Chapter 14

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Every night in my dreams 

I see you, I hear you 

That is how I know you go on

Far across the distance

And spaces between us

You have come to show you, go on

Near, far, wherever you are

I believe that the heart does go on

Once more you open the door

And you're here in my heart 

and my heart will go on and on...

Ramya almost let remote slip from her hands.By luck she managed to switch off the tv when Karuna came inside her room.She looked nervous.Wished her aunt would have not come at this time.Was watching Titanic.Interestingly when she has been watching love stories for long.From few days they sound more dreamy to her.

Karuna found her lost in some thoughts and touched her head.She came out of her dream land.

K-"What are you so busy thinking.Here have your milk."

She took glass of milk.Setting the pillow on her lap.


Can I ask you something."

K-"Whole day you keep on asking questions to me.Why need permission now."


K-"Okay ok.Ask."

R-"Aththai.Tell me.Have you ever been in love?With someone?"

Karuna widened her eyes and got conscious.She hit Ramya's head.

K-"Mad girl.have milk and sleep.Always busy with weird thoughts."

R-"Aththai.No.Sit and tell me.Why are you feeling nervous at this age.I asked about your husband only.Or you had someone else before marriage?Love story?"

Karuna slapped her own head.Then got to see an excited Ramya.Shooting daggers at her.

R-"Dont feel shy.I promise wont share your secret."

K-"You are one impossible creature on this earth.

Love.Yes.Me and your Uncle."

Karuna blushed a little.

R-"Love.With your husband?How can that be.You were already married to him."

K-"So.What else.You love your husband only.Love is not an easy thing like thin air.Nowadays it has become fashion for young hearts.Love is precious far more.When you deeply feel for someone.Your heart wants to see him happy.Crave to have a look.Wait to have a glance.Love helps you to strengthen your bond."

Ramya started biting her nails.

R-"So complicated.I thought.You love someone.But how can someone be husband.Whats the twist then.So boring."

Karuna got up and hit her head once again.Ramya rubbed it feeling pain.

K-"Maa why are you so interested in love today.Once you get married will know itself.What love is.Your husband will teach you."

R-"Like Uncle taught you?"

K-"This girl.Have milk and sleep now."


Watch Titanic with me."

She giggled as Karuna left banging door of her room.She finished the milk and kept glass on table.Licked her lips then switched on the tv.Jack and Rose were kissing.She felt shy and switched it off immediately.

R-"Love.Its dangerous.

No Ramya.Sleep.before you become mad."

After few minutes.Ramya was smiling.She was dreaming in sleep.It was nice dream.Like Jack and Rose she was with someone.Song played.She looked happy.Wait next she was.Kissing.But whom.Snap.The same man how can she.

She woke up like thunder hitting her hard.Switched on lamp and looked around.Gulped down some water.

R-"What was that.A scary dream.Vivaan Reddy.What was I doing with him."

She got back to sleeping position.Fearing covered her face with the quilt.

Vivaan was sitting in his study and working.It was almost mid night but didnt matter to him.If he intends to finish the work within deadline he would do that.Regardless of the timings.

from time he came here.He have been working like crazy.He wanted to give best to this project be whatever it takes.He was done with second one in last hour.And called it off keeping astray at distance.He wasnt regular with smoking.When it comes to stress he felt like having one or two.Or else he cant feel the push to work.

He heard his phone it was a message.For a second he moved his eyes from laptop.And smiled a little.It was message from his cousin brother.Who was more like buddy to him.Reyansh.

R-"Hey Bro.Heard you are getting married.

So how does my would be Anni (sister in law) look.Most beautiful woman on this earth?Have to be."

Vivaan caught his head.So his family was already weaving dreams for marriage.When he had no time to think about itself.What can he do.He typed message quickly.

V-"Wish you were here.Would have give you a smack.

for your information.I havent said yes.yet."

He got back to work within seconds another message came.He checked.


Haven't said NO also?right."

He couldnt help but smile.Reyansh was a deep down evil.Shy and introvert with others.He knew what he was in real.

V-"You better come back.Soon.

Will take a special class."

It was after some time he felt his eyes giving up and closed everything.He yawned and massaged his temples.he heard another message.

V-"I will kill you Rey."

Then he checked and it was not him.His mother.Shivani messaged him.

Sh-"Vivaan dont work so late.Go sleep.Thats why I tell you get married.Once you have wife to take care.I will be relieved."

He shook his head after giving a normal reply to his mother.Went to his room.Settled on the bed.Every other person was seeing his marriage as soulution.He didnt knew if he could think as one.

He does.Feel like having someone to talk.Share things.Some special moments.To have that bond with someone.His life partner have to be.Someone.Did he knew how.

V-"This is so difficult.Wish I could leave this decision up to them.Better.I am with my business contracts.Love you Mom Dad."

Within few minutes.He opened his eyes and switched on the lamp.He doesnt have dreams frequently.Never even wish to have them.It was really weird and unusual.

He thought of something.Been few days he met that girl.How can he have those flashes.He blinked his eyes and rubbed them.Feeling pain on his back and head.Slumped back to the pillow.

V-"Sleep Vivaan.its a long day ahead."

Claps could be heard as they echoed around the room.Board members and crucial members of staff present were very impressed with Vivaan's presentation.he had unique style be it speaking, giving respect to people while talking.Be it of any level from staff.Thats how he left a mark in last few days when he visited office.he had his own place to work but whenever there was to discuss something with Prakash he made sure to visit him.Not asking other way round.Him to visit Reddys office.

Prakash shook hands with the other members who soon left one by one.Vivaan came and Prakash took him in a hug with a smile.He was a bit hesitant.Later accepted it with a smile.

Both took sits.

P-"Thank you Vivaan.Whatever you are doing in this project.Can see it will do wonders for both the companies."

V-"Sir please no need to say thanks.Its joint effort.Have been working with your team under your guidance also.Wouldnt have been possible."

He found Vivaan looking down playing with hands.He looked bit shy but with manners.After reaching success at such young age he didnt have ounce of pride.

P-"Sir?Didnt I tell you earlier to."


P-"Fair enough.

You will be leaving end of this week.Why dont you have dinner with us.Come to my place.Karuna was also asking about you."

The invite was not bad idea for Vivaan.He thought and then couldnt say no to him.He only prayed if he had to face the roaring lioness.Who would be standing at gate with terror written on her face.For him.

Alas he said yes.But he was assured about something else too.Ramya will be there.He needed to say proper bye to her.Why he needed he would search reason for that.Sooner.If he could.

Next day.For a change he took some time off from work.From days experience he was kind of accustomed to few roads here and there.Its been long too he drive himself.It was a chance he couldnt miss.Vivaan set out on a random drive himself.With shades on.He was on some signal.

The music was on and he was liking it.The weather and everything sounded in place for him today.he was moving his head with rhythms of music when his eyes found something.

At the opposite road next to which he was on.He saw Ramya helping out people.A group of people who were old and werent able to cross the road.She helped them slowly made them cross the road and did that with so much care.

Vivaan felt he could see and feel the care and warmth Ramya showed towards the strangers.The people then blessed her by keeping their hands on her head.She took it with a smile.He found her disappearing and heard the signal go on.he drove with a new thing on mind.

Next day.Vivaan was off from office late evening and stopped at a nearby shop.To take something his mother asked..He was asked to take gift for someone close to family who resides in Chennai.They missed out wedding so gift will be sent their absence.

He finally picked a necklace and got it packed.When he was counter to pay bill he remembered something.He was invited for dinner at Shettys place tomorrow.So he shouldnt be going empty handed there.

V-"How can I get necklace for Prakash uncle.Work making me lose senses.


He looked around shop all those ornaments.Some heavy and some classy design.

V-"Well.This would do.


Prakash didnt let him touch his feet before embracing him in hug.Karuna touched his head with affection as he took her blessings.Vivaan entered Shetty's bungalow with a heart.Full prepared to enter war zone.His eyes kept on checking place.Time and again.While he had small chat with Prakash and Karuna.

K-"Thank you Vivaan.Glad you accepted invitation.I asked Prakash to ask you for dinner."

V-"I wouldnt have.First place.How can I miss relish same taste again.Paayesam you made that day.It tasty."

Karuna sensed his gaze and left in some pretext.Prakash kept him busy with random talks.

After a while he could hear foot steps.He tried best to concentrate on what Prakash was saying.With a balanced smile on face.He used his hands to keep them stable on his cheeks and chin.Knees.Alas they fell down getting disbalanced as he found same face in front of him.

"Are you alright.I am so sorry.Did I make you fall."

He felt those eyes full of concern.Till Karuna came from behind and her voice got him back.

K-"Ramya.What did you do.Poor boy."

Vivaan protested in a second.

V-"Please.Not her fault.I was.


Ramya gave a sheepish grin and then kept the tray on table.He took water needing it that moment.He found her dressed in simple this time.She was standing and swaying her body.Looked cute to him.Karuna warned her from eyes and she stopped.Looking down.

K-"Vivaan.Why dont you have a look around this place.That day you couldnt perhaps.Till dinner is served.Prakash must be boring you with business talk."

V-"No not at all.I mean its alright."

P-"I would insist.Ramya come take him.Show him around.In the min time your father asked me for some books I had.See if I can find them.Send over to him through you.Okay."


Ramya was almost pushed by Karuna and they were out.

K-"Just hope this time.Things get fixed."


Take this as a filler episode/chapter.Have to write this.Next chapter full fledged Vivaan Ramya scene.

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