Chapter 13

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Ramya washed her face and wiped it with his handkerchief.She inhaled the smell and felt butterflies her stomach.That belonged to him.She checked herself in the mirror.Her dress was messy and hair too.why he had to see her like that.

She pouted and soon went out.He was playing with kids.The bell rang and all retired for lunch.

Vivaan was sweating and in scorching heat his face got red.Rama joined him.He noticed her back and exchanged a smile.

Both walked on the playground.It was silent.Also the dead silence played between them.Both didnt knew how to start a conversation.

R-"This is your.Thanks."

She gave him back his belonging and he stared at her.Then it registered her mind.She cant return it like that.She felt like hitting her head.How foolish of her.

R-"No.I will wash it and return it to you.If thats okay with you."

Vivaan grinned hard and then tried to hide his smile.

V-"its ok.Please.Just a handkerchief."

There was something about this girl he found so cute.And real too.

V-"so? your place?"



Vivaan gave a nod and they were hesitant to talk about anything.When Ramya got a call.

R-"Aththai please.Why do you panic so much.I am here only.Will be leaving in some time.Have lunch I will be late and dont forget to take your pills or else you will blame me for high bp then."

She cut the call and looked at him.He kicked the ball one last time.Did looked like a child playing with the kids.She didnt take him as such person so down to earth.

He went back to her.

V-"Your family worries a lot for you."

R-"yeah.They never leave me alone.Like Dinu Uncle is appointed as my body guard."

V-"Thats sweet.You are like a Princess.of your kingdom."

Hearing the word princess from him was enough to make her blush.She tucked her hair behind her ear and continued walking.Till Ramya met the kids and the staff who praised her.Vivaan also bid them farewell and they wished to have him more there like Ramya.

They were in parking now.

V-"Ok Ms.Ramya.It was nice.meeting you.

Give regards to your family."

R-"Same here."

Ramya opened door of her car and found Vivaan standing with a disturbed look on face.He was trying to make a call.She closed the door and went to him.

R-"Any problem?"

V-" are here.Actually.My car.broke down I guess.And this idiot PA of mine not receiving my call.Think I should catch taxi and then fix this up later."

Ramya spoke after thinking for a while.

R-"If you want I can drop you at your place.If you dont have any problem on that."

V-"That sounds.Better option.Wont be a problem.

You sure?I mean you will be late then."

R-"Thats okay.Already informed home.Shall we?"


Both went near her car and found Dinu uncle dozing off in driver's sit.

R-"Dinu uncle.Unclee?"

He got alarmed and was standing in a second.

R-"Give me the keys.Please stay here and look for a mechanic.Get that car fixed and send it back to.Okay give me a call once done."

V-"Hey its okay dont need to take much trouble."

Ramya didnt pay heed to his words.

D-"Amma how can I leave you alone.Sir will."

R-"Uncle.Please.I will talk to Appa.Give me the keys now."

Dinu followed her order and gave her the keys.She got in driver's sit and Vivaan beside her.He fastened the seat belt and gave her looks.

R-"Dont worry.I will let you know once your car is fixed.Dinu Uncle is trusted person."

V-"I dont doubt."

They started off and he had to admit she was good at driving.A little slow but.Smooth.

V-"You drive well."


I know I am slow."

V-"Its ok.I thought you dont know how to.I mean."

R-"why?Doesnt match my personality?"

V-"I didnt mean that.I wasnt expecting I said."

R-"You keep a lot of expectations it seems.Mr Vivaan.Free advise.Dont.

Because things often dont match how we assume.Or want.end up in blunders."

All this while he heard her and she didnt meet his eyes.There was a glow on her face.And any word she said with such grace.he didnt find it harsh from her mouth.what was it about her.When he compares to her sister.Who never initiated any conversation without being harsh.

They stopped at signal now.Meanwhile he got call from Kumar.He asked her to help dinu with his car and send it back home.

V-"Its okay.No need for that.I will have something outside.Make sure you send someone there to help him out.He is aged person dont want him to get worked up in this heat.cooperate.Bye."

Ramya eyed him as she heard his words.He sounded like caring person.Who was concerned about someone's health who was merely a driver.She thought how their thoughts were in same direction.

They started off again when she asked him.

R-"Any problem?"

V-"Nope.I asked him to send someone there problem solved."


V-"Would you mind suggesting me some good place here.For lunch.I mean have been here years ago with family.Dont know much about here.Lunch time is also about to over some minutes."

R-"There are many.What type of food you want.depends."

V-"Anything would do.At this moment.

I prefer home made food.So whenever I travel outside.I have this cook there.This time he fell sick and I have to find some other way now.Nevermind.You can drop me anywhere.Like you know.If."

She took a turn.He found her parking outside a simple yet standard restaurant.He unfastened the seat belt and opened the door.She was waiting for something from his end.

V-"Thanks for the lift.and for the help too."

Ramya acknowledged him with a smile.When he closed the door she felt something.Not sad but a dejected look she gave.Which soon got replaced with surprise as he knocked on window glass.She glasses down and found him.

V-"Since you have helped me a lot.Its almost lunch time and about to over.Would you mind joining me?"

He scratched his head after asking.Looking lost.She smiled and he did look so cute.

Finally they were seated inside in a corner table.Vivaan went to freshen up.While Ramya informed Karuna she will be late.She kept phone down as he came back.Looking fresh and hot.His hair all set and wet due to water.He took sit opposite to her facing her.


R-"I forgot the count.How many times you have said that.Since we walked inside."

He scratched his head again and this time laughed.

V-"so.What to order.Any specialities?"

R-"South indian food is best here.specially the Dosa.Me and Varna used to come here along with Appa.Our favourite place."

Mention of Varna wrecked his senses.he coughed and kept the menu card down.

V-"Okay then.You know better.Please order on my behalf."

R-"Me?I dont know what you like."

V-"i am a simple person.Have anything light not much spicy.But yes has to be tasteful."

he shrugged off his shoulders and she got busy.Finally the order was placed.

R-"your taste is similar to Varna.We place same order for her."

He made a face and tried to sulk before she noticed that.

V-"So.Used to come?Why.You dont come here.Now?

Its a nice place."

He was looking around when she had her eyes down and played with her fingers.

R-"Yeah earlier.Now both Appa and Varna are busy.Dont have much time plus.I am not allowed outside food much.So."

She was making cute faces and doing something with her lips.Made him feel like adore her.Vivaan didnt knew where he was going.Few days ago he was off to her shrewd sister ( thats what he thinks) who bashed his brain and got his mind senseless with her rude nature.Now its again this girl with same face.Surprisingly giving him positive vibes.He liked her company.How can it be.Two people with same faces be so different.

His thoughts were was served and he almost attacked.Ramya slowly ate at same time stealing glances.He looked so hungry.Relishing the food and she was glad her selection made him happy.She bit her lips and put her hand on plate of dosa when her hand came in contact with his.

She felt a current.Vivaan also felt odd and both took their hands back same time.It was weird.

V-"ladies first."

She giggled and tasted the dosa having her eyes on him.After having good time with talks here and there they finished lunch.By the end both were laughing at some incident Ramya shared.Vivaan felt he never laughed this much in life.

Ramya was about to pay the bill when he stopped her.

V-"Please.Ms Ramya.You helped me a lot today so let this be treat from my side."

R-"No.Mr Vivaan you are here in our city.Being our guest so.Makes it easy and clear."

V-"Well.if you insist.Then.Next time has to be mine."

Ramya smiled as waiter took bill and she thought okay there will be a next time too.

V-"Wish they had Paayesam ( sweet dish/Kheer) like the one got at your place.It was way more tasty.Never tasted something like that."

R-"You liked it so much?"

V-"yeah.I cant be miser when giving nice complements about food.Specially with sweet dishes."

After spending some good time way back finally they were outside his place.Both had shades on.Vivaan took out his ones and looked at Ramya with a smile.

V-"thank you so much for a nice day.I didnt had to starve thanks to you."


Both came out of car and when Ramya was about to leave Vivaan thought of something.

V-"I doubt what would happen if any of our families come to know about this unexpected meeting."

Ramya didnt get his words.She was confused when he spoke again to make it clear this time.

V-"You know.Why we came your place that day.And.Things were kind of messed up."

R-"I.I did say sorry from Varna's side.Sorry if you felt offended."

V-"Certainly not.I made it clear that you."

She looked down playing with her hands.He run his hand through his hair and for first time felt nervous.To say what he wanted to.

R-"I should leave now.Good bye.Have a nice stay."

V-"Ms ramya."

She turned back to be called by him soon.she raised her brows at him.

V-"Actually I.I dont know if this sounds weird.But it is.I guess from both of our sides.We know why we were there that day and.Lets get this straight.We have to give an answer soon to our families.So.From my side I can say.

What about you?I want to know.Your thoughts regarding this."


She made a nervous face as if any moment would start biting her nails.Vivaan got that before scaring off her away.He felt it better to get done with it.

V-"Okay.See marriage is an important decision in life.Something which cannot be decided first meeting.Least for me.I hope you get me.Its life time we have to spend together then."

R-"you can say no.Please I dont have issues.Or any problems regarding that.I didnt say anything till now.Because I feel more than me its my family and Appa's right to take any decision for my life.They are better than me to decide whats good and bad for me.So I left it to them.Please dont feel burdened to take any decision.Say it loud."

He was listening to her with sound silence.When she stopped she stared at his eyes.he never sounded so confident.

V-"Now I know why my family is so fascinated by you.Glad you opened up about this.And.Its not NO from my side.Least not till now.I asked for time and lets see.If things can.Work out?"

He flashed a gentleman smile at her.Her heart was busting with some strange feelings.She gave him a faint smile and nod.Then got inside her car.He came back.from window.

V-"So can we expect to meet again.?"

ramya lowered her lashes fastening seat belt.

R-"You keep lot of expectations Mr Vivaan.Told you bad for health and. careful.It can be fragile.At times.Good bye."

The car left and he stood there.Not grinning.It strike him.Did he behave similar manner with someone else too.

When he unwillingly compared with the events took place with Varna earlier and today's meeting little time he spent with Ramya.he felt restless and an uneasiness.His heart fought and battled for Ramya.Did he already develop some soft corner for her.He was denying obviously.

Vivaan wasnt clueless anymore.He already passed verdict inside his mind.It was any case Ramya over Varna.What more can develop in this way.Will see to that.


Thank you for comments.I do read each one of them and the regular readers.I can't thank you enough.For accepting this story and giving so much love.Yess!

I see a lot of people have assumption or are sure of.Ramya going to die because she has weak heart and so she dies.But can this story be this easier?Tell me Haha.Lets see.

Vote and comment please.


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