Chapter 15

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Vivaan and Ramya both were quite.Taking a look around the place he found it appealing.Rooms looked decent and when his eyes fell on the wall.The paintings.He stopped.Ramya turned back and saw him.

He kept his eyes glued to the paintings and spoke in a whisper.



He gave her a look.Found her standing with a smile on face.

V-"You paint?"

R-"yeah.You have weak memory?That day back in orphanage remember."

V-"Oh.Sorry.Skipped from my mind.

Actually I have been working like maniac.So.Apologies for that."

R-"Its okay.

I do paint.but.Not something extra ordinary.Whatever comes in my mind.I transform those images into colors."

V-"Thats called talent."

Both exchanged a look.Ramya broke the lock and went ahead.Vivaan followed her.

They were out in garden now.Walking slowly.Vivaan found the place quite cozy and nice unlike the previous day.He walked with hhands neatly tucked inside pockets.Ramya matched his slow steps side by side.

R-"When we were small Appa used to teach us gardening here.I always used to cry because.I wasnt interested.But had to stay because of Varna.Later I started loving it.Now.I have to take care of all this.Appa and Varna both are busy with work."


Vivaan looked at the beauty of this place.The flowers some newly bloomed.The fragrance and fresh cool breeze landing on his face.Made him feel lot better after stress he has gone through.Past days.

R-"When you watch these flowers.You say beautiful.Not interesting."

He gave a sheepish grin to her.Then went on to touch one flower.She almost touched his hand.

R-"No no.Dont."

He stopped feeling her touch.She took her hand back.


R-"Dont touch.Its still growing.I mean.Flower is initial stages.Needs more time.If you touch may be hurt.Or not grow further."

She tried to have look at the flower.The way she was looking at it from her expressions Vivaan couldnt stop himself from adoring her.Someone can care so much for a non living thing.

R-"They are also living things.We should never forget.Humans survive because of nature."

She turned to look at him.He gave a nod and then a killer smile.She blushed.

As they walked a weird silence was felt between the two.Which was broken by Vivaan.

V-"Ms. Ramya.Can I ask you something."

Ramya matched his eyes being nervous.His voice whenever he spoke had this effect on her.Making her go weaker from knees.She could possibly nod in reply.

Vivaan looked down and continued that manner.

V-"I dont know how to say this.Feels weird.Me visiting your place.Us meeting that day and after which I realized something.The purpose for which we were made to meet.Doesnt it sound unusual.How things are working."

She remained silent.A faint smile on face.Vivaan admired that.He wished to know what was running in her mind that moment.Before the awkward silence gets back to them.He remembered something and felt the thing he aimed to look for inside pocket of his blazer.Took out a small long box.

V-"I will be leaving tomorrow.Likely.So wanted to get something for you guys as token of appreciation.Was unsure.Hope you like this."

Ramya stared at the small sparkling bracelet he just opened the box.It looked expensive.He frowned his brows seeing her response.She chose to look down.

V-"You didnt like it?"

R-"its not like that.Please dont misunderstand me.Its just that.It looks too expensive.I cant take this.Sorry."

V-"How does it matter.A gift is a gift.Price doesnt matter.right?"

R-"yeah but.With all due respect I cant go against certain limits which I have made for myself.I follow them.I am sorry dont take it to heart."

V-"If we were friends would have taken this?"

She didnt knew what to answer.He smiled closing the box making a sound.Stuffed it inside his pocket.

R-"Friends can also be given.Light and short meaningful things.You know."

He did get what she meant.The Shetty girls definitely knew how to spin words.They were called for dinner.

V-"Ms Ramya."

She looked at him with big eyes.Was about to stumble and he was about to catch her.She balanced herself in right time.


V-"We can be friends.right.Or is it too late for that."

He didnt get any reply from her.They were about to reach inside house when she turned to him.He had his brows frowned a bit.Looking down.Her voice changed that expression in seconds.

R-"When did I say we aren'nt.Mr Vivaan."

That smile was a tease for him.He gladly obliged to it.

Dinner went smoothly.With all having good time.Ramya cracked some jokes which made Vivaan laugh like hell.Prakash and Karuna didnt miss to notice the ice finally breaking between the duo.They were happy.

P-"Thank you so much Vivaan but this was really not needed.You didnt have to.Boy such formality."

Vivaan forgot to bring the special thing he got for Prakash from his car.He called out his driver who left it in their hall now.Ramya was eagerly waiting for her father to open the packet.He gave her a look and Vivaan laughed.

P-"Books?How did you know."

Ramya sulked and helped Karuna as she got dessert serving on table in hall.

V-"You were about to send some from your own collection for Dad.If Iam not wrong then.Few interactions I got to know.You have this fascination.reading.Be it any kind.Novels.On travelling.Philospohy.So I  could get hold of few of them.See  if you like.

Paayesam was served and Vivaan started having it like an excited child.he was already giving it back with expressions how much he loved it.

R-"Like?Dont even ask.Appa is any time free for it anything.So boring.If ask him for movie he will sulk.But for reading he is always ready."

P-"Ramya.Reading is better option than watching.You see.You get knowledge."

Vivaan enjoyed small interaction between father and daughter.He could see the bond well.When Karuna served him the dessert for third time.he widened his eyes.

V-"Now I feel embarassed.Till I reach home will be gaining weight.Badly."

K-"You should.Sweet things dont make you gain weight.Have."

R-"yeah Aththai knows that better."

P-"Thank you so much Vivaan.You surprised me big time with this gift.I should be giving you something in return."

V-"You already did.With this lavish meal?I swear cant think of moving now."

All burst out into laughters.Finally it was time to leave.Vivaan took Karuna's blessings and praising the dishes that were cooked for dinner.following his favorite Paayesam.Karuna coughed and then told him.

K-"Vivaan.Its good you are praising me for efforts.But half of effort should go to someone else."

he raised his brows.Seeing ramya approaching them with her father.Who went to get the books to be sent to Vikram through him.

K-"The magical Paayesam was cooked by our Ramya.And most of dishes.You liked them?"

Karuna was almost teasing him.Keeping her face as serious as possible.Vivaan felt hard to hide that hue coming on his face.He was caught in situation.He gave a nod and scratched his neck.

P-"here.Tell your Dad.If he wants I can give more.But next meeting he has to tell me if these were convincing enough for him.I am good at asking.Let him know."

R-"Appa.Poor him.At least spare people from interviewing.Books are to be read not memorized."

V-"Dad would love to do that.Okay Uncle I should take leave now.Thanks for invite had great time.Exceptionally.Specially the dinner.and.these books.Thank you."

P-"You should stop being so formal."

K-"Next time you visit make sure.You get to have meals from here.Okay."

He looked down and smiled.Karuna shook her head bidding him farewell.Prakash,Ramya followed him till car.

P-"You are leaving tomorrow?"

V-"Most likely.Lets see if have something more to do.I dont think.Your people have handled work so well.I just had to guide them in few places."

P-"I am glad.See you then.Possibly we are meeting for work purpose again.Then."

Vivaan finished the formal session of goodbyes and Prakash left getting a phone call.Ramya was the one standing there.Not knowing how to say what.

Finally Vivaan broke the silence.

V-"I forgot this."

R-"Now what is this."

V-"I know.You cant accept costly gift from someone * whose not your friend yet but yes considered as friend*"

Ramya felt like hiding her face somewhere at his teasing remarks.She chose not to meet his eyes.

V-"But you see this is not for you.I got something for every member of your family so.This is for your sister."

He handed her the box.This time she had no option to accept it.


V-"Dont look so shocked.Yeah we may not have got well with starting.But.I am a work person.I dont believe in keeping grudges.Specially when she is someone of your family."

finally their eyes met.She could see a different spark in the way he spoke.

V-"I mean.Your father he is so sweet and Aunt"

R-"I will pass this to her.once she comes back."

V-"yeah.I appreciate her for work she has been doing and.She was one because of whom we strike this deal.I am glad and looking forward to this relation just formed.I mean pofessionaly just started.So.This is like token of appreciation from my side.


I guess good bye."

R-"Good bye."

He took steps back and opened door of his car.She stood there fidgeting with the box in her hold.Both wanted to say something more.Couldnt.

She was to leave when heard his voice.He came back scratching his head.

V-"I.I wanted to say.just."

Ramya gave a confused stare to him.He was fumbling with words.

V-"You can weave magic not only with paint.With cooking too.

Paayesam was.Too good.Thanks."

She looked at him with shock and feeling of nervousness.Which was replaced by hue formed in her cheeks.She didnt knew how he got to knew.But his eyes said something unexplainable to her.


She ran from there with heart jumping in excitement.As heard the car leave their place.


I would like to say that please don't judge any character so soon.give them some time.Those concerned about Varna she will be seen in next update.Smile and enjoy reading.

Thank you all regular readers who read with such excitement and never forget to give honest feedback.Thank you so much.Also silent readers who never forget to vote.

Please keep voting and commenting.Haha. Gives me a boost.


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