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- Chapter 68 -
Death Before Dishonor

Sitting on the bed of a California hotel room, I look at the Rolex on my wrist letting out a sigh of dread. I make sure I have everything I need in my clutch when I hear footsteps. Looking up I see Draco coming out of the bathroom wearing the typical hood nigga baby shower outfit.

"Burberry shirt? Really?" I ask getting a cheeky smile from him.

"It's the perfect occasion. I've been wanting to wear this," he brushes off the shirt tilting his head to the side. I can only shake my head.

I'm not in the best mood because today's Diamonté and Draco's baby shower. A few weeks ago it was confirmed Draco's the father through a prenatal DNA test. That only added to my feelings of sadness when my pregnancy test was negative. There's no way to hide the jealousy I have even though I've been trying to be a team player to keep the drama at minimum.

Diamonté's clearly trying to extend a friendly olive branch since she invited Draco and I to the babyshower her family's hosting. I guess the talk she had with Draco worked. I can't let my envy get in the way of that.

But I also can't help the feelings I have... "Can I be honest? I don't think I wanna go anymore."

"What? Why not?" he asks fixing his shoe laces in a full-length mirror before looking at me.

"It's weird...awkward. The wife at the baby mama's baby shower."

"She invited you though. If you don't show up she'll be offended then that causes problems we don't need right now," he tries to reason rubbing up and down my arms.

"I came all the way out here with you, but now I'm not up to it," I huff.

"I understand this isn't the ideal situation. I thought having my first child would be way different than this. I haven't been to one doctor's appointment because she kept it a secret and she's about to have the baby soon. None of my family's going to be at this baby shower. Shit, I barely have family anymore," he breathes out his nose.

He's right. Glock's in jail, his parents are deceased, his grandmother's in Jamaica still, Ares is dead, and Apollo might as well be dead to him.

Draco grabs my hands into his saying, "You're my family, so you can't let me go alone. I need somebody." He smiles in a hopeful manner waiting for my response.

"Okay, I'll go. Hopefully the food is good." He laughs wasting no time to grab the room key and the keys to the rental so we can leave.

We pull up to a mansion in the Hollywood Hills. Once Draco parks the car we both get out seeing Diamonté just arrived too. Getting out of the backseat of a GMC Yukon, her dress and hair flow in the wind. Her hand holds under her belly that's grown tremendously. I can't help but stare at the glow she has.

Draco grabs onto my hand leading the way towards Diamonté. He only lets go of my hand for a second to give her a hug as a greeting. When they step back from one another her eyes shift from Draco to me.

There's obviously no hug between us two, but I smile and wave. "Hi, you look pretty!" I compliment. It's the only thing I can think to say.

"You too. Thanks for coming." Even though there's an attempt to be cordial, we still haven't had a conversation to clear the air. No apologies from either of us as well. We've exchanged words and even physically fought, I think in order for us to truly move forward it would have to be addressed and not ignored.

The uncomfortable moment is thankfully interrupted when people approach Diamonté. I quickly make out that one of them is her father and mother. The man daps Draco making it clear he's familiar with them considering they were friends for many years. I'm sure no one bet on Draco getting her pregnant.

I stand back when Draco motions towards me saying, "This is my wife, Desdemona."

Like I thought it's definitely awkward by the looks I receive. Trying not to make it so weird, Diamonté's father extends his hand. "Nice to meet you. My wife loves your shoe line and the new perfume you got."

I give an uneasy chuckle shaking his hand. "Thank you."

"Let's go in," a woman says motioning towards the house. We all walk in going right out to the backyard where everything's set up with decorations. The theme's very neutral, classy, and clean with it mostly being tan and cream colors. Honestly, if I had a baby shower I would want it to look like this.

I sit at a table in the front that has a name card for me. Meanwhile, Draco has to go sit in the big seats upfront with Diamonté. For a second my mind plays tricks on me like they're the couple and I'm just a friend as a guest.

Sipping on an alcoholic drink that's off the menu and specially made for the occasion, I stare at my ring. What does this shit even mean? I think, while looking at Diamonté...

That's supposed to be me in that seat. I swallow down the rest of my drink looking around the baby shower that has started. It's filled with pretty much only Diamonté's family and friends. I'm sitting at a table that's nothing but her friends. Even though no one's making me feel unwelcome, it's clear I don't fit. I don't know anyone here except Draco. I knew I should've brought one of my sisters or even Rhea.

While they're playing a guess who: mommy or daddy game, I'm completely checked out. "Who will be the more strict parent?" The host says into a mic causing people to hold up a mustache or lips for their answer.

The questions are kind of awkward because people don't know who to choose or also the fact Draco could be going to prison and might not be around. People have seen the headlines with the Kingpin charges. It's not like Draco and Diamonté have been married for years and people came to love them as a couple. This just sort of happened by accident.

I quietly excuse myself and go inside to the bathroom. I close the door behind me going to the sink. I don't even need to use the bathroom. I just need a breather. I lean my hands on the counter blowing out air then sucking it back in. I turn on the faucet looking at myself in the mirror. Before I know it a tear is trickling down my face.

I let myself only cry for a few seconds quickly pulling myself together and going back out there. I'm glad to see that the game is over and they're taking pictures now. I discreetly roll my eyes seeing Draco smile with his hand on Diamonté's round belly.

"Di, is the baby a boy or girl?" Someone yells out. I raise my eyebrows with intrigue because that's a good question.

"Boy," she smiles. Draco's smile grows even bigger like that's what he wanted.

He quickly had to come around to the idea of having a baby with Diamonté. He had no time for regrets. He always said he would be in his kid's life because he knows what it's like to not grow up with a father, whether it was by choice or not. He always aimed to be a better parent than the ones he had. The start of that includes not being in 'the life' when he finally has kids. He already feels like a failure at parenthood with jail time hanging over him. This plays a major role in him not wanting me to get pregnant, meanwhile I'm yearning for it.

"Desdemona!" I hear my name yelled. I look in that direction seeing a woman related to Diamonté waving me over. "Come get in the picture." I point at myself and she nods her head.

Everyone's looking at me and I'm looking at Draco and Diamonté standing next to each other. "Oh, no. It looks cute with just them," I wave the woman off.

"Come on," she insists grabbing my hand to pull me. She practically pushes me into the spot next to Draco putting him in the middle of me and Diamonté.

With all eyes on us it feels like we're getting nothing but looks of judgement. There's definitely confusion written on the faces of multiple people who don't know how this happened.

Draco, his wife, and his baby mama. Most make the assumption that Draco had an affair and got Diamonté pregnant or maybe it's a break baby. Those are the more scandalous options when in reality the baby happened before Draco and I got married.

By one woman's pursed lips I can tell she's thinking, Diamonté's way more mature than me.

While trying to put a smile on my face for the sake of the pictures, I let out a sigh. The reality of what I signed up for are starting to hit me. Prison, crime, holding a man down, being a ride or die, and baby mama drama...

I sit in a stark office located in downtown Manhattan alone, tapping my foot profusely. My heart beats faster than usual as I have thoughts wondering if I'm making the right decision. At the same time I know it's the right thing to do in order to help my brother.

I stare at the clock watching it tick with each second. My thoughts are broken when Glock's lawyer, Dalton Graziano, enters back into the room holding a stack of papers. Wearing an expensive checkerboard suit, he takes his spot across from me in a leather office chair.

"We don't have anymore time to wait, Draco," Dalton starts putting the heap of papers on his desk. "I have to file these by the end of the work day or the deal's off the table. I don't think Apollo's going to show up and sign too."

I tap my fingers on the desk checking my phone one more time. After what I read in that letter Ar'mon left me, I'm done with Apollo. The only reason I could have an ounce of respect left for him is if walks in that door to sign the plea deal along with me and Glock.

We were all there the day I killed Louise. It was Apollo's idea, Glock shot him once, and I finished him off. We all need to take accountability for our part. Yes, Glock fucked us all up by keeping the car, but it doesn't matter. If we all sign, it'll be split three ways equally resulting in Glock getting less time.

I sigh looking at my phone contemplating on calling Apollo. The only time I spoke to him after that dinner was to tell him about the location, date, and time for this. I've been here an hour and he hasn't shown up...

"I don't know," I shake my head.

"He's not coming, Draco. The man severed his Kingpin case from you and Glock when you all ran the organization together under him, he got his bail mysteriously paid by Desmond, and now you know a D.E.A. agent is his sister. He's out to save himself," Dalton states honestly. "They found Louise's body in the river. They have enough evidence and going to trial would be a big risk for your brother. His best bet is take the deal. You signing helps even more. Glock already signed. Now you," he scoots the papers across the desk placing a pen on them.

"What am I agreeing to?"

"You're agreeing to pleading guilty to Felony murder. In New York City that's Second Degree, which brings it down from First Degree. Signing this deal means that you and Glock have to stand up in a court room and tell the victim's family that you were involved then apologize. You might have to tell the judge what happened that day. Whatever the sentence, it'll be split evenly between you and your brother."

"Do you know the sentence?"

"Not yet. Once you two sign the judge will hear the plea in open court. From there he'll sentence you two. At most you're each looking at 8 years. That's the maximum. In the agreement I asked that your bail not be revoked until you're sentenced, but we'll see."

"It's 100% for sure that the Kingpin case will be thrown out? This conviction can lead to us getting the needle if it's not..."

"I talked to Nina. She put in the paperwork. Once the first trial date in Georgia starts, it'll be over before it even began. They're filing a motion to claim corruption leading back to what you and your attorney said to get you off your murder case with Tru. He's the one who kicked off the case and they'll point out lack of evidence to continue."

"Okay, sounds solid enough."

"You know, I can't figure out if it's a good or bad thing to have Nina on your side," Dalton leans back in his seat.

"Why do you say that?"

"The D.E.A. doesn't really have a good name. They rarely get scrutiny for the bullshit they do like cops, lawyers, or judges..."

"Like what?"

"They're pretty corrupt. The D.E.A. repeatedly engages in unlawful operations, spend lavishly, pay informants, launder money, increase violence, pack federal prisons, selling drugs they're supposed to be controlling..." He sits up straight shrugging, "But I guess that's a good thing in you and your brother's case. Nina can use her pull to help you all."

"Do you know anything about Nina? I'm sure all you judicial people know something about each other."

Dalton shakes his head. "Most D.E.A. are in undercover operations and are even stationed overseas. They fly under the radar, so that's how they get away with a lot. It makes sense you just found out about her. As an agent she can't live a normal life. Everyday people won't even know her real name. For you to know 'Nina' is too much."

"So I shouldn't think it's shady Apollo hid this secret weapon he's had the entire time from us?" I sit back in my seat and Dalton shakes his head once again.

We stare at each other then he picks up the pen holding it towards me. "What's it going to be?"

I take it into my grasp looking at the papers. I look at the blank line and with no hesitation I sign my name. Dalton flips through the pages telling me where to put my signature and the date. Once I'm done I sigh with relief.

Dalton stands up with the papers saying, "I'll call you when I get a hearing for you and Glock. Thank you." He extends his hand, so I stand shaking it.

Instead of going straight home from Dalton's office, I make a stop. Standing at the door of a lavish house the door swings open. A man that's over 6'5" wearing a bulletproof vest and toting an automatic weapon asks, "Draco?" before letting me step in.

"Yeah," I nod.

"Gotta search ya," he says making me furrow my eyebrows.

"We coo though," I say stepping into the house.

"Doesn't matter." I huff, but I understand. Dayanara's a Queenpin with a lot of enemies. She can't take any chances, not even with me. I stand with my arms and legs spread letting him pat me down.

Once he's done he calls for Dayanara. Eventually, he tells me which room in the house she's in, so that's where I go. Walking into the living room she's already standing in the entrance waiting on me...

"If it isn't, Mr. Draco. What can I help you with?" she walks and I follow, so we can sit down. "Athena told me what's going on. You really gonna sit down to shave time off for Glock?"

"He's my brother, so yeah."

"That's my cousin-in-law," she prefaces whatever she's going to say next. "But Glock also did some stupid shit I'm sure you and your brothers told him not to. Keeping the car of a dead man got him behind bars. He just gotta sit down for a minute and think about the stupid shit he did," she shrugs.

"I read the paperwork. Someone tipped the police off about the car. I don't know. He took a car, yeah, but he didn't kill anybody. I can't leave him hanging, while I continue my life."

"Or is this a way out for you working with Nina and the D.E.A.?" she wears a knowing smile.

"That plays a part," I admit. "What's the point of working with her? My goal was to get away from the drug game, not be dragged back into it to sell drugs for the government and be an informant. I rather sit in a jail cell then do that, especially knowing it's Apollo's idea."

Nina's been making her rounds. Dayanara helped us get rid of Paloma, a federal witness, in exchange for Nina helping her get rid of an attempted murder charge she had. This is all one big web of mess.

"This is why I stay to myself and don't work with anyone. Not even family cause they get you caught up in bullshit. One person is usually smart, but people as a whole are stupid. One person always fucks it up for the group," she looks at her nails.

I rub my facial hair mumbling. "True..." I clear my throat speaking up to say, "I need a favor from you." That's the whole reason I came to see her.

"You've been needing a lotttt of favors lately. It was one thing killing that witness. Palm oil, whatever her name was. I can't keep tying myself in your shit. I gotta go back to Miami. I have my own organization."

"You know I'll pay you like I always do. How does one million sound? Half up front, half later when it's done," I pick up the Louis Vuitton duffle bag I sat on the floor scooting it closer to her.

Looking in the bag she sees the stacks of money before looking up at me. "What the hell do you need that's worth a million?"

"I need you to take out Apollo," I sit with my legs spread and not an ounce of uncertainty in what I'm requesting.

Her head slightly turns like she's trying to see if she heard me right. "Apollo as in your brother?" I nod and she lets out a short laugh. "Shit! What the hell did he do to you?! He fuck your wife or somethin'?"

"He snaked the family, so now I'm going to bite him back."

She looks at the money again saying, "A snake is cold blooded, but you have to heat it up for it to attack." By that statement I can tell she understands. This is the same woman who has killed several of her boyfriends because they were fucking up her business or just plain unloyal.

"You got it?" I ask needing an answer.

She throws up one of the stacks of money before catching it. "Medusa, get the money counter," she says to one of her righthand girls. Dayanara wears a smirk, which means yes in her book. I put one leg on the other knee, clasp my hands together, and sit back comfortably.

I rather die before I dishonor my family and the code. That's something Apollo doesn't posses, so he can die regardless...

Thoughts on the baby being Draco's?

Are Desdemona's feelings justified?

Draco taking the plea to help Glock? Apollo not showing up to sign too?

Him wanting Apollo dead? Is it the right move?


I'm for sure finishing this story by summer. I said that last summer when the quarantine started smh.

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