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- Chapter 34 -
Sucker 4 Love

For the people in relationships it's Valentine's Day, but to me it's just another Wednesday at the office. I grab all the folders I need holding them on my forearm as I leave my office starting down the hallway for todays meeting with my employees. I smile and greet one of my workers as she steps out of her office walking in the same direction as me towards the board meeting room.

"You know you could've given us the day off. It's Valentine's Day," Kathy informs me. She's a short, black woman with natural hair and a mocha complexion who has been working for me for years.

"And? It's just another day," I say honestly. I've never been into Valentine's Day. Cliche, but if you're with a real gentleman a regular day will feel like a stupid greeting card holiday created to make money. Plus, I'm a single woman. Draco and I don't have a title, so he's not obligated to get me anything or do anything.

"I'm trying to get wined, dined, and my legs divided by my husband," Kathy goes on making me chuckle. Good for you..

It was very important for me to have a good relationship with all my staff members. A lot of bosses and CEO's forget you need to keep your employees happy because you would be nowhere without them. They can also sue me and go on strike. I don't need that. My Love, Garnet staff was one big family with genuine friendships. At the same time they understand I'm their boss.

"Must be nice. Well, you can do that after 5p.m. when you get off," I inform her.

"What are you doing tonight? Or who?" She asks with a grin as we walk into the meeting room where the long table is already occupied by several people.

"Absolutely nothing or anybody," I say sitting my folders in front of the chair at the head of the table.

"Explains why we're working. You don't have a little boo thing to spend the night with?" Kathy goes on.

"She cheated on him and got caught right before Vday. You don't get caught until after the holiday that way you get gifts from the main and side," Trent, a gay, white guy in his twenties says making everyone in the room either hiss or nod in agreement. "Everyone knows that."

"The shade, the shade of it all," Darius adds in shaking his head.

"Clearly I'm not used to hoing like you Trent," I shoot back jokingly because that's just what me and him do.

"Touché," he says turning his head up. "This hoing paid off though because my sugar daddies taking me out tonight," he says making everyone laugh.

"Alright," I say to get them to calm down with the chatter and we can start the meeting. I stand at the end of the table as everyone quiets down. "Coming up we have New York Fashion Week Fall and Winter shows next week. We have a couple of clients walking in shows or who have their own shows. As serious as Fashion Week is, I'm not really focused on this season. I'm only sending Trent, Darius, and Priscilla to a couple of the shows."

My employee, Rachel's hand immediately shoots into the air. "I always go to all the Fashion Week shows every year. I don't mean to be a brat, but Fashion isn't even Priscilla's category. She works with the athletes," she says matter of factly.

"You're in charge of the album release party for Nipsey Hussle in California this weekend. You're also going to be with him for a week doing the promo run. You can't be in two places at once. If you can, let me know how because I'm trying to be on vacation while still working."

"Forgot about that," she mumbles sinking into the seat. I knew she only said to be petty towards Priscilla because they've always had a silent hate for one another. They were always in competition over opportunities.

"As you all know, I would like to expand the Love, Garnet headquarters. The company is national, but we don't have any physical locations besides the one here in New York City. Right now I'm still trying to decide between Los Angeles, California or Atlanta, Georgia."

"I say Atlanta," Darius says shrugging his shoulders. "They say it's the Black Hollywood, the Hollywood of the south."

"But our clientele isn't limited to only African Americans. Los Angeles would be more diverse as to the people we can bring in," Kathy says to make a point. A lot of them nod their head in agreement.

"Let's be honest here... this company mostly works with people of color. Why not go to the place with a large population? There's so much hidden talent there. Everyone in Hollywood swears they're somebody or something special out there. Everybody will be coming in trying to be a client and get put on. We'll have to sift through a lot of talentless people to find gems. It's quality over quantity," Darius argued his point. I agree with that a little.

"Obviously the plan is to expand to both places eventually, but which one first. I'm going to hire a staff in that location, but I do want to send one of you to be in charge of that office since I won't be there all the time. Right now all of you who are willing to make the move need to impress me. Whoever impresses me with their work will be chosen. Keep in mind I'm not choosing based on who's been working for me the longest. It's solely based on who has the best track record and hard work. Work like I'm always watching. That's it," I say ending the meeting.

Everyone leaves the room as I gather my stuff back up. I look at my phone that was on silent as I walk out of the room down the hall. I see that I missed a call from Draco and before I can dial his number to call him back my assistant is coming up to me. "Your lawyer called. He wanted me to let you know Jacobi is in jail."

"In jail?" I ask in surprise making me stop in my tracks and look at her.

"Yeah, what he did was illegal. Wasn't it?"

"But I didn't press charges. I just filed a lawsuit."

My assistant shrugs. "Your lawyer just said he's in jail. Also, that if he's still in jail by the time your case is supposed to go to trial it will be pushed back. Maybe even his countersuit will be dropped. He said you don't need to call him back and just for me to relay the message to you."

"Okay. Can you call down to the front and ask for a car service? I need to leave in 5 minutes," I say looking at my watch beginning to walk again as she follows behind me.

"No problem. Oh, and a delivery came for you..some flowers," my assistant says making me look at her as we both start walking again.

"From who?"

"Delivery person didn't say a name, but I'm sure there's a card in them."

I nod my head saying, "Okay. Well, I'm about to leave the office for a little while for a meeting. Hold my calls. I'm going to get my stuff, so call the front desk." She nods her head going to her desk as I go to my office.

When I push the door open I see a bouquet of black roses sitting on the coffee table in the sitting area. I furrow my eyebrows going over to them. Why black? I think to myself. They were clearly colored because black roses don't naturally grow in nature. I bend over the table looking for a card. I pull it out then read it...

Black roses symbolizes death. You're next. Farewell :)

I stare at the card then stick it back in the flowers forcefully. I pick up the bouquet of roses trotting over to the trashcan dropping them in there. I didn't have time for this. I needed to get to Gramercy for my counseling session with Dr. Myles. I haven't had one in awhile and it was much needed at this point. I haven't seen her in months. Not even after my status was outed.

I don't have time to tiptoe around in fear everyday. Of course I'm worried about my safety, but I can't live in worry of what could happen. I grab the matching jacket to my trouser from the hook on the wall putting it on. I button it up then grab my Prada Milano purse then leave the building. I walk outside getting into the backseat of the awaiting  Cadillac Escalade. I tell the driver the address in Gramercy then he pulls off.

Not even 5 minutes into the drive my phone starts ringing. When I see it's my sister, Cordelia, I furrow my eyebrows because she's supposed to be at school right now in class. "Hello?"

I hear sniffling making my ears perk up. "Can you come pick me up from school?" Cordelia says sounding like she's crying.

"What happened?" I ask in concern.

"Can you just come?" The distress in her voice told me that I didn't need to ask questions and just go.

"Okay, I'm coming," I say before we hang up. "I'm sorry, but I need to go somewhere else," I tell the driver. I give him the address of her school in Spanish Harlem, so he re-routes. As he drives I call my HIV / AIDS counselor. When she finally answers I say, "I'm sorry, but I can't come to our session today. I'm going to have to reschedule."

I hear her sigh. "It's been months since I've seen you, Desdemona. At this point I'm feeling like you're avoiding the conversation about everything that happened."

"I'm not. I have a family emergency. It's just been very busy and very hectic. We can reschedule for next week, Dr. Myles."

"Alright, I'll see you then. Let me know," she says as we hang up.

Once we get to Cordelia's high school the driver pulls over stopping the car in the first empty spot he can find. "I'll be a minute," I say getting out of the car. I walk down the block walking as fast as I can in my Manolo Blahnik pumps crossing the street since the light was already on green for pedestrians to go. I spring across the street stuffing my hands into the pocket of my slacks to warm them up.

I was about to keep walking until I heard my name being called making me turn around as my heartbeat sped up. I look seeing Cordelia standing there on the corner making me furrow my eyebrows...

"What are you doing here? I thought you were still in the building?" I ask approaching her and pointing at her school building behind me.

"I was waiting out here for you to get here," she says rubbing her sniffling and red nose. She looked upset with her pale skin bare with no makeup as bags sat under her glossy eyes.

"What happened?" I ask looking at her. She didn't look like she was physically harmed. She clearly didn't care about Valentine's Day by being extra and getting dressed up. She wore Ugg boots, sweats, and a large jacket.

"Someone sent me this," She says pulling something out of her jacket pocket. She hands me the bundle of candy that's tied up with a ribbon that has a note attached to it. "I thought one of the little boys at school sent me a candy-gram when it got delivered to my class, but look what it says."

"Just like St. Valentine you will be put to death," I mumble to myself reading it. I look up at Cordelia in shock.

"There's no name on it. I asked the teacher to go to the bathroom and decided to go out to my car and leave. I didn't want to be at school today anyway with all the ugly ass, corny couples with their gifts and balloons. When I got out to my car all four of my tires were flat. Someone stabbed them or something."

"Shit," I say putting my hand to my head turning in a circle. "Did you try to steal a classmates boyfriend?" I ask as if not knowing why this happened.

"No! I don't talk to or pay any of these boys at this school any attention. What's going on?" She asks looking scared.

"I don't know. I need to call someone to have your car towed. Did you check yourself out of school?" I ask.

"No, I just walked out."

"Whatever. It will just be an unexcused absence. Go wait in the car," I tell her and she walks away getting in the car. I dial the number for my insurance, so they can come get her car with the towing service. As I talk on the phone with them I look at the candy-gram again realizing it's the same handwriting on the card in the black roses.

Now I'm pissed. First Paloma, now my sister is getting threatened. It's going too damn far..

Once it's set that the towing truck is coming I get back in the car telling the driver where to go.

I sit there thinking as the car moves while it's quiet. That's when I get an idea.  I dial my father's number patiently waiting for him to answer. Finally after a couple of rings he picks up. "Desdemona?" He says in surprise considering I haven't talked to him since the last time I saw him in person a few months ago. I've responded to a few texts here and there, but we haven't had an actual conversation since then. It's been months.

"Yeah, it's me. Dad, I need to ask you for a favor.." I say looking over at Cordelia who's already looking at me.

"What are you doing?" She whispers knowing I'm on the phone with him.

"What is it?" My Dad asks.

"I know you have a place here in New York. Lennox told me. I also know you're here right now for business. Can Cordelia come stay with you?" I ask knowing for a fact he's here because my mother told me when I talked to her yesterday.

Even if him and my mother are trying to work things out by going to counseling I knew him being out of town for 'business' on Valentine's Day wasn't a coincidence. He was probably planning to spend the night with a mistress.

"What?!" Cordelia says with an attitude as I motion for her to be quiet.

"Like, right now? Today? What's going on?" He asks sounding like it's a problem that I asked.

"Can you just not ask any questions? I think the least you can do is house your daughter for a little bit."

"Fine, but we need to talk about this when you guys get here. This is out of the blue, so something has to be going on. I have a lot of meetings this week, but fine. Bring her."

"Thank you. Send the address, please," I say hanging up.

"What are you doing? I don't want to stay with that man!" Cordelia complains.

"You don't really have a choice. Clearly someone is watching you and following you, so this is the best we can do right now."

"Why? Why would someone be watching and following me? I haven't done anything to anybody."

"I don't know," I lie looking out of the window.

"Does this have something to do with you? With the whole Jacobi situation?" She asks making me look at her. "Wait, that makes no sense. It was never that serious for someone to be threatening me. You think it could be Ares' baby mother? I don't even know that woman, so if it is her she needs to leave me alone!" Cordelia says crossing her arms over her chest.

"You don't know his baby mother, but I do. She would never do something like that. If you were smart, you would just leave Ares alone so you don't even have to think about situations like that happening."

"Me and Ares are friends. We have an understanding. I'm focused on school, graduating, and modeling. He's focused on his baby and modeling. You act like I'm trying to marry him or something. We just hang out."

"Yeah and that understanding will result in him going right back to his child's mother leaving you heart broken when you catch feelings."

"You just don't want me to date him because you're fucking his brother."

"Watch it!" I say pointing at her. "I've let you slide with a lot of stuff, but at this point I'm over it. Over it to the point I'll give Mom what she wants and make you go back to Florida to live with our parents. I don't need your shit!"

"And I don't need yours either!" She argues back.

"Forget it. You can go back to Florida for all I care with this attitude."

"And who's going to make me? I'm 18. I'll get my own place. I've saved up enough money from my modeling gigs and partnerships."

I laugh making her mug me. "Do you really think you can pay rent in New York City on your own every month? From modeling gigs that aren't consistent or a guaranteed set amount income? Or instagram promotions which isn't a real job? Newsflash, little girl! You've never paid your own taxes and don't have credit. Good luck getting a decent place not in the projects without a co-sign. You've lived cushy your whole life, so I'm sure you want a condo with a nice view. Not gonna happen, sweetie."

When the car stops and I see we're in front of my building I undo my seatbelt. Cordelia scoffs, but I ignore her. "Go pack a bag with a weeks worth of clothes. You're staying at Dad's," I say as she flies out of the car, slamming the door behind her. I chuckle and shake my head at how naive she is getting out of the car too.

We both go into the building up to my penthouse. I hear for the kitchen because I know my chef, Geraldo, is usually here during this time preparing my dinner ahead of time. Cordelia follows behind me saying, "I need a snack."

"Get it then go pack." I see her roll her eyes as we walk into the kitchen. When I see multiple huge bouquets of red roses and gift boxes on the island countertop I furrow my eyebrows. There's also a bunch of red, heart shaped balloons floating up to the ceiling. "Yeah," Geraldo says with an attitude. "These mutha fuckas couldn't deliver this shit somewhere else? Takin' over my kitchen. I barely have space to cook."

"I-I'm sorry," I stutter out still in surprise. "Who sent this?" I ask.

"You got that many niggas you don't know who could've sent it?" Geraldo asks as I lean in smelling one of the roses. I give him a glare as he laughs at his own joke.

"It's not too farfetched, G. You know she's been thottin' and boppin'," Cordelia says as she opens the refrigerator grabbing a drink.

"Fuck you!" I shoot back.

"Ooh, language!" Geraldo says putting a hand on his chest in shock. "Since when did you start cursing so much? You're a little firecracker now."

"This little girl is working my nerves," I say looking in the flowers for a card to confirm who it's from, but I can't find one.

"Hey. What are y'all doing here?" I hear making me turn around to see Miranda coming into the kitchen dressed like she's about to go somewhere.

"I had to pick Cordelia up from school early," I say making Cordelia and I exchange a look.

"Is everything okay?" Miranda asks going into the pantry.

"Yup," Cordelia and I say in unison. "Cramps," Cordelia lies holding her stomach. Miranda blows out air as if understanding.

"Oh, that's for you, Cordelia," Geraldo says pointing at the gifts on the kitchen nook table that I didn't even notice. There's one of those life-size teddy bears sitting on the bench, a bouquet of flowers with balloons tied to it, and a gift bag.

"Ooh!" She says excitedly rushing towards it.

I follow right behind her asking, "Who's this from?"

"Dang, business? Get you some!" She shoots back as I look over her shoulder while she grabs the card out of the flowers.

"You are my business," I snatch the card from her fingers seeing it's signed by Ares. "Just friends, huh?"

"What's understood doesn't have to be explained," she says confidently. I hand the card back to her immediately laughing because that's such a high schooler thing to say.

"You can look at that later. Go upstairs and pack," I say rushing her. She does what I say leaving the kitchen going upstairs. I go right back to the island still looking for a card. "Geraldo, were you here when they delivered this? Did they say who it's from?"

"Naw, I came and it was already here. Check that white box," he says pointing. I look at it seeing it's plain with no labels. Not even a label to say if it's from a certain store or brand.

"Ooh, can I open it? I didn't get a thing from anybody today. Niggas and bitches ain't shit!" Miranda says from the depths of her stomach letting everyone know she means it. She stands next to me as I open the drawer getting scissors to cut the tape closing the sides of the box.

"Okay!" Geraldo says giving her a high five from across the island. "I remember when I was saying I was bi. My ass knew I didn't want no cat. But how you like men and woman and still single? Must be you," he says to Miranda making her smack her lips. She glares at him as he laughs. I was glad she was fitting right in with my friends.

After I cut the tape, Miranda starts opening the box like it's for her making me say, "go ahead," sarcastically.

She opens the top and I see it's this thing shaped like those candy hearts. "What is this? A cake?" I ask more-so to myself. I touch the top of it feeling it's hard. When I see a card in the box I grab it and read it. "Break me open with the hammer."

I point at the wooden mallet in the box. Miranda grabs it and I go ahead and just let her do it because she's so excited. I was a little nervous after that bouquet of flowers I got at work and with what happened to Cordelia. She uses the mallet to hit it...

It breaks open and inside there's more little candy hearts. I pick one of the broken pieces up from the shell realizing it's chocolate from one side being brown. "There's a card inside," Miranda says as I reach inside of it pushing some of the candy out of the way.

"Whoever this man is that did all this extra shit, I'm disgusted," Geraldo says with a stank face making me laugh. "Disgusted, but I need me one. He probably gotta big dick too." I bug my eyes ignoring Geraldo grabbing the card.

"Read it out loud. This is so cute!" Miranda says excitedly with a big smile.

I was going to read it in my head, but I guess I'll make their day. "Happy Valentine's Day, Mo Money." Right then I knew it's from Draco. "Inside you'll find two private jet tickets. With these you can choose any location in the world and we'll go there this weekend. See you tonight," I read dryly. He signed his name, but I didn't say it.

"Uh uh! Don't forget Signed, Draco." Miranda says before I know it. I give her a look then she says, "Draco? You're messing with him?!" She says with her lips forming in an O while her eyes read a smile. "I knew it! I knew you two just didn't work together."

"Draco?" Geraldo asks looking confused. "That sounds familiar. Has he been over here before?"

"Yeah, but you two haven't met," I say casually.

"You moved on from Jacobi fast. I'm not mad at it," he says making me raise my eyebrows. "Waiitt, he's the one you cheated on Jacobi with, isn't he?" Geraldo says putting two and two together.

At the perfect time Cordelia comes into the kitchen saying, "I'm ready."

"Gotta go," I say giving Geraldo a sneaky grin. "Can you fix a nice dinner for me and Draco?" I say rushing out of the kitchen with Cordelia. She has her MCM backpack and a Louis Vuitton duffel bag.

We go out to the buildings parking garage. The whole time we walk through the dimly lit area I look around holding my pepper spray keychain tightly in my left hand. When we finally reach my parking spots I hit the button to unlock the doors to my G-Wagon. The lights flash twice letting me know there unlocked as I get in the driver's seat while Cordelia puts her bags in the backseat. Once she gets into the passenger seat I put my Dad's address into the navigation. It was crazy because his place is only two blocks away yet he never visits or calls me when he's in New York.

After a twenty minute drive that took longer than it should have because of lunchtime traffic I get to the address. I give my car to the valet of the building, so they can park it. Cordelia and I go inside and we go to the front desk. I tell the man my father's name then he calls up to his place giving us permission to go up. We ride the elevator to his floor and get off.

Taking a deep sigh I knock on the door a couple of times. I turn towards Cordelia whose arms are crossed over her chest as attitude riddled her face. "Fix ya face. He's being nice enough to let you stay here."

"He's my father. Am I supposed to give him a round of applause for that?" She asks as the door swings open. Behind it is my father who's wearing a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and slacks.

"Come in," He says opening the door wider letting us in. It was clearly awkward and still tense despite months passing. It has a lot to do with the fact he never apologized. He probably thinks we'll just forget and get over what he said to both of us.

"Thank you for letting her stay here. I know it's out of the blue," I tell him as we walk in. I look around the spotless and plain condo. It was obvious it wasn't a place lived in permanently. It was more like a hotel or resting stop. I also wondered if my mother knew about this place. Probably not considering it was the place he spent time with his secret son.

"It's no problem. Is anyone going to tell me what's going on?" My Dad asks closing the door behind Cordelia after she steps in.

"I think you know my life has been in havoc since-" I clear my throat trying to find the right words. "-my scandal. It's caused a lot of people to harass me. Now they're going as far as to harass Cordelia at school," I lie looking at Cordelia who leans against the wall.

"Really? Have you contacted the police?" He asked actually seeming worried.

"Yes, but there isn't much they can do. I'm going out of town on business for a week and I feel safer if Cordelia stays with you instead of leaving her alone."

"I'll be working a lot myself, but that's fine." He turns his attention from me to Cordelia. "You can stay in Lennox's room. It's the second door on the left. You can go put your bags down and get settled." Cordelia walks off down the hall leaving me and our Dad alone.

"Do you want anything? Water?" He asks going to the small kitchen as I stand there uncomfortable.

"I'm fine," I say putting on a fake smile.

"You can have a seat," he says looking at the living room.

"Right," I mumble under my breath going to the living room sitting on the end of the couch. I look at the tv that shows the current stock market.

I hear footsteps making me look over to see my father stepping into the living room. He sits in the armchair adjacent to me as I turn back towards the tv not wanting to make eye contact with him. "So, how have you been?" He says as it's painfully and awkwardly quiet. I knew he was referring to all the drama in my life. Mostly the fact I have an STD that I've been hiding from both of my parents for years.

"I've been fine. And you?" I ask to be polite.

"I'm good. Just working as usual." He pauses as it gets quiet again. I was hoping Cordelia would come back into the room as if it would make it less weird, but I'm sure she's back there snooping around or unpacking all her stuff like she's moving in. "Why didn't you tell us?" He finally asks as if the question had been on his mind since I stepped foot in his place.

I sigh thinking on my answer. "Because I didn't feel comfortable enough to tell you guys.."

"We're your parents."

I laugh under my breath. "Don't act like you and Mom are the easiest parents to talk to, especially you. I was going to tell you both the last time I saw you in person then you started insulting both me and Cordelia. You are both very critical and only care about the families image. What other's think about us that you rather live a lie. I guess that's where I got it from... Hiding, lying, and pretending in order to look perfect to the outside world."

"You may not see it, but all me and your mother ever tried to do for you and your sisters was protect you. Do you think it was easy for us? I was a Black man from Detroit who somehow made it out and to college. On top of that I married and had children with a White woman. Then I started a company in a subset of competitors that certainly weren't ever run by a Black man. Then to top it off, I had to raise three biracial daughters subjecting them to an environment where people would hate them because of their parents since they couldn't stand to see me succeeding."

"And you thought if we were perfect no one would be able to talk bad about us? I'm sorry, but they still did. We're humans and we make mistakes. As your kids you should have understood that whether it was me not wanting to work for you, Miranda dropping out of college, or Cordelia not wanting to go to college at all. It's life and shit happens," I can see his eyebrow raise at me cursing in front of him but he doesn't say anything.

I go on saying, "I tried to be perfect because it's what I was taught my whole life. What did I do? I dated the white collar, successful guy because we looked good on paper. And just like you cheated on Mom, he cheated on me. Mom told me it comes with the territory of men who are in power. Being young and naive, I stayed with him like Mom stayed with you. Where did it get me?"

"So, are you blaming your mother and I for you having HIV? I would think you would blame the person who gave it to you."

"No, I'm not blaming you or her. For awhile I blamed myself, but I had to stop that. All I want is for you and Mom to be real parents. Not just the two people standing behind us in the family portraits with a flawless smile. Be there emotionally. We should be able to tell you things without fear of being belittled or judged."

"You're right," he agrees to my surprise.

"Okay," I say nodding my head. "And I'm sure you heard I had your son over on Christmas, so we could meet him."

"I heard. I think you should've asked me if that was okay and not your mother. That's my son. I should've been the one to make that call."

"He's your son and our brother," I say sternly. "You had 14 years to make that call. It wasn't right what you were doing. Hiding and isolating him like that because you made a mistake by having an affair."

"Once again, I was protecting our family. Tabitha should've kept her mouth shut like I said. She talks too much. We had an agreement. She should've never went to the media the way she did," he says referring to my brother's mother.

"Or maybe take responsibility for your actions. You should've told mom about this outside child 14 years ago, so there wouldn't be a secret she could tell. Because his mother was fed up with your lies, you take it out on your son?"

"What are you talking about?" My Dad asks playing dumb.

"I'm talking about you not paying his school tuition, paying your child support, and saying you're going to take him out of your will."

"His mother and I had a legal agreement. She wouldn't go to the media or to your mother as long as I fulfilled my financial obligations as a father. I did that until she broke her end of the deal. And I was just talking out of anger when I said I would take him out of my will. All the money I pay in child support she should have some extra money saved up."

"That's not the point. I'm going to tell you right now when you pass your company down to us, I think Lennox should get it instead of me since he's the only son."

"Not happening. This is a multi-billion dollar company we're talking about. His mother will find a way to ruin it for him even if that's by blowing through all the money."

"We can do this two ways... You give me the biggest percent of the company and I sign it over to Lennox or you just give it to him yourself. Either way it's going to Lennox."

My Dad groans. "I'll think about it."

"Do more than just think about it," I say standing up from the couch. "Cordelia!" I yell loud enough for her to hear. A moment later she emerges from the hallway in the livingroom with ehr phone to her ear.

"Yeah?" she says pulling the phone away from her ear.

"I'll be back to get you in a week. You can stay home from school tomorrow, but you need to go back on Friday. I'll call and check on you."

"She'll be fine. She isn't staying with a stranger. I'm her father," My Dad interjects standing up from the chair. Exactly, I think to myself. Cordelia gives me a look as if not to leave her, but I hug her before leaving.

I need to talk to Draco because now lines are being crossed... Lines that I don't know if they can be uncrossed without consequences. This is my fault. I was so blinded by infatuation and dick I didn't think of the repercussions for those around me. Now I'm putting people I love in danger because I made a decision to involve myself with Draco. My friends and family shouldn't be at the expense of me being a sucker for love...

I sit in the small restaurant in the Theater District of Midtown Manhattan patiently waiting on him to arrive. I check the time on my watch as the waitress comes by for the second time to refill my glass of water. "Thank you," I say making her give me a friendly smile before continuing to wait on her customers. I lift the glass to take a drink when I hear the bell on the establishments door go off with a ding as it opens. Finally the person I'm waiting on walks in. He looks around the place for me, so I lift my hand a little to get his attention.

He daps me then sits down in the booth across from me huffing as if he's tired. He uses his hand to fix his comb over that most likely got messed up by the cold and windy weather outdoors. "Took you long enough, Franco."

"My bad, but don't call me that. Call me Gunz unless we're around Desdemona."

"Understood. Obviously we're here for a reason. I need your services."

"Who and why?" He asks looking around the restaurant.

"Why?" I ask in confusion. Usually when you pay a hit man to take someone out they don't ask why because they don't care. They're getting paid for it anyhow.

"Yes, why. My family didn't care about the whys back in the day and all it did was land them in jail. When you don't ask why you end up popping someone who turned out to be innocent. Next thing you know you're in the newspaper labeled a monster because it was Bobby who's a lawyer with a wife and kids. Example...my father."

"Speaking of him... How is he?" Franco's father is an infamous contract killer who worked for John Gotti, an Italian crime boss. Ever since his father went to prison with almost 50 bodies under his belt no one has heard much from the Moretti's. Word was that they were no longer doing hits for anybody that's not Italian.

"He's good. Living his best life in a high security prison until he kicks the bucket. He has all the money on his books he can ever need, snacks, an iPad, and a flat screen in his cell. He's living better than some homeless people in New York," Franco says making me chuckle. "Your father still in the joint?"

"My father?" I question.

"Yeah, Ar'mon."

I wanted to get offended, but I couldn't. "That definitely ain't my father. That's my brother's father. My father is dead."

"Damn, my bad," he says looking like he feels bad.

"It's good. Honest mistake with our confusing ass family."

"I mean, hey, I know what you mean. I didn't even know your family still had an organization. Apparantly y'all are big around the city to the underground world. I thought your family was a distant memory after Ar'mon got time."

"We're doing what we gotta do. It isn't easy when we have competition..enemies."

"And that's where I come in?"

"Exactly," I respond pulling my phone out from my hoodie pocket. I unlock my phone pulling up Casanova's picture showing Franco. "His name is Caswell Jean-Pierre, but he goes by Casanova. He's head over a crew called Cash and Success better known as C.A.S. with his younger brother Chaos. We can handle Chaos, but-"

He finishes my sentence for me saying, "Not him. Why? Is he that dangerous?"

"Naw, not even that. We just can't find him or pinpoint him to one spot. He recently did a bid and got out, but no one has seen him physically since he got out. As far as everyone knows him getting out of jail is just a rumor."

"So, how are you sure he's actually out or even in New York?" Franco asks looking at the picture closer.

"We had someone do some digging. He's for sure out, but laying low. Plotting on us."

"I did some research. I saw recently Desdemona's friend got shot at a club for her birthday event. Does that have anything to do with this..them?"

"Yeah," I say nodding my head.

"They're clearly out for blood shooting women," he says handing me back my phone. "If you have my money by the end of this week, I'll have him by next week."

"How much?" I ask grabbing the backpack sitting in the seat next to me.

"100 is reasonable for the head of a crew."

I raise the backpack sitting it on the table. "I think this is close enough. If it's over, keep the change. I'm going out of town this weekend, so here's your money now."

Franco grabs the backpack unzipping it a little seeing the stacks of money. "You want him breathing or already on his way to hell when I bring him back to you?"

"Doesn't matter to me. Whichever you feeling that day," I say standing up from the booth. I pull my wallet out leaving a twenty on the table for the waitress even though I only got water which is free. "I'll hit you up," I say exchanging a fold up with him before leaving.

I step outside into the cold pulling my hood over my head because my beanie wasn't enough. I walk down the block pulling my phone out dialing Diamonté's number because I'm supposed to be meeting up with her. When she answers I ask, "Where you at?"

"Waiting on you. Where are you?" She asks back.

"45th street."

"I don't know where I'm at, but that doesn't sound like the street I'm on or where we're supposed to be meeting."

"We're meeting on 46th street and 7th Avenue. What street are you on?"

"I don't know. You know I'm not from New York."

"Just send me your location."

"Okay, but don't hang up. At least let me look like I'm on the phone because this guy keeps staring at me."

"He probably wants to holla at you or he knows who you are, I don't know," I say continuing to walk down the block.

"I sent it." I pull my phone away from my ear checking.

"You're on the right street. Just stay where you are."

"I feel awkward just standing here alone."

"It's not going to take me that long," I say turning the corner. I walk down the street when I see her standing on the corner. "I see you. Turn around," I tell her making her slowly spin around...

"Took you long enough. I'm about to freeze my ass off," she rants as we both hang up our phones hugging each other.

"You'll be aiight. Where are you going with this big ass bag?" I ask laughing at the fact it's half her size.

"I have a flight to catch. I gotta show in L.A. tomorrow, so can we speed this up. Can I get my surprise now?" She says sticking her hand out flexing her fingers in a 'gimme' motion. All I told her was that I had a big surprise with some good news and I wasn't lying.

"The surprise isn't something you can hold. It's something you can see," I say making her eyebrows furrow. "Follow me," I say beginning to walk as she comes with me.

"What is it?" She asks picking up her pace,  so we're walking side by side down the block. I didn't know exactly where it's at, but I know it's on this street. I'm positive it's on the other end of the block, so we had to walk a little.

"You'll see. Damn, you can't be patient."

"You know how I am. I want what I want right now. I don't like waiting," she says making me look down at her to see she's already looking up at me.

"Well, good things come to those who wait."

"Or good things come to those who don't give up, are persistent, and take it," she responds.

"Or–" I say prepared to counter argue.

She cuts me off laughing then saying, "We can go all day, Draco."

"We could." It gets quiet and weird. More so on my part after Diamonté and I's last encounter. Especially now that I know Paloma knows I slept with her and can tell Desdemona whatever she wants at any moment. "No plans for Valentine's day?" I ask to make conversation as we walk. Diamonté and I can usually talk about anything, but I was struggling to make conversation.

"You know money is my man right now. Empty bed, empty heart."

"I know what you mean," I say as if currently relating.

"Funny isn't it." I didn't need her bringing up the fact I occupied her bed for one night.

"Close your eyes," I say cutting her off before she can say anything else.

"What?" She asks confused. I move behind her putting my hands over her eyes to block her view. What I'm doing could be mistaken as a man doing nice things for a woman he's feeling when really it's me being a nice label owner to my artist. "Long ass butterfly wings for lashes," I say jokingly as her eyelashes flutter against my hands.

"Yeah, and don't mess 'em up," she says as I lead her down the street making sure she doesn't run into anyway.

I turn her body in the right direction as people walk around us. "You ready?" I ask looking up on the big screens.

"You know I am," she responds eagerly.

"Open," I say moving my hands from her eyes, so she can see the surprise...

Her mouth flies open as she jumps up and down in excitement. "How does March 16th sound as a release date for your EP?" I ask as she's still having her moment of joy.

"Oh shit!" She repeats before throwing her arms around me. "Is that me? No! Thank you! Thank you! I'm so ready!" She says hugging me tightly. I laugh hugging her back when she pecks my cheek multiple times. I was going to dismiss it and let her have her happy moment until she threw me all the way off when her lips came in contact with mine.

"Woah!" I say pulling away from her.

She lets go of me acting like what she did was normal saying, "I'm so excited," while looking at the screen again. "How many songs?"

"Ten." I clear my throat debating if I should say something. "You can't do that in public... or private," I clarify.

"Do what?" Diamonté asks looking at me as if clueless.

"Kiss me," I say as if it's obvious.

"Why not? Who cares?" She shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly making me furrow my eyebrows.

"I do. Anybody could be watching and taking pics. Did you see what happened when we just went out to lunch right after Saanvi died? I was made to look like a dick who moved on too fast."

"Or this is about Desdemona Garnet. It's me, Draco. You don't have to put up this act that you really like her and that you really fuck with her."

"Who said it's an act?"

"Come on," she says chuckling. "I know you, Dray. I know how you and your brothers get down using chicks. She's filthy rich, so I would use her too. I know damn well you don't like a thirty something year old woman who's a stick in the mud and has an STD." She laughs blowing out air, but I don't even crack a smile.

"Well, maybe you don't know me as much as you think you do. I ain't never been nothing like my brothers," I say getting more serious.

She rolls her eyes making me arch my eyebrow. "You're not? You work with them, don't you? You all do the same thing. Isn't that what your relationship with that Indian girl was about?"

"Me and you are cool. I fuck with you, but now you're crossing lines. Don't speak about shit you don't know about."

Diamonté laughs under her breath shaking her head. "Here you go again. Switching up behind a female." I knew she was referring to our last fallout that happened behind my ex, Valona.

"Nobodies switching up, but sometimes you need to watch ya fucking mouth w–"

"Now you're getting beside yourself. Don't talk to me like that." I run my hand over my face sighing. She takes a step closer to me saying, "Draco, I know you like the back of my hand whether you will admit it or not. You may not be using her financially, but you're using her for something. Maybe emotionally. She probably gives you something you need right now. Just don't fool yourself. Stop being so defensive about a woman you're not in a relationship with or a woman who was willing to cheat on her man with you. Lose them how you get them applies to men too. I gotta go," she says walking past me.

I stare at her as she stands on the side of the road trying to hail a cab. When one pulls over and she gets in I walk away. I shake my head walking in the opposite direction stuffing my hands into my sweatpant's pockets.

I walk two blocks to a hotel in Times Square pulling out my phone again. Standing at the entrance of the building I dial Rhea's number. Not even after two rings she picks up, so I ask, "Did you check-out?"

"Yeah, I'm coming." I say okay then hang up. Minutes later she's coming out of the hotel building pulling a suitcase behind her. After nearly two weeks of laying low it felt a little safer for Rhea to come out of hiding. Especially when we took the important key players of C.A.S. out. From talk in the streets I knew C.A.S. was hurting right now behind that.

"I never thought I'd be excited to see this ugly face again," Rhea says hugging me tightly.

"You could've been killed and you come back talking shit?" I ask as we pull away from each other. "You good?"

"I'm straight. I'm just ready to see my babies," she says referring to her kids. She sighs then adds, "I was just trying to help. Apollo ranting on about not doing this and that."

"I know. He'll get over it. He's only so mad because he doesn't want anything to happen to you. His biggest priority is keeping you and those kids safe. Why do you think he keeps y'all so lowkey? People can't hurt what they don't know about."

"I guess. Let's just go," she says sighing. I start to walk but I hear, "uhh," making me turn and look over my shoulder at Rhea. "Where's your car?"

"It's parked a couple of blocks away. I came and did other stuff in the square. You know there's no parking spots."

"I know you don't expect me to walk in my good Christian Loub's? And I gotta drag my suitcase all through Time's Square. You crazy?" She asks genuinely surprised like I should've had a Rolls Royce with a red carpet parked out front waiting on her.

"Didn't nobody tell you to wear those. Come on," I say about to start walking again.

"Oh no!" She says walking to the curb sticking her arm in the air. "Taxiiii!" She yells frantically waving her arm dramatically.

"Yo, you really forgot where you came from!" I say as if I'm appalled. "You're from the Bronx. You used to walk through the hood in Brooklyn and ride the train. The 6 train, Broadway Junction. You deadass? Now you too good to beat ya feet? Money changed you," I say jokingly with a little seriousness.

"I am too good. It's Valentine's Day. I would like to reserve my energy for riding my mans dick tonight." She leans in closer to me, "That man had a whole buildings worth of bodies dropped for me. I need my energy."

"Eww, y'all musty. Y'all probably be rolling around the bed looking like two big ass, ugly giraffes," I say making myself laugh.

"Fuck you. Suck my dick!" She says hard and aggressive letting that real New York out of her.

"Is that what you told Casanova's baby mother? Cause I heard you were begging for your life. How you let somebody pull a gun on you? You supposed to be a gangsta," I ask laughing. When she glares at me I know an insult is coming.

"Real shit, fuck you. She could've killed me in her walk in closet and had my brains all over her out of date and out of style Gucci. You could have a little more sympathy for me. I could've been killed," she says cuing the dramatics acting like I hurt her feelings.

"Mann, hear you go. I'm happy your safe, sis," I say trying to hug her but she pushes me away putting her hand in my face...

"Yeah, yeah, fuck you too. We still gotta walk to my car," I say laughing when her frown goes even lower.

"I didn't fuck a drug dealer and get out the hood for this," She grumbled under her breath as we start walking. I look down at her heels clicking against the pavement as her feet are visibly in pain. Her bag drags behind her making me bust out laughing the way she was angrily tugging it.

"You big mad. But nah, forreal. Why didn't you shoot her? Maybe it would've made Casanova come out of hiding."

"I couldn't, I wouldn't. Her kids were in the living room. I'ma gangsta, but I'm also a mother." I couldn't be mad at that. "Plus, I was in her house. It would look premeditated if I was caught. What's the next move?" I know she's talking about C.A.S.

"Obviously we started a war. Only thing is Casanova and Chaos can't go to war without an army, especially the generals. We left them with nothing but lieutenants... Basically the young guys pushing sacks on the corner. They're scheming, but we're hoping to get to Chaos before that can happen."

"And how do you guys plan on doing that?"

"This girl... Miranda," I didn't say Desdemona's sister because I knew she would immediately be skeptical.

"Miranda? As in Desdemona's sister?" She quickly puts two and two together. I try to avoid eye contact, but she didn't even need to ask. "Hell no! Why bring her in this? Hell to the no!"

"Just listen. Apollo and everyone already agreed. She knows Chaos and it's the easiest way to get to him."

"A setup? Does she know what she's doing? Does she know by helping his blood will partially be on her hands or are you using a naive girl?"

"It was her idea. He did her dirty, so she wants revenge."

"What the hell did he do to her so damn bad she wants him gone..forever?"

"Apparently, he got her pregnant and told her to get an abortion. He wouldn't step up, so she felt like she had no choice."

Rhea puckers her lips up probably not expecting that. "I can't get mad at that. I just hope y'all know what y'all are doing bringing her in this."

"We got this. We told her exactly what to do."

"This makes no sense. So y'all can bring in a stranger, but I can't help? I'm the HBIC, the only wife, and only female De Carlo. Hellooo!"

I chuckle. "You also have kids. You need to stay far away from danger. Stick to shopping and styling. Speaking of that...You might want to call Desdemona as soon as you can. She's been asking about you."

"I'm surprised she's still around. We were positive after her little friend getting shot she was going to be done with you."

"We?" I question.

"Me and your brothers. Athena was the only one who didn't think so. Desdemona's tougher than I thought. She's solid."

"Solid enough to be in a relationship with?" I ask.

"If you fuck with her on that level, yeah. It's kinda too late to turn back. She knows everything and stuck around. She knows too much. It's not on you anymore. You have to rock with her until she decides it's too much for her and walks away on her own. Although, I have a feeling that's not going to happen. She cares about your aggy ass."

I bounce my brows up thinking on that one. "You think I be going too hard for her? I don't know. Multiple people keep telling me I'm acting different because of her. Saying she's my weakness and some more shit. Am I acting different?"

"More different than you usually do over a female you really like with your simp ass? No. Have you done some questionable shit regarding her that had me looking at you sideways? Most definitely. You barely know her and you've given her a lot of information. Then again time means nothing when the bond is there."


"So, I'm saying start thinking more rationally. You're doing a lot of in my feelings because my heart wants it type shit instead of using your brain. Apollo beat a couple of dudes up for me when we first started dating. He'll kill mutha fuckas for me. But you gotta pick your battles? Who and what's worth going to jail for.."

"Definitely ain't a bum ass nigga like Jacobi," I say blowing out air.

"Exactly. It's okay to be a sucker for love as long as you don't get swallowed whole by it. Get a few licks in like the tootsie pop commercials," she says chuckling and touching my shoulder.

After taking Rhea to Apollo's place in Brooklyn I drove right back to Manhattan to Desdemona's place. When the elevator doors open I step off texting my brother, Ares, back. He was always sending me some funny pictures from Instagram that I've most likely already seen. That's when I just send him a couple laughing emojis like it's new to me.

Before I can even look up I hear, "We need to talk!" Desdemona is storming up to me like a bat out of hell wearing a tight, black dress and heels. She looked good as hell even though she looked like she wanted to take my head off. I was wondering what I did now. We were good the last time I saw her considering she fucked me in the shower only a few minutes after I saw Saanvi's spirit.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too," I say sarcastically only making her angry expression become angrier.

"Happy Valentine's day to you, nigga. But I'm not feeling the love today. I'm really not," she says waving her hands before stopping in front of me putting her hands on her hips.

"And why not?" I ask kissing her cheek with a smile making her roll my eyes. I was purposely trying to irritate her more because it made me laugh. "I see you got one of the gifts I got you. It looks nice on you," I say looking at the diamond necklace around her neck...

For a millisecond she smiles then plays it off by clearing her throat while pushing her hair behind her ear. "It's nice, but do you think it looks better now or when I'm dead in a casket?"

"Uhh, what?" I ask in pure confusion.

"We can talk about this over dinner," she says beginning to walk away from me.

"I don't know if I much wanna eat the food you cooked with this attitude. You might've poisoned my shit."

"I didn't cook it, so.."

"You could've sprinkled that shit on top and stirred it in."

"True," She says shrugging casually.

We go to the dining room where there's a whole little setup with a dinner table for two, a fancy dinner, candles lit, and the slow jams playing. The mood still didn't feel romantic because I knew Desdemona had some serious shit to talk about. "Let me go get some champagne," Desdemona says leaving me in the dining room alone. I sit down getting comfortable in the seat and she comes back a minute later holding a bottle.

She drops it in the bucket of ice standing by the table. She walks around me planting her hands on my shoulders. "Relaxxxx! Isn't that what you say?" She squeezes my shoulders then comes around the table sitting across from me.

"Wassup wit you? You change like the wind. One day you happy to see me then the next I'm getting barked at."

"Things happen everyday to make me switch up. It's always something," she says shaking her head tossing the salad vigorously. "Why did a bouquet of flowers with a threat attached to the card get sent to me today at my office? Or a candy-gram with a threat get sent to my sister at school? Or the tires on her Bentley get flattened?"

I rub my hand down my face taking deep sigh. "Look, we're handling it."

"Are you? Because I don't play about my little sister. I may not know much about the things you're involved in, but I know if they threaten a damn high school girl that's serious. Really serious!" She says putting salad on both of our plates.

"Once this plan with your sister, Miranda, goes through this weekend. This will all end."

"Will it?" She asks skeptically raising her eyebrows.

I lick my lips sucking my teeth. "What you wanna do?" I ask grabbing the champagne bottle from the ice bucket. I peel the gold wrapping from around the top of the Moët bottle. I hold the bottle over the ice bucket before popping the cork knowing some will spill out. "Cause I'm not forcing you to deal with me," I say popping it watching liquid spill onto the ice. "I told you I gotchu and that includes your sister. You either trust that or you don't."

I pour champagne into both of our glasses as she looks at me. "I'm saying maybe we should re-evaluate this situation."

"Not happening. Did you decide where you want to go this weekend with the private jet tickets?"

"Are you listening to me, Draco?"

"Yess! If I wasn't I would've just picked a place, but instead I would like to hear you say where you want to go. I'm all ears! We can go to the Bahamas, Spain, Hawaii, even South Dakota if you on some other shit.."

"I would like to go anywhere in New York, the place I live, and feel safe. But I don't!" She yells hitting her fist on the table.

"Then I'll have some people following you and your sister everywhere you go. That's not a problem. I been said you should do that, but you said no. So, from now on you'll have someone with you. Problem solved."

"Someone can't follow my sister around everyday at school. That's not how it works."

"Desdemona, those threats don't mean nothing. They don't mean nothing by it. How do I know that? They had your work address, her school address, and know what car she drives. If they were going to hurt either of you they would've. They're pussy and bluffing!"

"Everybody's pussy until they actually do what they say they're gonna do. You say a lot of shit and don't do it, so are you pussy too?! Everything can't be swept under the rug," she says raising her voice a little.

I lean back in my chair scratching my head. "I'ma handle it. Is that what you wanna hear? Those three words? I will handle it, Desdemona. Don't worry," I say smiling for half a second going right back to a straight face.

"I don't need you being smart," she says dryly sipping from her champagne glass. It's quiet then she adds, "What do you think about leaving New York for awhile? I'm getting a house in either California or Georgia soon. I still haven't decided yet, but I know I am. It's time I expand my business headquarters."

I look at her with wide eyes. "How long have you been thinking about this?"

"A little while.."

"I don't know about that. I gotta stay in New York for awhile. I just sold a house in Atlanta. You shoulda told me that before."

"All I'm saying is to think about. At this point there's nothing here in New York. This city will kill you if you let it," She says calmly but the words hit me.

"I'll think about it. In the meantime where are you trying to go on Saturday? I didn't get the private jet for nothing."

"Anywhere?" She asks finally smiling since I got here.

"Anywhere you want...except Canada. I can never get across the border. Those niggas hardbody."

I can see she's trying to fight a laugh then she finally chuckles. "Montenegro," she finally says making me screw up my face.

"What'd you just call me?"

"That's where I want to go," she says laughing.

"Where' the fuck is that at? I ain't never heard of that shit in my life!"

"It's in Europe."

"I'm just gonna trust you. You're that boujie, heiress rich and I'm hood rich. You know all them places nobody else knows about. We can go."

"Wait, how long are we staying? You know Athena has her bridal shower and bachelorette party next week, so I'll be out of town."

"Oh, trust me, I know. Bridezillas been showing her ass. We're only going for this weekend. I have to be back for Glock's bachelor party," I say rubbing my hands together knowing it's going to be crazy.

Desdemona contorts her face saying, "Uh uh. I hope you're not about to be acting crazy with some big booty strippers.."

I shrug nonchalantly. "Apollo planned it. I hope you're not going to be acting crazy with some oiled up, buff strippers yourself."

"Oh, If Apollo planned it I don't have to worry. His grumpy ass can't possibly throw anything fun. And I'm single, soo... can't make any promises," she says shrugging mockingly.

"Chill on my brother," I say laughing. "That I'm single shit is always convenient until you get your feelings hurt," I say taking a sip of my champagne.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means don't get mad if you see a video or two of a big, stupid booty in my lap getting smacked with ones."

"Alright, let's be respectful next week."

"See," I say chuckling. "Everybody behave accordingly even if we are 'single'," I say using air quotes. I had a little something up my sleeve for this weekend, but she didn't need to know that.

"What's with the air quotes?" She asks doing them too to copy me.

"Nothing," I say grinning. "Yo, where the food at? I'm not a cow, so I don't wanna eat grass. Where's the meat?" I ask looking at the salad I've been pushing around with a fork for minutes now.

"See, this is why I didn't get you any gifts. You're ungrateful."

"Wait, you didn't get me any gifts? I went all out and I don't even like Valentine's Day. That was some expensive shit. I didn't at least get a damn box of chocolate?" I ask offended.

"I did get you gifts, but I'm not giving them to you. I'm mad. Maybe you'll get them this weekend."

"Wow! I should snatch that necklace off your neck like Rashad did New New in Atl.."

"But you won't," she says smiling cockily holding up her glass. "I guess we can toast to our first Valentine's day together."

I pick my glass up too. "I was picturing it a little differently. Less arguing and more sucking whip cream off nipples," I say honestly.

"You always have to ruin a cute moment. And who said we're not doing that? I'm mad, but I'm still going to get some dick. Fuck you thought?" She says smiling making me laugh because I wasn't expecting her to say that.

"Shit, toast to that then," I say as we tap glasses both laughing.

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