Chapter 54

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JP (Barian) POV

[I'm here in the XYZ Dimension. I look for JP's XYZ Counterpart. I find him hanging with a bunch of girls. I walk into the view. Everyone is shocked to see a second JP]

Tori: There are two JPs?

JP (XYZ): It's okay, guys. He's a friend.

JP (Barian): Actually I'm not.

JP (XYZ): What?

JP (Barian): I'm half of that friend that you had.

JP (XYZ): What did you do to him?

JP (Barian): Let's say he doesn't exist anymore.

[I look at Rio and give her a look. She smiles and walks over to me]

Tori: Rio, what are you doing?

Rio: I'm with my emperor.

Bronk: Emperor? What are you talking about?

JP (Barian): Rio and I are Barians!

[Everyone is shocked. It's kind of amusing. My XYZ Counterpart was not happy. He was enraged]

JP (XYZ): What have you done with the original?

JP (Barian): It won't matter so I'm not going to tell you.

JP (XYZ): What do I have to do to bring him back?

[Astral appears]

Astral: Barian, you are apart of JP. Correct?

JP (Barian): Yes.

Astral: JP, I know a way to defeat him.

JP (XYZ): How?

Astral: You need to accept your past. Accept that you are a Barian!

JP (Barian): That won't make a difference.

JP (XYZ): I'm a Barian. I am an emperor of Barian world. It was my duty to take all of the Number Cards and destroy Astral World.

3rd Person POV

[JP (Barian) begins to glow]

JP (Barian): No! What are you doing?

JP (XYZ): I am accepting my self! I'm accepting my past! I'm not human! I am a Barian! I am the Barian Emperor Xander!

JP (Barian): Ahh!

[JP (Barian) vanishes and the spirit seems to enter JP's body. JP (XYZ) looks at his friends]

JP: I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. I was hoping that I could've put this part of my life behind me.

Cathy: It's okay, JP. We will always be friends.

Bronk: Yeah. You're not evil. So it's okay!

JP: I'm sorry. Let's go, Rio.

Tori: Wait! Where are you going?

JP: I'm going to Barian World to finish what I started. I'm going to take back Barian and it will be under my control. I will defeat Vector.

Tori: You can't leave! We won't let you.

[JP has tears in his eyes]

JP: I'm sorry.

[JP and Rio vanish. Astral is most upset. Suddenly, JP's key begins to glow and from it comes a giant ship]

Bronk: What is that?

Tori: I think it's a ship to take us to Barian World.

Cathy: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go get our JP back! I know he's still in there!

Bronk: I don't think so.

Cathy: How could you say that?

Bronk: His friendship with us was just a lie.

[Anna lands from her hovercraft. Quattro and Dextra also arrive]

Anna: He had a reason. He was trying to protect us all.

Bronk: Protect us?

Dextra: The Barian's would've taken over this world. He held them off. Now he has to finish what he started. It in the end it's up to him to make a choice. Save his race or come back home to us.

Tori: I know he'll make the right choice.

Quattro: He just needs a little convincing.

Anna: Let's get on the ship and get our JP back!

[The ship takes everyone who wants to defeat the Barian's. This included everyone who was ever touched by JP. They were going to get him back. The ship lands and they see a purple figure with tears in his eyes on his knees]

Tori: JP, is that you?

[The purple figure turns around]

Xander: It's not JP. It's Xander. How did you guys get here?

Tori: We came on this ship that was hidden in your key!

Xander: You shouldn't have come here.

Bronk: Why is that? What's wrong with getting our friend back?

Xander: Your friend no longer exists.

Cathy: That's a lie! I know the JP we love is still in there!

Xander: He's gone!

[Other Barians walks towards the group from the ship]

Xander: Take care of them.

[The large group runs after Xander but the Barian's challenged all of them to a duel. The battles raged on. All of the Photon Group except Quattro was defeated. The remaining people were: Lulu, Tori, Cathy, Anna, Dextra, and Quattro. They faced Xander]

Cathy: JP, please come back to us!

Xander: I told you that he's gone.

Quattro: I don't believe that. I know he's in there. Xander, I challenge you to a duel! If you win, you can make all of us vanish. If I win: you come back with us.

Xander: You're foolish to think that you could defeat me. Very well. Let's see you try. I won't be holding back. I'll show you the true power of a Barian.

[Xander and Quattro activate their duel disks while all of the girls look on]

Turn 1-Xander

Xander-8000 LP/Quattro-8000 LP

Xander: I'll start. My turn. I place a card facedown. I use Scale 1 Stargazer Magician and Scale 8 Timegazer to set the Pendulum Scale! I'm taking control of this duel starting now!

[Quattro looks afraid]

Xander: I can now summon monster between the Levels 2 and 7 all at the same time! Swing far, Pendulum! Carve the Arc of Victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action! Come forth Dragonpulse Magician and Flash Knight!

Dragonpulse Magician: Scale 1: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 900 DEF

Flash Knight: Scale 7: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 600 DEF

Xander: I overlay my two Level 4 Dragonpulse Magician and Flash Knight to build the Overlay Network! I XYZ Summon! Come forth! Rank 4! Number 101: Silent Honor Ark!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Number 101: Silent Honor Dark: Rank 4- 2100 ATK/ 1000 DEF

Quattro: You've never had that monster before.

Xander: That's because that JP is gone. Turn end.

Turn 2-Quattro

Xander-8000 LP/Quattro-8000 LP

Quattro: My turn. I draw. I place a monster face down in DEF Mode and end my turn.

Turn 3-Xander

Xander-8000 LP/Quattro-8000 LP

Xander: What's wrong, Quattro? Bad hand? My turn. Draw. From my hand I activate a spell: Rank Up Magic Barian's Force! This card turns Silent Honor Dark into a Chaos XYZ monster! I rebuild the Overlay Network with Number 101: Silent Honor Ark! Go, Chaos XYZ Evolution! Come forth! Rank 5- Chaos Number 101: Silent Honor Dark!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Quattro: What type of monster is that?

Xander: It's a Barian's Chaos Number. Enough talk. Battle. Silent Honor Dark, destroy that face down monster!

Quattro: No!

Xander: It was foolish to go against me. Turn end.

Turn 4-Quattro

Xander-8000 LP/Quattro-8000 LP

Quattro: My turn. I draw. I place a monster face down in DEF Mode and end my turn.

Turn 5-Xander

Xander-8000 LP/Quattro-8000 LP

Xander: Are you even trying, Quattro? Time to take this to the next level! Go Barian Chaos Draw!

[Xander sees the card and smiles]

Xander: This just got a lot worse for you! I reveal the card I drew: Rank Up Magic- The Seventh One!

Quattro: Why did you show me the card you drew?

Xander: So I can activate it! This card allows me to summon one Barian Number from my Extra Deck without the normal XYZ Summoning!

Quattro: What?

Xander: I XYZ Summon a monster stronger than a Cosmic Storm! A behemoth with the ability to bend time to do its will! An interstellar terror leaving destruction in its wake! Arise my beast; for we shall claim victory for Barian! Come forth! Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachiyon Dragon: Rank 8- 3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF

Quattro: That monster is huge!

Xander: If you think it's big now, just wait! My magic card then allows me XYZ Summon the Chaos version of my monster! I rebuild the Overlay Network with my Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachiyon Dragon! Go, Chaos XYZ Evolution! Face the multiverse and ignite new life into my great beast! Come forth Chaos Number 107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Chaos Number 107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon: Rank 9- 4500 ATK/ 3000 DEF

Quattro: How do I defeat a monster like that?

Xander: Simple. You don't! Silent Honor Dark, attack and destroy his face down monster!

Quattro: Urk.

Xander: Neo Galaxy Eyes Tachyon Dragon, attack him directly! Ultimate Tachyon Spiral of Destruction!

Quattro: Ahh!

Quattro-8000 LP - - - 3500 LP

Xander: If you were smart, you'd quit and walk away.

Turn 6-Quattro

Xander-8000 LP/Quattro-3500 LP

Quattro: I won't quit until I get my friend back! Think about what you're doing! Do you want to leave all the girls who love you behind?

[Xander is silent]

Quattro: You're conflicted. That's why you didn't answer! I'm not going to quit until I get my best friend back! My turn. I draw! The monster you destroyed was a Gimick Monster! I banish that monster so I can special summon Gimmick Puppet Twighlight Joker from my hand!

Gimmick Twighlight Joker: Level 8- 800 ATK/ 1600 DEF

Quattro: I send Gimmick Puppet Egg Head to the Graveyard to special summon Machina Cannon from my hand! This card gains 800 ATK for the monster I sent to the Graveyard!

Machina Cannon: Level 8- 800 ATK/ 2200 DEF

Quattro: I now overlay my Level 8 Twighlight Joker and Machina Cannon to build the Overlay Network! I XYZ Summon! Come forth, Number 15: Gimmick Puppett Giant Grinder!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Number 15: Gimmick Puppett Giant Grinder: Rank 8- 1500 ATK/ 2500 DEF

Xander: Did you think that I didn't see that coming? Trap card, open: Black Horn of Heaven! This card destroys the monster you just summoned!

Quattro: What? No!

[Quattro's monster is destroyed]

Quattro: That was my last chance. I end my turn.

Turn 7-Xander

Xander-8000 LP/Quattro-3500 LP

Xander: That was your last chance! My turn. Draw. Battle. Neo Galaxy Eyes Tachyon Dragon, attack him directly and this duel! Ultimate Tachyon Spiral of Destruction!

Quattro: Ahh!

Quattro-3500 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: Xander

[Quattro falls to the ground and doesn't get up. All of the girls fall to their knees in despair. Xander walks over]

Lulu: JP, please! Don't do this!

Xander: I told you that JP is gone!

Lulu: No he isn't! I know the man that we love is still in there! Please come back to us!

Xander: You love me?

Lulu: We don't love Xander. We love JP. We rather die then not have him with us.

[Xander falls to his knees in tears. He becomes JP again. All of the girls surround him]

JP: (Sobbing) I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

[All the girls surround him in a hug]

Tori: It's okay, JP.

Cathy: We'll always be with you.

Anna: We love you, buddy.

Dextra: We love you very much.

Lulu: We love you more than anything.

JP: Will you ever forgive me?

[All of the girls one by one give JP a kiss]

Lulu: Does that answer your question?

[JP smiles. He stands and begins to walk away]

Lulu: Where are you going?

JP: To finish the job. I need to defeat Vector.

[JP turns around and smiles]

JP: And then we can go home.

[All of the girls smile]

Lulu: You're not going alone. We're coming to support you.

JP: Okay. Let's find Vector and put a stop to him!

[JP and his girlfriends go to find Vector and put an end to his evil once and for all]

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