Chapter 55

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JP (Fusion) POV

[Ever since Aster Phoenix entered the Academy, people have been dying to see us duel. It became such a big deal that it became a huge event on campus. People were buying tickets and even buying merchandise. I guess he has that because he is a pro duelist. The days are drawing closer to the event. I'm a little nervous to be honest. I don't even know what type of deck he uses. Everyone knows mine. I might have a problem. Celina walks over to me]

3rd Person POV

Celina: Hey.

JP: Hey.

Celina: You okay?

JP: Why did people have to make such a big deal about this match? He's just another student like me.

Celina: It is a huge deal. Your title for best duelist school is on the line. If you beat him then you're pretty much unstoppable.

JP: I guess.


Celina: You're afraid of losing aren't you?

JP: Who wouldn't be? If I lose then I let a bunch of people down.

Celina: You won't let me down because the JP I love always goes down swinging.


Celina: Speaking of love. Alexis and I have come to an agreement.

JP: Agreement?

Celina: Alexis, you can come out now.

[Alexis walks into view with a blush on her face]

Alexis: Hey, JP.

JP: What's going on?

Celina: JP, say "Hello" to your new girlfriend!

JP: What?

Alexis: Celina and I agreed to share you!

Celina: So now you're dating two girls!

[JP's jaw just dropped]

Alexis: Now moving on. We need to get you set for your duel! It's a huge deal and I'm not letting our man be outshined! I've already started a line of merchandise.

JP: Using what?

Alexis: It's amazing what boys would do for you when you're me. Also, girls would literally do anything for you. It's a win-win.

JP: Alright, let's do this!

[Time passes, and the day of the duel arrives. The stadium is full. Everyone who isn't in the arena is watching the match on television. Aster Phoenix, a pro duelist, versus JP Yuki, the student a step above Obelisk Blue. JP and Aster face each other]

Aster: We got quite a crowd, JP.

JP: You're probably used to that.

Aster: I am. The pressure of the spotlight doesn't bother me.

JP: It doesn't bother me either. I duel everyone the same. You are no different.

Aster: Let's just make this duel worth watching.

JP: Whatever.

[Crowler walks to the center of the arena]

Crowler: Welcome to this magnificent match! Today we will watch two amazing duelists face off against each other. Although there is no official prize, what's really on the line is respect. Now our Chancellor will start the beginning of the match.

[Chancellor stands up from his stands]

Chancellor: Let the match begin!

[Aster Phoenix activates his duel disk]

Aster: Good luck, JP. You'll need it.

[JP activates his duel disk]

JP: Don't underestimate me! Get your game on!

Turn 1-JP

JP-8000 LP/Aster-8000 LP

Aster: I'll let you go first. You'll need all the help you can get.

JP: Big mistake. My turn. I summon Cyber Dragon Core in ATK Mode!

Cyber Dragon Core: Level 2- 400 ATK/ 1500 DEF

JP: Its special ability lets me add Cyber Repair plant my hand. This monster's name becomes Cyber Dragon. Turn end.

Turn 2-Aster

JP-8000 LP/Aster-8000 LP

Aster: Is that it? If you're the top duelist then this whole school must be bad. My turn. I draw. From my hand I activate a spell: Pot of Duality! I get to draw the three top cards of my deck, add one of them to my hand, and then reshuffle the other two. I place a card face down in DEF Mode. From my hand I activate a spell: Swords of Revealing Light! Now you can't attack for three turns! I end my turn with a face down.

Turn 3-JP

JP-8000 LP/Aster-8000 LP

JP: What did you say about not being a top duelist? My turn. Draw. From my hand I activate a spell: Twin Twisters. By sending a card from my hand to the Graveyard, I can destroy your two face downs!

Aster: What?

JP: Now it's time to have some fun. I summon Cyber Dragon Drei in ATK Mode!

Cyber Dragon Drei: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 800 DEF

JP: This monster's name becomes Cyber Dragon. Now its special ability makes all Cyber Dragons Level 5! I now overlay me two Level 5 Cyber Dragons to build the Overlay Network! I XYZ Summon! Come forth! Rank 5! Cyber Dragon Nova!

Cyber Dragon Nova: Rank 5- 2100 ATK/ 1600 DEF

JP: I'm not done. I rebuild the Overlay Network with my Cyber Dragon Nova! Go Rank Up XYZ Evolution! Come forth! Rank 6! Cyber Dragon Infinity!

Cyber Dragon Infinity: Rank 6- 2100 ATK/ 1600 DEF

JP: This monster gains 200 ATK for each Overlay Unit!

Cyber Dragon Infinity: 2100 ATK - - - 2700 ATK

JP: This is the difference between you and me! Battle. Cyber Dragon Infinity, attack his face down monster!

Aster: Sorry but our monsters are equal in DEF!

[Aster's monster is Destiny Hero- Defender]

Destiny Hero- Defender: Rank 4- 100 ATK/ 2700 DEF

JP: Hmph. Turn end.

Alexis: They're pretty even so far.

Celina: Only a matter of time before JP charges ahead.

Turn 4-Aster

JP-8000 LP/Aster-8000 LP

Aster: My turn. I draw. From my hand I activate a spell: Pot of Duality! Just like before: I draw the top three cards, choose one, and shuffle the other two in my deck. I place a monster face down in DEF Mode. I end my turn.

Turn 5-JP

JP-8000 LP/Aster-8000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw.

Aster: The special effect of my monster allows you to draw a card.

JP: I activate the special ability of my Cyber Dragon Infinity. By using one Overlay Unit I can negate that effect and destroy your monster!

Cyber Dragon Infinity-2700 ATK - - - 2500 ATK

Aster: What?

Alexis: Why did he do that? He could've used the cards.

Celina: Well, he got that monster off the field. Also he needs a Cyber Dragon in the Graveyard to affect his spell card.

JP: From my hand I activate a spell: Cyber Repair Plant! I can add Cyber Dragon to my hand! From my hand I activate the spell Polymerization! I fuse together my two Cyber Dragons in my hand! I Fusion Summon! Come forth! Level 8! Cyber Twin Dragon!

Alexis: Why didn't he attack?

Celina: He's afraid of Aster's face down card.

Turn 6-Aster

JP-8000 LP/Aster-8000 LP

Aster: Impressive, JP. I'm starting to respect you. My turn. I draw. I placed a card face down and end my turn.

Turn 7-JP

JP-8000 LP/Aster-8000 LP

JP: Hahaha. My turn. Draw. From my hand I activate a spell: Twin Twisters! By sending a card from my hand to the Graveyard I can destroy your two face downs.

Aster: Urk.

Celina: Now he's got the green light.

JP: Battle. Cyber Dragon Infinity, destroy his face down!

Aster: Urk.

JP: Now you're wide open. Cyber Twin Dragon can attack twice! Cyber Twin Dragon, attack him directly! Double Strident Blast!

Aster: Ahh!

Aster-8000 LP - - - 2400 LP

JP: You having fun now, Aster? Remind me again why you're a pro? You better do something or I'll end you on my next turn. Turn end.

Turn 8-Aster

JP-8000 LP/Aster-2400 LP

Aster: Urk. My turn. I draw. From my hand I activate a spell: Reinforcement of the Army. This card let's me add 1 Level 4 or below Warrior Type monster from my deck to my hand. I now summon Destiny Hero-Doom Lord in ATK Mode!

Destiny Hero- Doom Lord: Level 3- 600 ATK/ 800 DEF

Aster: When this monster is summoned, it can banish one of your monsters for two turns!

JP: I activate the special ability of my Cyber Dragon Infinity! I negate your effect!

Cyber Dragon Infinity-2500 ATK - - - 2300 ATK

Aster: Urk. I place a card face down and end my turn.

Turn 9-JP

JP-8000 LP/Aster-2400 LP

JP: End of the line, Aster. I summon Dragonpulse Magician in ATK Mode!

Dragonpulse Magician: Scale 1: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 900 DEF

JP: I activate the special ability of my Cyber Dragon Infinity. I can turn my magician into and overlay unit!

Cyber Dragon Infinity-2300 ATK - - - 2500 ATK

JP: Time to end this! Cyber Twin Dragon, attack him directly and end this duel! Double Strident Blast!

Aster: Ahh!

Aster-2400 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: JP

[As the duel comes to an end, the crowd cheers. Celina and Alexis run to JP and each give him a kiss. Aster walks over to JP and extends his hand]

Aster: That was a great duel. You'll have to teach me some of the moves sometime.

[JP shakes his hand]

JP: Of course.

[The chancellor looks at JP and smiles]

Chancellor: You look more like a general each day.

[The Chancellor looks at his phone. On the screen shows a picture of a girl who looks just like Celina, Rin, and Lulu]

Chancellor: I will get you back and JP will be a big part of it.

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