Chapter 5

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[A certain boy who looks like one of the boys from the screens looks on as his classmates run around. He watches as a boy named Yuma Tsukomo makes a fool of himself throughout the entire day. He just smiles and laughs. He is approached by another boy named Kite Tenjo]

Kite: Enjoying the scenery, JP?

JP: You shouldn't be here, Kite. It's too dangerous. You could be seen.

Kite: I'm not worried. You'd help me get away.

[JP turns to face Kite and smiles]

JP: That I would my friend. How is your brother?

Kite: He's managing. We need to get all the numbers, so we can save him.

JP: We will.

Kite: JP...

JP: I know what you're going to say, Kite.

Kite: But, please...

JP: The answer is no. It's no to both statements.

Kite: Why won't you? What's stopping you? I want to help you! I also need your help. I need you to lead our group. I can't do it anymore.

JP: You're a great leader, Kite. Don't stress about it.

Kite: Not as good as you would be. I don't have what it takes to lead. The only reason why you don't lead is because you only have one Number Card. You would have more if I gave you the ones you gave me.

JP: Kite, it's important that I stay in the shadows. You know if you need my help that I'll be there.

Kite: As I would for you. I guess I'll quit trying today. Maybe you'll change your mind tomorrow.

[Kite starts to walk away but turns around]

Kite: Oh, Dextra says, "Hi."

JP: Tell her, "Hello" for me too.

Kite: She wants you to come back.

JP: I will when the time is right.

Kite: Before I leave, I want to thank you again. I wouldn't be the duelist I am today without you.

JP: Save the thanks for when we finish what we started.

[Kite walks away. JP walks over to his friends Yuma and Tori Meadows. As he approaches, Tori smiles and waves at him]

Tori: Hey, JP! Where you been?

JP: Just walking around. So, Yuma, beat any records today?

Yuma: No.

JP: Maybe another day. Hey, Tori?

Tori: Yeah?

JP: Your hair looks great today.

Tori: (Blushes) Why thank you, JP.

JP: Has anyone seen Bronk?

Tori: I think I see him up there! He's dueling and look at his opponent!

[The trio's friend, Bronk Stone, was currently dueling one of the schools most talented duelists. His name was Reginald Kastle, but people called him Shark. Bronk had just lost the duel and collapsed to his knees. The trio run over to him]

Yuma: Bronk, you okay?

Bronk: I lost, Yuma. I lost everything!

Yuma: What do you mean by "everything"?

Shark: He's talking about his deck.

Yuma: His deck?

Shark: Yes, we made a bet and the winner got the loser's deck.

Yuma: Shark, you're nothing but a bully! Give Bronk his deck back!

Shark: What you going to do about, Yuma?

Yuma: I'll duel you and if I win you must give Bronk his deck back!

Shark: If you lose I get your deck too.

Tori: Don't do it, Yuma.

Bronk: Yeah, that's crazy. I can always build a new deck.

Yuma: I must do this. If I win then I'll put Shark in his place. I'll be the best duelist in the school if I beat him.

Shark: You mean the second best.

Yuma: Huh?

Shark: I hate to admit it but there is someone who I've never beaten in this school and he's standing right there. How long you going to stay silent, JP?

[JP approaches Shark and stand between him and Yuma]

JP: I was just waiting for the right time to speak.

Shark: What do you think about this situation?

JP: I think it's unfair trade.

Shark: Huh?

JP: If you win you get Yuma's deck? No offense but his deck is really bad.

Yuma: JP! What type of friend are you?

JP: A friend who helps his friends. How about this, Shark? I'll duel you. I win, and you give Bronk his deck back. If you win, I'll give you my deck.

Tori: JP, no!

JP: Come on, Shark. This is an opportunity you can't pass up. Also, if you win, I'll do that extra bet we always do.

Shark: Fine. I've always respected you as a duelist, so this is a chance I can't pass up. Let's do this here and now.

[JP and Shark prepare to duel. Many people gather around to watch it go down]

Yuma: This is crazy, Tori!

Tori: Well, have some faith in him, Yuma. Shark said that he's never beaten JP.

Bronk: I've never seen JP duel before. I didn't even know he dueled. Which is strange because I've been his friend for a long time.

Yuma: Well, we're about to find out why Shark has never won against him.

[JP stares down Shark]


JP: (Thoughts) I was crazy to agree to this. I'm in way over my head. Even with the help of my friend and my special cards it's still crazy.

[I stood there doubting myself. Just then, my key glowed and Astral appeared]

Astral: You really did it this time.

JP: I know. I might have gone too far.

Astral: We've beaten him many times and we can do so again.

[JP closes his eyes trying to focus. When he opens his eyes, they glow for an instance and then return to normal]

JP: (Thoughts) I'm not sure if I can do this.

[JP then hears a voice in his head]

Voice: Don't worry. You're not alone. I'll help you.

JP: You heard that, right?

Astral: Heard what?

[JP is confused on where the voice was coming from, but he shakes it off and gets ready to duel]

3rd Person POV

Shark: Let's do this!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

JP: Duel disk, go! Duel gazer, let's roll! Duel interface, set! Time to feel the flow!

Computer: Augmented reality Vision Link established.

JP/Shark: Let's duel.

Tori POV

Tori: (Thoughts) Good luck, JP. If anyone can do it, you can.

??? POV

???: You got this, JP. Meow!

3rd Person POV

Turn 1- Shark

JP-8000 LP/Shark-8000 LP

Shark: I'll go first. I place three cards face down and end my turn.

Turn 2- JP

JP-8000 LP/Shark-8000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. I place one monster face down in DEF Mode and another card face down. Turn end.

Turn 3- Shark

JP-8000 LP/Shark-8000 LP

Shark: Starting slow, JP? I'm not falling for it. My turn. I draw. I place two more cards face down and end my turn.

Turn 4- JP

JP-8000 LP/Shark-8000 LP

JP: My turn. I draw. I flip summon Gogogo Golem.

Gogogo Golem: Level 4- 1800 ATK/1500 DEF

JP: I summon Gogogo Giant in ATK Mode.

Gogogo Giant: Level 4- 2000 ATK/ 0 DEF

JP: I overlay my Level 4 Gogogo Golem and Gogogo Giant to build the Overlay Network! I XYZ Summon! Come on out! Rank 4! Number 39: Utopia!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Number 39: Utopia: Rank 4- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

JP: Now I activate Rank-Up Magic Barian's Force! I rebuild the Overlay Network with Utopia. This spell will turn Utopia into a Chaos XYZ Monster. Go Chaos XYZ Evolution! Come on out! Rank 5! Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray Victory!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray Victory: Rank 5- 2800 ATK/ 2500 DEF

JP: Battle. When Utopia battles, you can't activate any Spell or Trap Cards. Your field is wide open. Utopia, attack himdirectly! Rising Sun Double Victory Slash!

Shark: Ahh!

Shark- 8000 LP - - - 5200 LP

JP: Turn end.

Turn 5- Shark

JP-8000 LP/Shark-5200 LP

Shark: My turn. I draw. I can't do anything. I end my turn.

Turn 6- JP

JP-8000 LP/Shark-5200 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. What's wrong, Shark? Bad hand? Battle. Utopia, attack him directly! Rising Sun Double Victory Slash!

Shark: Ahh!

Shark-5200 LP - - - 2400 LP

JP: Turn end.

Turn 7- Shark

JP-8000 LP/Shark-2400 LP

Shark: It's not over yet. My turn. I draw. I still can't do anything. I end my turn.

Turn 8- JP

JP-8000 LP/Shark-2400 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. That was your last chance, Shark. I place one card facedown. Battle. Utopia, attack him directly! Rising Sun Double Victory Slash!

Shark: Ahh!

Shark-2400 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: JP

[The crowd cheers. JP walks over to Shark]

Shark: (Laughs) I hate it when you play that monster.

JP: I know. That's why I did it.

[Shark approaches Bronk]

Shark: I'm sorry for taking your deck, Bronk. It was the only way I could get JP to duel me.

Bronk: What do you mean?

Shark: JP has been refusing to duel me and I knew that the only way I was going to get him to was if he played hero.

Yuma: That still doesn't make it right for you to be a bully.

JP: Don't worry about that, Yuma. I'll talk to him.

Shark: You know where to find me, JP.

[Shark starts to walk away]

JP: Tell her, "Hi" for me.

Shark: I will. You need to visit soon. She keeps asking about you.

JP: I will.

[Shark walks away]

Astral: Well done, JP.

[JP's friends approach him]

Yuma: That was amazing, JP!

Bronk: Sure was! As soon as you played that monster it was over and there was nothing he could do. That special ability really came in handy.

Tori: (Blushes) I knew you could do it, JP.

JP: Thanks for believing in me you guys.

[JP's phone rings]

JP: I need to take this.

[JP answers his phone]

JP: Hello? Oh, hey, Yuto. Lulu wants to hang? I'm on my way. Tell Shay he can't have my snacks!

[JP keeps walking away talking on his phone. A certain boy watches him walk by. His duel disk glows and he disappears]

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