber Dragon Infinity!

Cyber Dragon Infinity: Rank 6- 2100 ATK/ 1600 DEF

JP: My monster gains 200 ATK for each overlay unit!

Cyber Dragon Infinity-2100 ATK - - - 2700 ATK

JP: I activate the special ability of my Cyber Dragon Infinity! It can turn your monster into an overlay unit and gain another 200 ATK!

Celina: No!

Cyber Dragon Infinity-2700 ATK - - - 2900 ATK

JP: Turn end.

Turn 7-Celina

JP-4000 LP/Celina-5200 LP

Celina: I won't lose. My turn. I draw. I activate the special ability of my Lunalight Black Sheep. By sending it to the Graveyard, I can add Polymerization to my hand! I summon Lunalight Tiger in ATK Mode!

Lunalight Tiger: Scale 5: Level 3- 1200 ATK/ 800 DEF

Celina: I end my turn.

Turn 9-JP

JP-4000 LP/Celina-5200 LP

JP: Bad move, Celina! Time to end this! My turn. Draw. I activate the special ability of my Cyber Dragon Infinity! I turn another one of your monsters into an overlay unit and it gains another 200 ATK.

Cyber Dragon Infinity-2900 ATK - - - 3100 ATK

JP: Time to end this! Both of my monsters will attack you directly!

Celina: At the same time?

JP: Just returning the favor.

Celina: Ahh!

Celina-5200 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: JP

[JP walks over to Celina and helps her up. In one swift motion she plants her lips on his exciting the crowd but displeasing Alexis]

Crowler: There we have it, folks! JP proves why he is the top duelist in the school! Everyone enjoy your summer break! I know for sure I will.

[JP and Celina separate]

Celina: I will beat you someday.

JP: I'll still pay for dinner.

Celina: Yes you will.

[The Chancellor walks over to JP]

Celina: I'll see you at the dorm.

Chancellor: Congratulations, JP. You deserve a reward.

JP: It's okay, sir.

Chancellor: I insist. I think you should add this to your deck. It's a new fusion monster.

JP: Starving Venom Fusion Dragon? Huh?

[JP (Original) saw this and knew exactly what it meant. He had to convince his Fusion counterpart not use it but it wouldn't be easy]

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