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3rd Person POV

Turn 1- JP

JP-8000 LP/Vector-8000 LP

JP: I place one card face down. I summon Goblinbergh in ATK Mode!

Goblinbergh: Level 4- 1400 ATK/ 0 DEF

JP: Its special ability allows me to summon Gogogo Gigas from my hand.

Gogogo Gigas: Level 4- 0 ATK/ 2200 DEF

JP: I overlay my Level 4 Goblinbergh and Gogogo Gigas to build the Overlay Network! Cloaked in shadows and relentless in its objective, I call upon the most dangerous of dragons! I XYZ Summon! Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon!

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon: Rank 4- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

JP: Turn end.

Turn 2-Vector

JP-8000 LP/Vector-8000 LP

Vector: Impressive but it won't be enough. My turn. I draw. I summon Summoner Monk in ATK Mode!

Summoner Monk: Level 4- 800 ATK/ 1600 DEF

Vector: I activate its special ability. By switching this card to DEF Mode and sending one spell card from my hand to the Graveyard, I can special summon one Level 4 monster from my deck. I choose to special summon: Umbral Horror Ghoul.

Umbral Horror Ghoul: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 0 DEF

Vector: Now I activate its special ability. By making this monsters ATK: 0, I can special summon on Umbral Horror monster from hand! I special summon Umbral Horror Unform!

Umbral Horror Ghoul: 1800 ATK - - - 0 ATK

Umbral Horror Unform: Level 0 ATK/ 0 DEF

Vector: I now overlay my Level 4 Summoner Monk, Umbral Horror Ghoul, and Umbral Horror Unform! With these three monsters I build the Overlay Network! I XYZ Summon! I XYZ Summon Number 104: Masquerade! Use your brilliance to force these foolish insects to grovel at your feet!

Number 104: Masquerade: Rank 4: 2700 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Vector: Now my monster will destroy your dragon!

JP: Trap card, open: Scrap Iron Scarecrow! This trap negates your attack and then goes back to summoning position!

Vector: Urk. I end my turn.

Turn 3- JP

JP-8000 LP/Vector-8000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. I reveal in my hand the card I drew: Rank Up Magic the Seventh One!

Vector: You have that card?

JP: Of course I do. I'm a Barian Emperor! I activate the special ability of my Dark Rebellion! By using two overlay units, I can cut your monsters ATK in half and then my Dark Rebellion gains the ATK amount that was lost! Treason Discharge!

Vector: No!

Number 104: Masquerade: 2700 ATK - - - 1,350 ATK

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon: 2500 ATK - - - 3850 ATK

Vector: Now you'll use that spell card.

JP: Not yet. I'm gonna use a different spell card first! From my hand I activate a spell: The Phantom Knights Rank Up Magic Launch! This will raise my Dark Rebellion's Rank by 1. I rebuild the Overlay Network with my Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon! Dragon from the bleak, black pit! Fierce, fearless, ferocious fighter! Rise and master the skies! Go, Rank-Up XYZ Evolution! Arise, Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon!

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon: Rank 5- 3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF

JP: I now activate special ability of my Dark Requiem! By using one Overlay Unit, I can make your monster's ATK: 0. Then my dragon gains the lost ATK.

Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon: 3000 ATK - - - 5700 ATK

Vector: Not so fast! I activate the special ability of my Masquerade! By using one overlay unit, I can negate your monster's effect and then you lose 800 LP!

JP: I activate my dragon's other special ability! By using it's other overlay unit, I can negate your effect, destroy your monster, and then special summon Dark Rebellion from my Graveyard!

Vector: No!

JP: My dragon will keep its ATK. I'm almost done. From my hand I activate a spell: Rank Up Magic the Seventh One! This spell allows me to special summon one Barian Number from my Extra Deck! I XYZ Summon a monster stronger than a Cosmic Storm! A behemoth with the ability to bend time to do its will! An interstellar terror leaving destruction in its wake! Arise my beast; for we shall claim victory for Barian! Come forth! Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon!

Number 107: Galaxy Eyes Tachyon Dragon: Rank 8- 3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF

JP: My spell will now turn my monster into a Chaos XYZ Monster. I rebuild the Overlay Network with my Number 107: Galaxy Eyes Tachyon Dragon! Go Chaos XYZ Evolution! Face the multiverse and ignite new life into my great beast! Come forth Chaos Number 107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon!

Number C107: Neo Galaxy Eyes Tachyon Dragon: Rank 9- 4500 ATK/ 3000 DEF!

JP: This is the end Vector! You have no monsters and I have three! Dark Requiem has 5700 ATK. Dark Rebellion has 2500 ATK. And my Chaos Number has 4500 ATK! You're finished! Neo Galaxy Eyes Tachyon Dragon, attack Vector directly! Ultimate Tachyon Spiral of Destruction!

Vector: Ahh!

Vector-8000 LP - - - 3500 LP

JP: Any last words?

Vector: Yes! You will forever live the fact that you killed your entire race! How does that make you feel?

JP: I have no regrets! Dark Requiem XYZ Dragon...

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