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- Chapter 8 -

It's a little past 9a.m. and the Miami sun still has no chill. I walk through the patio doors into my backyard feeling fresh from the shower I just took, but already feeling the heat. The way that sun landed on me made me feel like I was immediately drenched in sweat as I wore a robe and slippers. When I walk out and see Desdemona sitting on the ledge of the pool in a bikini with her legs in the water, Paloma sunbathing on the side of the pool, and Jordan on a unicorn pool floatie floating across the water I say, "Y'all feignin'. It's not even 10a.m. and y'all already by the pool."

I stop by the pool looking at each of them. Paloma lowers her sunglasses looking up at me then saying, "And you feigning coming out here with all that jewelry on at 9:46 in the morning. You ain't goin' nowhere. Who you tryna stunt for? Put it back in the jewelry box." She raises her sunglasses back up holding her head up continuing to roast under the sun.

I suck my teeth responding, "This is how bosses wake up. Went to sleep drippin', woke up drippin'." I brush myself off seeing Desdemona shake her head with a chuckle.

"Last I recalled you just became a boss a couple of weeks ago...with my help. Slow down, playboy," Desdemona says making me look at her sideways.

"Ewww, did y'all all wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Is it insult Draco day? The owner of this house, the one who flew y'all out here? I just came to tell y'all breakfast was ready no thanks to you all. Why you were all chilling by the pool, Athena was cooking."

"Well, that's nice of her. We already ate though," Paloma responds.

"I'm still hungry though," Desdemona says scooping water from the pool putting it on her thighs for some reason. I guess to cool off. "What did she fix?"

"Get up and find out yourself," I say being petty still feeling a type of way from the insults earlier. She had sunglasses on, but I could tell there was a glare on her face behind them. When she flicks me off I say in shock, "You're sassy this morning. Soon you'll be cussing." I was making fun because I had never heard her cuss in a mean spirited way. Only casually, but not often.

"You keep trying me and I will," she threatens as I don't take her serious at all. I just laugh.

"Can you guys be quiet? I'm trying to catch some rays at my Caucasian house?" Paloma says swinging her head as if flipping her hair knowing damn well she has a little bun at the back of her head.

I furrow my brows saying, "You mean my house? And ain't shit Caucasian 'bout it except the neighbors and the people who sold it to me." Paloma shushes me as she lays there. I stare down at her narrowing my eyes at her...

I walk over to the side of the pool, sticking my hand into the water slapping it to fling water on her. I do it again until she's drenched with her mouth agape still sitting there in shock. She stands up as I laugh. "Asshole!" She says through tight lips pushing my chest with one hand. She pushes me again with two hands this time with more force making me lose my balance. Her strong ass made me fall in the pool, jewelry, sunglasses, robe, slippers, and all.

I splash into the water making sure to close my eyes and hold my breath. After a few seconds I open them letting them get adjusted to the chlorine filled water. I swim up to the top gasping to catch my breath. I wasn't the best swimmer only because no one ever took the time out to teach me. My sunglasses are floating close to me, so I grab them. Paloma is standing by the edge of the pool and Desdemona is still sitting on the edge as they both laugh. "That's what you get for trying me," Paloma says putting her hands on her hips as Desdemona is cracking up in laughter.

"Y'all got me wet," Jordan complains still on her floatie.

"Oh, so you think this is funny?" I direct towards Desdemona as I swim to the edge of the pool by her.

I sit my glasses on the edge of the pool as she replies, "Yup, and? What you gonna do about i–" Before she can finish I'm grabbing her leg pulling her into the pool with me. I let go of her leg and I hear a loud splash as she goes underneath. It's only the 5 feet deep part of the pool, so I can stand up straight with no problem.

A couple of seconds later she's coming up to the surface splashing water as she flaps her arms around. Water hits me in the face as she screams flipping her drenched hair out of her face. She groans loudly saying, "Why would you do that?! I was on the side of the pool because I didn't want to get in and get my hair wet." I look at her serious face that's wet wearing no makeup. She was pretty even with no beauty enhancements. She was cute when she was mad also. A smile slowly creeps across my face before I bust out in stitches.

When water hits my face from her splashing at me, I flinch not seeing it coming because I was laughing so hard. "Yeah, you don't like it, huh?" She says splashing more water. She's splashing it so fast I don't even have the chance to open my eyes.

"Hey! Hey! You're getting me wet!" I can hear Jordy's squeaky voice yell. When Desdemona tries to splash me again I duck to dodge it then I go under the water. I swim towards her then grab her around her knees lifting her up. Once my head is above the water I put her over my shoulder.

"Put me down!" She says as I hook my arms around her thighs so I can get a better grip.

"I will throw you to the deep end if you don't quit playing with me," I threaten as I make steps in the water towards the deeper end. The pool goes from 3 feet deep to 9 feet deep once you get to the side with the diving board.

As soon as I say that she starts to wiggle in my grip. "Wait, no! I can't swim in that deep of water." From the desperateness in her voice I could tell she was serious. I ignore her as we're now in the 6 feet deep region.

I take another step acting like I was still going to do it when Paloma says, "She's dead serious. We went to a water park and you know those wave pools? She ended up past the red line and almost drowned. Lifeguards had to save her and everything. She pissed herself too." Paloma laughs adding, "She was thirty by the way." Paloma laughs even more as I hear Desdemona smack her lips.

"Can you just let me go, so I can get out? And where are my sunglasses?" She says with frustration in her voice. She finally gave up trying to get out of my strong hold realizing it was no use.

"They must've fell off in the water," I say as I let go of her thighs as she slides down my body into the water more. She's still pressed up against me as my arm is now around her back to hold her up.

She looks around the pool grumbling, "Well, you need to find them. Those are Chanel sunglasses." She looks back towards me seeing how close we are then she looks at the water. "How deep is this? Are your feet touching the ground right now?"

"You have way too much money to not know how to swim properly. You need to pay for some swim lessons," I say jokingly with a little truth behind it. "My feet touch the ground. I don't know about yours. Let's see," I say letting go of her. She quickly wraps her arms around my neck latching on like a toddler who doesn't want to be put down by their mother.

"Don't do that!" Because we're wet she starts slipping a little so she quickly wraps her legs around me like a monkey next making me chuckle. "No, you need to take me more over there. To where I can at least stand up with my head above water."

"Okay, but you're choking me," I say through the tight ass grip she has around my neck.

"It ain't that deep..literally." I hear Paloma laugh at her own corny joke as I see her sit on a lounge chair. "Don't let her fool you. She just wants to touch you...to get close," Paloma says it in this whispery voice making me laugh.

I can see someone coming through the back sliding doors. As soon the person steps from out of the shade I can see it is Apollo already dressed for the day. I just pay him no mind not caring why he's coming out here.

I make steps to get to a more shallow area of the pool when I hear, "Good morning, Apollo." Paloma had a naturally flirtatious voice, so I couldn't tell if she was doing it on purpose. I've been watching her and Apollo all week. They had gotten acquainted throughout the last couple of days, but I didn't think it was anything to be alarmed about. It was mostly a trip consisting of couples. I was mostly with Desdemona leaving them two since Rhea didn't come. Apollo was the type to make it known quickly he's married and it's not happening. He never got too friendly with a female.

I can hear him say it back as I get over to the ladder. Desdemona unwraps herself from me finally then climbs up the ladder to get out of the pool. I turn my head looking at Apollo fully for the first time...

"What you lookin' at your watch for? I hope you're trying to see what time you'll stop being an asshole," I say laughing at my own joke. He clearly didn't find it funny by the way he looked at me. I climb out of the pool too as water drips off of me. I was drenched. My robe was heavy from the amount of water that had settled in it. My slippers were somewhere floating in the pool making me now barefoot. I didn't care that my jewelry got wet because when it's real, you don't have to worry.

"I'm tryna figure out why you're in the pool and not getting ready like we don't have somewhere to be. We have work to do," he gripes as I just decide to take the robe off. I only had underwear underneath it, but I didn't care.

"God has blessed us this fine morning. Hasn't he?" I hear Paloma say randomly making me look at her confused. Everyone was looking at her confused. As I grab a towel and start to dry off I realize she's talking about me. "Do y'all have another brother who's single? Shit, you can hook me up with one of the daddies?" I ignore her wrapping the towel around my lower half.

"Daddies? Why do you assume we have multiple fathers?" I say being fake offended to entertain her.

"Well, shit. You're telling me y'all all came from the same ball sack and semen? I know my God's a good God, but I know he didn't show out like that." I laugh and I can see Apollo laugh a little too. His angry ass rarely laughed or smiled unless it came to his daughter.

"I'm fuckin' with you. Different fathers, but they're dead," I respond bluntly as her hopeful smile falls.

"Damn, way to crush a girls dream. Rest In Peace. They deserve to be in Heaven just for creating y'all." I hear her suck her teeth as she turns her head up to continue tanning. I laugh inwardly because I knew both of our fathers definitely went to hell.

It made me think about how even if we change our lives around when we die, we're still going to hell. We've already lied, cheated, stole, and killed our way through life. Why change now? Maybe that's the logic behind Apollo and even Glock not wanting to quit. Who knows... I just want a glimpse of feeling like a good person instead of a brute.

"You need to get ready," Apollo says turning back to me making me come back to reality.

"I'm going to need to take another shower. I smell like chlorine."

Apollo immediately smacks his lips. "Y'all are the most unreliable niggas I have ever met. I told y'all to be ready by 10a.m. Ares' ass is still in bed, you out here playing in the pool witcho little girlfriend, and Glock up there fucking Athena–" I furrow my brows because I wasn't expecting that last part.

I completely bypass his girlfriend comment in reference to Desdemona saying, "I thought she was in the kitchen cooking." That sure was the last place I saw her.

"Naw, she upstairs getting them cheeks clapped while the food get cold. Soon as I went to the door about to knock I hear moaning and shit. I'ma need y'all to get it together. This ain't vacation!"

"Nigga, I coulda swore we came to Miami for my birthday vacation. To have fun," I say with scrunched brows.

"Your birthday was 4 days ago. You're stretching it at this point. Get your ass dressed and come on. I'm leaving. You can meet me there." He walks off going back in the house as I shake my head.

I smack my lips grumbling, "I should've left yo ass in New York." I pick my robe up from the ground walking to the edge of the pool wringing the water out of it. I lay it on the corner of a lounge chair so it can dry in the sun as I go through the sliding doors that lead directly into the dining room / kitchen area. When I walk in Desdemona is over by the food and Jordan is drinking a glass of juice.

"Athena went all out," Mona comments as I walk up to the island grabbing a plate. She wasn't lying. There were scrambled eggs, over easy eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, oatmeal, grits, biscuits, crescents, pankcakes, waffles, coffee, and juice. If Glock don't marry her, I'm slapping him a couple times. The nigga would have to be stupid not to wife her.

I pile my plate with food sitting at the breakfast nook with Desdemona since we were the only ones eating. I was going to eat, shower, get dressed, then leave. Apollo can calm down. I was going to enjoy these last few days in Miami before we go back to New York.

As I dig in, I look up to see Desdemona pop two pills in her mouth then follow it with water. Of course I was wondering what they were for, but I mind my business chewing my food. "I'm gonna go and try to wake Ares up," Jordan says. I nod my head as she walks out of the kitchen. Ares was a deep sleeper, so I wish her luck.

I turn back forward looking at Mona for a couple of seconds. "You really can't swim?" I ask taking a bite of a piece of bacon.

She shakes her head making her hair swing a little that is drying curly after getting wet. "When I was younger, my Dad was still working for something. No billion dollar company just of yet when I was a kid. He didn't want to pay for swim lessons, so like a true hood dude he threw me in a pool expecting me to just magically know how to swim. Nearly killed me that day."

I laugh a little then I say, "You know how they tried to teach us how to swim? We were in Atlanta visiting my grandparents. My grandpa filled the back of his pickup truck with water and told us to dive in. That bitch wasn't even a foot high. I didn't learn a damn thing." I laugh and she does too. "It be like that sometimes, I guess."

"We should take swim lessons together. Two grown adults learning how to swim properly," she suggests with a light laugh.

"Shit, I'm down. If a hurricane comes and I don't make it out the city, I need to know how to swim. If I'm on a boat and some Titanic shit happen and it goes down, I need to know how to swim. If the pussy is too wet, I need to know how to swim." I hear Desdemona cough as I realize she choked while drinking her juice.

"I'm not even going to say anything," she says touching her chest. "And you still didn't get my sunglasses. They're probably at the bottom of the pool now." She has a slight attitude in her voice making me look up from my plate at her.

"I'll get them when I'm done eating," I say to satisfy her before putting a scoop of oatmeal in my mouth. Between me putting brown sugar and evaporated milk in it, that shit was hitting the spot.

When I dip a piece of plain white bread in the oatmeal I hear Desdemona say, "You eat weird." I look up at her seeing a disgusted look on her face.

"Don't worry about how I eat. Your bougie ass don't know nothin' bout this."

She rolls her eyes saying, "I know covering everything on your plate in syrup isn't healthy. Who puts syrup on eggs?" She questions. I look at her plate seeing everything is perfectly spaced out. I could tell she was the type who didn't like for her food to touch.

"Mind your business. Mind your business," I sing continuing to eat. When I feel a kick to my leg from under the table I look at her. Her head is lowered as she stirs her grits with a smile on her face. "Aren't you leaving today?" I say with irritation.

"Yup, later. I have to pick up my sister from the airport then we're going to my parents. Thanks to you I have to redo my hair," she says sarcastically. It's silent as she looks at me probably expecting an apology, but I was too busy eating. She kicks me under the table again making me groan.

"Aiight, you got one more mutha fuckin' time to kick me," I say pointing my fork at her.

"Or whattt?" She says snickering like a child.

"Man, whatever," I say brushing her off eating the last of my food.

"Exactly, won't bust a nut," she teases.

I furrow my brows looking at her. "I'm pretty sure the saying is won't bust a grape." She puts her hand up to her mouth realizing what she said as we both laugh. "Dirty ass mind. You ain't slick. I know what you're thinking about."

She stands up from the table saying, "I don't know what you're talking about." She points at my plate asking, "You done with that? I'll wash dishes since Athena cooked."

"You don't have to. The maid is supposed to be coming later on today to clean."

"Well, I'll still take the dishes to the sink while you go get my freaking sunglasses out of the pool."

She grabs the plates as I get up from the table as well saying, "I'm going." When I turn around I see Athena coming into the kitchen with Glock right on her heels.

"Good morning!" Athena says all giggly like making me raise my brow. Guess Apollo wasn't lying about them being up there fucking.

"Waddup," Glock says enthusiastically raising his hand for a dap as Athena walks past me.

I leave his hand hanging asking, "Did you wash your hands?"

He looks at me confused. "Why you asking me that?"

"Cause you was probably up there fingering her, putting fingers in her bootyhole, and all types of shit."

Glock lowers his hand realizing I'm going to leave him hanging. "Don't be mad at me because it's yo birthday week and you haven't got NONE! Who don't get pussy on their birthday? You're backed up and you're maddd, nigga!"

I smack my lips when Athena says, "Aww, don't make fun of him. That's sad considering him and Saanvi broke up. Draco, if you want I can call up a girl before we leave Miami? It's only like $500 a night. I'll pay and make it happen."

"An escort?" I question like she's dumb.

"Yeah," she says in a duh tone. "I work with them all the time. They're "IG models", but for a fee they'll fuck and suck anybody. It's normal."

"No, thank you?" I say as if it's a question. "I'm good. I'm not tryna catch AIDS and I don't need any help getting pussy."

"He always been a goodie two shoes. Never wanted to fuck a girl unless he knew her name. Had to be his girlfriend and shit. Always wanna be the romantic and in love nigga. Simp!" Glock says laughing heartily. His laugh was just as deep as his gruff voice from smoking for years. "You better take advantage of this break from Saanvi, my nigga."

I smack my lips waving him off going back out to the backyard. It's now empty as I don't see Paloma. I take the towel from around my waist dropping it to the ground then jump into the pool. I dive under the water opening my eyes to see if I can spot the sunglasses. I finally do, so I swim to the bottom grabbing them. I swim back up with them in my hand catching my breath. When I look up I see Desdemona standing there in her orange bikini waiting with a drink in her hand. I could tell she worked out to maintain her body. "You find them?" She asks making me hold them up to show her.

Using the ladder, I get out of the pool. I go over to Desdemona handing her the sunglasses. "Thanks," she says grabbing them from me.

"No problem." It was awkward just standing there in my underwear, so I say, "I need to get ready," while walking away to pick the towel up.

"Me too," I hear her say as I dry myself off. I didn't want to be dripping water all through my house. When I look up from drying my arms off I see Desdemona walking into the house. I shake my head for some reason as I dry my legs and feet off next.

Throughout the week I was able to get to to know her better outside of business. I'm not a talkative person. Some would say I'm quiet and even shy. People were always surprised by that because by looking at me it seemed as if I was this bigger than life persona from the way I dress or just the way I move. The flashy jewelry, clothes, and cars is just something I picked up from my Jamaican father. I was too young to remember him, but I had pictures and heard stories. That's who I molded myself after and I was going to do the same with my clothing line.

From the week I realized Desdemona isn't talkative either. She didn't really even have to talk anyway. Her actions talked for her. I've never met a women who walked in so much power. She walks in a room, it's automatic respect. And she doesn't take advantage of that by being a bitch or a diva, she's nice as hell. When she did speak it came out strategic, articulate, and intelligent.

She kind of reminded me of my mother...before the drugs.

After drying off I go into the house, so I can take another shower and get ready for the day. We had some stuff we needed to handle in Miami pertaining to the 'family business' before we leave. After that I was going to go check up on my rental property to make sure it's still intact.


After getting ready and patiently waiting on Ares' slow poke ass we could finally leave. I walk out of the front door with Ares behind me going down the driveway. I smile at the sight of my Lambo as it sits pretty. I planned on getting the interior done, the windows tinted, and the rims painted black the next time I'm back in Miami. There was no point of having the car shipped to New York. There was really no point in having a super nice, expensive car in New York City period. I still did though, I couldn't help it. I like to ride foreign and expensive.

As I hit the button on the key fob to unlock the doors I see a car pull into the driveway. I see it's my Range Rover knowing it's Desdemona coming back from the airport. I let her drive my car, so she could drop Paloma off at the airport who's leaving and pickup her sister. She parks the car beside my Lamborghini getting out. She steps out with her hair in a curly bun wearing a tank top and Nike leggings and sneakers.

Soon after the passenger door is opening and a young girl steps out. The girl I met at her place the night I took a drunk Desdemona home. "Who is that?" My brother, Ares mumbles.

Before I can answer Desdemona comes up to us asking, "You guys leaving?"

"Yeah, got some stuff to handle," I reply. "Cordelia, right?" I ask pointing at her sister.

"Yup, and you're Young Draco," she says with a smile as we shake hands.

"I forgot y'all two met already," Desdemona comments.

"You tend to forget things when you're drunk," her sister teases as I laugh a little. Desdemona rolls her eyes when I hear Ares clear his throat from behind me.

"This is my younger brother, Ares. This is Desdemona's sister, Cordelia." They shake hands as I look at Ares who can't even keep his eyes off of Cordelia who's in a crop crewneck, the matching sweats, and those furry slides to probably be comfortable during her flight. This nigga, is all I can think. He stay giving other girls googly eyes when he's in a relationship.

"Nice to meet you," he says as she says it right back.

Once they're done having a moment Desdemona hands me the keys to my car. "Here ya go. Thanks and I filled the tank by the way."

"You didn't have to do that, but you can't take the gas back now. We gotta get going. I guess by the time we get back you'll be gone. Guess I'll see you back in New York."

"I guess so. Thanks for inviting me out here. I had fun and it was a slight breath of fresh from work. And Ares, I hope to be hearing from you soon about this modeling. Right?" She says like a teacher to a bad ass student who never comes to class.

"I'ma hit you, so we can set up a meeting. I promise." He smiles wide then they hug. Ares was the only one who gave Desdemona a fair chance by getting to know her. That and he couldn't help getting to know a pretty female. The nigga needed a leash honestly. He was a womanizer and the type to flirt with anyone. I don't know how Jordan does it. Hopefully he saw why I was working with her unlike Apollo and Glock.

They pull apart then Desdemona sticks her hand out saying, "Draco."

"So he gets a hug and I get a handshake?" I question looking at her hand. "Fuck outta here," I slightly slap her hand away. "We friends now, nigga," I say hugging her as she laughs.

"I was just trying to keep it professional."

"That went out the window when you twerked in the same room as me and went skinny dipping in my pool," I say as we let go of each other. Her mouth is wide open as I say, "Yeah, Jordan told me how y'all got drunk and jumped ass naked into my pool while we were gone one night."

She looks off to the side as if embarrassed when Cordelia says in shock, "You twerked?" She didn't even care about the skinny dipping.

"Yup, throwing ass in circles, rectangles, triangles," I answer for her.

"You gotta show me. Geraldo's going to gag when he hears this," her sister says excitedly as Desdemona guides her away. Mona gives me one last look before going up the driveway with her sister.

I laugh as me and Ares get in my car. As soon as I put the car in reverse Ares is saying, "Her sister cute as hell."

"Cute is the right word. Cute describes someone who's little and young perfectly because her sister is both. That girl is in high school, so cut it out. She's like 17," I say turning the wheel with one hand as I'm in reverse.

I put the car in drive then pull off. "What kind of 17 though? A 17 year old who's a senior or a 17 year old who's a junior? 17 about to be 18 type of 17?"

"Nigga, there's only one type of 17. Not legal! I don't know about details because I don't know the girl. I just know you need to quit staring at her young ass, especially when you have a girl."

He smacks his lips waving me off as I drive through the gate of my gated community. "Issa joke. Yo ass a mini Apollo and you don't even realize it sometimes." That was an insult to me. Apollo's not as terrible as he comes off...all the time. He was giving as hell and him buying me a car that costs more than $400,000 was an example of that. He did a lot for the family including me and my brothers, his wife, his kids, and extended family members. One thing I can say is the game changed him... He had to grow up fast and with that came growing cold.

As I speed down the street Ares breaks my thoughts by continuing to talk. "Plus, ain't the legal age of consent in New York 17 anyway? If I really wanted to..." I tune out the stupidity coming out of his mouth. "Plus I'm only 20. The rule is like someone can consent to someone no more than 4 years older. Shit, at least I'm not as old as R. Kelly's pissy ass."

"For someone who said it's a joke, it seems like you're trying to convince yourself on why it's okay. All I'ma say is if you start working with Desdemona too, don't pull no bullshit trying to get with her sister. That can fuck up my relationship with her and I'm not havin' that. You're with Jordy, right? Act like it."

He laughs making me look over at him as I stop at a red light. "Jordan is on the way out. Once we get a spot in Dubai I'ma wrap it up. She's starting to get suspicious trying to figure out where my money is coming from. I don't need her digging and possibly finding out because she's for damn sure not cut out for this life. She ain't gonna be down like Rhea or Athena. She grew up rich, sheltered, and spoiled. She's not from the streets, so she won't know how to act."

I could agree with that. I highly doubt Jordan would hold it down like Rhea or Athena. If some shit go down, which it probably won't, but if it did, she wouldn't be with it. "I like Jordy, but I agree. It's been a couple of years and it's to the point either you let her know what it really is or let her go. We both know you're not ready to commit fully like that because if you tell her that means you're in it for the long haul. Athena only knows without a ring because her Pop's. I highly doubt you would marry Jordan."

"Hell nah. She's cool, but I'm not in love. I got with her in college because she would buy me shit and she had good pussy. Then Apollo told me to keep her around, so we could get houses easily once she graduated." Now we legally buy houses, but before Jordy was getting us properties in her name. We didn't have credit or enough legal money to do it on our own. At this point, we didn't need Jordan anymore.

"Do what you gotta do," is all I say pulling up to the place we're meeting Apollo at. Call it cold, but it is what it is. I felt bad for her, but not really. Ares used her, but she allowed him to use her. It was obvious he was using her for money and sex in the beginning, but she fooled herself into thinking it was real relationship.

I pull around back then park my car where there were a bunch of transit vans lined up. We both get out of the car walking over where different dudes are packing up the vans. Most of our product came from Miami and India. "Did my idea work?" I ask the overseer of our Miami worker. His name is Julito and we've known him for years. He daps me standing at only 5'6" with brown skin and curly hair.

"Like a mutha fucka. You always comin' through with the good ideas," he says as we both look at the back of the van that looks empty aside from the seats. Everything was in the walls of the car. No more packing shit up in boxes or putting it in the floor of the car under the seats. For an average person it'll look like a van full of people on a road trip with luggage.

"Good. Where's Apollo?" I ask looking around seeing how everybody was working.

"He left already. You know him. Comes in giving orders then he's gone just as quickly. Can I talk to you about something?" Julito says with concern in his voice making me look at him with furrowed brows.

"What's up?" I say giving him my attention.

"I'm not tryna tell y'all what to do, but I saw all these pictures of you and your brothers at fashion shows in blogs and shit. Y'all think that's a good idea? I'm just saying because I've been hearing the Jean-Pierre's on some sneaky shit sending hits out. They're Haitian, so they're getting in good with the Haitians here in Miami. They're trying to get them to turn on y'all. Chaos is a different animal from Casanova."

I grind my teeth as I think about what he's saying. I rub my goatee then say, "You don't gotta worry about us. I got this. Just last week we had a meeting with C.A.S. for a truce. Whether Chaos realizes it or not, I have him exactly where I want him. He wants my connect in India and I'm going to get it for him, but that comes at a price."

Julito narrows his eyes as if understanding where I'm going with this. I want out with Mr. Ambani and for a minute I was thinking I wouldn't be able to get out. Then I thought on it. I'm going to offer Mr. Ambani a deal to take Chaos as his new buyer from New York. I rather have Chaos tied up with him then myself. It's just a matter of Mr. Ambani taking my offer...

"You're smart. I know you got it. Just move careful. I've been hearing Casanova is about to get out too." I bug my eyes slightly at that.

"When?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

Julito shrugs. "I don't know. I just heard, so muh fuckas could be lying to stir up shit. It makes sense though. Chaos has been moving crazy and it might be because he knows his brother is coming home and he'll have back up..protection."

"Hm," I say rubbing my chin. It did make sense. It would still be 4 against two..The De Carlos versus C.A.S. If Casanova is coming home that means shit is about to hit the fan...

I sit on the bed now dressed waiting for my sister to come out of the bathroom. "I really don't understand why we have to get so dressed up just to see our parents?" I hear Cordelia grumble angrily as the bathroom door swings open aggressively. "Like, what was wrong with what I had on? I should be able to be comfortable at my own parent's house," she adds now wearing the Kate Spade dress I bought her.

"It's dinner and you know how Dad is," I say as I buckle the ankle strap on my Tom Ford heels.

"Dad's going to be there?" There's shock in her voice. I was shocked when my Mom told me too. Between my father's company and always being on the go travelling for business, we rarely saw him. He was a busy man.

I just nod my head. "Really? Surprising," she says quietly. I get up going to the mirror moving a strand of my hair back in place. Because Draco pulled me in the pool I had to wash my hair in the shower, blow-dry it, and straighten it. "Draco has a nice house, but I'm confused," Cordelia is now sitting on the bed putting lotion on.

"Confused about?" I mumble out as I put on a Marc Jacobs lip gloss on.

"Like, are you dating him?"

"No," I quickly say as if what she said is offensive. "He's my client."

She gives me this look as if not believing me. "You left me for nearly a week to come out here for his birthday...I've never seen you do that for any of your other clients. You frontin', but it's whateva." She's been in New York too long, is all I can think. "I don't know why though, he's cute. His brother is fine too," she says with a big smile. "Big and tall. Real sturdy and manly," she goes on about Ares biting her lip.

I cut her off saying, "He has a girlfriend..who's downstairs..and not 17 in high school."

"I'm 17 and three quarters, thank you very much. My birthday is in less than two months. And so? Girlfriend, not wife. Who would I be if I let the fact he has a girlfriend stand in my way? A quitter! And last time I checked Daddy didn't raise no quitters!" She says so seriously.

"He clearly raised a fool though," I mumble. I put my diamond earrings in each of my ears then look at my phone seeing the Uber is here. "We need to go," I say to Cordelia who's putting her shoes on. I already had all of our bags by the door ready to go, so I just grabbed my phone and Chanel purse. I hear Cordelia do a long sigh as I head towards the door. We go downstairs and in the living room Athena and Jordan are watching tv.

Jordan sees me asking, "You leaving?"

"Yeahh, going to my parents for the rest of the weekend."

"Aww, well I had fun with you this week. I enjoyed getting to know you," Jordan says with a smile getting up from the couch.

Athena gets up too adding on, "Same. I'ma need you to practice on that twerking a little more. We need to get together when we get back to New York and have a girls night out. No men."

"That sounds great," I say smiling. I honestly didn't have many friends. Outside of Paloma, anybody I considered a friend came from a business relationship. People were usually befriending me to get something out of it whether it's to gain celebrity, get into parties and events, or to try and get my services for free. Friendships in the industry are rarely real. They're usually to gain something instead of pure friendship.

For some reason, I didn't get that vibe from either of them. They both had their own thing going and are successful in their own fields. From the week out here, I could see they just liked to have fun and weren't about drama. I wish Rhea would have come, but I have a feeling she didn't show up for a reason. It was now obvious Apollo is her husband because the other brothers came with someone except him. I really just wanted to talk to Rhea and see what's going on.

Athena and Jordan help me and my sister take our bags outside to the car. Once they're in the trunk I hug both of them then we get in the car leaving. My parents live in Miami Beach, which isn't too far from Miami. The car ride is quiet except the music playing softly that the Uber driver played. Cordelia's head is stuck in her phone like most teens nowadays as I look out of the window taking in the view of palm trees and crystal blue water. If I could I would move to Miami. It's beautiful, but most of my work needs to be done in New York.

When my phone starts ringing I look at it in my lap to see who's calling. When I see it's Jacobi it slightly puts a smile on my face. Although he was understanding when I told about my status on our first date, I was expecting him to change his mind and switch up after. He didn't though. We pretty much talk everyday since we met. He was a nice guy so far, but they always are in the beginning. "Hey," I say once I answer. "How are you?"

"I'm good, I'm good," his deep voice responds. "Missing you even though you're living it up in M.I.A. How are you?"

I chuckle, "I'm living it up according to you. But I'm good, I'll be back on Sunday."

"Good, I know we've been talking and getting to know one another. I didn't want to seem thirsty, but I would really love that second date."

I smile to myself tapping my foot a little. "I'd love that. I have a lot of work to do in order to catch up from being gone a week, but we can definitely go out next weekend." Before I would be looking at my schedule trying to squeeze a man in. This time I was taking a different approach. You have to make time for things you want. If I want this to go anywhere I can't be how I used to be. Like my HIV/AIDS counselor said, I have to change...

We have a short conversation then we hang up. I put my phone back in my purse and when I look over my sister is staring at me. "What?" I ask stretching my neck back slightly.

"Nothing, you're just over there cheesing."

I ignore her looking out of the window to see we're close to arriving to our parents house. "Remember what we're here for. They're going to be talking about you moving back here and college. Be truthful about not wanting to go to college."

"We'll see how this goes," she says sighing loudly. Cordelia had some truths to tell and so did I. I had a session with Dr. Myers and she told me it's about time I tell my parents about my status. I've been positive for two years and I still haven't told them. If I die tomorrow they would get the shock of their life to find out why and that's not right. They deserve to know, but I just don't know how they'll react. Knowing my parents they'll just care about other people finding out and it ruining the Garnet reputation.

When we finally pull up to our parents house I look around...

My stomach was churning out of nervousness. As soon as the car stopped in the circular driveway in front of the door my heart beat sped up. I get out of the car as well as Cordelia looking at the perfectly manicured lawn and the fountain. Before I knew it the front door was flying open and my Mom was rushing out. "Cordelia!" She screams running up to her daughter hugging her tightly.

While in the hug Cordelia looks back at me with a confused face. My mother was never the loving or nurturing type, so this was fairly weird. She's the one who suggested Cordelia come live with me. I guess she missed the baby of the bunch realizing it's lonely with no kids in the house. Seconds later I see my father come out of the front door. "Let the girl breath, Kelly," his deep voice says as he stands there in a polo, khakis, and white sneakers.

My father is 6'1", brown skin with wavy hair that's now peppered with white and grey. He was a handsome man aging well to be in his early 50's. I could understand why all the women wanted him; he's rich, he looks good, and he's smart. Desmond Garnet was what you called a self-made billionaire. No trust fund or a family line of wealth. He definitely wasn't the man I saw growing up. Before he was a Detroit playa trying to make something shake while we lived in Pennsylvania. He went from Joy Road to Villanova University to working on Wall street in a firm to starting his own company, Garnet LP.

My parents had me at 22, so it wasn't easy. I was born a month before they both graduated college and you can see me in their graduation pictures. For awhile they struggled. Mainly my father who just wanted a good job to support his family. 5 years later my younger sister, Miranda was born and they finally got married at the courthouse. There was no need for a wedding because no one agreed to them getting married.

Eventually my Dad got a position to be a partner at a company. He moved to New York working for different firms on Wall Street while our mother raised me and my sister in Pennsylvania. Then out of nowhere my Mom said we were moving. We went from a 3 bedroom house to a two story. After that things just kept changing. From the two story to a mansion you could get lost in and from public to private school. Little did I know, my father was making history. He was the first black man to own a privately held financial software, data, and media company. He went from a thousandaire to a millionaire to now a billionaire.

My mother let's go of my sister looking at me. I favored my mother more than my father. My mother was a skinny, White lady with sandy brown hair and green eyes. You could see the age on her face even though she clearly had some help with Botox. She was still wearing her designer and her diamonds like she was going somewhere. "Look at you!" She says opening her arms. I hug her as she says, "I feel like I can only see you on tv, the internet, or magazines lately." She pulls away from me holding my hands. "I just don't get why you're single."

"Mom," I say hoping she won't start already.

"I'm just saying. You're gorgeous, smart, successful, and have a banging body. What is it? Do you not make time for dating?" She leans in whispering, "You give fellatio, right? Can't keep a man if you don't–"

I cut her off saying, "Mom!"

"Alright, let's go inside," she says laughing a little.

"Our bags," I say looking at the Uber.

"I'll have Matthew come get them for you." She puts her arm on my lower back as we walk towards the house.

I look at my father who's just staring at me. "Desdemona.."

"Dad," I say with a head nod as we go in the house. I for sure wasn't the Daddies girl I once was as a child.

"Dinner is already ready," my Mom says as we walk through the house. We go to the formal dining room where there's a long table with about ten seats. The table is made perfectly as the chandelier glimmers from the ceiling. My parents each sit at a end of table and they make me and Cordelia sit in the middle seats across from each other. It felt like we would have to shout just to talk to our parents during dinner.

Although I have money and I've made a great life for myself, I would never raise my own kids like this. This stuffy ass lifestyle gets boring. I never wanted my money to take over my life. Money should be a means to live a better life with fun. You have to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Me, Miranda, and Cordelia felt like we couldn't be ourselves around our own parents.

I look at the silverware that's spotless when I see two women come out with plates. The woman sits one in front of me and I thank her. I look at the perfectly plated food knowing a chef made this. My mother wasn't much of a cook. She was a housewife that didn't do much of any house work. She hasn't cooked or cleaned since we got money and she hired nannies as soon as she could. Cordelia was pretty much raised by nannies seeing as she was born into this wealth. This was all Cordelia ever knew. She didn't know the humble beginnings.

I close my eyes to pray over my food, but it's interrupted by my father's voice. "How's school?" He asks. I open my eyes to see him looking at Cordelia.

"Good," is her simple response as I grab my knife and fork.

"I hope going to this public school doesn't ruin your chances of getting into an Ivy League school. You're keeping your grades up I assume. You need to start applying to schools soon. You'll need recommendation letters too and I'm already getting in a couple of ears for you. How are the students? Is the school urban or–?" I roll my eyes just cutting up my food not saying anything.

"I mean, I guess," Cordelia responds. "I like it though. It's fun and I get along with the people better than out here." Cordelia clears her throat and I can tell it's because she's nervous. I give her a look saying tell him with my eyes. "Daddy, I need to tell you something."

"What, sweetheart?" He says really not paying attention to her as he eats.

"Esmeralda! Where's the bottle of wine I asked for ages ago! I'm parched, Jesus!" My mother yells making my father shake his head.

"I told her not to bring it. You've been drinking since morning. You've had enough," he says as my mother scoffs.

"I have not. I have this 25 year old bottle of Glenmorangie I want Desdemona to try with me."

"And you won't be trying it today," my father says sternly. My mother shuts her mouth going back to eating. "Now, what do you want to tell me, Cordelia?"

"Ummmm," she drags out looking at me. "I decided I don't want to go to college." It gets quiet as I shift my eyes from my mother. She's mumbling things under her breath. I look at my father who's wiping his mouth with a cloth napkin.

"Here we go again," he finally says. "First, Desdemona goes, but doesn't come work for my company. Then Miranda wastes my money by going then dropping out. Now you don't want to go at all. What is wrong with you kids? You pretty much have opportunity handed to you, but instead of taking it, you slap it away."

"Dad–" Cordelia starts but my Dad holds his hand up making her stop.

"I don't think you're understanding, Cordelia. Do you know how much me and your mother have done in order for you to have a fair chance seeing as you mess it up every chance you get? You get into fights at school. Me and your mother pay them in hefty donations to clean your record. You get caught vandalizing and smoking on campus, you get expelled. No private schools wanted to take you, so we had to pay extra just so one will accept you." I didn't know any of this. Here I was thinking my parents blew her behavior out of proportion. "Then that video comes out of you performing ungodly acts on that boy and you get kicked out again, so we have to send you to live with your sister. It was either that or military school. You got lucky Desdemona said yes."

He breaths out heavily running his hand over his face. "I get the video completely removed from the internet, which is hard to do. I did that so you would have a fair chance getting into college then getting a good job. Then you spit in my face and say you're not going? You gotta be fucking kidding me." He voice was calm, but once he cusses you know he's mad. "Where the fuck did I go wrong? Miranda is a hoe showing ass and tits on the internet claiming to be a DJ. What kind of career is DJ'ing? Then you, you're in high school basically with a sex tape. What? You gonna take the same hoe ass route as Miranda?"

"Dad, that's taking it a little far," I interject.

"Don't defend her," he says holding his hand up to me. "Cause you ain't any better. You were showing ass and titties too." I furrow my brows as he looks at Cordelia. "So, what you gonna do since you don't want to go to college? Because if you don't go, you realize no more money from me. You'll get your trust fund money when you turn 25, but what are you going to do until then?"

I sigh because here comes the money abuse. Men are always trying to control women with money whether it's in a relationship or your father. "I want to model," Cordelia says sheepishly. "I want to do what Desdemona does."

My father laughs loudly and it almost felt like the room was shaking from his roar. "You're looking up to the wrong person. I'm sorry, but what Desdemona does isn't real, hard work. She lucked up because of her looks and her name. That's it." Wow, I mouth to myself. I never knew this is what he thought about me. No wonder he never seemed proud or ever congratulated my accomplishments. "She goes to parties and events for a living. She's a socialite for a living. Where's the talent in that? You want to model? So you want to be a whore for a living."

I look at my Mom seeing if she'll say something. She just sips from her glass. Cordelia finally breaks standing up from the table. She rushes off crying as I look at my father with a glare. I stand up grabbing the cloth napkin in my lap throwing it on the table. "Really?! That's how you talk to your daughter?" I had a feeling he did the same to Miranda when she dropped out and that's why she no longer comes around or speaks to them.

He shrugs casually. "She needs a reality check. The hard and harsh truth. This world isn't easy and it's harder with no degree. She'll either realize that the hard or the easy way."

I suck my teeth looking at him in disbelief. At this point me telling them my truth, me having AIDS was out of the question. If he did that to Cordelia, there's no telling how he'll react to me. "So, is what you said about me how you really feel?" Crossing my arms across my chest I wait on his response. He just motions his head to the side quickly as if saying take it how you take it. "Wow," is all I can say. I was in disbelief.

"So, what I do isn't 'real'? I ask putting it in finger quotes. "Guess what is real? My money and my accomplishments. I went from interning at a radio station and urban modeling to owning a swimsuit line worth millions. Now I'm who people come to if they want a career. I start careers and trends. I turned that into an agency, clothing line, and charity. So what's not real about it? You made a career out of playing with computers. What if someone would've said that isn't a real career to you? I can't believe you." I look at him shaking my head in disgust.

I turn to my mother saying, "And you're no better. As a mother you should protect your children even if it's our own father. You're just sitting there looking stupid, weak, and pathetic. Quit drinking so damn much to drown out the fact you're miserable. Miserable being married to him. And if it's not obvious, Cordelia isn't moving back here. She'll finish her senior year in New York." I storm out of the dining room going up the stairs. I go up to the bedroom I usually stay in while here seeing my bags in the room.

As soon as I close the door behind me tears start to fall down my face. They were mostly for Cordelia. I needed to go check on her, but I wanted to calm down first. My hands were shaking I was so mad. I sit on the large bed that's perfectly made. I was about to take my shoes off when my phone started to ring. I look around realizing my phones in my purse. I go over to it pulling it out. When I see it's Draco I furrow my eyebrows. "Hello?" I say with a trembling voice answering it. I suck up my tears wiping my face.

"Hey. The maid found a gold Blackberry. Is it yours?"

I touch my forehead knowing it's mine. "I must've forgot it. That's my business phone. I really need it, so I guess I'll get an Uber and come back to get it later."

"I mean, I'm already out, so I can just bring it to you. Send me the address." I just say okay then we hang up. After getting my shoes off I go in my carryon grabbing a pair of Valentino sandals putting them on the floor then sliding into them. I leave the room going across the hall to Cordelia's room. I knock while calling her name, but not getting a response. I finally just twist the knob going in. I see her bags, but don't see her. I check her bathroom and her walk-in closet with no sight of her.

I dial her number and after a few rings she finally answers. "Where are you?"

"One of my friends from out here came and got me. I'll be back later on tonight." Before I can ask if she's okay she hangs up on me. I look at the phone with my mouth open then just lower it from my ear.

Twenty minutes later I'm getting a text from Draco saying he's here. I walk out of the house seeing that Lamborghini parked in my parents driveway. I walk around to the drivers side when the door lifts up and he sticks his feet out. I was expecting him to just roll his window down, give me the phone then leave. Still sitting in the car, but his legs sticking out he extends the phone. "Thank you," I say grabbing it from him.

"You good?" He asks looking up at me with worry.

"Yeah, why do you ask that?"

"Cause your makeup is smeared all over your face like you've been crying." I slightly bug my eyes. I knew I forgot to do something. I look at my reflection in the window of his car seeing exactly what he's talking about. Dried up eyeliner all down my face like a clown.

"Just family stuff," I say nonchalantly. I wipe my hand over my face like that'll make it go away. It probably just made it worse.

"You wanna talk about it?" He offers slightly surprising me.

"I'm good, trust me." I poke my bottom lip out and when I look down Draco is just staring at me. He raises his brows basically asking the question again without even having to say anything. I look away not saying anything.

When I feel fingers touch my hand I look down to see him holding the fingertips of my hand. "You want Cuban ice cream?" For some reason the way he asked made me laugh.

"Do you see this face?" I ask pointing. "I don't need to be going out anywhere like this."

"Then go wipe it off. I'll be waiting." He lets go of my hand swinging his legs back in his car. I look at him for a second then he says, "Come on. Go!" I say nothing going back into my parents house. I rush upstairs taking all my makeup off with a wipe then I wash my face. I just throw on some gloss, grab my wallet then go back outside. I get in his car then he pulls off. I look out of the window as the car ride is quiet except the Young Jeezy he was mumbling the words to.

Not too long after we're pulling up to a place called Azucar Ice Cream Company that has a big ice cream on the front of the building. He parks then we get out going inside. Once it's our turn to order he says, "I'll take the El Mani Loco." It rolls off of his tongue smoothly then he turns to me asking, "Whatchu want?"

"Café con Leche." Which is the Cuban coffee and Oreo flavor. Once we're done ordering and they give us our orders he pays. We go outside sitting at the table for two outside. Instead of getting mine in a cone, I got a cup.

"So?" He says as I scoop a spoonful of ice cream up.

I stuff it in my mouth while at the same time saying, "So what?" After I close my eyes letting the flavor sink onto my tongue. It was hitting the spot. My diet would just have to wait while I enjoy this. I hear Draco laugh making me open my eyes.

"So as in you gonna talk about it? That's why we came. What happened?"

I was hoping he would've left it alone. "I just have a terrible relationship with my parents. My Dad is just a dickhead," I say honestly making Draco laugh under his breath. "A big dickhead! He needs to be humbled because money changed him. My mom, she's a fucking drunk. A drunk shopaholic. She's a social drinker, but everything is a social event to her so she's always drinking. She has nothing to show for the fact she's a college graduate except being a mother and wife. She's not even a good mother and she's a wife who gets cheated on and she's knows it," I ramble on. "They're just so, ughhh!" I groan out banging my fist on the table.

When I look at Draco his eyebrows are raised in surprise. "Sorry," I mumble.

"You don't have to apologize. I said talk and you did. Gotta let it out one way or another. I don't know your family, but don't ya think that's a little harsh? Especially bout ya mother. No telling what she goes through. She for sure drinking because of your Pop's."

I pause thinking about that. "Yeah, probably. I would too if I was with him. I just want better for my mother. She won't leave my Dad because she's comfortable. Complacent with the life he has given her. I would leave him and take him for everything he has. She just cares about what others think too much. She doesn't want to prove her family right because they told her not to be with him and she didn't listen."

"Have you ever tried sitting down and talking to your mother?" I think about it then shake my head feeling bad now. "Talk to her and you'll be amazed what you find out. Shit, I wish I could still talk to my mother. If I could I would ask her why? What made her do drugs? I would ask my Dad what made him turn to the streets? I would ask so many questions." I immediately felt bad for even complaining about my parents. "I used to be angry at my parents too then I realized parents go through shit. In our eyes they're super heroes who are supposed to be perfect when they're not. They're just trying their best like everyone on this earth."

"Damn, that's true," I say looking down at my ice cream. "Your parents are no longer living?" I ask as politely as I can.

"Naw. Pop's was killed when I was a year old and my Mom died when I was 8."

"I'm sorry about that."

"No need in apologizing to me. I'm alive, they're the ones dead. It is what it is. It's the life they chose. Death comes with certain actions. If you're in the streets killing, you can be killed. You do drugs, you might overdose and die." He sounded so emotionless saying that. I look at him as he looks off to the side at the traffic passing by us. He turns looking at me licking his bottom lip. His eyes were cold like two brown holes into nothing.

I had so many questions, but I just kept my mouth shut eating my ice cream...

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