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- Chapter 64 -
Trust No One

Sitting in the backseat of a chauffeur driven car, I stare at the Manhattan courthouse across the street as the driver comes to a stop. Today's the first court date in Draco's second degree murder case with an enhancement for killing a member of law enforcement.

They wanted the trial to start as soon as possible. They need to get through the murder trials for Draco and Glock before they proceed with the Kingpin statute trial. Instead of taking a deal, he plead not guilty at his arraignment and decided to go to trial to fight this, especially since they clearly set him up.

Today's the Preliminary Hearing where the prosecutor presents witnesses to convince the Judge that there's probable cause to believe that a crime was committed and that the Draco committed the crime. Today the victims, which are also police witnesses, will testify. Draco's side can also cross examine the witnesses and can present their own evidence.

If the Judge decides that there's not probable cause Draco committed the crime, the charges can be dismissed or reduced to a misdemeanor for trial in court. If he's bound over then he goes to trial. This case is pivotal because if he's found guilty he faces life in prison with a minimum of 15-25 years. But also, if he's found guilty that means he'll automatically be sentenced to death in the Kingpin case.

The driver opens the door and I grab my Prada purse stepping out. I can see the media with their cameras ready to go. With a bodyguard by my side, I cross the street into the frantic people gathered wanting to get pictures for the notorious De Carlo crime family case that's been a focus in the news.

The story's too good not to be interested. There's Draco Lindo–This entrepreneur that was seemingly set to take over the fashion and music industry with his clothing lines and record label. Then add him recently marrying me, Desdemona Garnet, the millionaire entrepreneur and heiress who helped him start this business venture. People want to see how this'll end.

When I cross the street my security pushes through the crowd making a path for me to enter the courthouse. The first person I encounter is one of Draco's attorneys who I greet.

"Let me update you on some things," she starts as we walk. Our heels click against the marble floors as the lawyer informs me, "Apollo has officially severed his case meaning he's no longer a co-defendant with Draco and Glock. He did this because he doesn't have a murder charge and they do."

I shake my head thinking about him getting out on bail. "He wants to make himself look better."

"His lawyer's trying to do whatever he feels is in the best interest of his client."

"So you don't think that's shady?"

"It might look shady to his family, but it proved to be a tactic that worked. He was finally able to get bail and now he's out. I don't think he did it because he plans on flipping on his brothers. If we can get Draco's murder charge thrown out today, we can ask for bail again and look forward to it actually being approved. Apollo was in county jail the longest just waiting," she explains.

"Any other updates? Did you get the discovery for the Kingpin case yet?"

"I did and you asked me about someone named Paloma Ford. Well, looks like she'll indeed be a witness they put on the stand."

I immediately roll my eyes. "Witness to what?" She didn't see or know anything nor was she around when anything wrong was done. At least I think she wasn't...

"Apparently she had some conversations with Apollo that can be used. Also, things she saw while being signed to Draco's label including the night she was shot." I sigh because she just couldn't let this go. "Additionally, someone in their crew is testifying. He's a high ranking member and everything. He goes by Haze. Does that name sound familiar?"

I stick my bottom lip out trying to think. I feel like Draco has mentioned him before, but I never personally met him. "I don't think so," I respond when it doesn't ring a bell.

"All I know is if he's on the stand it won't be good because they're claiming he worked close with all the brothers. He might be giving his testimony in exchange for some sort of plea deal. Maybe it's a good thing you don't know that name. Shows how little you were involved."

As we walk I look over doing a double take seeing my ex, Tru...

When he looks up seeing me, he smiles before waving. I knew he would be here today considering he was one of the people involved in the shooting. I know it was his idea to set up Draco. After he got taken off the case and fired he vowed he'd still get the De Carlo's.

A woman helps him put on a black suit jacket as I roll my eyes keeping it moving. He's most likely going to be a witness. Knowing Tru, he'll be lying his ass off like he always does. I always said he's the perfect lawyer because he's willing to lie to anyone's face if it means winning and he's willing to play dirty.

I only make it a few more steps before I hear, "Desdemona." It's a familiar deep voice coming from behind me. Me, the lawyer, and security stop to look seeing my father coming our way. I narrow my eyes as he stops in front of me pulling me into a hug.

I squint my eyes because I've been a bit suspicious of him since Apollo got out. I never asked him or told him about Draco's court date for him to be here. "What are you doing here?"

"Thought you would need some support," he smiles. He probably wants to see what's going to be said and what's going to happen.

"Thanks," I drag out skeptically.

"Let's go," Draco's lawyer urges us to keep going.

When we get to the courtroom, my father and I sit ready for this to begin. Not too long later Draco's being brought into the courtroom wearing a suit with his hands cuffed. He looks towards me shooting me a smile and I give him one back. It quickly fades when he sees my father sitting next to him. Draco has never trusted my father and clearly his visit to the jail didn't help.

As I sit watching the court hearing proceed I quietly yawn covering my mouth. They've been presenting evidence and calling witnesses for the last hour or so.

Like I thought as soon as Tru and the other officer hit the stand it was nothing but lies. I didn't even have to be there to know how they're saying it happened isn't the truth.

"Call your witness," the judge says to Draco's side.

"We call Draco Lindo." I immediately sit up straight and look around. Draco didn't tell me anything about going on the stand himself. I thought they would let the evidence speak for itself. It's so easy to get caught up and things get misconstrued the way attorneys drill you on that hot seat.

My heartbeat's fast as anxiety kicks in. I guess my father can sense it by the way I tap my foot watching Draco rise from the seat approaching the bench. As he sits on the stand swearing on the Bible, my father puts his hand on my knee to stop it from going.

"It's okay," he whispers. "Draco's smart," he assures me as I sit back.

Draco has a focused look as one of his attorneys approaches beginning. "On the day the shooting occurred, where were you coming from?"

"The cemetery. My brother had recently passed away, so I went to visit his grave along with other family members. When I left from there I felt like a car was following me."

"Was the vehicle a police car? Did it have any markings or lights to indicate it was a law enforcement vehicle?"

"No, it was a regular car."

"Do you remember what kind of car?"

"A black Dodge Charger Hellcat. It had tinted windows too," he recalls. "They were following me for a few blocks, so I got paranoid. I was trying to lose them and they began chasing me."

"May I ask why you would be paranoid?"

"I thought someone may be trying to assassinate me. To finish the job... I had been shot a couple weeks prior to that day. My brother was killed also. I had really bad PTSD from that," he says playing up the sympathy in his voice.

"Continuing, they're chasing you now. What happens next?"

"They roll the window down and begin shooting at my car."

"You didn't shoot at them first?"

"No, I just wanted to get away from them. Hopefully lose them. I didn't start shooting back until they shot first. I was trying to save my own life," Draco explains putting slight fear in his voice. One thing Draco knows how to do is make himself look like the victim.

"Did you try and call the police?"

There's a few second of silence. "No, but I was trying to drive and avoid hitting any other cars. Until you're in that situation you don't know what you'd do. Calling 911 was the last thing on my mind," Draco shakes his head. "They were ramming into the back of my car and everything."

"What happened next?"

"I turned down a street where eventually another car was blocking it off."

"What'd you do? Did you stop?"

"No, I drove right into the car having a head-on collision. There was the one blocking the way and one behind me shooting. I thought it was the best option because these people were clearly setting me up. It bought me some time."

"Now there's two cars. What happens after that?"

"Two people get out of that Dodge Charger and one man comes from the car I ran into. I get out of my car and I immediately begin shooting, while taking cover behind my car. A shoot-out begins with a crossfire of bullets."

"Did you get a good look at the men?"

"Yes. They were dressed in plain clothes with bullet proof vests clearly prepared. Nothing to indicate they're law enforcement nor did they ever announce that to me. They never stated who they were or that I'm under arrest. Only shooting. I did think for a split second they were law enforcement by the stances they were shooting in."

"Did you stop shooting?"

"Yes, I took off running through the woods nearby towards my then girlfriend's house."

"At any point did you ever call the police?"

"No. I'm going to be honest, I have a mistrust with the police because of where I'm from. I didn't think the police would believe me if I said some random car was chasing and shooting at me. I think my mistrust of the police is justified considering what happened that day. They tried to kill me."

"At what point were you made aware that the three people involved in the shooting were law enforcement? Were you told that one passed away and one was injured?"

"Yes, maybe 5 months later. I had left the country and my lawyer called me to let me know."

"Do any of these men look familiar?" The attorney holds up a board with three pictures on them. Each picture has a name and height description under them. The first one Draco points at is a picture of Tru Slator.

"Yes, him."

"This man," he points at the board then at Tru sitting in the court room. "That's the same man from that day?" Draco looks at Tru who sits in the audience because he was on the stand as a witness earlier. I look at him too as he wears a cocky smirk.

"Yes. Tru Slator was there that day."

"Do you know Tru Slator personally?"

"On several occasions he's been around me where he wasn't in official capacity... Where he was off duty. He was able to do so because he's my wife's ex-fiancé."

"Interesting. And when would you say was the first time he was around?"

"January. He showed to a party I threw for my then girlfriend uninvited. Then when my now wife was in jail he started coming around more heavily, but at the time I wasn't really speaking to her. Obviously, we got back together. He's been out to get me because he wants her back. That's why he started this whole Kingpin case on my family in the first place."

"What makes you believe that?"

"It's all his own agenda. When he got thrown off my brother's case and fired for his unethical behavior of knowingly infecting her with a sexually transmitted disease he threatened my wife. He said he'll get the rest of my family arrested as pay back along with my brother and he did."

"What?! I never threatened anyone!" Tru erupts while standing

The judge bangs the gavel. "Sit or you'll be removed. You know we don't tolerate outbursts in my courtroom. Continue..." I can see my father smiling as if amused by all this. I will say it's well played on Draco's part.

"Thank you, your honor," Draco says snidely looking at Tru sit down angrily. "Since he's no longer on the case he had to find any option to get me caught up even if it's illegal. He has a history of being unethical and isn't an honest person. So much so, he was willing to go as far as entrapment."

"Is this true, Mr. Slator?" The judge asks with narrowed eyes.

Tru couldn't even lie. Between the video evidence from traffic camera footage showing someone was clearly following Draco and now his testimony, it's obvious. His head falls then he rolls his neck admitting, "Yes." He pauses then starts, "But he still had an illegal firearm that day!"

"I don't care. You realize another member of law enforcement was killed because of this?! This whole case is based on the fact one of the victims was an investigator who was engaged in his official duties at the time of the killing and the defendant knew that the intended victim was such an officer. This was all a lie and you no longer have a case."

"I think that means the case should be dismissed," Draco's attorney speaks up.

"More than dismissed. This is grounds for permanent disbarment for both investigators involved, especially Slator. You could go to jail because this is completely unethical. Today I hereby rule this case dismissed in exchange for Draco Lindo's testimony in any hearings against the involved law enforcement."

The smile on Draco's face immediately fades. "Testimony?"

"Yes, we'll need absolute cooperation. They broke the law and you're a witness. If you don't testify you can be tried for carrying and using an illegal firearm. I think that's a good deal," the judge explains. "Do you want it or not?"

All eyes are on Draco. "I'll take it," he sighs.

"I would say you're free to go, but you're still on trial for another case. You'll be returned to Metropolitan Correctional Center," the judge is about to bang the gavel, but his attorney speaks up.

"Now that he's free from the murder charge can we at least negotiate a bail for the kingpin case? We already put together a bail package for $3 million. The same one given to his brother, Apollo De Carlo, that was approved."

"I'll look over it. We'll schedule a bail hearing a few days from now. If he can pay it he'll be set free until his next trial. Until then he'll be returned back to his cell. We're done here," the man gets up from his bench leaving.

At least that's more hopeful, I think to myself. I take a sigh of relief watching them cuff Draco once again and take him off.

As we're walking out it's silence between me and my father until he says, "I guess Draco didn't need my help after all. I knew that boy's smart. He beat a murder against the laws. Usually, they'd try to cover it up and give a Black man the book."

"Well, he didn't do it. That helped."

"I can feel my father's eyes on me as we wait on the elevator. I finally look over as he asks, "Are you happy?"

I breathe out air looking at how many floors we have left until the elevator gets here. "Do I look happy? My brand new ass husband is in jail facing anywhere between a couple years to life or even death. He might've gotten his ex pregnant and it's constant drama."

"Wait, who's pregnant?" My father asks in confusion. Me saying that slipped out anyway.

"The girl Draco was dating when we broke up while I had my case." I run my tongue against the inside of my cheek trying not to let my true feelings come out.

"I told you marrying him was a mistake," my father can't help but say it as we step onto the elevator. I roll my eyes. "Hood niggas have never been any good. You have better choices in more high-quality men," he pushes the lobby floor button.

"It's not like I had the greatest example of a man," I grumble looking at the ceiling that has a mirror on it. I lean against the rail saying, "I think I want to get my marriage from Draco annulled after all..."

My father looks at me shocked. "What made you change your mind? This other woman being pregnant?"

"He might have a baby on the way with his ex-girlfriend. That's a little much for me. Him being in jail was one thing, but that's a bit much."

"I'll call up my divorce lawyer and see what they can do for you." You can hear the happiness in his voice.

I shake my head looking at him. "I think it's funny how you say one thing then do another. Something's not adding up with you..."

"What're you talking about?" He asks confused.

"You want to help the De Carlo's then want them to suffer because of A'rmon. You act like you don't like them, but your actions don't match. I don't want to leave Draco, but I'm sure you'd like that. Yet you visit Draco in jail once again trying to help him," I furrow my eyebrows. "Remember how you admitted to Draco you got his store shut down by police and Apollo arrested?" He nods. "You said it was to flex your power, show Ar'mon to back down.. When are you going to stand down? I think you've proved your point."

"Who said I didn't back off. Is Draco's store not back open?"

I laugh under my breath. "Apollo's out on bail, but he still has the open case. Because he got arrested, Glock and Draco got arrested too. You can't talk to someone to get this case dropped? Pay them, tell them shut it down, something. So they can all go home to their wives and kids."

Desmond licks over his teeth stuffing his hands into his pockets. Apprehensively he says, "It's a process, sweetheart."

My eyebrows raise. "Process? Is that process starting with you bailing Apollo and Casanova out?"

Desmond smiles. He knew I'm smart enough to figure it out. It's like he plays a game of leaving breadcrumbs so I can catch the clues. Like he's testing everybody, including me. "Draco will be home soon. Don't worry."

"Why are you really doing this?"

"Ar'mon thinks he has everyone where he wants them, but I'ma show him I got him by the balls."

"No," I wag my finger trying to figure it out. "There's more. There's something you're not telling me. You're still hiding something, Dad. Tell me now," I almost demand.

My father looks at the mirror on the ceiling before lowering his head. His mouth frowns downwards then he looks straight at me saying, "I'm a criminal informant."

In my Fort Lee, New Jersey home it feels good to wake up when I want to, eat when I want to, and just do what I want to... Almost what I want to considering apart of my release conditions include wearing an ankle monitor. As long as I'm home, I'll wear a cape if they want me to.

After showering and changing clothes I sit on my bed checking my phone. Seeing the text confirming for tonight I grab my shoes. I scoot my sweatpants up some along with my ankle monitor before putting on a pair of Jordan 1's.

Once they're on I grab my phone leaving the master bedroom heading downstairs. Most of the house is packed up because while in county jail, Rhea and I made the decision to sell it. With them confiscated a lot of my finances and the expensive lawyer fees, it's what's best. I have money hidden in offshore bank accounts, but it's for emergencies. If it wasn't for someone else paying my bail I might still be in jail.

I look at my watch seeing how much time I have left before my curfew. I have three hours to be out then back home. That's more than enough time to do what I need...

I enter the kitchen where Rhea's cooking with the help of Ravi and Sól. I stand in the doorway a second before smiling. I was really away from this for more than half a year. Even though I'm happy to be back I have to face reality and remember there's a possibility I can still be going away. Trying to prepare the kids is the hardest thought.

Porsha's letting me see Sól while I'm out, but the ball is still in her court. I spent so much time keeping her away from her mother only to now be in the same position of her calling the shots. I'm now realizing I projected all the anger I had for my own mother onto Porsha.

Seeing me walk in they all turn to look at me before smiling. "Whatchu making?" I ask coming up behind Rhea putting my hands on either side of her large belly. It's almost time for her to pop, so I'm glad I was released and can be there.

"Homemade pizza. You going somewhere?" Rhea asks.

"Yeah, I'll be back later," I kiss her cheek taking a step back. Sól extends a fruit snack towards me so I eat it before kissing her and Ravi's cheeks.

"Make sure you're back before you're curfew," Rhea reminds me.

"I gotchu," I say grabbing my keys already making my exit. Once in my car I put in the address sent to me through a text then leave.

When I get to the location in Manhattan, I sit outside of the building waiting for the person to come. Seeing her coming out I already unlock the passenger door. When she gets into the car I look over saying, "Wassup, Paloma."

A smile comes over her face and with excitement she replies, "Apollo!" Reaching over the middle console she hugs me before sitting back and putting on her seatbelt.

I probably haven't seen Paloma since we hung out in Miami. After Rhea found out and let me have it then threatened her, I stayed my ass away. When I texted her to hang I was surprised she agreed. Not after I heard the way she was a witness in Desdemona's case all on the stand mentioning Draco any chance she could.

"I haven't seen you in forever. I wanted to write or call you when I found out you were in jail, but I had no one to get me the contact information. How are you?"

"I'm straight. I'm only out on bail, but it's better than being locked up, right?"

"I'm sure it is," she gives a short smile.

I pull off driving to an empty area that's secluded. I park the car keeping the engine running as music plays lowly. After finishing rolling up a blunt, Paloma sparks it taking the first puff.

We talk and smoke in the area that's pretty dark. Only the headlights of the car light it up. I look around as if someone could be watching us due to paranoia. I'm right. Someone is watching us...

"I can't believe you and Desdemona not friends anymore," I blow out smoke shaking my heads acting like I care about what she's been catching me up on.

"Well, that bitch chose a nigga over me. She hasn't been the same since she met Draco. She'll probably come crawling back to me when he ends up in jail," she rants. She looks over at me realizing who she's talking to since he's my brother. "Sorry."

"You good. My brother and I got our own issues. You're right. He's changed since he met Desdemona too."

"After everything her and I went through together. We know each other's deepest, darkest secrets and she threw it away for a twenty-something-year-old dude who's gotten her into so much bullshit."

"Now they're married," I add to the conversation.

"Crazy. I saw that shit on the blogs."

"Crazy? It's more stupid than anything," I say handing her the blunt.

Hearing a loud thud Paloma jumps and I stare forward. Seeing someone in all black wearing a ski mask they bang on the hood of my car again before pointing a gun at us. My first instinct is to reach for my own gun, but I remember they confiscated all my firearms.

"Out of the car!" The person yells still pointing the M4 at us. Looking out of the driver's side window I notice another armed man along with one that's on Paloma's side.

"Hold your hands up and get out of the car slowly," I instruct her beginning to do it too.

I get out of the car and I'm immediately snatched up with a gun pointed to my back. They drag both Paloma and I to a transit van where we're pushed in. The sliding door is slammed before they speed off with us in it.

During the drive they puts bags on our heads, so we can't see where they're taking us. It seems like we're driving for about twenty minutes until we come to a stop. They roughly drag us along before pushing me. Someone takes their foot to my knees making them buckle as I land on them.

Kneeling on the cold, hard floor I feel someone now handcuffing my wrists behind me. I try to listen closely to everything around me, but no one's speaking nor is their a distinct sound that I should note.

When the bag's snatched from my head I squint my eyes adjusting to the light before looking around. My eyes land on a familiar face when I see Athena's cousin, Dayanara...

She gives a wave twinkling each finger with a sinister smile. "Hey, Apollo." I smack my lips as Paloma looks around clearly scared as shit.

Seeing guns her eyes grow even more in fear. "Please, I have a son," she begins pleading with a tremble in her voice.

"Who the fuck told you to speak, bitch?" Dayanara asks standing from the couch. She holds the fabric of her long gown up some, so she doesn't step on it. Her heels click against the marble tile flooring as her hips sway. With no hesitation she backhands Paloma.

I don't even flinch, meanwhile Paloma's head snaps to the side before she squeals. Dayanara crouches down putting her hands on her knees to make herself level to Paloma. "You have a real problem with keeping you're mouth shut, I see."

Paloma looks confused on what she's talking about. Dayanara roughly grips Paloma's face be her chin. "Should've asked for witness protection, dumb bitch!" She spits in Paloma's face before backing up.

I stare straight ahead not even able to look at her. Dayanara motions a guy over who holds a gun. "Please, no, no, no! I won't testify. Ple-" I hear a gunshot making me close my eyes before feeling wetness speckle my skin in several places.

When I open them and look over Paloma's body goes limp as she falls over to the floor with a bullet in her head. There's blood dotting my arms, white shirt, and I'm sure there's some on my face.

Ever since the conversation with my brother's in jail the plan was for Athena to get Daya to come back to NYC. This was the first task on her list of things to be taken care of. First it's to get rid of any major witnesses then she'll start a street war with Nina's crew.

Like that didn't just happen Dayanara comfortably sits back on the couch. "They're going to drop you off in an alley that's a few blocks away from your car. Go straight to your car and leave from there to go clean up. Get rid of these clothes." They take the handcuffs off taking me right back to the van and leaving...

The next morning I'm back at home like last night didn't go down. I couldn't feel bad or have remorse. That's just apart of the game. She became a liability, so we had to cut the burden and losses.

I went out to do a couple errands and now I'm pulling back up to my house. After parking I get out of my car locking the doors. I see my father's here playing basketball in my driveway with Ravi.

Seeing me out of the car he pauses the shot he's about to take before turning towards me...

I don't even acknowledge him and go straight for Ravi. I dap his little hand saying, "What's up, man?"

Ar'mon can see I'm ignoring him. "Let's play a game of one on one," he offers now holding the ball with two hands like he's going to pass it.

"Nah, I'm good."

"You're still upset with me?" he nods.

"Ravi, go in the house," I send him away so we can talk. Once he's gone I say, "Why shouldn't I be? You didn't say nothin' about Ares being a weak link and damn sure nothin' about him being killed. You think I would've went for that?"

"When you're the head sacrifices have to be made."

I scoff in disbelief. "That's your son, not some nigga off the street. What am I expecting from a nigga who was in prison most of our life?" I say more so to myself. "You didn't know him like that forreal. Ares damn near worshipped the ground you walked on. Always visited, called, wrote you letters. That's how you do him?"

"I had to make a move," he says forcefully passing the ball. I catch it right on time before it hits me in the chest as it smacks into my hands.

"I'm done with the plans and schemes. I got bigger things to worry about. My family...I gotta another baby on the way. I have a pending kingpin case that could put me behind bars for life or the needle. I'm done with the drug game. Done," I make clear.

"You don't wanna do that," he threatens me.

"Or what?!"

"Did you forget you gave me and Nina your connects, territories, and warehouses? Whether you like it or not you're involved with this organization. The plan was for you to have something to come home to since Draco shut everything down. You need money clearly by the fact you're selling this," he motions towards the mansion.

"The last thing you wanna do is threaten me," I say passing the ball back even harder.

"The last thing you wanna do is threaten me," he points at himself. "We're in this together."

Draco murder case dismissed?

Desmond a criminal informant? What does that mean considering he helped Apollo get out?

Dayanara being back?

Paloma killed?
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