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- Chapter 65 -
Free Draco

Sitting in the back of a Rolls Royce parked outside of the Metropolitan Correctional Center, I wait for Draco to be processed out and officially released on bail. Today at his court hearing the judge approved his bail package much like he did Apollo's.

I paid his $3 million bail with ease. If Draco would've paid it himself it could be weeks before he's released because they would have to verify it was legally obtained and not drug money. I want him home as soon as possible like any wife would. It was nothing considering the money will be repaid when the case is over and all required appearances have been made.

I stare at the back of a driver who sits in the driver's seat before looking at my watch wondering how long this will take. All I can think about is what my father told me a few days ago...

He explained how he originally became an informant to get some of his family members in their organization locked up along with the De Carlo's organization back in the day. That I knew after he confessed months ago, but he made it seem like that was it.

That did lead to the arrest of Ar'mon back then, which started this current beef. He did it in exchange for his freedom rather than going to prison right along with them. Pretty much the feds owned my father for 5 years.

For five years, he provided privileged information to the FBI on both organizations. When it was said and done he got no time while they all went to prison for decades. Some are still in prison to this day unlike Ar'mon who was released.

My father's a hated man for what he did, but he was able to move on with his life. He thought he did what was right in order to move forward and provide for his family. He started his tech business and became a billionaire, while almost 30 people rot in jail.

Even though my father held up his end of the deal they had a hold on him. Every now and again the feds would randomly pop up threatening my father with prison time using evidence they held onto if he didn't do what they asked. That's how he's in the position he is now still being an informant. Despite him explaining as much as he could it still doesn't make sense to me...

My father had been around a good while once him and my mother divorced and he moved out here. He didn't try to really involved himself in my personal life until I almost got kidnapped and had my case.

How could he be an informant seeking information on the De Carlo's and even C.A.S. if he waited months to even try to get close to me? I was his only way of getting next to the De Carlo's. I would only visit his house to see Cordelia and Lennox. We barely interacted or had conversations.

And he couldn't actually be giving the information up because they would have more solid evidence on the De Carlo's. They definitely wouldn't be let out on bail. My father knows they're drug dealers and even about murders just from me trusting him as my father with that information.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a knock on the car window. I turn looking to see Athena standing by the car. I roll my window down giving her a smile. "You ready?" She asks.

I sigh with a nod of my head. "More than ready. It's sad Glock's still in there."

Athena shakes her head. "It's a mess. It'll be his time soon once he gets his murder case knocked off," she says with confidence that he'll have the same results as Draco.

Athena steps back allowing me to get out of the car. The two back to back Rolls Royce sit pretty waiting on Draco's arrival. I look at Athena then Miranda who leans against the car.

The press that's been staked out immediately notices me get out of the car. They try to come ask me questions, but my security holds them off. Since his arrest I've been asked to do interviews or give a statement but I turned them all down.

"You about to get that fresh out that pin dick tonight," Miranda laughs at her own joke.

"She about to be walking pigeon-toed next time we see her," Athena goes right along with it as they high five. I can only shake my head and laugh.

We walk across the street being approached by Draco's attorneys. "He's coming," one of them informs me.

Within a minute the gates are opening and Draco's being walked out by prison guards. The media rushes forward to get footage beginning to yell questions to get his attention.

Draco walks out with only a plastic bag in his hand and a big Kool-Aid smile on his face. The guard lets go of his arm and he immediately flicks off the cameras making me lower my head. Same ol' Draco.

He doesn't stop or even acknowledge the media but lets his lawyer give a statement to the cameras. I can hear her telling them Draco's not guilty and how the world will see soon. For a second she convinces me that the drug kingpin charges are 'egregious' and 'completely false'.

Draco comes straight for me hugging me so tight I'm lifted from the ground. I laugh before being planted back to my feet kissing him. "I'm so glad to be out of that hell hole," he sighs sniffing in the scent of my Baccarat perfume.

He moves on hugging Athena next. When he gets to Miranda they both stick out their hands dapping like two men. "My nigga," he says to her.

I chuckle because it's been nice to see them build a relationship. Draco's became closer to my family, especially my siblings when he fell out with Apollo and Ares. Now he's back on decent terms with his brother and Rhea, so we'll see what happens with them being out.

Now that Apollo's no longer his co-defendant they can have contact. I don't know if that's necessarily a good or bad thing with them.

Seeing the media's still hounding them I say, "Let's go." I grab onto his hand so we can start walking towards the cars. "I'm coming home in style," he says looking at the. "Tell them stop playin' with you Big Dess. Money was always on my books, lawyer fees paid, bail paid, got the back to back Ghosts," he brags getting into the backseat of the car.

"I don't wanna hear nothing about me not being loyal ever again," I say getting in on the other side.

"Hell nah! No one will fix their lips to. Not on my watch," he kisses me making me chuckle.

"My house," I tell the driver who nods before pulling off.

"Wait, a nigga's hungry. Can we stop to get food first?"

"I have a chef cooking you a dinner back home."

"That's dinner. I'm hungry now and I'll still have room later. Trust me. I'm eating the house down. You know what they were feeding me?"

"Yeah, I went to jail too," she reminds him with a laugh. "What do you want?"

"Chicken," he rubs his stomach. At the same time he's making the seat lean back and pushing buttons to turn on the massage feature.

"I missed you," she giggles making him cheese.

"I missed you too."

While on the way, Draco makes the driver stop at the first chicken spot he likes in the city. "All this man eats is chicken," I mumble to myself unlocking my phone as I wait in the car.

I'm hit with a bunch of notifications of people sending me dm's. I'm expecting it to be people messaging me about Draco assuming they probably saw he's out on the blogs. I click on the last dm sent to me seeing an article.

I click on it and when I read the title my heart sinks. In bold letter it reads, 'Paloma Ford - Makeup artist, singer, and mother found dead.

My eyes scan through the story where they say they found her in a hotel room with one bullet to the head and a gun beside her body. They ruled it a suicide. I furrow my eyebrows shocked at what I'm reading. Paloma commit suicide?

The first thing I think about is her son. At the same time, I oddly don't feel anything. Not even a hint of a tear rises up in my eyes. What's wrong with me?

Ever since I killed that guy who was trying to kidnap me, I've been so cold to certain things. Paloma was my best friend for years. She was one of the few people who knew about my status and she always kept my secret. I did the same for her when it came to who her son's father is. Every major event she was there as my makeup artist, but also as my support. She was the crazy to my calm. Yeah, I didn't agree with everything she said and did. That didn't make her bad person.

I read more of the article then I sit there thinking to myself. My eyes shift as questions fly. I think about Draco's lawyer telling me she would be a witness because of some private conversations she had with Apollo. Now, I don't know what was said in these conversations or if they were incriminating. It's a mighty big coincidence for Paloma to be found dead soon after Apollo's release.

Coming to the realization that this could've been foul play I feel sick. I quickly exit the back of the car rushing onto the curb leaning over. People passing on the street pay me no mind as I dry heave. I gag, but nothing comes up making me just look crazy to strangers.

I put my hand on top of the car holding my chest when Draco comes out of the chicken shop...

Draco has a happy pep in his step chewing on chicken already until he notices me. "What's wrong with you?" He asks approaching the car.

It takes me a second then I say it out loud, "Paloma's dead."

"Damn," he says genuinely seeming surprised. "What the fuck?" He mumbles.

Draco looks into my eyes and I can tell he's thinking the same thing I am. He knows exactly why this happened...

Walking through the house, I head towards the front door because someone rang the doorbell. Looking down the first thing my eyes land on is the ankle monitor they gave me, so I don't even think about running. Swinging the door open I dap my tattoo artist letting him in.

"You can set up over there," I point as he carries in his equipment.

"Do you know what you want?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'll show you a picture."

Once everything's prepared, I sit down ready to go. I've only been out a few days, but I had to be caught up on a lot. So much can happen sitting in a jail cell even if it's only a few weeks. Because of that there's a lot on my mind...

The one piece of information that kept racking my brain was Desdemona telling me how the lawyer said Haze is set to testify in the kingpin case against the organization.

Haze was a key member and a right hand man to me and all of my brothers. Maybe one of the top ranking after the immediate brothers. He was the one we called to do something if we couldn't do it because we trusted him. He's helped with murders, getting rid of bodies, and been at meetings with connects. He was essentially in charge of all the lower level guys on the street. He knows everything.

With the tattoo needle pricking my skin I have a flashback to Fashion Week. When that girl overdosed and Apollo was trying to figure out who made the mistake. Haze was quick to point his finger citing he has a daughter and isn't dying for anyone else.

That should've been a sign even if it was within the unit. I looked at it more like him having so much loyalty to my brothers, but I was wrong.

I then think back to the day I ran into him. It was the same day I turned myself in. Clearly, there was a reason Haze was still out considering 30 key organization members had been arrested. With him being so essential to our operation there's no way they wouldn't have an indictment for him.

At the same time, I'm not surprised... It starts with a connect. Someone with close access to drugs then it trickles down to someone who's selling who gets jammed up. Next thing you know the whole operation's caught up and you're in jail.

When it comes to snitching there's no honor among thieves. You have to realize that quickly. You have to be selfish to commit crime. You know you can go to jail or get killed. You know those two things will effect your family... but you do it anyway.

A nigga's gonna look out for themselves before the organization no matter how much you've helped them. We put Haze in a better position. Houses, cars, a legal business to make clean money, you name it.

The rat is always the person you loved, trusted, and never thought would do it. Personally, if I'm on the boat and it's going down, I'm going down by myself. I'll even throw someone else a lifeline even if it means me drowning or struggling a little bit.

Haze will get his eventually...

I sit through getting two tattoos, but it doesn't take long because they're not big or detailed designs. With a blunt in my mouth I look in the mirror to check them out.

Coming up from behind me, Desdemona asks, "What'd you get?"

I show her the first tattoo on my hand that's on the edge of my thumb. It says 'Time is Money'. When I first started working with her that all she used to tell me. "Gotta remember. Can't wear a watch in prison," I shrug mentioning the Rolex she got me that has this engraved onto it.

"You're not going to prison."

"I could and we all need to face that reality. The time we have together can be limited," I say honestly. She pouts like she doesn't want to hear that. "Also, this," I show a tattoo of her name on the inside of my arm making Desdemona's eyes bug.

"No you didn't!" she exclaims grabbing my arm to get a closer look at her name in cursive. It's very close to the portrait of my mother for a reason. It's also close to a tattoo of the word 'loyalty' that me and my brothers got. It's what we lived by for so long, but I don't know anymore.

"I hope you're not expecting me to get your name too," she finally finds something to say.

I bust out laughing at her perplexed face. "Damn, it's like that?"

"I'm sorry. That's one thing I won't do. I honestly want to get the tattoos I do have removed. They're ratchet, especially this gun. I wasn't young and dumb. This isn't a even exchange type thing?" she peers at the tattoo artist who's cleaning his things up.

"No. Why do you think I got it and didn't say anything before I did it?"

"Aww, well thanks. I love it. So sweet," she kisses me. I chuckle at her reaction kissing her back.

Once the tattoo artist leaves and we're alone Desdemona says, "I need to talk to you.."

"What's up?" She sits down in the

"Remember you said how my Dad visited you in jail making one last offer for you to work with him?" I nod. "It makes sense now. He was probably going to offer you some sort of immunity or a better deal."

"How would your father be able to give me immunity?" I narrow my eyes at her.

She swallows hard. "He's still a government informant. I don't know. He still has connections to the law."

I laugh lowering my head. "I knew it. I knew it," my shoulders bounce up and down.

"Yeah, and I think Apollo took whatever my father offered to get bail. The other week I overheard my sister, Cordelia, on the phone with a bank. They moved like $4 million from her account and she said something about two payments. Right after Apollo's out on a $3 million bail then a few days later Casanova's out."

"Hell no. I don't believe that. I don't," I shake my head profusely while beginning to pace back and forth.

"Look, that's how it added up in my head. I could be wrong, but Cor said she was doing it for our Dad. Next thing you know, Apollo's surprising everyone at Rhea's baby shower. Rhea didn't even know he was getting out nor is she the one who made the arrangements to pay the bail for him."

"He could've paid his own," I make an excuse.

Desdemona chews on her bottom lip before saying, "How? They froze all three of your assets until it's proven it's not drug money."

"We came to an agreement in county we were back good and working together. We're supposed to be getting rid of Ar'mon together."

"Draco, I don't want to be that person... Apollo's just like Ar'mon and you can't trust him. You haven't been able to trust him since the Kohh situation. His word can't be trusted. He severed his trial from you and Glock. He could easily go on the stand against you two and paint a picture that it was you who was the kingpin. Technically, for the last couple of years you were."

"I'm sure there's an explanation for all this. I'll talk to him," I say beginning to think to myself.

I don't believe Apollo's turning on me and Glock for one reason... Desdemona doesn't know we all planned to have Paloma killed. Apollo still went through with getting Dayanara to have Paloma killed. He wouldn't help having someone killed if he's working with a criminal informant. That wouldn't make sense.

Later that night I pull up to Apollo's house. Parking my car, I get out going to the front door ringing the doorbell. A few minutes later Rhea's opening the door breathing hard with a big pregnant belly.

I chuckle. "That was a workout, huh?" I ask as she lets me in. "Where's yo husband. He should've answered the door," I hug her.

"Somewhere around here." As soon as I walk in I see they're in process of packing.

"You're almost ready to pop. I hope y'all move before the baby comes."

"We're trying."

"Babyshower gift," I hold it up handing it over. "Sorry I wasn't there."

"Don't apologize. It was out of your control. Best uncle. Thank you," she says with appreciation.

"Speaking of uncle. Where's Sol and Ravi?"

Rhea puts a hand on her hip breathing out. "Sol's with her mother and Ravi's with his father." I stretch my neck back in shock. "Yeah, long story. To keep it short, Apollo realized after his arrest and sitting in jail for more than 6 months we need all the help we can get."

"Stubborn ass Apollo realized that?" I ask in shock.

"Yup, I was just as surprised, but I'm glad. It's for the children's sake after all."

"I can't believe John was willing to come back after Apollo choked his ass and pulled a gun on him. He's been MIA since then."

"It took a lot of convincing. Apollo had to apologize to both John and even Porsha for his past behavior of trying to box them out."

"Hell must've froze over," I say making both Rhea and me laugh.

"I missed you," she shakes her head. "I hated that the family was divided and feuding."

"Nobody wins when the family feuds," I quote when we could easily be feuding again once I talk to Apollo.

"Well, I'm glad you're out. I read the court transcripts. Only you could pull some shit off like that."

I cockily shrug one shoulder with a smirk. "Tru was playin' with the wrong one. Got his ass shot and now he's about to be disbarred and maybe going to jail." From around Rhea's shoulder I can see Apollo coming...

"Oh, wassup? You all out and shit. You good?" He asks dapping me.

"I will be when some things get cleared up. We need to talk."

Hearing my serious tone he replies, "Oh word?"

Rhea can see my demeanor change so her eyebrows bounce up. "I'm gonna go back to my bed," she points.

"You need help up the stairs?" Apollo offers.

"No, it just might take me awhile." We laugh as she heads for the stairs. Apollo motions for me to follow so I do. We go to the living room where only the couch and coffee table are left. Everything else from the artwork, lamps, and décor are packed up.

Going straight into it I ask, "Did you let Desdemona's Pops bail you out?"

Apollo's eyebrows furrow then he answers, "Yeah."

I lick over my teeth trying to contain my anger. "That man's a whole fucking snitch. Why would you trust him?"

"He had the money and offered it. Look, my finances are tied up right now. You know that. I needed to get out. It's the same reason you married the snitches daughter when you shouldn't trust any of them, but you do."

"That's not the same. Des isn't her father. You know that," I argue. "I know his help came at a cost. He didn't do that for free. I know you owe him now. What is it?"

"He has a plan," Apollo says thinking it'll suffice for an explanation.

"Mi no trust the whole a demmmm," I kiss my teeth long and hard.

"You don't fuck with Ar'mon, right?" He asks the question that has an obvious answer.

"Hell nah! He's supposed to be an O.G. His days of running the streets should be over, but his old ass wanna be a gangsta so bad," I rant.

"Exactly. I'm going to meet with Desmond tonight. Come with me."

"I'm not going in any room with that Fed ass nigga. You crazy? Are you dumb? He'll probably be wearing wiretaps waiting to trip you up, so our Black asses are back locked up."

"Why help me get out just to help me get put back in? He'll explain everything, Draco." He looks at me waiting on a response and I give him an attitude filled fine.

An hour later I'm in the passenger seat of Apollo's car driving through Manhattan. We pull up to the valet of a restaurant getting out. Apollo lets one of the men get into the driver's seat as I pull my pants up looking at the sign. Waiting on my brother to walk around the car I look at the black SUV pulling up behind us in the line.

Seeing a woman hop out I narrow my eyes. Recognizing who it is I nudge Apollo who's now standing beside me. "Look. Ol' girl," I nod towards her...

"What the fuck is she doing here?" Apollo mumbles seeing his half-sister, Nina, clearly not knowing she'd be here.

Seeing us, Nina waves and smiles. "Hey, brother!" You can hear a little bit of sarcasm in her voice. She reaches for a hug but Apollo only mugs her. Nina shrugs it off saying, "See you inside."

I watch her walk into the restaurant as we head for the entrance too. "You don't like your little sis?" I laugh.

"That bitch ain't right. Somethin' about her. She visited me in jail and I've had a bad taste in my mouth since," he expounds as we walk into the fine dining establishment. The white tee and sweats definitely weren't up to par, but I didn't even know I'm coming here.

After Apollo tells them who we're here to meet, a restaurant employee shows us into a private dining room. Desmond's already here sitting at the table waiting. When he sees us he greets us both from the end of the dining table.

"I brought my brother. Hope it's not a problem," Apollo states as we both sit down. I say nothing to Desmond.

"No problem at all. I've been wanting to talk to my son-in-law, but he's been avoiding me," he looks directly at me.

Desmond stands from the table and I look over my shoulder seeing Nina come in. She says nothing walking past us going towards Desmond. She stops in front of him as Desmond places his hand on her waist before they kiss. Me and Apollo both screw up our faces as they pull apart. Nina stands next to Ar'mon with his arm draped over her shoulder and she smiles as we still look confused.

"What's this?" Apollo points between them. Desmond and Nina sit at the table not answering. "Wait, a damn minute. You're working together," he concludes. "Are you even really my sister? Last I heard my half-sister was shot and killed as a child. You could be a whole ass imposter."

"I'm actually your sister."

"I'ma needa DNA test to confirm," Apollo crosses his arms over his chest.

Nina laughs finding this amusing. "I'm your sister. I'm also a D.E.A. agent."

I lick over my lips before closing my eyes. At this point, I'm tired of the surprises. "What?" Apollo asks.

"I'm a D.E.A. agent," she repeats. "Why do you think you and your brothers haven't been arrested in all these years? Every time they started building a case or got close, I had it shut down."

"So why do we have a kingpin case now?" I ask narrowing my eyes.

"We needed you off the streets for a little while."


Ignoring the question she goes into an explanation, "I'm what you call a double agent. I work for federal law enforcement, but in order for me to get information I have to work hands on with drugs. I was apart of a drug organization, helped drugs be sold, and I've seen murders. Maybe even made the calls for murders. The D.E.A. lets several organizations run drugs under us and even provides it."

"Is that legal?" Apollo asks.

"I think by now we know the government plays by their own rules. Whatever to get the bad guy, right?"

"There has to be blurred lines for morals. You're fighting for justice, but selling drugs and killing? How are you dating an ex-drug dealer turned informant turned tech billionaire?" I question pointing at Desmond.

She nonchalantly shrugs her shoulders. "Same way you guys are family men, but also destroy families and communities. We all have our evils and sins."

"What's your part?" I point at Desmond.

"I would help them pinpoint organizations. That's why I ended up helping C.A.S. create a faction under my organization before I left the game. That's why I gave them all my connects and territories. The D.E.A. was eventually supposed to bust them, but most of them ended up dead during the war against your people."

"And our organization must've been next on the list to bust?"

"Actually, no. You and your brothers were too untouchable. They couldn't get anything on you and they still really can't...because of Nina. She protected you guys. It wasn't until your stupid ass Daddy got out," Desmond says bluntly.

"Our father's been causing problems since you gave us the warehouses, connects, and territories. He wants to take out the connect you got us," Nina purses her lips. I shake my head. That's exactly why I shut down. I knew if he got involved it would go to shit.

"The Colombians? Is he fuckin' crazy?!" Apollo speaks up.

"That's what I said. While he was in prison I was running La Niña Blanca in New Jersey very smoothly. My crew was never in beef or a street war. He's trying to start something I can't take right now," Nina explains.

"You must want him out?" I ask taking in all this information.

"Yes, that can be dead or prison. I really don't give a fuck anymore," she says coldly. "He's causing me major issues I don't need. He's a hot head and none of the other crews in NYC like him nor do they want to work with him again. I've been D.E.A. for a couple years now. He's going to blow up my whole operation with his bullshit."

"Does he know?" I ask leaning back in my seat stroking my chin hair.

"That I'm an agent? Hell no. And let him know he's protected? He'd be even more reckless."

"How much do you know about us?" I ask narrowing my eyes at her.

"I know everything from the point you started working with Sanjay Ambani. He was an organization getting drugs through the D.E.A. after we started an operation in India."

I put my hand over my mouth taking a deep breath out of my nose before I look at Apollo. You're telling me we've been selling the government's drugs? Great!

"I know you killed Sanjay in that explosion then took over as the distributor," she stares into my eyes. I don't confirm or deny her statement. "When you were going to India to get the drugs through Sanjay's wife, that was my people. That's how you never got caught taking it out of the country or bringing money in."

"Clearly, you haven't told your people everything you know since we got bail. Or even the fact the case has been dragging on because they don't have enough solid evidence. Besides you being Apollo's sister, why? What do you want?"

"I'm not going to tell them anything I know if you guys cooperate with us. The kingpin case will disappear in a few months when the trial can't move forward. Witnesses will go missing or refuse to testify. Evidence will be 'displaced'. They won't have a case since there's no bodies, drugs, or guns. We want Ar'mon more anyway. He was supposed to rot and die in prison." Nina rests her elbows on the table clasping her hands together.

"Your own father?" I ask in disbelief.

She simply nods her head. "Do you guys want out from the drug game for good and to walk away free or not?"

"What do you have in mind?" Apollo asks like he's already decided he'll work with them.

I put my index finger to my temple taking a long sigh. This isn't what I wanted...

A snitch in the crew?

New information on Desmond & Nina. Can they be trusted? Should they work with them?

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