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- Chapter 35 -

I went from not even knowing a place like Montenegro even existed to being here sailing the Adriatic Sea on a yacht with Desdemona. We would only be here from Friday to Sunday, but it was needed. It was a great way to destress, but it was hard not to knowing what's about to go down back home. Tonight's the night we fall through with our plan to setup Chaos with the help of Miranda. I just wanted everything to go as planned. This was a good ass alibi if I needed one.

'I couldn't have done it. I was in Montenegro on a yacht that weekend.'

Despite weed being illegal here, I was able to become friends with someone on the beach the first night who hooked me up. It was either have no weed or smoke cigars the entire trip and that wasn't my thing. I sit close to the back of the yacht rolling a blunt. When I'm done I light it looking at the glittering blue water and clear skies just enjoying the view as the yacht moved across the sea. Montenegro was a hidden wonder with majestic mountains and breathtaking beaches making me ponder why I've never heard of it as someone who loves traveling. Desdemona made a good choice.

Right as I think that I hear footsteps. I blow out smoke and turn around to see Desdemona coming up from the bottom of the yacht as her sandals flip and flop. Seeing she has on a different outfit from the swimsuit she wore earlier I can only assume she changed after swimming. She was on her own with that diving off of the side of the boat into the water shit. Even with a life jacket I wasn't doing it. Ain't no telling what could've been in that water and my black ass can't swim like that.

"You really can't go a weekend without smoking?" She asks with a chuckle.

"Hm?" I say like a little kid who got caught doing something bad trying to hide the blunt.

"How'd you get that? I know you didn't get that passed customs," She asks picking at a fruit plate on the nearby table. When you fly private they don't check your bags unless you're flying internationally, which we did. Once we landed in Montenegro all our luggage had to be cleared through customs, so I wasn't taking the chance of traveling with an illegal substance.

"My good friend, Leon, at the beach yesterday," I say with a sneaky smile putting the blunt to my lips taking a puff blowing out happily. What's better than being on a yacht high? That's living your life to the fullest if you ask me.

"You drug users really just get it from people you don't know? They could be selling you anything or they could lace it," she says crawling across the couch that wraps around the table of the yacht. She stops at the very back spot getting on her knees and turning her back to me to look at the water.

I stretch my neck back in offense. "Drug users? Why you gotta say it like I'm doing crack, heroin, or some shit?" I ask slightly offended.

"The way you people can't go without smoking marijuana for one day you might as well be. I know they say you can't get addicted to it, but I think you can," She says looking over her shoulder.

"See, nah," I say shaking my head. "You people? You just need one puff of that good shit and you'll think different. Maybe it'll help you relax and chill. You're always stressin'."

"There's always something to stress about. Money, work, family, friends, men, dick, enemies, being killed," She lists throwing in the last ones giving me a stare with attitude.

"I told you I would handle it. Have you talked to your sister today?" I ask hoping to change the subject.

"Yeah, she was just complaining how my Dad wanted to hang out with her like it's a bad thing," she says slightly rolling her eyes. "But my brother came this weekend to see our Dad, so hopefully she'll feel better with him there. That's if she'll actually take the time to get to know him since he is our brother."

"I have a feeling holidays are interesting at your folks. I may be speaking too fast, but your family may be worse than mine," I say like I even believe that. I'm sure she's never pulled a gun on her sibling at Christmas dinner.

Desdemona immediately laughs. "I think our families are neck and neck, but on two different playing fields."

"Maybe," I say going back to smoking my blunt quietly vibing to the music looking at the view. Desdemona is quiet too sitting on the couch looking at the water as well. Gunna's mixtape Drip Season 3 plays. At some point I had to take over the music because Desdemona was about to put me to sleep with all that old ass R&B. It's cool sometimes, but not all the time.

"I like his music!" Desdemona announces happily before beginning to do some weird ass dance standing on the couch. I look at her in amusement. Even though she was off rhythm you couldn't even judge because she's adorable as hell. When she turns around twerking I shake my head at the monster Athena created. I was also getting a good show since she's gotten better...

"You're gonna twerk that ass right off the back of this boat if a strong wave comes," I joke.

"Ooh, let me stop," she says standing up straight. "I cannot swim without a life jacket while I'm playing this close to the edge."

"Dumb ass," I say playfully. You're definitely comfortable with someone when you start insulting someone without actually meaning it. "I'm not saving you either. Story has it she was twerking before she fell off of the boat to her death," I say using a news reporter voice.

"Boring ass!" She shoots back. "At least I died living my best life. What are you doing, paw paw?"

"Why do I feel like you're going to make it a thing to call me that now? I'm only acting old to keep up with you, Nanna," I joke back. Her mouth flies open in shock. "Yeah, don't try to roast. I'll dead ass end ya shit."

"Whatever," She says going hush sitting down. "Who's private jet was that we flew here on anyway? Was it just a chartered one."

"Naw, it's Apollo's." I get up putting the finished blunt in the ash tray on the table filled with food and drinks. I sit on the couch next to Desdemona grabbing my beer that's already opened taking a gulp.

"Apollo has a jet?" Desdemona asks as if it's impossible.

"Yeah," I answer shrugging.

"Private jets aren't cheap. I'm on the Forbes list and I don't even have one."

I lean into Desdemona whispering, "Drug dealers can't exactly be on the Forbes List."

Truthfully, Apollo only got a jet to transport drugs and guns without being bothered by TSA. When you fly domestically in a private jet they don't check your bags unless they have a reason to. You don't give them reason and it's easy to go state to state with a duffle bag full of military grade weapons and a suitcase with kilos of coke unnoticed.

Apollo's bank account held a hefty amount. He lives extravagantly and has nice things, but he's never one to go overboard. He's never been extremely flashy where he buys things he doesn't need. He also works very hard. 7 days a week, no breaks. That's why he expected all of my brothers to do the same thing. He doesn't understand vacations or off-days.

Rhea didn't even need to work, but it's a want for her. She felt useless and idle. It took a long time for Apollo to even give her the money to start her career as a fashion consultant. Honestly, I don't even know how much money Apollo makes. I know it's more than me and my brothers. He's always been secretive. Sometimes I wonder if some of that money could be split between all four of us, but it's Apollo's organization. He's like the CEO of the company.

"True," She says quickly understanding.

"Have you talked to Miranda today?" I ask about her.

"Nope, you need to talk to her?" I nod my head, so she hands me her phone. I put my thumb on the Touch ID unlocking her phone. I go to the most recent calls finding Miranda's number calling her. I put it on speaker sitting her phone on the table while it rings. It's 5p.m. here, so it's around 11a.m. in New York City.

She finally answer saying, "Yes, Des?"

"It's not Desdemona. It's me, Draco."

"Hi though," Desdemona says to her sister cheerfully.

"Hi. What's up?"

"I just wanted to make sure you're good for tonight? You got the email with all the information, right? Addresses, the code, all that?"

"Yeah, I have it."

"This is your last chance to change your mind. You sure?"

"I'm sure, Draco. I can handle this."

"Alright," I say nodding my head. "Be safe tonight. If Chaos tries to pull some funny shit before you get to the place–"

Miranda cuts me off saying, "I'ma pepper spray and tase his buff ass," with an attitude making me laugh.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later." She says okay then we hang up. I let out a heavy sigh as Desdemona scoots closer to me putting her legs over my knee.

"Miranda has always been able to handle herself. I've always wanted to be strong and feisty like her," Desdemona says looking at the water. She turns towards me smiling. "She'll be okay."

"Are you okay?" I ask genuinely concerned even if their were no signs I should be.

She shrugs. "I'm okay. Are you okay?"


"Then I'm more than okay," she says touching my face. Her thumb glides against my cheek as her eyes roam my face.

I knew when she looked at me like that she wanted to say something. I was expecting her to say something she's worried or stressed about. "What is it?" I ask.

"Tell me something about you I don't know." I wasn't expecting that. She moves her hand from my face propping her elbow on my shoulder.

"Uhhh," I say thinking on it. "I went to a high school for the arts. Brooklyn High School of the arts."

"Really? What was your major?" She says with this wide and bright smile that let me know she actually cared about finding out more.

"Visual Arts. Couldn't really sing or dance, but I could draw."

"I really wasn't thinking it was singing or dancing anyway. You complain after I listen to even two R&B songs. You don't dance. I've never seen you even tap your foot on beat–"

"Aiight, chill on me. But you've seen my sketches and you didn't even think I did them. I'm nice wit' a pencil and paper."

"Okay, maybe you are. I wouldn't know because you literally only showed me the first sketches of designs for your clothing line and that's it. Like, are you working on more sketches for the next season? So, is that why you have that sketchbook in your backpack all the time?"

I arch my eyebrows looking at her. She quickly realizes she told on herself. "You went through my backpack?"

"I, uh, remember when you asked me to get your laptop out of your backpack one day. It kinda fell open and the pages started flipping from the wind. They were good from what I saw before I closed it," she says clearly lying making me laugh. "No seriously, you can draw. Why didn't you finish school?"

"I dropped out," I say shrugging.

"I know that, but why?"

"I moved in with Apollo and thought I was grown because I didn't have my grandmother telling me what to do. Apollo wasn't asking about homework, grades, or making me go to school. I saw him and Glock making all this money and I wanted in. Started running the streets trying to prove myself worthy enough to run with them. Once I started making my own money I felt like I didn't need school and I dropped out. Never looked back."

"You sure about that?"

"About school? I don't need it. Damn sure not now since I have my investments and businesses. Everybody doesn't need school."

"Well, that attitude sucks," she says sarcastically smacking her lips. "That was kinda my gift to you for Valentine's Day." She reaches across the table grabbing her purse rummaging through it. She pulls out a bunch of junk sitting it on the table then pulls something out extending an envelope to me. I grab it from her then I look at her while opening it wondering what it is. I slide the card out of the envelope then open it making a piece of paper fall out.

"What's this?" I ask before beginning to read it.

"It's those business classes I was telling you about taking because it seems like you can't take the initiative to do it yourself. They're one on one with my business mentor. Then I thought what good are college level classes if you don't even have a high school diploma," she says snatching the paper from me as if she's snatching a dream from a little kid.

I sigh with a slight groan. "Why do I need a high school diploma? I've clearly been making money without one. Everyone doesn't need diplomas and degrees."

"Yes, but the accomplishment would be nice. Wouldn't it? You should always want to further your education if you can. They come in handy whether you think so or not. You could at least get your G.E.D. or something. People in the industry will try to pull the wool over your eyes when it comes to contracts, business deals, and money."

"That's what lawyers and accountants are for. That's what they went to school for, not me."

Desdemona laughs making me look at her wondering what's funny. "You may hire those people to do a job for you and they'll still do you dirty. They can go over it for you AFTER you read it yourself. You have to at least have a basic understanding of what's going on so people aren't ripping you off."

"I know you think I'm young and dumb–"

"I never said that," she says cutting me off shaking her head. "I don't think that at all. Maybe some of the people you'll come across in the industry will, but I don't. You're very smart. I realized that from the very beginning. Just because you're smart doesn't mean you can't become smarter. It's about bettering yourself."

I rub my chin hair thinking. "I'm not against it. I just don't have time. Not right now."

"When did you dropout? How many credits did you have left?"

"I dropped out my junior year."

"Then it probably won't take long. Or you can just study for the G.E.D. and take it when you're ready instead of trying to get your remaining credits for your diploma."

"I don't know," I drag out making her huff loudly in frustration.

"I'll make a deal with you... If you get your G.E.D. or high school diploma I will buy you any car you want. If you complete that and take the business classes I'll actually put the car in your name."

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "Any car? Any price?"

"There will be a budget, but any car you want within it."

"You know if you put the car in my name I get to keep it if we don't work out, right? No takesy backsy's," I say with a smile.

"First of all, I never expected your hard ass to be saying takesy backsy's. Secondly, I know that. My pockets are deep, so I'm not trippin'!"

"Okay, stunt on a young nigga!" I say about to pop her collar, but she doesn't have one because her shirt is off the shoulder. Instead I lightly pull the skin of her collar bone making her laugh.

"You have to actually do it though to get the car," she says pointing at me sternly.

"I'ma do it now. I've been eyeing a Ferrari or McLaren for my next car," I say rubbing my hands together. "Give me some time and I'll get it done," I say holding up the papers.

"Good!" She says smiling.

"You ready to open your gift?" I ask sitting the card and paper that was in it on the table.

"You already gave me my gifts on actual Valentine's day," she says looking confused. "Isn't this a gift?" she says motioning her hand towards everything around us referring to the yacht and vacation as a whole.

"I have one more. Great minds think alike because I have something for you that's in an envelope too," I say getting up going to my backpack. I dig through my Fendi backpack. I pull it out then hand her the envelope causing her to look at me perplexed as she grabs it.

"What's this?" She asks ripping the seal open then pulling out the packet of papers unfolding them. She looks at me still confused as she begins reading it. "Is this what I think it is?"

I nod my head. "I'm bumping you up from a common shareholder to a creditor of my clothing company."

"You don't need to do that. I don't need your money. That's taking away from money in your pocket. I have my own money. I'm not trying to be rude...but I make more money than you, so you need it more than me."

"Who says you make more money than me?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Is that an assumption?"

"Yeah. I mean you didn't have $3 million on hand to pay that man back. Remember when I wrote you that check?

"Remember when I ripped the check up? Because I didn't want to pay him back. I wanted to spend that money on something else...my dreams. Just like you, I have multiple sources of income."

"But why?" She says holding the papers up.

"Makes it easier for you to actually get money if the company ever dissolves. Your investment won't be a waste. It puts you higher on the food chain to get a percent of the money if I sale. You'll get paid back money before shareholders."

"I know all that, but like why? I didn't invest nearly enough money in the company to be considered a creditor. That mean invested hundreds of millions, I only invested some thousands. Even the newer investors you've gotten since the launch gave more money than me."

"You invested in my dream, so I'm ensuring you're good in the end. Plus, this means you'll get paid your percent of profits faster."

"I didn't invest because I thought I would get money out of it. I did it because I believed.." her voice gets faint. "I would actually feel more comfortable if I didn't get any money from your company and it went to you. Maybe it'll help you quit faster," she says lowly like the yachts captain can hear us.

"Me quitting has never been about the money. It's about tying up loose ends. What good is quitting if we still have enemies? Yeah, we want to stack up money, but it doesn't mean shit if people want to kill us. Are you taking the money or not?" I ask in an asserting manner.

"Yeah, I guess so," she says putting the papers on the table. She sits there quietly as if thinking then turns her head quickly towards me. "Why me?"

"Why you what?" I ask not really understanding fully.

"Why me? You know, we're just different. I'm in the industry, I'm an heiress, and I'm in my thirties. Even when I had a boyfriend you still pursued me when I'm sure you could go find some girl your age who you have more in common with. Let's not forget I have HIV. I'm boujie, pretentious, don't know all the slang or new artist, I'm–" she lists on and on.

"Are you done?" I ask cutting her off. "If we're doing that... Why me? I'm in the streets, I'm from a drug family, and I'm in my twenties. Even when you had a wack, bum ass boyfriend you were still messing with me when you could've been faithful. Let's not forget I'm kinda a street pharmacist. I'm hood, cold, Brooklyn down to my socks and don't give a fuck. So what's goodie? Why you here wit me?"

She laughs giving me an annoyed look. "I'm here because who would turn down a free vacation anywhere in the world after being flown on a private jet flight? I was actually planning on dropping you after Valentine's day."

"Yeah right, bird. Is that why you was begging for the dick last night? Seemed like you weren't goin' nowhere, Ma."

"I wasn't begging," she says making a disgusted face. "I asked humbly. Beggars can't be choosers, so you were the only dick I could choose last night. Like please, don't flatter yourself." I couldn't lie that was funny, so I laughed.

"Ohh, word. You're getting fast with the come backs."

"You know how I'm coming," she says brushing imaginary dirt off her shoulders. I give her a little brush too making her chuckle. We both smile as she rests her head on my shoulder. She holds onto my arm grabbing my hand as I kiss her forehead. "You probably think I don't want to do this. I'm always questioning it or seemingly changing my mind. Maybe I'm just scared that you're going to change your mind, so I say it before you can."

"I think if there's one thing for certain it's that I'm not going to change my mind. I've tried to force myself to and I couldn't. I'm kinda stuck.." I say honestly.

"Me too."

I think on if I should tell her then I just say, "Remember when you were supposed to breakup with Jacobi, but you didn't? Then we got into an argument after I saw you with him at one of your events?"

"The Shoesdazzle event?" She asks picking her head up off of my shoulder. I nod my head. "Yeah. Why?"

"I slept with Diamonté.. Saweetie that night," I say just putting it all out there.

"Okay. And?" I look at her confused.

"Wait. Huh?" I say scratching my head not expecting that reaction.

"Okay. And?" She repeats. "And that night Jacobi took me home and we kissed. I was in a whole relationship. What do I look like getting mad at my side nigga for screwing someone else. Kinda hypocritical."

"Okay. But you asked me if I've slept with her and I said no. I lied. I thought you would at least be mad about that."

"Nigga, I'm not dumb. A woman asks that type of stuff when they already know. Why'd your ass lie?"

"Instinct. I'm telling you because I don't want you to hear it from somewhere else first."

"Like who?"

"Maybe Saweetie, but mostly Paloma."

"Paloma? How would she know?" Des asks furrowing her eyebrows.

"Saweetie told her. Paloma tried to use that against me to get me to tell her who shot her and why. Said if I didn't tell her, she would tell you."

"Why wouldn't she just tell me regardless? She's my best friend and that's what she should do regardless."

"I don't know. You gotta ask her that. Yeah, she has a right to know who shot her and why. Her safety was compromised, but we don't need more people knowing what's going on. It would just lead her to ask questions that can't be answered without too much information."

"Are you still sleeping with Saweetie? I mean, I know we're both still single," Desdemona says in this high pitch voice letting me know if I say yes she might just snap on me. "You're not sleeping with her still, right?" She asks looking me dead in the eyes.

"No, it only happened once. Honestly I only fucked her because I was mad at you that night. Displaced anger and feelings, ya know?"

"Ouch, for her. Yay for me, I guess."

"About this whole single thing... I actually wanted to reevaluate that."

"Uhh, in what way? There's nothing less than single. Unless you're trying to be single single as in no me and you even smashing, but go be free single. That's not really an option right now, homeboy. I sacrificed too much to not at least be getting my back blown out by you."

"Calm down," I say chuckling. "I meant the other way. Like the next step after being single and dating someone. I'm talking exclusive, monogamous relationship. A committed relationship between two people."

"Between us?" She asks pointing between the two of us.

"Who else, Des?"

"I don't know. Anybody, BUT us. I like you my nigga, but I can't even do it right now. Not after the last relationship," she says honestly. "I thought we're taking it slowwww. I'm not rushing into another relationship after the last fiasco. Sorry, can't even do it, Chief," she says shaking her head.

"So, you want to act like we're in a relationship, but not be in one? And please, don't compare what we got going on to that bullshit you had with Ja-broke-boy aka Ja-jail-bird. It's been two months we made that decision."

"What is two months? I need like six months!"

"Six months? You dead ass? By then that'll be damn near a year of us crossing that line. By then I'm expecting raw sex and pregnancy scares!" I argue.

"What?! No! That's too fast. Less than a year maybe condomless sex if it's an accident, but I'm still on birth control so we're good on babies. No worries. Pregnancy scares? Woah, dude. Pump your breaks," by then I realize she's being sarcastic as she starts laughing. "Let's roll the argument back to logical thinking."

"How long does it take to know you want to be with someone?" I ask calmly. "You either know you do or you don't."

"What happened to building. The foundation has to be solid first."

I put my arm around her shoulder tightly moving us side to side. "See that...solid! We move, but we move together. Are foundation is good. Next."

"I have to think about it."

"What's there to think about?"

"This shit is scary," she says shaking her head. "This is not me. You know I like to think about everything and have a plan. Date, get to know each other, three months I tell my status then we can have sexual relations, 6 months meet my parents, a year or two move in together, from there start planning the future."

"And has that ever worked before?" I ask seriously. "If it did you would've been married to these people instead of here with me."

She sighs angrily. "You always have to be right. Say you want to be with me.."

"I want to be with you," I say with no hesitation. She lights up in smile getting giddy.

"Say it again!" She says bouncing over into my lap. I start to say it again and in the middle of me saying it her lips land on mine. She wraps her arm around my neck as I keep her deeper. When she pulls away from me I look at her. "I want to be with you, but I don't want to regret it."

"You won't. You just have to let things happen naturally. When you do, all the worries about bullshit fly out the window. All the stuff you were concerned about go M.I.A. You can't regret something you really want." She nods her head biting her lip leaning in kissing me again.

I was damn near fighting with her skirt trying to be sneaky and put my hand under it. She chuckles asking, "What are you doing? We're not on here alone. The captain. We have to go downstairs for all that."

"You can't even tell what I'm doing under this long ass Amish skirt," I say continuing what I'm doing. When my hand lands in between her legs she squeals.

"You have no chill."

"And you don't complain. You love it."

"I love you," she says for the first time really right before kissing me.

I walk into the Manhattan restaurant as my Balenciaga boots click against the pavement that's moist from light snow that fell earlier. I readjust my Chanel bag on my shoulder walking up to the front desk where the employee greets me. "I'm here to meet someone," I tell him looking at the clock on the wall seeing I'm five minutes late. I knew from the text Cassius sent me that he had already gotten us a table and was sitting waiting on me.

"Okay, you can go in and find him. Would you like to check in your coat?"

"Uh, sure," I say taking off my coat handing it to the man. He gives me a coat check ticket that I put in my purse. I walk into the restaurant looking around for Cassius.

It wasn't hard to spot him because he was the only black person in the entire place. He sits at a table for two people alone. When he sees me he smiles. I couldn't even smile back because I had a million emotions towards him. I'm mad, sad, hurt, and vengeful. A part of me wanted to turn around and leave the restaurant, but instead my feet continued towards him.

As I get closer Cassius stood up smiling. I hadn't seen him in almost a year, so he looked different. His hair was longer, his beard was too, and he's gotten even bigger with muscles. It felt weird because the last time I saw him I swore I never wanted to see him again. Would this really be the last time I'm seeing him?...Alive.

When he opens his arms for a hug I give him what he wants wrapping my arms around him. It was awkward on my end, but he seemed to be enjoying it by the deep sigh he took while his head was on my shoulder. We pull apart then he says, "You look good. I like the short cut."

"Thanks," I say giving a small smile running my hand through my hair. "You look good too," I compliment. He says thank you then pulls out the chair for me to sit down. After sitting I hang my purse off of the back of my chair as he sits across from me. A word couldn't even be exchanged because the waiter was coming to take my drink order. I order a glass of red wine beginning to look over the menu. I couldn't even look Cassius in the eye let alone hold a conversation with him.

"I know you're looking at the menu," Cassius starts making me look up from the menu at him. "I just wanted to say something before I miss the chance."

I arch my brow wondering what he wants to say. "Go ahead," I say giving him permission sitting my menu on the table to give him my full attention.

"I owe you an apology." Those words immediately make my brows raise up. "I want to apologize for the way I treated you. I was going through a lot. I lost that job in Los Angles because of my anger issues. My old co-worker was threatening to press charges for assault. I didn't know where I was going to get money because no accounting firms would hire me. Finally, I just had to suck up my pride and move back to New York working with my family. I felt like a failure because I have a degree yet I was doing bottom of the barrel work. I will admit I felt insecure about myself and my life. I didn't want to raise a child who couldn't look up to me. I could've handled things better than the way I did. I do care about you despite me treating you like nothing in the end."

I really wasn't expecting him to apologize tonight. Not with the attitude he had the last time I saw him because it seemed like he knew he was right. The sorrow in his eyes wanted me to forgive him and forget this whole entire thing.. Even the setup.

When my phone vibrates in my lap with a reminder that I should have him out of the restaurant and at the location by 9p.m. I come back to reality.

"Cash, I accept your apology," I say using his nickname only people close to him know about. I knew about people calling him Chaos in the streets, but I never felt comfortable calling him that. That wasn't the side I knew of him until I got pregnant and things went bad. "I think we both owe ourselves the chance to not be a baby mama and baby father to someone we were just sleeping with. We weren't in an exclusive relationship and it wasn't the right time to be bringing a child into our situation," I say doing a half smile as if I agree with my own statement.

He nods his head smiling probably because I accepted his apology. "We just got caught up. We were enjoying each other's company. We should've been more careful and taking the proper measures to protect ourself. I also should've manned up and owned up to my mistake by taking responsibility. We were good together, but I just couldn't commit. You were there for me during my darkest times, we had fun, the sex was good.." he says shaking his head and blowing out air as if remembering.

I wanted to roll my eyes at his bullshit, but didn't. "I can agree with that," I say fake chuckling. "I'm not gonna lie, that's the only reason I responded to your dm," I say to see if he'll take the bait.

"Really?" He asks as if surprised. He sits up in his chair fully as I nod my head.

"Honestly. The apology was nice and the effort for dinner is too, but I don't need all this. We're both grown. I just wanna have sex with no strings attached forreal this time. And no getting pregnant this time either. If you want we can leave right now and go back to my place," I suggest.

His eyes are wide in shock. "You don't want to eat first?" He asks to make sure.

"I ate before I came. Plus, I have other things I much rather swallow whole," I say using my flirty voice even though I was quite disgusted if I'm being honest. Cassius is so predictable. He'll jump at the offer of sex and I knew he would. Quite frankly I think he's a sex addict.

"We can leave," he says standing up as I do too.

"Do you have to pay for your drink?" I ask as he puts his hand on my lower back as we walk through the restaurant.

"It was just water." Once we get to the front I give the ticket to get my coat and Cassius helps me put it on like it'll help us leave faster. "Did you drive here?"

"No, I took a cab," I say as we step outside into the cold night air while we wait for valet to bring his car around.

Valet pulls up with a Tesla and Cassius says, "That's me." He opens the passenger door for me and I get in. He closes the door behind me and while he's walking around the car I text the number Draco gave me. Otw is all I send to the anonymous number. I didn't even know who was carrying through this plan because Draco is out of the country with my sister. I just know he's sending some people to do it for him.

"Your place?" Cassius asks as soon as he gets in the driver's seat.

"Yeah, it's in Chelsea. I can give you the address and you can put it in your phone's GPS." He nods his head unlocking his phone. I give him the address that's clearly not my place because I don't have my own place in New York. Draco said it's one of his brothers old condos that he doesn't live in anymore. Cassius puts the address in then we pull off.

I know once we get to the condo I have about 20 or 30 minutes before everything goes down. I was just trying to prepare myself. I definitely have to pull out a little of my acting skills that I acquired in my high school theatre class to make it believable, so Cassius doesn't suspect I'm in on it.

When we get to the place, I put the code into the gate of the building pushing through it. We go up to the condo that I unlocked using the key Draco gave me. I flick the lights on trying my best to act like I live here and know where everything is. "You can have a seat. Do you want anything to drink?" I ask him looking around the spotless condo that still has furniture.

"Sure. What do you have?" Cassius asks going to the living room sitting on the couch.

"Uhh," I say going straight for the kitchen. Why did I even offer? What do I have? I think to myself sitting my purse on the counter. I open the refrigerator seeing there's only one bottle of champagne, so I grab it. "Champagne," I say holding the bottle up.

"That's fine," Cassius responds. I go in the cabinet looking for glasses. The cabinets were pretty much empty until I found one with a couple of glasses. There were no champagne glasses, so I just grab the ones on hand. I pop the bottle then pour both of us a glass.

When I'm done I grab them. "Sorry, I don't have any champagne glasses. I just moved in," I lie. He looks at me as I walk towards him...

My nerves were starting to kick in and I was ready to get this over with. "It's okay," he replies as I hand the glass to him. He takes it immediately taking a swing of it. I take a sip out of mine as well standing over him. He swallows it all quickly then reaches over putting the empty glass on the mirrored coffee table. I watch his every movement as his hand travels up my thigh wearing black jeans landing on my butt.

"Let's go to the room." He nods his head standing up. I grab his hand leading him back to the bedroom. I turn the light on looking at the king size bed in the middle of the room. While I'm finishing off the mat of my drink Cassius takes it upon himself to sit on the bed. I sit the empty cup on the nightstand turning back to Cassius who's looking at me like a rare steak. I felt dirty under his stare, but I would just have to suck it up. I would have to sacrifice my body for a split second, but I could live with that.

I lean in kissing him while at the same time wondering how long it's going to take for them to get here. I pull away from him saying, "I'm going to change into something else." Before he can say anything, I go into the bathroom connected to the room locking the door. I sit on the edge of the bathtub texting the same number from earlier. I simply send one emoji to let them know they have the green light to come.

I get up sitting my phone on the sink counter seeing the lingerie outfit I told Draco to buy and leave here. It's neatly folded on the sink counter, so I quickly strip out of my outfit leaving it on the floor changing into it. I come out of the bathroom making Cassius immediately look towards me. "Damn," He says lowly eyeing me down.

"Lay back. Get comfortable. You know how I like to do it," I say walking to the nightstand. I grab a lighter lighting the candle sitting on the nightstand as Cassius takes off his boots with no hesitation. I light a couple more then go across the room turning the lights off and shutting the bedroom door, but not locking it.

I go over to the bed climbing on straddling his lap. As we start kissing I pull his sweater over his head throwing to the side making it land on the floor going back to kissing him. I pull away from him reaching over to the nightstand. I open the drawer seeing exactly what I'm looking for. I told Draco to leave something that I can use to tie Cassius up to make sure he can't leave before they get here.

I grab the two pairs of handcuffs dangling them in front of Cassius's face making him smirk a little. "You had this all planned out. You weren't playing when you said you only replied to my dm for one reason."

"Not at all," I say lifting one of his muscular arms up. I handcuff one to his wrist and the other to the headboard of the bed frame. I do the same to the other arm as well. I go right back to kissing him as he's constrained. I wasn't doing anything more than kissing him, so they need to hurry up.

Finally I hear some noises from out in the living room, but I pretend I don't hear anything. "What was that?" Cassius asks pulling away from me trying to look around me.

"I don't know. Probably something outside or the neighbors," I say turning his face back towards mine kissing him again.

"You don't hear that shit?" He says pulling away from me again.

"You're being paranoid. Relaxxxx," I drag out moving down his body kissing down his body.

"Yo, who is that?" Cassius says making me jump slightly as if I didn't know what was about to happen. I look over my shoulder seeing masked men in all black with guns rushing into the room. I knew this was going to happen, but I didn't know what to do. I was like a dear in headlights stuck in fear like this was real. Before I can react one of the men is snatching me off of the bed dragging me to the wooden floor. I scream as the unknown man looks me in the eyes giving me a knowing look.

"Y'all on some kinky shit," one of the men jokes while laughing with a deep voice I didn't recognize. It wasn't like I would recognize any of their voices because I didn't meet or know any of the men. He stood about 5'9" and I could tell he was light-skin from the little bit of skin I could see around his eyes because of the holes in the mask.

"Yo, what the fuck is this?!" Cassius yells yanking his arms that are still handcuffed above his head.

"What it look like? A robbery. Masks, guns, all black. Duhhh!" The same man says laughing once more as Cassius is still trying to break the handcuffs off of his wrist, but it's no use.

"I don't have anything. I just moved in," I lie. "Take what you want. Just don't hurt us," I plead forcing tears out of my eyes.

"Aww, that's cute," the man says approaching me patting my face with his hand that's covered in a black glove. "You may not have shit, but I'm sure ya man does." He walks away from stepping towards Cassius on the bed. "Chaos, what you got?"

Cassius' eyes immediately read a different look at the man using his street name. "I don't have shit for you," Cassius says through gritted teeth before spitting in that same guys direction.

"The disrespect! See, I was gonna kill you anyway now I'ma make sure people can't even open your casket or look at your body without wanting to throw up," the man says before punching Cassius in the face multiple times making me jump and scream.

"Take her ass to the bathroom," another one of the men says to the one who grips my arm tightly. Of course I immediately put on a show screaming no and trying to fight back. "Shut her ass up," the dude adds.

The guy holding my arm looks in my eyes then nods his head. He motions for me to breathe in, so I take a deep breath bracing myself. Before I know it he's hitting me in the face with the end of his gun. No deep breath could even make me prepared for that as my head flies to the side from the impact. I can hear Cassius yelling, but everything around me became muffled and blurry as my body is dragged across the floor. I can hear the door close right before I completely black out.

My eyes slowly flutter open as everything around me is blurry. Even the sound is faint and indistinctive as I feel the motion that I'm moving. Finally the sound becomes clear becoming familiar to me. It's a song. Recognizing the beat it dawns on me it's a Nipsey Hussle song from his new album. It hasn't been out long, but I knew it from DJ'ing parties.

I sit up fully as pain settles into my face. The last thing I remember is someone pistol whipping me, being taken to the bathroom, then I blacked out and that was it. I didn't even know what happened to Cassius after that or what they did to him.

I look around realizing I'm in a moving car... A fast moving car on the highway. I look from the windows as trees continuously pass by then look towards the driver seat to see a man...

"Who are you?" I ask looking at the man I didn't recognize.

"Draco's older brother, A.P." He doesn't take his eyes off of the road to even look at me when saying it. I lean up a little trying to see his face. Draco told me about him, but that wasn't the name he told me. He told me his brother's name is Apollo not the nickname he just told me.

"Okay, well, I'm–" I start, but don't get to finish.

He cuts me off finishing it for me. "Miranda. Desdemona's sister, I know."

"Okay," I say sitting back.

"I hope you're not mad about that. I know you model or something," he says pointing to my face.

I pull the visor mirror down looking at my face. My eye is swollen, there's stitches on my cheek, and my lip is busted. "You took me to the hospital?" I ask pointing at my face.

"No, I know someone. It was busted open and wouldn't stop bleeding, so he did stitches. We gotta get you something to cover that up when we get where we're going," he says still with his eyes fixed on the road. He clearly was on a mission. That or he's not one for eye contact.

"Where are we going?" I ask looking out of the window again.

"You're going to Connecticut. I have a property out there and you're going to be staying there for awhile. I know for a fact Chaos' people aren't going to call the police and report him missing, but you'll be the last person seen with him. If he's missing, you need to be missing for awhile too. Can't have you out in NYC vulnerable for some shit to happen to you."

"Okay.." I understood that. "Where's my phone?" I ask making him point at it sitting in the cup holder.

"It's off. I advice you not to turn it on or use it. Your location can be tracked from the cell towers. There will be a landline at the house. Only use that if you absolutely need to. Don't leave the house unless you have to. If you do try to change your appearance a little. Wear a wig and a hat or something, baggy clothes too."

"Got it," I breathe out deciding just to leave my phone where it's at since I can't use it.

It's quiet except the music as I go back to looking out the window. Draco's brother finally speaks again making me look at him, "I hope you know there's no turning back. Chaos ain't walking out of wherever he is alive. You know that right?"

"I know," I say coldly. For the first time he turns towards me allowing me to see his face. I observe his face tattoos and spotty beard. He holds a stare with me as I try not to be intimidated by his dark eyes and serious facial expression.

I could tell he was reading me to see if I really know. "Aiight," He says looking back at the road. "You're tied to us now. If we somehow get caught by the police, which we won't, you better hold that shit down. I know you don't have loyalty to us, but the worse thing you can do is snitch to save your ass. It ain't nothing to kill you too," He says casually making my heart drop a little.

"I wouldn't snitch," I say confidently pushing buttons to adjust my seat leaning it back more.

When Apollo starts laughing obnoxiously I look at him sideways wondering what's so funny. "Y'all little suburban, rich girls kill me. You get ass implants, date a couple rappers, and fuck with some hood niggas then you think you're built for this shit. This is the real shit, not the bullshit you hear in the rap songs." He looks at me with his eyebrows contorted more serious than earlier, which I didn't even know was possible.

"If you didn't trust me, why did you tell Draco it was fine? You could've easily said no because you don't know me from anywhere. Just like you, my father came up from the bottom. Yeah, I was raised a certain way in a certain environment, but that doesn't mean I'm clueless. At some point I had to go out on my own and I've seen some shit. I wanted Cassius dead just as much as you guys, so I'll take responsibility for my part if we get caught. I'm hoping you guys make sure that doesn't happen."

He licks over his lips because they need moisture then cracks a smile. "Aiight, you don't have to buck up on me. I already see you have more of a backbone than Desdemona. You're different from her."

"That's because she lives in her protected bubble. She chooses not to expose herself to certain things. She won't even go to the hood to get a taco. She's always been like that, but more so when she got in the industry. She thinks it'll make people forget about her being a video vixen, an urban model, or having a gossip blog. She's not as boujie as she comes off. You just have to get to know her."

"I'm good on that," he says with no hesitation. "She's judgmental."

"Noo," I say shaking my head about to defend my sister. "She's not judging people with different lifestyles as hers. She just wants to figure out why. She thinks there's a deeper reason for everything. I always told her she should've been a therapist or some shit," I say chuckling.

"Then her and Draco belong together. That nigga always wanna talk about feelings," he says looking back at the road.

I look at him observing his behavior and body language. "You married?" The question probably seemed out of the blue.

"Why you ask that?" He says instead of yes or no. I look at the road seeing he's exiting off of the highway.

"You carry yourself like a married man or at least one in committed relationship."

"How so?" He asks. He was seemingly trying to take the attention off of answering the question.

"You won't hold eye contact and if you do, not for long. You're not overly friendly." I look at his left hand that's on the steering wheel that says Land Rover. "No ring, but there's a letter tattooed on it."

"I'm married, but why's that your business?" He says sternly.

"Just asking. I don't want you or nothing. I just think it's nice to see a man who's not overly friendly. Women don't like a friendly ass nigga."

"Yeah, well my wife's crazy. I like my life," he sounds serious, but I chuckle. "Just so you know this car ride is being recorded, so I can't be accused of anything whether that's cheating or sexual assault."

"Wait, are you serious?" I ask looking around the car. He points at a camera on the dashboard dumbfounding me. "Uh, okay." I didn't know what else to say as the car got quiet again.

"So, what did Chaos do to you? Nothing like a woman scorn, but you're not fucking around."

"Cassius and I dated for about a year almost two years ago now. I played the fool many times because it was obvious he wasn't going to commit, but I continued to mess around with him. I ended up getting pregnant. I'm grown, I was ready to take responsibility. He wasn't. He wanted me to get an abortion. He said if I didn't he wouldn't be around and I would be a single mother, so I went through with it. I never got over the way he treated me. Call me bitter," I explain.

"Damn. Naw, that's fucked up. I can't stand when niggas can't step up and be a father. If you're having sex you need to be prepared for potentially having children. Only a weak ass nigga can live with their self doing shit like that," Apollo says passionately.

"You got kids?" He looks at me not answering, but his face told me yes. He probably didn't think it was my business or didn't trust me with that information. "How many?" I push just hoping he doesn't curse me out and tell me to mind my business.

There's a long pause then he says, "Two...one. One's mine, other is my wife's child. He's still mine though. Never once thought about getting rid of my child or not treating hers like mine. That's my blood, my future. I could give a fuck about anything as long as they're good."

I could feel my heart smiling. "It's great when a man is a good father. We need more of those. Money isn't enough. Kids need love, care, attention, and encouragement. Something I wish my father gave me," the last part slips out, but I don't really care.

"Now it makes sense.."


"You and your sisters have daddy issues. That's prolly why Desdemona is fucking with my brother in the first place. That's the only plausible reason why she would involve herself with someone like him knowingly. Growing up rich and fortunate don't mean shit, I guess."

"I wouldn't say we have daddy issues.."

"Are you a Daddy's girl? Are you close to your father?"

"N-No, but–"

"Then you have daddy issues. Ya father all in the news for cheating on your Moms and having a kid on her. Hid the kid for more than a decade too. That means he's been cheating and I'm sure y'all saw that while growing up. Ain't my business, but Desmond Garnet doesn't seem like a good person. I know him." I couldn't even argue because I, myself don't even like my father.

"What do you mean you know him? Like, you know of him?"

"No, I know him." Before I can ask how he's saying, "We're here." I look to see we're pulling up in the driveway of a one-story house. That was fast, but then again Connecticut is only a few hour drive from New York. The car stops then he puts it in park wasting no time getting out, so I do too making sure to grab my phone.

I walk behind him waiting for him to unlock the door. He finally does pushing the door open going as I follow. The house smelled of musk and dust as it's deathly quiet. When he turns the light on the dust smell makes since because everything is covered in it. All the big furniture pieces are covered in tarps to protect them also.

"This house clearly isn't lived in," I say walking deeper into the front room.

"I've been meaning to put up for sale or make it a rental house." Apollo starts walking, so I follow him. He goes into what looks to be the master bedroom. I was glad this room wasn't dusty. "You can sleep in here."

"What about clothes?"

"There's clothes in the drawers and closest. My wife's a little thicker than you, but it should be fine. You'll just be in the house." He leaves the bedroom and I follow behind him again where he goes into the kitchen. "Here's the house phone," he says pointing at it on the wall. "I'll have your sister calling to check on you."

"How long am I going to have to stay here?"

"Maybe 2 weeks. It depends on how this week goes and how crazy it gets. Is that okay?"

I could spend those two weeks working and making money, but I made the choice to involve myself in this. "I guess I'll just use this time to catch up on some Netflix and Hulu shows. There's WiFi, right?"

"Yeah, do that. Just don't get on social media. There's food in the refrigerator and pantry. When you run out of food let somebody know, so we can order you groceries." I nod my head in understanding. "As far as anybody knows you're M.I.A. No one knows where you are. You'll be safe here." He gives me a reassuring look. I didn't know about being here completely by myself though. I nod my head again then he leaves out the front door. I lock the door behind him sighing.

Desdemona & Draco in a relationship? Chaos done? Comment / vote4️⃣❤️

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