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- Chapter 30 -

I walk into Desdemona's building in Manhattan going straight to her elevator without stopping at the front desk. I was on her list, but she also gave me the code to her elevator. It's only a few minutes after 5a.m. and I'm not pleased to be up this early at all, but I have to. Today I do my first, real interview with The Breakfast Club. I didn't know how to feel about it. I just know I need to do it to get my name known while at the same time still not putting my business out there.

After the elevator ride up I step out looking around Desdemona's penthouse. It's deathly quiet and dark on this early, Tuesday morning. I go up the stairs and as soon as I do I can hear loud music coming from the left end of the hallway. I assume that's where her sister's room is since I've never been to that side. She must be getting ready for school. I go to the right going to Desdemona's room.

I knock, but when I get no response I walk in anyway. "Des?!" I say walking into her room seeing her tv is on as the morning news plays.

"Bathroom!" I can hear her yell even though the bathroom door is closed.

"Why aren't you already dressed?" I ask looking at the watch on my wrist. We still had two hours until the interview, but traffic is no joke. "We gotta go!"

"I'm getting dressed," she shouts from the bathroom. I look to see an outfit laid out on her bed with heels sitting on the floor right in front. She was probably in there doing her makeup or hair taking forever like always. I knew it was going to be awhile, so I take my coat off.

Her place was warm to makeup for the cold weather outside. I throw it on the white couch she has in front of her tv then stand there watching the screen. I shake my head as they detail some irrelevant story on the morning news. That slot was wasted and could've been used for real news, but they don't care about the hood. I couldn't expect much from a platform ran by white people. I was sick of hearing about Trump too.

When there's a knock on her bedroom door I look towards it not knowing what to do. Desdemona peeks her head out of her bathroom then we hear, "Des! Are you awake?"

"Uhh, yeah! Come in!" I look at her cross eyed as I wave my hands over myself like did you forget I'm here? She makes an o with her mouth then rushes over to the door opening it a little. I move out of view a little as Desdemona tells her sister, "Good morning. What's up?" She leans against the doorway blocking Cordelia from coming in. I had no problem with her her sister knowing about us, but Desdemona did. She said it didn't look good after just introducing Jacobi to her. I can't knock her for trying to be a good example to her little sister.

"I know Draco is in there. Just like how he's spent the night 3 nights in a row and you think I don't know. Who cares if y'all are smashing," she says nonchalantly as I raise my brows. I take two steps as Desdemona opens the door wider waving at Cordelia.

"And it was two nights not three," Desdemona corrects.

"Whatever. Each night you got those cheeks clapped. It's better than you masturbating," she says dryly and seriously making it even funnier but I don't laugh out loud. My eyes bug as I clear my throat. Cordelia wears a Tommy Hilfiger bubble jacket, jeans, and wheat Timb's as an MCM backpack hangs off of her shoulder. For the first time it really dawns on me she's a high schooler since I've mainly seen her in a setting where she's modeling.

In her hand is a large box then Cordelia says, "I only came to give you your birthday present. I couldn't wait until dinner tonight. I'm excited since I could finally get you something really nice with my own money now that I'm getting paid to model." She smiles then hands the box to Desdemona.

Desdemona shakes it then asks, "What's in it?"

"Open it when you want. I gotta get going before I'm late to school." They hug then Cordelia rushes off as Desdemona closes the door behind her. It was nice to see some normal siblings for once.

"I'll open it later," Desdemona says sitting it on the table in front of the couch. "I know, I know. Finish getting ready," she says rushing back into the bathroom before I say anything.

After a few more minutes the bathroom door opens and I see that Desdemona's hair and makeup is done, but she still only had a bra and panties on. I had this bad habit of being antsy and not being able to sit for long, so I was standing in the middle of her room like I couldn't sit on the couch or bed.

Before I knew it, Desdemona was rushing up to me. I couldn't tell if she was happy it was her birthday or if she was full of energy since she got to sleep peacefully alone last night. Before she runs into me, I pick her up as she wraps her legs around me. "You're still not ready." I hold her up with one arm with ease because she's not heavy and use my right hand to reach into my pocket. I pull out the small jewelry box that has a bow on top handing it to her. "Happy birthday."

"What is this?" She says smiling from ear to ear. She opens the red Cartier box as her eyes widen a little at the 5 carat each diamond stud earrings.

"You'll get the rest of your gifts tonight at dinner."

"The rest? There's more?" I just nod my head with Mhm. Desdemona struck me as the type willing to buy other people whatever they wanted, but had a hard time accepting gifts from others. "Thank you," she says wrapping her arms around my neck kissing me. When she unwraps her legs from around me, I put her down.

"Wait, I want to put them in," she says taking them out of the box. She hands me the box then I slide it into the pocket of my hoodie. After removing the backs of the earrings, she puts them in her ears. "How do they look? I'm going to wear them to the interview. Should I wear my hair up, so they can be seen?" She says holding up her hair that's down and wavy. "They look nice?" She asks smiling.

"They look good. You know what would make them look better?" I ask.

"What?" I put my hands on her shoulders moving her in front of the full length mirror she has leaned up against the wall. She looks at us in the mirror waiting for my response.

"You gotta wear them like this," I say undoing the clasp of her bra. I can see the sides of her lips curl up as I push the straps down. She moves her arms so I can take it off letting it fall to the floor. "And don't forget these. They clash with the silver." She laughs under her breath as I pull her underwear down before stepping out of the them. "See. Looks better already," I say moving her hair behind her ears as we both look in the mirror.

I look at her body tracing my eyes over every curve and dip. I knew Desdemona had some insecurities and I couldn't see how. But I guess every person has at least one thing they don't like about themselves physically.

I move the little bit of hair that's over her shoulder to the back. I kiss her neck making her giggle. "What time is it?" She mumbles.

"We have 30 minutes before the car comes to pick us up," I respond as she smiles.

She spins around quickly slightly catching me off guard. "Since it's my birthday I can ask for anything?"

"Yeah," I say nodding my head. "Why not?"

"Can you finally suck my toes?" She asks busting into laughter at the way my face changed.

"Hell no. I told you I don't suck toes. Not when you have those long ass creatures."

Her mouth falls open then she looks down at her feet. "Don't do my toes."

"They look like fingers," I add as she hits my arm. "You can have anything else besides that," I say kissing her. She kisses me back with the same intensity wrapping her arms around my neck as my hands grip her bare ass. We end up backing up until she's backed into the mirror.

I move my hand in between our close bodies in the middle of her legs. As soon as my fingers go in between her lips she gasps as her lips are still against mine. I kiss her deeper sliding my tongue into her mouth while rubbing with my two fingers.

"What do you want?" I say looking at her as she leans her head back against the mirror. "Hm, tell me. You can have whatever you want today." She tries to kiss me, but I move my head back. "No, answer me. You want me to eat your pussy until you cum?"

When she finally says yes I pick her up carrying her towards the bed. I turn my back towards the bed falling back onto it making her lay on top of me. Her knees naturally secured into my sides as she straddled my torso. Her body pressed into mine as she's completely naked and I'm still clothed she kissed me before lifting her upper half and sitting up straight. She already knew what I wanted her to do without saying it. She scoots up my body squatting over my face.

She lowers herself down saying, "hi," innocently as she looks down at me. She bites her lip with a grin on her face. As soon as tongue touches her clit she breathes shallowly. "Happy birthday to me," she says before chuckling with a moan.

When you start having sex at a young age, you've already done everything there is to do. I've heard many excuses on why men cheat or why they like sex so much. It's always has something to do with wanting something different or new. I call bullshit because you can always do something different and new with the same person. People assume Desdemona is uptight, tense, and boring but she's far from it. Some people even say the same thing about me because I come off serious when you first meet me. I guess that's why we fit like a glove..

I sit in Power 105.1 studio located in the AT&T Building that's in Tribeca, Manhattan beside Desdemona. DJ Envy was introducing us. No amount of media training and advice from a publicist could prepare me for this. After this there is no turning back from getting out because my face and name will be out there. On the way here Desdemona tried to back out of doing the interview with me because she doesn't want the focus to be on her with all the gossip surrounding her name. I wasn't letting that happen.

"First of all, happy birthday to you, Desdemona." They all say happy birthday as she thanks them.

"Secondly, Flatbush in the building," Angela Yee says says making me look at her.

"Yeahh. How you know I'm from Flatbush?" I ask.

"I'm from Flatbush as well. I actually went to high school with your father," she says making me raise my eyebrows. I was hoping she didn't say anything she knows or has heard in the streets if she's really from Flatbush.

"How old are you if she's saying she knows your father?" Charlemagne asks chuckling.

"I'm 23."

"Oh, okay. I was thinking you were older. People already don't know how old Yee is. I was starting to think she was lying about her age and she's even older."

"Stop it," Angela starts. "His father was a few grades above me. If you're really from Flatbush you know the De Carlo name is kinda legendary in Brooklyn. I know you guys have that community center. Their family does charity and things of that nature. The thing is I've never actually seen any of the younger ones in person. This third generation is a little quiet. They're not as out there as the ones in my age-group."

"We kinda try to stay out of the way. We do what we need to do as far as helping the community, but we're really not into the spotlight."

"I was wondering about that because you came out of nowhere. I just started hearing the name everywhere and I go to a lot of Desdemona's events and you would be there too. What made you decide to make your way into the industry?"

"I don't really think I'm in the industry. Not yet. I just started new business ventures that require me to be in the forefront more."

"What do you do? You clearly got money from your Instagram," Charlemagne says looking at his laptop screen intently as he scrolls.

I laugh a little. "Right now I own a record label and I'm a clothing line designer. I've also invested in a couple of businesses. You can pretty much just call me a hustler."

"How did you guys start working together?" I look at Desdemona for her to answer.

"He came to my office seeking my services. My company Love, Garnet is meant to help anybody who needs it regarding social media platforms whether that's to make money or garner more attention. Usually my clients work with one of my many employees, but he requested me to be hands on with his future projects. Basically, he paid me extra for me to help him myself," she says making them laugh. "But no, I just believed in him and saw his vision. Because he was so lowkey while at the same time still having a large following I knew he would need more help than a Rihanna or even a social media personality. Now we're business partners."

"I know you guys probably had something in common because you both come from families with known last names. With you Desdemona, your Dad has made history several times as a Black man with his company. He's also made headlines. How did you feel when you found out he had a secret son?"

I look over at Desdemona expecting her to get awkward about the question, but she doesn't. "I didn't really feel anything. It is what it is. I try to mind my business when it comes to my parent's marriage. I'm grown and I can handle anything about them whether they stay together or get divorced. My only focus was my brother, meeting him, and getting to know him. I just wanted to show him, he's apart of the family since he's been hidden for so long."

"Speaking of cheating," Charlemagne says laughing making me look at him. "Desdemona, you out here cheating? I'm surprised at you!" I couldn't help but laugh making Desdemona give me a dirty look. Desdemona really did try to stay faithful to Jacobitch, but I wasn't letting up. When I want something, I get it.

"Everybody's acting like I'm just this saint who doesn't make mistakes. Look, I cheated. I apologized," Desdemona says holding her hands up.

"I think you have the right to cheat at least once when you make more than your nigga. I'm just saying," I say shrugging.

"You know what? I agree," Charlemagne responds. "If your girl makes wayy more than you, you get a pass."

"Now guys," Angela Yee butts in. "That's like saying if a guy is rich he should be able to cheat." DJ Envy was quiet as a mouse I guess because he has cheated on his wife before.

"That's exactly what we're saying," Charlemagne says laughing.

"I didn't say all that," I make sure to say.

"Now Draco, is it true your mother cheated on her husband with his brother while he was in jail?" Charlemagne asks. I knew they were going to ask about my family. At least the stuff they've seen and heard in the documentaries. I just nod my head not saying anything verbally. "So you and your brothers are also cousins?"

"Naww, my Pop's was adopted by the De Carlo's while his parents were locked up. They weren't actual blood brothers."

"Your story is actually interesting when it comes to your family. You're from a drug dealing family who was very known in New York City. What made you take a different route?" Charlemagne asks.

"Growing up I never had a real job, but I always managed to get by on my own terms. For me educating myself was the most important thing and turning the skills I learned on the streets into more legitimate avenues. Growing up I used to sell drugs like weed-" I say to downplay what I've done.  "-but that taught me how to earn a living. That background and hustle is still in me to this day, it motivates me now to never stop working. When you've seen damn near ya whole family go to jail or get killed you're going to want something else for yourself."

"Is it hard trying to do something legitimately, but people constantly bringing up your families past?" Yee asks.

"It doesn't bother me. That's a legacy I can't outrun. I'm trying to create a legacy beyond that. Beyond the name, the allegations, and stories about my family. Your last name is important, but not as important as what it means as far as what it's known for. What I'm doing and creating is mine. Nobody can take that from me or put me in jail for it." 

"I like this young man."

"I had the same question for Desdemona. Why not just work for your father's company? You know, I remember you interning at Hot 97 when I was a DJ there," DJ Envy starts. "What ever happened with that? Even the blog you had, Tea with the Heiress."

"You took it way back, whoa! Uhh, I was just in my twenties not knowing what I wanted to do after graduating from college. I spent 6 years in school getting two degrees in business with the thought I was going to work at my Dad's company. Literally the day I graduated with my master's degree I decided I didn't want to work for him and told him that. I have no problem saying my Dad is very financially abusive. You don't do what he wants, he cuts the money off. I just needed money. I interned at Hot 97, started that gossip blog that I'll admit was very damaging to the Black community, and I started modeling."

"I think it's interesting that you'll admit that about your father and even that your blog was damaging to the Black community."

"Absolutely. A lot of these gossip pages and blogs are breeding grounds for bullying and just overall negativity. It got to the point I'm losing friends because I didn't want to be bias and I wanted to make money in order to break stories first. Now I'm in these blogs wishing someone would realize how damaging it is before they post a story about me."          

"I really just can't believe you cheated on ol' dude when you have HIV. I'm sure it's not easy to date or for someone to accept that and you still did him dirty," Charlemagne says laughing.

I look at him sideways as it's quiet. The whole energy shifted and I could tell Desdemona's body language changed. "I know you don't know me, but don't do that. Not in front of me. I don't know about everybody else you've interviewed, but that's not something you joke about. Like that's some shit that will really get you hurt." It was a threat without being one.

He does that irritating laugh when it's not funny letting me know he's actually nervous. He's the only one laughing. "Alright. You're defending her like she's your girl or something. Let me find out that was you in those pictures," he was still joking when I was deadass serious.

"She doesn't have to be my girl for me to defend her. You don't do that. It's still a disease. You don't joke about that." Angela Yee changes the subject by moving on to another question, so it wouldn't be awkward, but I was over it at this point. Too many questions about our personal life instead of business.


After we finish the interview we walk out of the building. Desdemona walks towards the awaiting car, but I stop her. "I'll see you later tonight for your birthday dinner."

"You're not riding with me? The driver can drop you off wherever you're going," she says pointing at the car.

"I already have an Uber coming. I have a meeting with Saweetie then I have to meet up with Apollo later on."

Her eyebrow arches then it relaxes. "Ohhkay. Well, I guess I'll see you tonight at my birthday dinner. Don't be late."

"I won't." She hugs me then I watch her get into the backseat of the car.

Once my Uber gets here I have him take me from Tribeca to the Upper East Side. As we sit at a red light I see the Barney's that's selling my clothes and the one Desdemona went to yesterday. "I'm just gonna get out right here," I tell the Uber driver quickly hopping out of the car. I know it's only a block away from where the meeting I'm going to is, so I'll walk the rest of the way.

I go into the store being greeted by a Caucasian male. "Welcome to Barney's. Can I help you with anything? Finding something in particular.."

"Not exactly, but you could help me find the store manager. Is she available?"

"Yes, let me go get here." When he walks away I walk around the store finding the section for my clothing line, Lindo. I run my hand over a blouse that's hanging on the rack. It settles in that I'm really a designer now.

I look over at the mannequin wearing a black, silk gown with beading on the chest area and a high slit that I designed. Rhea texted me yesterday saying I should buy it for Desdemona. Desdemona said she was just having a birthday dinner tonight, but she didn't know me and Rhea planned a surprise party for her this weekend.

"Excuse me, sir," I hear a female voice from behind me say. I turn around seeing an older white woman behind me. "You asked a store associate to see the manager. Is there a problem?"

"No, there's no problem. I was just wondering if you could get this dress off of the mannequin for me. I would like to purchase it," I say fake smiling.

She looks at me funny probably wondering why I'm asking her to do it. "Jeffery," she calls to the man who I talked to when I came in. "Come get this dress off of the mannequin for this young man."

"Oh, no," I say holding up my hand towards Jeffrey who's coming over. "I want you to do it.." I point at her then look at the name tag on her blazer. "Susan. See from my understating Desdemona Garnet came in here yesterday and you treated her very poorly. Customer service like that deserves penalties. Especially, especially when that woman is the reason that this clothing line is even in this store," I say pointing at my section.

She looks at the clothes then back at me not understanding where I'm going with this. I continue by saying, "That's my line. I'm Draco De Carlo. If you do a little google you'll know not only did Desdemona invest money into my brand, but she orchestrated the deal to get my clothes in this store. What does that have anything to do with you? It means she's the reason more money is being brought into this store and you had the audacity to disrespect her." I put my hands on my hips shaking my head in shame.

"I-i," She stutters.

"I, what? You were wrong? Very wrong! That's why I talked to the owner of this store, your boss. You might want to start looking for a new job, Susan. Today's your last day right after you get me that dress, bag it up, and check me out. Don't believe me, you can call Mr. Peterson the store owner yourself."

"I've been working here for ten years," she pleads.

I shrug my shoulders. "Should've thought about that. You're lucky you're not getting sued for discrimination. First y'all racially profile people now you're profiling people because of diseases? Shame. I would like the dress. I'm in a rush," I say looking at my watch sitting in a seat. I see her jaw twitching, but she begins to get the dress. "Oh, and Jeffery, I would like a glass of champagne."

He nods his head saying, "Right away, sir," then walks off. When he comes back with the glass of champagne I sip from the glass watching the woman struggle with the mannequin to get the dress.

Once she's done and I purchase the dress, I leave the store walking a block to where the meeting is located. I look down at my phone about to call Saweetie to see where she's at. I put the phone up to my ear and when I look up there's a woman staring at me as she comes from the opposite way making me realize it's Saweetie...

"I was just about to call you," I say ending the call. She comes up to me hugging me.

"I haven't talked to you since New Years Eve. You didn't even hit me up when you got back from vacation," she says as we release.

"I know. My bad. I've been busy with the clothing line. Alsooo, your surprise," I say changing the subject. I put my arm around her shoulder as we walk.

She smiles even wider. "Am I finally getting it today?" I nod my head. "What is it?" I point at the building across the street that has a sign saying Warner Music Group. Her eyes widen then she asks, "Is this what I think it is?"

"If you think it's a partnership and distribution deal with Warner Bros. Records then you're right. They offered you a deal to put out your EP and two albums to start. You just have to sign the contract."

"Oh my God!" She repeats before jumping on me and hugging me as her feet hang above the ground. "Thank you! Thank you!" She says as I laugh while she hugs me tightly.

"You're thanking me like it wasn't your song that went viral. This is all you. It's your time to shine," I say putting her on the ground.

"Draco, don't downplay what you did. I'm signed to your record label first before anything. You could've told them no and did it yourself without a major labels help."

I shrug. "I know they can put more money into your marketing. They'll get you out there more. Let's go before we're late. You can't be late for the first meeting," I say beginning to walk. She looks up at me smiling and I smile back. She grabs my hand trying to drag me into the street, but I plant my feet firmly. "You tryna get us hit by running in the middle of traffic? Let's go to the light where we can safely cross the street."

"Don't be scary. Look, no one's coming!" She says pulling my arm dragging me into the middle of the street. We were out here now, so I run behind her as she laughs. I could tell she was excited.

We go into the building and go up to the right floor. We have to wait a few minutes then a woman shows us into a meeting board room where several other people are waiting. Throughout the meeting I just sit quietly as they explained everything to Diamonté. I already knew all the details and had the contract looked over by a lawyer already. They would be providing money for marketing and promotion, a tour, and for producers to work on her music. She just has to make the money back through music being purchased or streamed. It was fair.

As Diamonté flips through the packet signing all the blank spaces on the contract she looks across the table at me. She winks at me as we both laugh under our breath. I could tell my other artists felt like I was showing her favoritism because we're friends, especially my other female artists, Paloma and Nya Lee. I'm not. She just happened to be the one to get a big song first. Their time will come.

Once she's done signing and they give us a tour around the building, we're done. "You want to go to lunch to celebrate?" Diamonté asks as we walk down the sidewalk.

"I can't. I have to meet up with my brother then I have to get ready for Desdemona's birthday dinner tonight." She frowned as I add, "Maybe another day. It's a busy day."

We stop moving to the side of the sidewalk close to a building. She stares up at me for a second then says, "You got something going on with Desdemona?" I look at her wondering why she's asking that. 1. What would make her think that? 2. Why does she think she can ask me that as if she's my girl?


She laughs shaking her head. "It's either yes or no. That answer tells me everything I need to know. I'm not trippin'. I just wanted to know because you've been acting funny towards me for no reason after we did what we did. All you had to do was keep it straight up. Just like I said we're grown the night we crossed the line, I'll say it again. We're both single and can do what and who we want. Just don't give me the cold shoulder because you think I'll be mad."

I lick my lips looking down at her. "We're cool. We're all cool! You're my friend and she's my friend."

"Alright then, so act like it. Friends tell each other the truth. If it was one smash, say that. I know you probably wanna run free and not be tied down after your ex passed away. It's understandable."

"So we're on the same page.."

"Same page, same chapter, same book." She looks over my shoulder. "My Uber is here. Hit me up whenever you need me..as a friend. If you show up at my door late at night, we both know what it is." She touches my arm then says, "Bye, boss man," before walking away getting in her awaiting Uber. I run my hand down my face sighing.

I had been running around taking care of business and handling errands, but the last thing on my list was meeting up with Apollo. I haven't seen or spoken to him since Christmas night. We both crossed lines. Him by talking about my father and me by pulling a gun on him. It's time we talk because we need to put it to the side to work. I knock on the door of his Brooklyn apartment waiting for him to answer.

The door opens and instead of it being Apollo it's Ares towering over me. "Wassup," I say dapping him as I come in. I look to see Apollo sitting on the couch with his feet kicked up watching tv. I don't say a word waiting for him to speak first.

"What's up, Cowboy Randy? I hope you don't have any guns you're tryna point at me," he says finally looking at me.

"I'ma let y'all two talk," Ares says walking off going towards the kitchen of the small apartment.

I sit on the chair closest to the door saying, "I come in peace...As long as you're willing to apologize."

He looks at me staring for a second. Finally he says, "I apologize, nigga. I was wrong for speaking on your deceased father. That was doing too much. I don't apologize for what I said about Ma though."

I sigh shaking my head. "Yo, don't you think the anger you have towards Ma is a little much? She's dead now. Let it go. That shit ain't healthy to be harboring all that hate. You lowkey need to go talk to a therapist about that shit."

"I don't need to talk to anyone about anything. Y'all always tryna tell me how I can feel about certain situations just cause y'all feel different. You were a little ass kid. I know and saw more than all of you pertaining that woman."

"Exactly! You saw and know more. Things we don't know that obviously took a tole on you."

"Did we come here for a therapy session or to talk business? You still haven't even apologized to me!" He says pointing at himself. "That shit was hurtful. My own brother pulling a gun on me. That broke my heart," he says dramatically.

I blow out air trying to hold back a laugh. "Nigga, you know I'm sorry. You just stay trying me like I won't go right there with you. Respect me despite me being your little brother and we'll be good."

"I'll try," he says chuckling. "I see you got rid of Ambani," he says flicking a lighter a couple of times then lighting a blunt. "How'd you do it? They said no signs of explosives or a Grenade."


"Like Diamonté's Daddy?" He says understanding.

"It had to be done. In order to be the connect you gotta get rid of the connect. We're the source now. Ambani's ex-wife is putting us in charge since we already knew how his system works. I have someone in India getting the product to bring back for us to sell as we speak."

"How did you know she was going to put you in charge? She could have decided to pick someone else or be done with drugs all together since her husband is dead."

"Because I made sure Ambani was killed in the same place his drugs were. That resulted in the government taking everything away from the Ambani family. She needs the money and since their oil company got shut down this is her only option. I was the only choice because everybody else Ambani worked with was killed along with him in the explosion. His circle was small."

"Played it smart. I'll give you that. What does this mean for us getting out?"

"We'll still be able to get out in 8 months. Ambani's wife just wants enough money to live comfortably and raise her kids. Now that we're the supplier we'll make double, damn near even triple. And there's no middle man, so we don't have to pay anybody for the product. More money coming in instead of out."

"So, all the money we've lost the past month we'll make it back, right?"

"Hell yeah! I told you I would fix it, bro."

"We still have some problems though..."

"What?" I was assuming it was C.A.S. he's talking about.

"I was listening to you and Desdemona on the breakfast club this morning." I sigh knowing he's going to complain about something. "I'm telling you now... that woman is your weakness. I know you care about her, but damn." He shakes his head. "Then I hear about you choking out her ex. You're gonna end up in jail trying to cape for her ass. Calm it down."

"Desdemona isn't my weakness. Charlemagne was wrong for what he said and that bitch ass nigga, Jacobi, was talking about he knows where my grandmother lives."

"And what I'm saying is I don't care. You can't be out here acting stupid behind a female. Let her handle her own issues how she normally would whether that's running to a lawyer, the police, or doing nothing at all. It's not your job. You're on the radio saying a lot of shit you shouldn't have been saying anyway. Not when we're still involved with illegal activities. Get ya fuckin' head out of the clouds and in the game. Yes, you did great by finally getting rid of Ambani," he says clapping his hands snidely.

"But?" I ask because I knew one was coming.

"But you wasted two whole weeks we could've been using to handle business because you decided to go on vacation wit yo bitch. You're all in the blogs with this cheating scandal even though no one knows it's you. Then you run down on her ex because he exposed her. Now you're in them again because you checked Charlemagne on radio behind this same female. Quit getting emotional at any thing that regards her."

I smack my lips. "I'm not even being emotional."

"You're not? You ain't never did any of this for Saanvi. She had all types of shit in the blogs and people harassing her about shit. I didn't see you defend her once. Why? Cause you had your head on straight and you knew it wasn't your business. We said we're supposed to be low. The rule was limited social media if any at all. On top of the social media you're doing interviews and shit? This is Valona all over again," he says mentioning my ex.

I snap my neck at the mention of her name. "This is nothing like Valona. Don't even try that shit!" I snap.

"If you say so," he says shrugging his shoulders. "Just move smarter and quieter. If it doesn't require a reaction don't give it one. Everything doesn't need a response," he says blowing out smoke. I didn't even want to admit he's a little right.

I just stand up saying, "I hear you. The shipment comes in tomorrow, so I'll see you at the warehouse. I'm out." I dap him then leave. I needed to get home, take a shower, and change for the dinner.

Later that night I arrive at the restaurant in Brooklyn along the Hudson River called the River Café with Rhea, Athena, and Ares, who I rode with here. We tell an employee who's dinner party we're apart of then they show us to the table. The table was already occupied by Cordelia, Desdemona's other sister, Paloma, and a few other people I don't know. There's empty seats all around the table and I didn't know where to sit. Ares damn near steps on all of our feet to sit next to Cordelia. Desdemona pats the seat next to her while looking directly at me, so that's where I go.

"What happened to I won't be late?" She says as I sit down.

"I'm only like 5 minutes and it's only because of those niggas," I say looking at my family. I was about to kiss her forgetting we're in public until Desdemona tilts her head. I play it off by kissing her cheek then sitting down. Thankfully no one was paying attention to us. This was going to be harder than I thought. I've never even been the type into public displays of affection, but it came naturally with her.

"I got the flowers you sent to my place," she says smiling as I pick up a menu. "...And the gifts. Thank you." I nod my head saying you're welcome. She probably thought that was all of her gifts, but it's not. On top of the bag and shoes there was more. It was only right considering she's helped me make so much money. The first week sales of both of my clothing lines were through the roof and we've already made back what we spent to create it.

When a waiter comes to take everyone's drink order once everyone is here, I lean into him when he gets to me whispering. "I had a cake sent here for tonight. It should be in the kitchen. Can you light the candles and bring it out?" He nods his head then leaves the table. A few minutes later he comes out holding the cake with the candles lit. Everybody at the table starts singing happy birthday making Desdemona look around...

The waiter sits the cake on the table as Rhea says, "Make a wish!" Desdemona closes her eyes taking a second then blows out the candles. When she's done she looks at me smiling. I was just glad to see her happy again..

After eating we all sit around the dinner table in the River Café talking over drinks and cake. Rhea and Athena had talked me into taking multiples shots, so I was feeling fuzzy inside. Despite everything that's been happening lately I was happy to see the people that meant the most to me weren't turning their back on me. I didn't care what people on the internet said about me because they don't know me at the end of the day. All the people judging me don't realize what happened to me can happen to anybody including them.

When I see a box slyly slide onto the table in front of me, I look to the left at Draco. I look back at the box realizing it's a jewelry box. "More gifts?" I ask grabbing it. He already bought me diamond earrings, a pair of Tom Ford heels, and a Chanel bag I've never seen in my life. I open the navy blue box that reads Ashoka across the top. I've never heard of the brand, but I'm sure it's not cheap. I looks at the watch covered in diamonds taken aback.

"Geez," I mumble under my breath. I take it out of the box putting it on my wrist then he helps me with the clasp. I look at it on my wrist with my eyebrows raised...

"And those are real diamonds. You don't have to get them tested or anything," he says making me laugh.

"Shut up," I say chuckling. I wanted to kiss him, but I knew I couldn't. I look around the table as everybody held there own little side conversations. I knew the other tables were tired of us because we're loud and under the influence of alcohol on a Tuesday night. Everybody had been taking shots and drinking wine throughout the night except Cordelia and Ares who are under age.

I lower my right arm into my lap then glide it onto Draco's making him look at me. When I grab his crotch he looks around the table then at me. "Chill outtt," he says under his breath. I just ignore him.

"Draco," Rhea says to get her brother-in-laws attention making him jump as I move my hand away.

"Huh?" He says wiping his hand over his mouth and sitting up in the chair more.

"You want a piece of cake?" She says holding up a plate with cake.

"Uh, sure," he says reaching across the table taking it as I laugh at how flustered he is.

"You might wanna calm down," I whisper pointing at the bulge beginning to laugh again.

"That's not funny," he says dropping his napkin into his lap clearing his throat.

Once everyone is done eating Draco pays for everyone then we decide it's time to leave since it's after 10p.m. If we stayed any longer everyone would be drunk and need taxis or Ubers.

"Y'all tryna hit up a bar or club?" Athena asks everyone as we walk out of the restaurant. I now wore a coat over my Fendi dress to keep me warm from the night air.

"It is a weekday, Athena. People got work in the morning," Draco informs her.

"Y'all trippin'. It's Taco Tuesday at a bar somewhere!" Athena says putting her hand on one of her knees popping her butt making me laugh.

"You know damn well your fiancé is at home waiting for you to bring your ass home," Draco tells her.

"Ooh, you're right. I'm going home to my dick. Let's go, Rhea!" Athena says grabbing Rhea's arm pulling her towards the valet podium. I hold onto Draco's arm for support making me realize just because people buy you free shots for your birthday doesn't mean you have to take them.

I can see Cordelia staring at me then she comes up to me and Draco. "Can you drive my sister home? We both drove ourselves here," Cordelia asks Draco.

"I'm not even drunk," I argue you with her but she ignores me.

"I got you," Draco says right as valet pulls up the Bentley Continental GT I helped get for Cordelia's 18th birthday. Instead of the white it was painted when I bought it, it's now painted some blue color. I watch as Cordelia goes to the car getting in the drivers seat with Ares right behind getting in the passenger side.

"Hey!" I yell until Draco puts his hand over my mouth.

"Just let it go. They're both legal. It's only two years."

"What?" I ask looking at him confused.

"I know it's your little sister, but we can't stop it," he says as the car pulls off.

The valet pulls up in the car I bought the other day as a birthday gift to myself that cost nearly $200,000. I deserved it. The valet man hands me the keys to my new Bentley Flying Spur with a blacked out grill, black rims and tinted windows. "Did you just get this? It's nice," Draco says blowing out air impressed.

"I call her Black Butterfly. Isn't she cute?" I say walking towards the car.

Draco grabs my wrist then snakes the keys out of my hand. "Real cute, but you're not driving her. At least not tonight. Passenger seat, come on." He guides me to the car then opens the door helping me in. "Seat belt," he instructs.

"Yes sir!" I say saluting him like a captain before putting my seat belt on. He closes the door behind me going around to the drivers side. He gets in the car starting the engine, puts the car in drive then pulls off.

"We can just go to my place since we're in Brooklyn and it's closer." It honestly never dawned on me that I've never been to his place before.

"I have the perfect song for tonight." I grab my phone making sure the Bluetooth is on then go to Apple Music. I search the song I want then play it turning the volume up. When the familiar beat of Birthday Sex by Jeremih begins I sway my head. "Yeah!" I sing along with the song loudly. "It's my birthday so I know you want to ride out," I sing changing the lyrics. "This is my shit!" I say taking my seat belt off.

"Ay, what are you doing?" Draco asks looking at me then at the road. I take the Tom Ford heels that he bought me dropping them to the floor of the car. I bring my legs up onto the seat getting into a squat position holding onto the handle old people use when they're with a young, crazy driver to give me more balance. I try to whine my hips, but it isn't easy in a moving car. "Remember when everyone used to whine to R&B songs?"

"Would you sit down? Unless you want me to wreck your brand new car, I would chill out," Draco says sounding like someone's Daddy.

I groan sitting down in the seat properly changing the song to something else that's R&B. "You're no fun. It's my birthday." The car stops at a red light as I look over at him.

"How many shots did you have?" He asks laughing at me.

"Enough to make me wanna fuck," I say bluntly.

"You're one of those horny drinkers." He says kissing me. He probably intended for it to be a quick peck, but I turned it into something else. When the light turned green he pulled away from me to drive as I kissed and sucked on his neck.

"Okayy," he says trying to look at the road as I undo his Cartier belt.

"Calm down. You're not the only one gifted in the mouth department," I say unzipping his pants.

"You are straight wildin' tonight," he says looking at me shocked while I pull his boxers down.

Today I turned 33. After finding out I'm HIV positive I wondered how much longer I would live. That's because I was uneducated about the disease. Instead of letting my status consume me in a negative way, I'm going to live my life to the fullest.

We're already at chapter 30. I'm not even half way done (I don't think) and I'm scared you guys aren't going to continue reading if the story is too long🤔 Anyway, comment/vote4️⃣❤️

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