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- Chapter 69 -
Nothing Personal

Walking into a New York City nightclub, I follow behind security with my sister Miranda in tow. Flashing lights bounce and rap music blasts as we're showed into a VIP section already occupied by some of acquaintances of mine. After enduring the painful babyshower of Draco and Diamonté's, I'm glad to be back in New York. I also desperately need a night out of fun.

I immediately pour myself a drink needing one desperately to start the process of forgetting my stress. Minutes later the securities letting Rhea into the section. I smile taking in her outfit knowing she's always dressed to impress.

"Yesss! You look so good!" I hug her inviting her right in with everyone else. "How's baby Halo?" I ask with a smile making her give one too.

"A doll, but I needed some time away so thanks for inviting me." She flashes her phone screen towards me showing a picture of her daughter.

I put a hand on my chest pouting my lips. "Aww, so cute. Lucky she looks like you and not Apollo's big head ass," I joke with a roll of my eyes.

When Draco told me him and Glock signed the plea deal but Apollo didn't, I was beyond pissed. I think it's the most stupid decision Draco has made. They had no evidence implicating him nor did they ever suspect him. Glock got arrested because he had the man's car. Why give yourself up?

Apart of me is also trying to be understanding. If they ever decided to charge me with anything in connection to the De Carlo's and my sister's name came up for her involvement in Chaos' murder, I'd take the blame for it.

Everything that's going on isn't easy to accept. I can't enjoy anything for one second without some drama or trauma being attached to it.

"Where's Draco? I know he had his baby shower and I sent a gift," Rhea mentions making me sigh.

"He's in California until Diamonté has the baby," I take a gulp of my drink. Even the mention of it brings tension in my body.

Rhea's eyebrows furrow. "And when is that exactly?"

"She's due in the next two weeks or so," I shrug.

"And when's Draco coming back? Where is he staying? You just left him?" she asks a million questions making me roll my eyes. Maybe I shouldn't be this way considering he signed a deal to go to prison. I have no idea how many years he'll be sentenced. All I know is the sentencing trial is in two months, so I should be spending every moment with him.

I shake my head. "I couldn't stay in California. For my own peace of mind, I had to come back. Was I supposed to stay until she has the baby standing by like some third wheel in my own marriage?"

"Girl, I would have not left my man with his soon-to-be baby mama. Especially not with her. That's all I'm saying."

"Saweetie doesn't want him anymore. She barely wants to let him be in the baby's life, but Draco's not backing down. I don't want to talk about this. I want to have fun tonight. Excuse me!" I begin yelling for the bottle girl to get her attention. When she comes I say, "Can we get a whole tray of shots for everyone?"

I bounce to the music making Rhea give me a confused look, but she drops it. A few minutes later she brings the shots. I pass them around making sure everybody gets one then grab two for myself. With no hesitation I down both of them with ease letting the burning sensation hit me.

"Slow down, girl," she tries to grab my hand seeing me about to get another shot, but I swerve her hand.

"Look, I need this," I hold up my empty hand. Rhea hesitantly backs off allowing me to take another one while exchanging a look with Miranda.

The night continues and I'm having a good time until I feel a nudge to my side. I look at Miranda and Rhea when they nod their heads for me to look across the club. Seeing Casanova in a section with Nina and a bunch of other people I furrow my eyebrows. Especially since Casanova's looking directly at us...

"Why does he look like he has a problem?" Miranda asks sipping on her drink. You can tell she's nervous. She doesn't care if I said Casanova and the De Carlo's are 'good' now. She set his brother up to be killed. She has reason to be paranoid.

"They're coming over here," Rhea mumbles seeing them crossing the club. Casanova follows behind Nina like he's her personal watchdog now. Considering he's a paid informant, it's pretty much like a source of protection for her. Nina has everyone right where she wants them.

"What's up, family," Nina smiles once let into the section. She gets the coldest, driest greetings she could get from us.

"I don't think it's wise for him to be seen in the same section as me," Rhea motions to Casanova.

"What's the problem?" Nina asks in confusion.

"Whether the organizations are inoperative or not, I'm still married to his once rival. That's known in the streets. We don't need someone seeing us around each other and beginning to ask questions. We're not clicking up with the opps just because we all have you in common," she looks at Nina. "You should know we need to be more discreet than this."

"I don't think anyone from our old world is in this club," Casanova looks around.

Rhea does a breathy laugh. "I helped your girl while you were locked up only because Apollo asked me to. We're not friendly." Nina nods her head and Casanova leaves the section with no questions asked. Rhea turns her attention to Nina. "You just hang out with criminals and felons publicly when you're the law? I don't think you're supposed to do that. Not when you were just on the news in a D.E.A. jacket."

"When you're me you can do what you want," Nina cockily smirks. She then looks at me. "I've been calling your husband, but no response since he signed that plea deal."

"He's in California."

"Well, you might wanna tell him to call me back unless he wants someone coming to Cali to pick his ass up. It's nothing to put paperwork in to get his bail revoked citing he was trying to run."

I furrow my eyebrows. "For what? Why do you need to talk to him so bad?"

"We had an agreement and now he's avoiding me. Just because he's going to prison doesn't mean it's all null and void. Him and Apollo agreed to work for me."

I shake my head. This is what I'm talking about. If it's not one thing, it's another. It's either jail or sell drugs for the government and be an informant for your freedom. Why can't we just move on with our lives?

"I don't understand why you can't just help them? Why do they need to do something for you in return. Isn't that what family does?"

"Draco isn't my family," she makes clear. "We don't share a mother or father, only half of siblings. I'm only helping him and Glock because of Apollo, but it's an even exchange. You scratch my back, I scratch yours."

"What do you want?" I ask crossing my arms. The type of liquor I've been drinking tonight has me on edge. If someone says the wrong thing or bumps me, I might take it there.

"The drugs won't sell themselves. Someone has to do it," she looks between me, Rhea, and Miranda.

"Apollo helped you find a connect, got you territory, warehouses, even young guys to expand your crew. What else do you need?" Rhea asks.

"More top ranking leaders. Did four brothers not run the old organization? Ares is dead, Glock's in jail, and Draco's on his way..." I roll my eyes seeing what she's getting at.

"I don't know why you're talking to us," I roll my neck giving Nina attitude.

Nina steps up to me with a smile. "Before Paloma Ford was found dead she was a witness in Garnet v. NYC. She was seen arguing with the defendant in the case, Desdemona Garnet. This was the day all charges were dismissed for the defendant, but during this argument Ms. Garnet threatened Ms. Ford."

I narrow my eyes. "What?"

I'm shocked because Nina's painting this picture that I had something to do with Paloma's death. Paloma and I fell out, but I had nothing to do with it. It was ruled a suicide and wasn't investigated further, but anyone with sense knew it was a homicide. I'm sure Nina had more to do with her being taken out than me. She's a dirty federal agent for crying out loud.

Nina keeps going. "She was heard telling Ms. Ford, 'You wanna go against me, that'll be a mistake.' Ms. Ford was set to be a witness again this time in the De Carlo organization Kingpin case, which involved Draco Lindo aka Desdemona's now husband. Months after Desdemona threatened Paloma, she was found dead before she can take the stand again. Ms. Garnet tampered with evidence and intimidated a witness, which is a felony."

"Are you threatening me?" I point at my own chest.

"It can be whatever you want it to be. It's up to you. Get your husband in line or you'll be in jail too," she says sternly.

"Bitch do you know who I am? I could buy your life. With a fat ass donation check, I could have you fired like that," I snap my finger. "Just because you're fucking my father doesn't mean shit," I walk up on her only to be pulled back by Miranda.

"Calm down. She's law," Rhea calmly mumbles. Rhea's demeanor is that of someone who's not intimidated as her hands clasp in front of her. Compared to me, it's clear who's been married to a drug dealer longer. "I'll talk to my husband and we'll figure out how to help you move the drugs."

Nina wags her finger. "Apollo's already cooperating. It's Draco trying to find a way out. He needs to hold up his end of the deal and not try and use jail as an escape. I can easily turn the few years for felony murder to death row by, I don't know... Letting the Kingpin case stick and go to trial. His choice." Nina shrugs before giving a petty wave. "Goodnight, ladies!"

Watching her walk off my teeth grind. "I knew I didn't like that bitch," Rhea rolls her eyes. To let off some steam I pour myself another drink downing. Some night of fun...

I tried to enjoy the rest of my night as best as I could. It got ruined once again when Draco tried to call me. I was too busy shaking ass and drinking to answer, but he sent a text. It was telling me how Diamonté went into labor and they're headed to the hospital. All that did was drive me to drink more.

Before I know it, I'm sloppy drunk having the time of my life until I'm not. Now it caught up to me and I'm in a public restroom feeling like I'm dying.

While throwing up in a toilet, Rhea holds my hair back for me. I wipe my mouth admitting, "I can't do this."

"Please, stop talking."

"He's going to jail and I'm just supposed to wait?" I slur staring at the back wall. "What if the judge gives him the maximum eight years? I don't have fuckin' eight years to wait. My eggs will be scrambled by the time he gets out. I could freeze my eggs or his sperm. I could get a surrogate. I don't know. But why should I have to?!" I rant as tears begin to stream down my face. "You heard Nina too. He's firm on helping Glock. He'll stand ten toes and she'll let him rot, while my ovaries' rot right along with him!"

"Are you done?" Rhea frowns up her face not being able to take the smell.

"No! Actually, I have a lot to say!" I hold up an index finger.

"I meant throwing up." She reaches her leg around putting her heel on the button to flush.

"Oh, yeah," I mumble. Rhea motions for Miranda to come and they help me up walking me to the sink. I look at myself in the mirror seeing mascara streaming down my cheeks. As I'm washing my hands I grumble, "I'll just kidnap Saweetie's baby and raise it as my own. Yeah, I'll do that!"

"Okay, that's enough. No, you won't. No, she won't," Miranda says looking at a woman at the other sink. She shakes her head making the woman look away quickly like she didn't hear that. "You'll go to prison for that. We have enough people around us going to jail."

"Fuck it!" I throw my wet hands into the air making water fling. They move me over to stick my hands under the hand air dryer. "I know he's your husband, but your bitch ass baby daddy isn't making things any better. He could've helped Glock and Draco, but he won't," I look at Rhea.

"What're you talking about?" her tone seems like she doesn't care or even know what I'm talking about.

"They were all offered a plea deal to split the time evenly, so Glock wouldn't have to serve such a long time. Glock and Draco signed, but Apollo didn't show up. He's going to watch them go to prison when it was his idea. All him!"

"Wait, what?" Rhea looks confused like she doesn't know that.

"Glock and Draco are going to split the time for the Louise murder, while Apollo goes on with his merry life. Ass hole!" Miranda's hand covers my mouth as Rhea lets go of me. "What? You didn't know?" I laugh involuntarily.

"It's time to get you home," is all Miranda can say. With her support she guides me out of the bathroom in a wobbled, drunken walk.

It's after 2a.m. and I quietly walk into the new Manhattan penthouse we moved into. To ensure I don't wake up any of the kids I immediately remove my heels carrying them in my hands. I sigh in relief from my feet immediately feeling a sense of ease.

"Have fun?" I hear making me jump seeing Apollo's still up and sitting on the couch. I turn from going down the hall, instead going to the living room towards him.

He sits on the velvet sectional with the tv on mute with Halo laying next to him on the couch knocked out. I smile at her little body curled up in a blanket.

"How'd she do without me?" I ask in a whisper admiring how peaceful she is.

"She was crying, but I got her back to sleep." Saying that Apollo stands up grabbing her into his arms. He takes her to her nursery putting her in the crib before coming right back.

I watch Apollo's every move seeing him move through the nearby kitchen putting a bottle in the fridge. What Desdemona said in her drunken state is the only thing that has been running through my mind.

I walk into the kitchen too leaning against the island. "Did you know Glock signed a plea deal in the Louise case?" I ask already knowing the answer.

Apollo freezes, but quickly goes back to what he's doing acting unfazed. "Yeah, I mean, I get it. They found the body on top of the stolen car he had. The evidence was stacking, so why risk trial and getting triple the time he could get in a deal."

I cross my arms over my chest. "Did you know Draco took the deal too?"

"Yeah," he answers hesitantly.

"I'm hearing you were supposed to sign too. Why didn't you? " He shrugs like that's a good enough answer. "You're really going to let them go down alone?"

"Rhea, I'm not doing this tonight. We can talk about this in the morning," he tries to walk away, but I step in front of him blocking his way.

"No, I want to talk about this now. Why are you actin like your brothers didn't get in the life because of you? You restarted the organization after it was defunct and your father was in prison. You brought them into the drug game. They worked under you!" I poke his chest. "You're going to leave them high and dry?"

"Why am I signing that deal? To sit in prison because Glock was a dumb ass and kept the car when I told his ass not to? To sit in jail when I didn't kill anybody? I didn't kill Louise. I didn't even shoot him or lay a finger on him."

"You were there and I'm sure you made that order!" I shout.

Apollo sucks his teeth muttering, "whatever," letting me know I'm right.

I shake my head putting my hands on my temples not believing this. "I remember that day. Draco was so upset about whatever happened that day he didn't even stay for dinner. He was tired, so tired. I was tired then and I still am..."

"What do you want me to say?"

I stare at him still thinking on that day. I expressed Draco's want to no longer lead a life of crime, but it was also my want. Not only for myself, Draco, or the kids. I wanted it for the whole family, especially Apollo. He eventually came around, or acted like he did, yet almost two years later we're still living the same life. Every time we get close to getting out of this life, we get dragged back into it.

Draco was right about everything...

"I want a divorce."

"What?" Apollo looks at me shocked then he busts out laughing saying, "You must be drunk."

"I'm completely sober. I can't drink if I'm breastfeeding. I'm 100% coherent and can see you changed. I thought you had more loyalty to family than that. That's why I loved you so much. You cared about your people and were willing to do anything for your brothers and me."

"I'm doing this for you! For you and our kids. You would rather me be in jail than with you?"

"All you're doing is creating more problems for yourself and us. You don't get to walk away scott free. You have to work for Nina as an informant and sell the D.E.A.'s drugs. I can see that creating even more problems in the future. It already is. She threatened Des with jail time and letting the Kingpin case continue if Draco reneges. You're a dead man walking."

"I'm doing what I have to do for the family. Nina's helping me."

I shake my head. "She's helping herself. This is all about her operation. She's using you for her ultimate goal. You're allowing yourself to be a pawn. Apollo, you're not the man I thought you were."

I can tell that last sentence hurt him. "Draco and Glock are going to prison leaving two brand new babies fatherless and three women alone. I'm out and you're choosing to be a single mother?"

"I'm choosing myself for once. Something I've put off for a very long time and I'm done with it. In a matter of days I've seen two women have emotional breakdowns. Why? Because they're choosing men over their own peace of mind. Yes, they love them but love doesn't mean shit at a time like this. I'm realizing love and loyalty is all we have, Apollo. And truthfully, you're love and loyalty is no guarantee anymore."

"What're you talking about? I love you and the kids more than anything. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing!"

"No, you're doing it for yourself!" I yell with a now shaky voice.

"You think you can do this alone? Raise two kids alone? You won't get shit in the divorce because they froze my assets and you don't know where I hid the overseas money. You've made scraps styling as a part-time hobby that you act like is a real career. You haven't worked a real job since you got with me at 19, 20. Watch!"

"I'm so sick of your controlling shit too. I've let you control me for too long!"

"Tell me, Rhea... What's your credit score? Have you ever had a car in your name? Paid a mortgage, property tax, car note, filed taxes on your own, simply paid a damn bill? No, you don't know and you haven't. You need me. More than ever now!"

"Apollo... You might wanna slow down when speaking to me. I know where the dead bodies are. I know where the smoking guns are, the bloody clothes, and the residue of drugs. Whatever I want, it's best you give it to me or secrets will magically become known," I threaten with flare nostrils.

He quickly walks towards me getting in my face. He towers over me with his nose damn near touching my face. "You might wanna slow down too. Plenty of wives have been locked up right along with their partners just because they knew too much. You flip on me and I'll make sure you get yours too. Who will take care of our kids then if we're both in prison?" he threatens right back.

Is this what we've come to?

I mush him out of my face pushing him in his chest to get him out of my space. "I'm done. Expect papers as soon as I can get them filed. You better sign them unlike how your pussy ass did the plea deal," I insult with venom sauntering out of the kitchen.

Nina threatening Desdemona & Draco?

Rhea wanting a divorce from Apollo? do you think it's warranted?

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