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- Chapter 9 -
Keep Dealing

I look down at my phone as the elevator in the Manhattan building climbs each floor one by one. I look at the numerous text messages Saanvi sent me throughout the week that I ignored. Every single last one of them.. She wasn't taking the hint that I didn't want to be bothered by her because she was still texting me on this Wednesday morning. After spending a week doing nothing but relaxing in Miami it was hard to transition back into work mode even after being back for 3 days. I didn't need Saanvi stressin' me, especially when we're not together right now.

Saanvi: Just bc we're on break doesn't mean I won't break ur nose 4 not replying😤

Don't let the fact Saanvi was a pretty, super model fool you. She has a temper. When we first started dating she was the physical type to be all in a niggas face yelling and touching until I knocked her down a few pegs of confidence. And no, that didn't mean I put my hands on her by hitting her back. All it took was for me to raise my calm and collected voice up a couple of notches to get her to back down and realize I'm not that type of dude.

Saanvi: I know ur bck from Miami. Respond😒

Saanvi: Guess u want me 2 get my father involved🙃

Saanvi: Call me now!

I let out a groan as I call her. I put my phone to my ear as it dials her number and rings. "Hello?!" She says answering aggressively.

"Wassup?" I say casually as I stand in the elevator alone.

"What's up? What's up is you thinking I'm stupid or you having me out here looking stupid. We're on a break, but did you forget no one's supposed to know?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask with a sigh as the elevator stops then the doors open. A white man in a suit with a briefcase gets on hitting the button for the floor he wants. The doors close again then the elevator starts going up like previously.

"The fuckin' pictures and videos I saw of your little birthday vaca!" She yells making me pull my phone away from my ear a little. I put it back as she goes on. "You blatantly disrespect me by not inviting me, but inviting that Desdemona woman. And you want to convince me it's just business? Tuh! Conveniently go on break then take another woman. Who was the blonde chick too? If my father finds out we're not together because of your sloppiness I can't save you."

"I wouldn't expect you to," I say with a slight attitude. "And what I tell you, Saanvi? Watch ya fucking tone with me! Your father got you confused on who you are and who you're talking to. I'm still a nigga at the end of the day," I warn her. The line is quiet then I go on, "You done because I have a meeting to go to?"

"Yeah, whatever. I'll be back in New York on Thursday. My Dad said he'll be coming on Friday."

"I know. We're meeting up to talk. I gotta go," I say hanging up quickly. I sigh heavily running my hand over my face.

"Wife or girlfriend giving you trouble, stressing you?" the man in the elevator says. I look over at him seeing a slight smile on his face. He's slightly shorter than me and going bald, but refused to let the shit go with the half baldie. It was time to just drop the top on the convertible, but his broke halfway and he didn't want to pay to get it fixed.

"More than ever," I say simply. I wasn't one for talking to strangers or making small-talk.

"There's only one solution to that...Get a mistress or side piece as they call it nowadays. One who doesn't stress you, but relieves the stress," he says chuckling. I just look at him looking down to see a silver ring shining on his ring finger indicating he's married. Shame. If I'm taking that step to get married, I'm not cheating. I rather just divorce than cheat even if that means failure. What's the point?

The elevator finally stops and the doors open to the Love, Garnet office floor. "I'll keep that in mind," I say to him as I step off. Desdemona's floor was large and spacious. Everything was crisp and clean with the color scheme of white, grey, or black. The only color was the red neon sign in lights that said Love, Garnet with her logo hanging on the wall. When you step off of the elevator there's a sitting area and the desk for her assistant. The farthest wall to the right was nothing but panoramic windows giving you a view of the city that never stops.

I go up to the desk smiling at the young, White girl with blonde hair. She smiles back saying, "How can I help you?"

"I have a meeting with Desdemona."

"That's right. Mr. De Carlo," she says standing up. Every time I come here she calls me that and it feels weird. It makes me feel old, but I know it's just a respect thing. "Follow me," she says coming from around the desk. She wore typical office attire including a white blouse that's tucked into a black pencil skirt and black pointed toe pumps. She moves quickly and deliberately as if on a mission as she guides me through the office. As we walk down the hall we pass offices that you can see in because of the glass walls. Every room we passed by was filled with people working.

We reach the end of the hall where a door is open to a room. "She's in here." The woman motions me in, so I walk in seeing Desdemona whose back is to us. "Ms. Garnet, your client is here," she says making Desdemona look over her shoulder. The girl smiles then walks away leaving us alone.

I see Desdemona look at the Apple Watch on her wrist commenting, "You're early. That's good. You can have a seat." She goes back to what she's doing as I make my way over to the long glass table surrounded by at least 10 chairs.

"Time is money, right?" I say using her little saying as I sit at the first white office chair I see looking at Desdemona.

"It indeed is," she says as her eyes never leave what she's looking at. She seems to be very concentrated as the board is covered in papers with sketch drawings of designs. It takes me awhile to realize they're mine. She steps back crossing her arms over her chest as if examining them. She quickly uncrosses them taking the pen in her hand making a big circle on one of the papers. She then puts her hand on her hip as I just stare...

"Hmm," she says as I arch my brow. I mimicked her making her look at me. "Sorry, I'm just trying to figure out how to present this to them. They're going to want to know the targeted consumer and it's hard to decipher. You have pieces that can be marketed as high fashion and some that are more street, casual wear."

"Don't worry about that. I came up with a solution for that," I say spinning in my seat a little.

"Well, are you going to tell me?" I hear her say.

Before I can answer the glass door to the room is opening with the assistant who showed me in behind it. She holds the door open then three men in suits walk into the room. I could've wore a suit because that's what's expected of me, but I didn't care. Either they're going to give me the money or not and I don't think what I'm wearing should determine that. I know I need a level of professionalism, but I wasn't depending on this investment money anyway. This was Desdemona's idea. I wore a fleece jacket, sweats, and Yeezy's not giving a damn even though one of them did give me a stank look up and down.

One of the men examined me closely staring all up in my face as they each shook Desdemona's hand. I was a young nigga with tattoos all over including my face. I was used to people judging me. I honestly only got the tattoos because I thought it fit into the image of who I was trying to be. This super hard street dude. Did I regret them? Sometimes. If some shit goes down, I would be easy to pick out of a line up, but my tattoos also made me, me. They made me Draco. And I still look damn good. It's not like they ruined my looks. I didn't go overboard with the face tattoos getting them big as fuck.

I stand up shaking the first man's hand saying, "Draco De Carlo."

"Isn't that a name. That's a name meant for fame," he comments with a chuckle as I shake the next man's hand with a fake smile. De Carlo wasn't the last name on my birth certificate. Me or Glock. My father wasn't a De Carlo by birth, only adoption, so he still gave us his original last name of Lindo. Because of the name our family built in the streets people just always knew us as De Carlo's. If you googled me the most you would get is my social media, so that worked in my favor.

Once we've done all introductions we sit around the table as Desdemona still stands at the board telling me what these men do for money, their businesses, and etc. "Tell us about yourself. Desdemona told you about us. We would like to know more about the person we might be giving money to." The man who said it is Caucasian with dark black hair that he clearly dyes in an attempt to hide his age. Too bad his face told me he was in his late 60's.

"Like I said, I'm Draco De Carlo. I'm 23 years old from Brooklyn, New York. I've also spent time in places like Atlanta, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Tokyo, India, and now I'm back in Manhattan. All of these places have inspired me music and fashion wise. That's why I decided to start a record label and a clothing line with Desdemona's help," I say motioning towards her. "My plan is to create something never seen or heard before, but you need money to do that and that's where you men come in," I say pointing my hands that are clasped together at them.

I see one of them poke out their lips as if impressed then ask, "Does this clothing line have a name?"

"Well, it's going to be two separate lines. The streetwear line is called Hood Rich Attire and the designer, runway, high end line is simply named after me or D.D.C. for short." I look over at Desdemona who has a satisfied smirk on her face as she looks at me with approval.

"And these are some of his designs," Desdemona chimes in pointing to the drawings on the board. "We're in the process of having samples designed and they should be done within the next week. I also plan for him to have a photoshoot of the first line within the end of the month and if everything goes accordingly a fashion show soon to introduce the clothing."

"Seems like you guys are on the fast track. People take years developing a clothing line in order to make it successful," the one who hasn't spoken the entire time finally says. He's bald with wrinkles all on his damn forehead and head. He's the one who's been giving me dirty looks. I could tell he was doubting everything being said.

"I know, but usually people who have no help or knowledge of the fashion industry take a long time. Draco has me on his side, so I'm helping him with everything. That speeds up the process tremendously. Trust me, we may be on the fast track, but it's not rushed. It'll still come out just as great as someone who took years. By this time next year, his clothing line should be out either online or in stores," Desdemona says with a confident smile.

"Well, Desdemona I want to know your role in this..his career. What exactly are you doing for him? I've never seen you this involved with a client."

"My role is everything. He's my client, but I can definitely say he's taking a special place. A lot of people think I'm just a social media strategist, but I'm more than that. I'm a marketer, manager, image consultant, publicist, business partner, all rolled in one to anyone who will allow me. That's what I'm doing for Draco," she says touching my shoulder as she stands over me. "I believe in him and I think you all should too. I guarantee you'll make a profit by investing in not only Draco's clothing line, but his dream and him as a person. This here is the next big fashion designer."

"Let me ask this...If you believe in him so much, are you going to invest in his line as well?"

Mhm, I hear making me look up at her. "$30,000." I raise my eyebrows in surprise. She didn't tell me that, so this was news to me. "Is me investing going to make one of you take the leap as well?" She asks.

"Maybe," the bald asshole comments. "Draco," he says looking at me. I give him my attention then he asks, "Tell me why I should invest in your clothing line?"

I look at Desdemona then do a breathy laugh. Muh fuckas (white people) always want you to beg for some money. If you're a female you gotta suck and fuck for the cash and if you're a black man you gotta prove yourself worthy. They might as well bend me over this table and fuck me to take my pride away. I felt like I was on the auction block this entire time. This is why I didn't want investors, especially not some white men that come from generations of wealth and don't even know what being broke is like.

They all look at me waiting as I have a dry smile on my face. I shrug making his eyebrows drop a little. "Truthfully, you're either going to give my black ass the money or not. I'm damn sure not about to beg or kiss your white ass cuz I don't need it. Either you think it's a good enough idea to invest or not. Your money, your choice, sir."

His lips are tight as he narrows his eyes at me. "I just need some time to look over this business proposal then I'll make my decision and an amount if I decide to invest. I'll let you all know," he says giving a fake ass smile standing up from the table. He shakes Desdemona's hand then extends his hand to me. I shake his hand firmly as we hold a staring match. He leaves the room as I look at the other two men waiting for them to say something.

"I'll need time to get back to you as well," the old nigga with a bad dye says standing up.

"Same. I'll get back to you in about a week. No more or less," the last one says standing up as well.

Once they leave Desdemona goes over to the door closing it with a sigh as I lean against the table crossing my arms over my chest. I see Mona touch her forehead probably thinking then she looks at me. "You know how much money just walked out of this room?" She asks as I have a smile on my face. I couldn't help it. I wanted to laugh, but I knew that would be inappropriate right now. I could care less.

"You know how much money is sitting in this room right now?" I ask pointing at myself. "You may think you know who I am and what I have cuz you figured out what I'm about, but you don't. I'm no dummy ass nigga. I've been touching multiple figures since I was a teen. I also know business and how to make business deals. I don't want some money from white men who think they're better than me. Investors means debt or they own a piece of my shit through equity. Not happening, not with some mutha fuckas who couldn't even make eye contact with me or looked at me like I was shit on the bottom of their shoe."

"Look, I get it. I do, but I'm telling you. Don't do this out of your own pocket. It's a lot and you will be broke in the end or you'll still have debt. Trust me, I know. I also went broke trying to do my own clothing like by myself from my swimsuit line money. I almost ruined one business trying to create another. Luckily it worked out for me."

"I hear you, but I can find my own investors. People I trust. People I know. I know people with money too."

"Legal money?" She questions.

"Ehh, yeah, legal money," I say in an unconvincing tone to fuck with her.

"Draco, seriously? Make sure these people are legit. We don't need the police knocking on our door."

I laugh saying, "I'm fucking witchu, yo. Calm down." I stand up straight from leaning on the table then make strides towards her. "I got this," I say stopping in front of her as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"I hope so."

"I do," I say looking down at her. "You really going to invest 30k?" I question as she looks up at me as her brown eyes connect with mine.

"Yeah. Technically I'm just giving some of your money back from what you paid me, but yeah," she says laughing. "I just get a portion of your business out of it."

"That slick ain't fair. You're the only one getting something out of this situation when it's technically my money."

She shrugs. "Gotta spend your money wisely. And you do get something out of it...me."

"Smartest decision I made and the best 100k I've spent in awhile," I say looking over her head at the clock for the time. When I look back down she has a small smile across her lips as smile too. "I gotta get going. Sorry I fucked the meeting up, but thanks for the effort. Just don't put me in a room with some dickhead white boys again. Get some people of color. We have money too."

"I should've known it would go left. You have sweats on like you're about to fight or something. Don't forget you're supposed to be coming to my event this Friday."

"I'll be there," I say stepping to the side. That made me remember I was supposed to be meeting Mr. Ambani that day. Hopefully we just meet and talk and he doesn't want me to do anything else.

"Okay, I'll send the information by Thursday. Keep looking for artist for your label with Athena." I nod my head then leave the room. I sigh as I make my way down the hall. Now I have to find my own investors. I think I know exactly who to go to...

I drive to Queens pulling over to the side of the road. I park my car then get out getting my Supreme backpack from the passenger seat. As I shut the drivers door behind me I look up at the sign that reads Relax Nail & Spa; the nail salon I was part owner of. I didn't know shit about nails, but it was a good way for legal money.

I walk in making the bell on the door go off and one of my employees says, "Welcome, to Relax Nail & Spa," in her accent. Mostly everyone who worked here was Vietnamese. "How may help you?" Kim says making her accent deeper than it actually is considering she was born here in New York. "Oh, it's you," she says turning it off as she comes up to the little desk. "What are you doing here? It's Wednesday," she says as I hug her.

"Came to talk to Yuki," I say looking around the shop as women get their nails and toes done while the tv has The Real playing. When I see a man in a seat for a pedicure I realize it's Apollo. He sticks out like a sore thumb with his big ass because he's the only man here who doesn't work here.

"Oh, he's in the back. Your brother's here," she says as I nod my head.

"I see him," I walk away from her towards the back where the seats for pedicures are at. I laugh at the sight of this lady working on Apollo's feet with a mask over her mouth as his daughter, Sól, sits in his lap...

"Bruh, you and these feet," I say making him look up at me. I laugh as he daps me.

"Whatchu laughin' for? My shits 'bout to be on point when Mai is done with me. Need to get yours done. Your feet probably throwin' up Brim, Rollin' 30's, all typa gang shit. Gang, gang, gang headass!"

We laugh then I touch Sól's cheek saying, "Hey, baby!" She smiles then I say, "You get your toes done?" She lifts her foot up showing me her toes with pink polish on them then I say, "Pretty!" She raises her hands up, so I take her from Apollo kissing her cheek. I don't have kids, but the next best thing is being an uncle. I never thought Apollo would have kids or even get married the way he used to talk despite him being in a long term relationship. I could never see myself doing what we do with a family. It's too high risk..

I wasn't just trying to get out for me. I'm doing this for Sól and Ravi, my other brother's future kids, and my future children. To ensure their safety and future. It's time to break the cycle of criminals.

"You probably be using her as an excuse to come get your feets done. You not low," I comment with a chuckle. I look at Sól who can't keep her hands off the chain around my neck. "I see those nails shimmering."

"It's just a clear top coat, my nigga. I know you not talkin' with those dirty ass nails. If you finger a bitch she'll immediately get an infection," he rebuttals making me look at my nails.

"They're not even dirty. You just a pretty boy. You and Ares. That nigga gets manis, pedis, his eyebrows done, and his chest hair waxed."

"I'ont be doing all that," Apollo says laughing.

"That boy was meant to be a model. He's supposed to be meeting with Desdemona to start working with her."

"I hope all this otha shit isn't going to distract y'all from what comes first. We gotta hustle right now. You need to meet that quota for Mr. Ambani as soon as possible, so you can hopefully cut ties with him."

"I'm working on it. Got everybody working overtime. I also have an offer for Sanjay when we meet up this Friday." When I say that Apollo furrows his eyebrows. "Chaos. He wants me to put him in contact with Mr. Ambani and I'll do just that." Apollo nods his head getting what I'm saying.

"Do what you gotta do. Better them than us." I nod my head in agreement.

"I'm gonna go talk to Kohh." I hand Sól back over to Apollo. As I walk away I say to Mai, who's the employee doing Apollo's feet, "Make sure he tips you good for having to work on those dogs." I laugh as he flicks me off walking to the back. The back rooms were offices and rooms for waxing, threading, and lash extensions. I made a good amount being co-owner of this place. Women spend a lot of money to look good.

I get to the end of the hall knocking on the door of Kohh's office. "Who there?" He says in a fake ass Vietnamese accent considering he's Japanese. I laugh to myself then yell my name so he can hear me through the door. "Ohh." He sounded like an old man from the martial arts movies.

I hear the locks being turned on the door then it flings open. Smoke  escapes the room as I fan it away. A joint is in between his lips as he wears sunglasses. His hair is dyed blue and cut just like Trunks from Dragon Ball Z. He was a walking anime character. He wears a black, short sleeve t-shirt showing his arms that are covered in tattoos. There are chains around his neck and like his arms, his neck is covered in tattoos as well.

"What I tell you about smoking in here?" I say as I step in. He closes the door behind me locking it back.

"Me no speak English," he says flicking the lighter three times before lighting the joint back up. I shake my head sitting on the couch as he sits behind his desk. On the walls are posters of different anime shows. I watch as he kicks his feet up on the desk blowing out rings of smoke. "I speak this good ass gas thoughh!"

My best friend, Yūki, better known as Kohh in the streets. I met him when I was 20 living in Tokyo, Japan for a time period. I was hot in the streets and even just moving to another state wouldn't have been enough. I always wanted to go to Japan, so that's where I went. I met him at a club and we've been cool ever since. We had a lot in common surprisingly and unfortunately. My mother died from overdosing on drugs and his father committed suicide by jumping off an apartment building while high on drugs. His mother also suffered from drug addiction. He also grew up around violence and drugs.

I was always told not to call anyone your friend when you're in the streets, but he was the closest thing to it. He was the closest person to me outside of my family. I was the one who brought him and his little brother who he takes care of to America and gave him a job working for the family business. He may be from Japan, but it's all the same. The same violence, drugs, and types of people. It's just a different location, a different Hood. If I could count on loyalty from anyone who works for me, it would be him.

A lot of people wondered how we even built a friendship when he barely understood English and when he spoke it was broken. It was just a vibe and an understanding. Once I got him to America, I made sure he learned English and now this fool never shuts up since he can speak it properly.

"What are you doing here?" He questions because I usually came here on Sundays to collect my cut of the weeks earnings.

"Just got out of a meeting. I told you how I was working with this lady, Desdemona."

"You did." I sigh sinking more into the leather couch as he looks at me. "You good?"

"Yeah, I just didn't think this shit would be so hard."

"Quitting?" I give a simple yeah staring at the wall straight ahead. "I didn't think you were serious at first when you told me. I doubted, but I see you're serious." I look over at him as he swings his legs from on top of his desk sitting straight in the office chair. I wasn't mad he said that. I figured everyone thought that when I made my plans known. Everyone gave me the same confused look as if I was crazy. It was like I said I was walking away from a billion dollar lottery win as if it made no sense for me to want to quit.

Kohh says something in Japanese making me furrow up my eyebrows. "What the hell that mean? You know I only know how to say Konnichiwa."

"It means, If you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub." He pauses as I look at him. He was always saying these proverbs. He reminded me of an OG, an old head, who has a saying for every situation. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained... You want to do this, do it. It's not going to be easy, but you have to at least try."

"I hear dat," I say thinking on it. "Since you're offering up advice, I have a favor I need to ask you." He gives me a head to go on, so I say, "I need investors in my clothing line. Money..."

"How much?" He asks with no hesitation as he gets up from the office chair.

"Shit, whatever you're willing to offer."

"You know I got you. I wouldn't even be here..in this position if it wasn't for you," he says going over to the wall. He lifts up a poster with all the characters of the anime, One Punch Man. Behind it is a safe hidden in the wall. I watch as he puts in the code then opens it. He pulls put stacks of cash putting them one by one on the table. "That's $50,000. You need more?"

"Naw, that's completely good." I stand up from the couch and he extends one of the stacks to me that's nothing but 100 dollar bills. "You know what this means?" I ask looking at him.


"We're business partners at this point." Everybody else I was going to get to invest it would be a loan. They would give me the money and I would pay them back eventually, but Kohh is different. I trusted him enough to give him a small portion of what I'm creating. He deserved it for years of loyalty instead of just being my worker. "I know your ass gets tired of being at this salon. Whatcha think about being my Assistant Designer?"

Kohh definitely had a dope fashion sense. He had a unique eye, especially because Japan is on another level with the fashion shit. Fly as a mutha fucka, that's for sure. He could be of a substantial significance. The more help, the better I'm off at succeeding. I have to build a team because no one does anything alone. I planned to take everyone I love to the top right along with me.

"I'm down," he says before we dap. I smile then I grab my backpack putting the money in it.

As I zip it up I say, "You know I appreciate you, brother. I'll hit you up. I gotta get going." I put the backpack on my back leaving the office walking down the hall towards the front. As I do, I text Desdemona telling her I got my first investor. $80,000 down. I didn't even know how much I needed, but this was a start.

When I hear yelling I look up from my phone walking into the main salon area. "What you said bitch?!" A woman yells as I stand there looking around confused. Apollo is just laughing as he holds Sól in his arms at the counter to pay. "Speak English! You in America now, Ling Ling!" The woman yells now standing up from the seat where she's getting her nails done.

I walk over to her saying, "Ma'am, calm down. What's the problem?"

"And who are you?" The brown skin lady says with an attitude giving me a stank look. I just couldn't keep my eyes off of the terrible quick weave in her head.

"I own this place. Now can you tell me the problem?"

"Oh, so a nigga owns this place. You couldn't hire some English speaking mutha fuckas, like damn. This bitch over here talking shit about me like I don't know cuz it's anotha language. I'm not dumb!" She says pointing at Kim. Kim is sitting at her station leaned back with her arms crossed over her chest with a smirk on her face.

"Kimmy, are you talking about this woman?" Kim has dyed light pink hair, always has her makeup and nails done, with a tattoo sleeve on her right arm. She was from my old neighborhood in the Brooklyn and hood as fuck. When she wasn't faking her Vietnamese accent you'd be surprised at how New York she really is.

"I'm just minding my business waiting on my next client to come. I don't know what she talking about," she says putting her accent on playing clueless. "She paranoid."

"Bullshit! She was whispering to my nail tech laughing and shit then asked me, You want eyebrow done?" I try not to laugh at the lady imitating her. "I said no, then she goes, What bout upper lip? She's tryna say I have a mustache when I don't." I look at the woman turning my head to the side. She could use a little wax, but I didn't say that.

"You have hairy upper lip! I'm trying to help you!" Kim shouts back extending her arms like what.

"I will fuck you up in here!" The lady yells trying to swipe at Kim, but I grab her.

"No fighting," I say trying to hold her back.

Kim loses that fake accent and the real her comes out. She stands up yelling, "Do it, bitch! Lay a hand on me and I will fuckkk you up, yo. Try me, b."

"You wanna take it there?" The lady says trying to get out of my grip. She was on the heavier side, so I was struggling a bit.

"Kim, go to the back until your client gets here," I tell her.

"Yeah, whatever. This bitch got me dumb tight. Ugly, hair hat wearing bitch!" Kim throws the last insult hard as she storms towards the back.

"At least I speak English, hoe!" The lady couldn't help, but throw back.

Kim stops in her tracks shouting, "You don't heat this clear ass English coming out my mouth, mutha fucka!? Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth? Huh?! Are you dumb? I speak better English than your illiterate ass." The lady was still trying to get out of my grips to get to Kim.

"Go!" I point towards the back for Kimmy, but she still stands there.

"Look at this big wildebeest ass bitch." Kim says laughing holding her stomach that's exposed from her wearing a cropped top.

Before I knew it the lady got loose by slipping out of her jacket. She charges towards Kim, but Kim doesn't flinch, run, or back down throwing fist at the woman. I didn't even know what to do. I bug my eyes when Kim slings the woman who's at least 180 to the ground with a thud. Kim was barely 5 feet and petite as hell, but she was holding her own weight and this ladies included.

"Oh, shit!" I hear yelled making me look back at Apollo who's still just standing there watching with an amused smile as Sól is on his hip. Nigga. "Beat that bitch ass, Kimmy! Put that Kung fu Panda on her!" He yells with a laugh. All the customers were just watching and recording.

I sigh because I honestly had no energy. I watch them fight for a second then I go over to break it up. "Get her to the back!" I say to one of my employees who grabbed Kim.

"Ha ha!" Kim says sticking her tongue out like a little kid while being dragged. "Got that ass tapped. Maybe next time you won't make racist comments, bitch. Gotcha ass dragged by Ling Ling. How it feel?" I shake my head as she talks her shit. "We may be chinks with small eyes, but I can see and I got hands. Guess you know how it'll feel with that swollen shut eye!" Once I see she's in the back I help the lady up.

"You good?" Was it bad I wanted to laugh in her face? I was trying to be professional. I look at her eye that's slowly puffing up. She touches her bleeding lip as she gets up from the floor. "I'm sorry about that. Your next 5 sessions are on the house."

"No, I don't want it. I'm not coming back here. What employees act like ratchet, hood rats?" She snatched her jacket up from the floor and and grabs her purse.

"You don't want to finish getting your nails done?" I shout behind her as she heads for the door.

"No!" She yells back exiting the shop. As soon as the door closes I put my hands on my hips taking in what just happened. I shake my head. I'll deal with Kim later. I didn't even have energy to address it, but knowing her she didn't start it, but finished it.

"Y'all clean this up," I say to my employees looking at the mess they made from fighting. "Sorry for the disturbance," I say to the customers who don't even seem phased. Did this happen often cause everyone was just chilling? Was this regular nail shop behavior? Let me find out women just be up in here gossiping and fighting. Apollo is still laughing while I'm heading towards the door. "Your ass just standing and looking, didn't even help. Got yo daughter seeing this shit."

"She needed to see this. This is how not to get your ass beat after talking shit. That lady deserved it. She kept making comments as if she's better than them cause they do nails as if she didn't come here for their services. Got that ass beat," he says shrugging nonchalantly.

I laugh a little then dap him. "I'ma be out. Got business to handle. Don't forget me, you, and Athena are meeting up tomorrow to talk about the label."

"I got you," he says as I leave the nail shop. I go out to my car then get in starting the engine. There was literally no time for breaks. I was always working round clock whether it was the street shit or the businesses I was trying to create. I pull off because I need to head back to Manhattan. It's now after noon and I planned on making this last stop then going to my place for a nap before work tonight. The morning was reserved for the legal shit and the night was for the illegal; two lives forreal. I was running on cat naps everyday at this point. I know it'll all be worth it though.

I walk into the studio building in Manhattan with my backpack on my back as I push the up button for the elevator. One stop turned into two then a couple making it now after 5p.m. When someone calls, I usually come. I rarely made hand to hand sales myself anymore, but I had to at this point if I planned on meeting my monthly quota for Mr. Ambani. I was tired as hell maneuvering around the city making deals and securing bags. I was feeling like a newbie trying to prove myself worthy of the De Carlo name back in the day when I was just a teen.

I remember wanting this so bad. I wanted to be a kingpin or the head of an organization so damn bad like some kids dream of being a lawyer or doctor. I knew about my Dad being killed in these streets and Apollo and Ares's Dad getting life in prison, but I didn't care. All I saw was the stacks of money, shiny jewelry, foreign whips, and women falling to their knees willing to suck dick for nothing. I begged Apollo to let me work with him and Glock. Took a lot of convincing, but they let me. That eventually led to me dropping out of high school. I figured why did I need high school when I was pushing a Benz as a Junior? My grandmother kicked me out, so I moved in with Apollo. One of my goals on my long list was to get my GED or something just to say I did it. Ares was the only one with a high school diploma and some college experience.

Now at 23 I'm tired as hell. Tired of carrying a gun everywhere. In reality, I was probably 43 years old.

Once I get to the floor, I need to be on I walk down the long hall. I reach the door of the room knocking. When I hear the person say come in I turn the knob walking in. "Draco!" The man says excitedly at the site of me. His name is Jahan. He's this Persian guy I've been supplying with drugs in exchange for his studio spaces. I only made the deal with him in order to bring something back to Desdemona so she'll work with me. Now I didn't need him. Desdemona gave me that office space and I decided to turn it into the Relax Records headquarters with studio spaces that are still being built.

"Waddup?" I say dapping him.

"Better now that you're here," he says hitting his nose with his thumb. Jahan definitely wasn't just giving the drugs to only the artist recording her. He was sniffing a little..a lot of that shit too.

"Love when you're happy to see me, but I have some bad news," I say taking my backup off sitting it on the coffee table as he sits on the couch.

"Don't tell me you don't have the good stuff?" He asks as I unzip my backpack.

"Naw, I do. I always do. It's worse than that. You know the deal we made–" He nods his head. "I'm going to have to end it. I don't need your studio spaces anymore. I got my own shit. Now if you still want to buy product that's fine, but it'll be a cash exchange."

"Damn, that was fast. You never even really used my studios. Whatever, I guess. I'll definitely be buying. You have some of the best shit I've tried."

"That's what I like to hear. Here's a parting gift," I say handing him the package wrapped in brown paper. I zip my backpack back up putting it back on my back. "You have my number. Hit me up when you need me." We dap again then I leave.

Sometimes selling drugs feels like actually doing the drugs. You want to quit, but you can't. You're addicted. You can't just quit cold turkey. You have to wean yourself off of it slowly and you'll go through withdraws. It takes time. I wish I could quit cold turkey, but I can't. I have to go to rehab until I'm completely clean. Right now I'm trying to shake the demons off of me; Mr. Ambani and C.A.S. Until I get it under control, I just have to keep dealing.

I sit at my desk in my office staring at my computer screen. For some reason, my mind kept wandering back to the weekend and what my father said. A part of me didn't care that he thought so little about what I've done and accomplished, but the other part was looking for my father's approval. Every girl wanted to make her father proud. Every child wanted to make their parents proud whether we realized it or not.

Looking at the time, I realize it's time for me to leave. I was supposed to be meeting Rhea for dinner soon. I begin to log out of my computer then gather all my things together when there's a knock at my office door. "Come in," I say as I put papers into a file folder when the door opens with my assistant behind it.

"Ms. Garnet," she says to get my attention. I look up putting my eyes on her as she stands by the door holding it open. "There's someone here requesting to speak with you."

I look at the clock seeing it's after 6p.m. I usually never stay in the office this late. I didn't have to because I'm the boss and I have employees, but I had a lot of work to do after that week break in Miami. I was starving, so I was desperate to get to dinner and eat. Then I was going to go home and get in my comfy bed to sleep to wake up and do the same thing tomorrow. "Who?" I question going back to packing my things up. It didn't matter who it was because I was still leaving.

"He said his name is Cassius Jean-Pierre. He wanted to talk to you about potentially working with your agency." I had never heard the name before meaning he wasn't someone who was already famous or popular.

"You know my rule..No meeting, no me. Tell him to set up a meeting with you and to come back then. Put him with one of my employees."

"He requested you though."

"Courtney, I have too much on my plate as it is. Set him up a meeting with the employee who's free next. After you set him up a meeting, you can leave for the night."

"Okay." She steps a little more into the room whispering, "He is fine as hell, Ms. Garnet. I think he wants to model or something. We should work with him."

"What does he look like?" I ask acting interested as I put my vest coat over my tank top that shows my belly a little. I rarely dressed this casual for work, but lately I haven't been caring. I'm still going to get the job done whether I'm in a dress, pencil skirt, or jeans. I had a feeling this would be the last warm day of the season anyway. It's early October in New York, so the temperatures are dropping day by day.

"Chocolate, beard, buff, tattoos, pretty average height, fine ass face." Courtney has been with me since I took the leap to open Love, Garnet, years ago so she was more than an assistant at this point. She went everywhere with me on the daily for the most part, so we had a little friendship.

As long as she kept it professional in front of my clients, she could speak how she wanted with me alone. Courtney is a white girl who never hid her attraction for a good looking, Black man. Hell, she liked any kind of man and there were plenty of fine men coming into my office everyday wanting to work with my company.

"Sounds like he has potential, so tell him to set a meeting and come back on another day because he's not meeting with my right now. It's too late," I say sternly. I knew Courtney was mentioning how he looked in hopes of me changing my mind to meet with him. Not happening.

"Alright," she drags out. "Good night." I say it back as she leaves my office closing the door behind her. I shake my head putting all of my stuff into my Hermes Birkin bag. I put it on my forearm going over to the door of my office. Before opening it I stop then look through the curtains of the window. I peak out seeing the guy Courtney was talking about at her desk speaking to her. I didn't want to come out trying to leave then he starts trying to talk to me telling me his resume and all types of other nonsense. It's happened before.

I see him leave and go to the elevator and that's when I walk out of my office. I turn the lights out and lock the door walking passed Courtney's desk waving. After getting on the elevator I get off on the floor I parked on in the parking garage. I get in my white G-Wagon then leave.

Once I get to the restaurant me and Rhea are supposed to be meeting at I give my keys to the valet, so they can park my car. I walk in going to the little service desk saying, "I'm here to meet a friend." Before the employee can say anything I hear my name called. I look around then see Rhea standing by a wall waiting on me...

"And that's her," I say to the man with a smile. I walk over to Rhea as we hug. "You look pretty," I compliment as we pull apart.

"You do too," she says back. "Let's go sit down. I got us a table with a great view." I follow behind her as she leads the way to our table. Before even sitting down I notice the view overlooking the city. All you could see were lights from buildings and cars. We both sit down and I put my purse on the edge of the table.

"Haven't seen you in awhile. Only a week, but that's long for us," I say as I look over the menu.

"Yeah, well, you haven't needed me to style you for anything lately."

"No shoots recently. I was expecting you to be in Miami for Draco's birthday week. He invited me last minute and I just thought you would be there."

"My son started coming down with a little cold. You know, weather changes. Kids come first."

"I understand," I say with a fake smile as she gives one back. How long are we going to lie and pretend? Before I can say anything else the waiter is coming asking about drinks and like always, I ask for a wine. "Your husband came though."

In the middle of me saying that Rhea was taking a sip of her water. She lowers the glass from her lips putting it back on the table clearing her throat. "My husband?"

"Yess, Apollo. You're married to one of Draco's brothers, right? All three were there and two of the three brought female companionship. You said Apollo wasn't your husband, but he's the only one who came alone. Unless your husband is one of the ones who brought another woman with him then we have a bigger problem on our hands. Glock brought a woman named Athena and Ares brought a woman named Jordan. Which one is the side chick and needs to be beat up?"

Rhea sighs then finally says, "No one's a side chick or needs to be beat up. Apollo is my husband." She says it like I didn't already figure that out.

"I already know that. You're a bad liar. You made if obvious by not coming. If you weren't going to come, Apollo shouldn't have come either. Why have you been lying? I thought we're supposed to be friends. For 6 years to be exact, but you're lying about a husband. Like, what? Do you keep it a secret from your friends, so they won't try to sleep with him? I don't get it."

"No, it's complicated. I can't really speak on that with you."

"Then why are we friends if we can't tell each other things?" I question with the arch of my brow. "First you didn't tell me you were married to begin with, didn't get to meet this husband, didn't get invited to the wedding, never been to your house, never even met your child or children. I don't even know how many kids you really have to be honest."

"Like I said, it's complicated. Nobody knew about me being married or my husband, not just you. It's for my families safety. You figured Draco out, right? So figure out this situation because I can't tell you out of my mouth what and why."

I look at her as she looks at me. It must tie in with the drug activity. I don't know why I didn't think of that.

"I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't. I want to be like normal women talking about their man and kids to their girls, but I can't. Not with how it is right now. Maybe in the future. Technically I have two kids, but I only birthed one. Blended family," she says to keep it simple.

"I get it. You don't have to explain further to me. Is this how you wanted it to be?" I ask looking at her as she looked to the left looking out at the view. She looked sad as hell.

She shakes her head. "Not at all. Family is something you should be proud of. You should be able to show off your husband and go places with him on your arm. Shit, if you're in the same room you should be able to talk to him. I don't even get the luxury of wearing a wedding ring to at least tell a guy trying to holla at me, I'm married," she says holding up her hand with no jewelry. "When I agreed to it, I didn't think I would hate it so much. I feel like I'm living a lie."

She pauses then continues. "It's not even about being relationship or family goals or putting my family out there like we're perfect because we're not at all. Far from it, but it's my little family. I have a man that I've loved for a decade and kids who I love. That shouldn't be something I hide. It's a fucked up family dynamic, but its ours. If a bitter baby mama and deadbeat baby father can't ruin that, nothing can." I guess all it took was me asking for her to talk. "Sorry, I'm going off. I just never get to talk about this."

"It's okay. That's why I asked because I wanted to know. Not because I'm nosy and I'm going to go telling everyone, but because I care. I could see you were unhappy."

"I'm unhappy about that situation, but not my marriage. I love Apollo even if he is stubborn, hardheaded, and–"

I cut her off mumbling, "Rude." When I look up and she's staring at me I chuckle. "Sorry, but your man is a hardass. He's so serious all of the time."

"Not all the time, just around certain people. His mind is just always on work and money. He has to be that way towards his brothers or nothing will get done."

"Wait, so Apollo isn't your son's father?" I ask seeing if she'll answer.

"No," she says shaking her head. "Before we got married we decided to take a break. Of course I was heartbroken. I was 5 plus years in with him, but at the same time I wanted to enjoy being single. I was styling this guy and we started to hook up–"

"Who?" I ask getting interested in the story. I take a bite out of a breadstick waiting on her answer.

"John," she says sighing.

"Johnnn?!" I repeat in astonishment. "Like John as in–"

Before I can say his rap name she says, "Yeah. Well, I got pregnant by him. At that point I knew Apollo and I would never get back together, so I was set on trying to make it work with John. A couple of months into my pregnancy I hear through the grapevine Apollo got some chick pregnant. I moved on, but I was still pissed. Me and John realized it wasn't going to work, so we called it quits. Somehow, Apollo and I worked things out and got back together. That only made the others mad. John started saying the baby wasn't his and I was scheming just trying to get money to take back to Apollo. My son was born and he was nowhere to be found."

"Damn," is all I can say as I chew on this good ass breadstick. This was straight out of a movie. I could never have this much drama in my life. "What about Apollo's baby mother?"

"Hot ass mess. She basically trapped Apollo with a baby for money. He had every intentions of being there for his child, but she was making it hard because he wouldn't give her the amount she wanted. He found out she was leaving his daughter with different people going out partying and drinking, so he took her to court and got full custody. She lives with us, but the Mom won't let go. Constantly calling and popping up. Apollo won't let her see her daughter at all, which I think is a little cruel."

"I mean, maybe he's right. She sounds unfit to me."

"Yeah, but there's always visitation with supervision. She's still her mother."

"True, if she's really genuine about seeing her daughter, it won't hurt. One chance to see how she'll act and Apollo will know if she's fit to be around."

"That's what I've been telling him." She sighs and at that moment the waiter comes with our food. We thank him, do a short prayer, then start eating and going back to talking.

"What about John?" As soon as I ask that she blew out a deep breath.

"Ooh, for the past two years he hasn't been in Ravi's life. Apollo has, even legally adopted him. John has been trying to get in contact with me to see his son. At first I was skeptical wondering why now? But I figured it's better late than never I guess. Ravi's two, so this is the perfect time. Right?"

"So you're going to let him see your son?" I ask after chewing.

"I already havee," she drags out as if she doesn't want to admit it. "Well, technically I didn't. I met up with John to talk to him at a park and Ravi was there, but I didn't let him actually talk to him. I had to do it while Apollo was in Miami or he would flip shit because he's completely against it. So.." she shrugs. I just bounce my brows up. I couldn't imagine living the way she does...

After dinner, Rhea and I go our separate ways for the night. I go home and as soon as I step off the elevator to my penthouse I take in the darkness and quietness. I know for a fact Cordelia wasn't already in bed when it's barely 8 at night. I turn the light on for the entrance area looking around. I kick my Valentino heels off picking them up from the floor heading for the stairs. Once I get up there I go straight for Cordelia's room. I knock on her door waiting for her to say I can come in, but I never get a response. I finally just turn the knob walking in.

The lights were all on in her room and the tv was on, but I didn't see her...

"Cordelia!" I yell out walking more into her room. Since Miami I haven't really gotten to talk to her, so that's what I wanted to do.

"Closet!" I hear her yell back. I put my purse and shoes on the bench in front of her bed then walk into her bathroom that had a connected walk-in closet. When I walk in she's sitting in the floor criss cross apple sauce with clothes scattered all around her.

I sit on the ottoman that's in front of a three panel full length mirror. This girl was beyond spoiled with the amount of clothes and shoes she had. "What are you doing?" I ask as I cross my legs.

"Reorganizing my closet for Fall," she says folding a shirt as I nod my head.

It's awkwardly quiet then I ask, "How was school?"


I laugh inwardly then say, "I guess you're not trying to small talk. I haven't really had time to talk to you since Miami. The whole weekend you were gone with old friends then once we got back here I had work. How are you?"

"Good, I guess." She suddenly whips her head around asking, "When are you going to tell Mom and Dad?"

"Tell them what?" I ask furrowing up my brows.

"You know what. Your disease." I narrow my eyes at her as she goes on, "At every turn me and Miranda look like shit compared to you. It doesn't matter what we do, we always look bad. I was supposed to tell them I didn't want to go to college and you were supposed to tell them you have AIDS."

"And that was supposed to make things better? Make you look better? My disease? Because it's so disgusting that it would have made Mom and Dad forget all about you.."

She sighs. "I didn't mean it like that. It's just– I don't know."

"You and Miranda are always trying to make me out to be the perfect child and I'm not. Dad doesn't think any better of me despite what you think. Before I used to think you just have to prove Dad wrong and he'll come around. Nah," I say shaking my head. "He's just not built like that. He's on a high horse with high expectations because of what he's accomplished. We have big shoes to fill, but maybe those Ferragamo dress shoes aren't for us."

"So, what am I supposed to do? I feel like I should just go to college to save myself the stress of his wrath."

"Then when you realize it's not for you drop out and waste money and time? Dad may not care about the wasted money, but the time you can't get it back. The sooner we start, the better."

I see her light up in a smile then she stands up. "I thought you said I had to wait until after high school?"

"Never too early to build a portfolio then maybe we can get you signed to an agency." Cordelia hugs me tightly repeating thank you. I smile as she releases me. I touch her curly hair saying, "Don't let anybody tell you your dreams aren't real. No matter what they are, even Dad. Okay?"

She smiles nodding her head then says, "I don't know if this matters, but I'm proud of you. Dad may not say it, but I am." I smile mouthing a thank you.

"I'm going to let you finish. I need to go take a bath. Don't stay up too late," I say getting up. "And I'll tell them about my status the next time I see them in person. Promise," I say as I walk out. I grab my purse and shoes leaving her bedroom going to mine. I shut the door behind me sighing heavily as I throw my stuff onto the chair in the sitting area of my room.

I fall onto my bed looking at the numerous text messages I haven't checked all day. The first one I click on is from Draco.

Draco: Got my first investor. $50,000🤑

I smile to myself then type a reply...

Great! Keep chasing the money. You'll catch the dream soon🌟

Sometimes in life you want to give up, but you just have to keep dealing. Deal with all the downfalls and battles to eventually reach the top.

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