Chapter 16

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Varna had her eyes closed.In a complete relaxation mode.Till she had to break her concentration hearing the loud music.

V-"Chitti.Its early morning."

She was grumpy.Priyamvada came from her room biting her lips.Held her ears.Her niece was giving her looks.When does she not.

P-"Sorry.Maa.Working out you see."

Varna rubbed her face with the towel and loosened her long hair from clutch of hair band.She had some water.

V-"You can join me Chitti.Why after those jumpy and insane work outs.May harm your body reflexes."

Priyam handed her morning coffee and took sit with her.

P-"I cant leave my mind in one particular place.You know Varna.I tried Yoga quite times.but.its boring.There needs to be spice in life.Loud music and moves.They give me a boost up."

Varna shook her head.Her aunt behaved and looked younger than her.Whoever met her said that.

P-"You should join me someday.I will change your mind."

V-"That ain't happening.Sorry."

Varna went to look for something in her laptop bag.When Priyam was having her green tea.

P-"So?This time.Something serious?"


She answered not looking at her.

P-"Come on Varna.Dont take me as dumb.I know.You wont be coming here to spend holidays.Like that.Leaving your darling sister back there.Fought with your father again.I do feel something big happened."

Varna didnt look at her still.She got her file and then started reading it.Alongside having coffee.

V-"You think too much.Nothing like that.Why cant I visit you without any fight happening.Its not a ritual or norm.I was missing you.And work got me here."

P-"I can see.Work.How long are you going to run after these stupid conferences.Varna.High time think about life."

V-"Dont you feel bored saying same thing every time to me."

Varna gave a goofy grin and Priyam glared at her.

P-"No.because I may not be your mother.But someone who has motherly instincts for you.i couldnt raise you or Ramya.Spend enough time with you.Me and your father had our share of disagreements over things.That doesnt make my love for you two less."

Varna kept her file aside.Taking Priyam's hands in hers.Priyam wiped the lone tear from her eye.

V-"Who told you you didnt.Is that because of time you couldnt give.I feel like coming back to you time and again whenever.I feel this big world."

Priyam cupped her cheeks and hugged her.She patted her hair.

P-"I dont worry about Ramya much.Varna.She is like Akka.Can settle off anywhere.Like water you can pour it anywhere and it will settle itself.Be any shape.Iam worried about you."

V-"Thank God.Someone is there."

She winked at Priyam.Who shook her head in disagreement.

P-"All do.You dont get to see that.

Your Aththai calls almost every day since you have come here.Your Appa.He is tensed.He may not show it.He is a father I can understand his concern."

V-"Wish I could."

Varna was checking her phone.A faint smile passed her face.Priyam came from back having her hands on her shoulder.Bumped her head to hers.

P-"Whose it.Ramya?"

It was a message from Ramya.Priyam can guess.No matter how foul Varna's mood is.Whenever she gets message from her sister it had to bring smile on her face.

V-"She sounds happy.hates me for ditching her.Like this."

P-"Why do you.You shouldnt.

You both sisters cant live apart from each other.You arent only look alikes.You have one heart beating."

V-"One heart will make things complicated Chitti.let it be two.

heart beats cannot be judged.May stop any time.React.Any manner."

Priyam raised her brows and made Varna turn around facing her.

P-"What about this boy.Vivaan Reddy?"

Varna rolled her eyes.Dropping her phone on the bed.

V-"So you also came to know name."

P-"Karuna Akka told me.hullo I also keep an eye on everything.

What is it Varna.Why do dislike him so much.Is he that bad."

V-"No.He belongs to this human species."

P-"you are being mean.What did he do.

He drinks?Smokes?Flirts?Runs after money?Disrespects elders?Lacks strength?Or he tried to molest you?"

Varna widened her eyes in horror.She cant imagine that happening in real.That would be an epic moment.Her kicking ass of Mr Rude Reddy.She would yearn.Unfortunately her sister has fallen for him.In two minds for that.So she has to drop the wish.Somewhere.

V-"Chitti relax.You are thinking.Way ahead."

P-"So.he got all these qualities?"

V-"No.he is.Okay."

P-"Madam.Disapproval of these qualities is not sign of being okay.he is Perfect.Gentleman.Looks handsome."

V-"Oh.So you have already got report from.Aththai?Why interrogating now."


You dont like him."

V-"Why do I have to?Frankly speaking shouldnt bother anyone.

Just that I.I dont hate him.I.I dont have any reason to disapprove of him.Knowing.he is pefect for man of Ramya's dreams."

P-"I see change in words.When you came here.It was all.Hate.Strong words."

V-"I gave it a thought.Do I have any strong reason to hate him.I dont want to.Lets leave it to people who have better thought process than me.I may not be best in anything."

P-"You can never think bad for Ramya.Okay."

Priyam hugged her from back.Varna smiled.

V-"I was being.Impulsive.Maybe.

Glad.Things worked out."

P-" what."

V-"She is in love.She claims to be.I am happy for her.She deserves it.Just hope that Reddy doesnt make it hard for her.I will break his."

P-"Easy.Ms Shetty.

Let her explore.Love is a beautiful emotion.Varna.When it happens you forget your own self.everything sounds and feels so different.So real yet.Dreamy."

Varna clicked her fingers and gave a confusing smile.Priyam straightened herself.

V-"Chitti.You drifted off to some different world."

P-"I am glad Ramya is experiencing it.Being my niece.You are such let down Varna."

V-"Thank you.An honor for me."

P-"Love is timeless.Precious and irresistable force."

V-"Which has no place in my life and schedule for me.Even my heart cringes at mere thought of it.Tell me how can a person.Think of smiling at mention of someone kiddish."

She was off to take shower now.

P-"So you saying you wont fall in love?

I dont want you to face same life like me.Get married have babies.Life is worth to live."

V-"Who says I wont.I said no for love.Marriage.Yeah not bad idea."

P-"You need to fall in love with someone for that.I am damn sure.One day you will discover what love is."

Varna raised her voice from inside shower.Teasing her aunt.

V-"Will see to that.Some day."

Ramya was having chocolate.On her bed dangling her legs.Her eyes and lips smiling for weird reasons.She finished the bar and threw wrapper.Then checked her phone.As it beeped.

"Since I am a bit early today to get off from work.Was thinking.Would you mind showing me around place.If you are free."

She shook her head and fell on her bad spreading her arms.A bust of feelings crept to her.She felt if she would be able to catch her breath.Not get excited.

It has been that day only when he left after dinner.She was disappointed to know he would be leaving next day.When a lot of things were left unsaid between them.surprisingly next she got to hear from her father how Vivaan had decided to extend his stay.Regarding the work that has to be taken care of.So he was to stay for few more days.

Did she knew reason for his extension of stay.She assumed and chose not to believe many times.Let it be.The other folds were taken.When he bumped into her next two days same place which showed her a different side of him.Breaking the ice between them.

Orphanage where it started for them.She has seen him having great time with kids.Those who loved her and wanted to be with her.Were all crazy after him now.He developed this bond over small time.

Her heart almost stopped beating when on their way back home that same day.He offered to have lunch with her and this time it was his treat.After which came another sweet blow to her heart.They exchanged numbers.In friendly ways.Deep down every time he spoke to her.His face sharp eyes.Didnt leave chance to completely melt her down.

Days were passing and they become friends.Knowing a lot about each other.ramya was in different land.One way she was missing out her sister.Wishing to have her with her.On her side when she was going through such beautiful phase.But she chose to share every single thing with Varna over phone.How can she not when they have been sharing their life over years.

Her line of thoughts were broken.When phone beeped again.Another message from Vivaan Reddy.

"I guess.I am being too greedy.Asking one favor after another.Sorry if something keeping you busy.I will wait.To discover.Maybe some other time :( "

Ramya hit her head with her phone then keeping it closer to her heart.She bit her lips and typed a reply.Erasing it again and typing again.

They were near this beautiful lake.Was about time for sun to set making sky look deeper and changing colors.It was a breathtaking view for any eye to catch.

Vivaan was throwing pebbles the water making sound.As slow as possible as it hit the water.They could hear the birds.Singing a song left to them to imagine.Ramya was busy catching the view with her eyes.Vivaan stole glances of her.Then sat down beside her.

R-"This is most beautiful place.At this time.I love watching sky like this.ready to embrace the change.As it falls into arms of darkness.Welcoming the night."

V-"There is still time.See the color.Sun takes its own time.Clouds stay same.Its our eyes.Which fail to see.A lot of things. At times."

Ramya stared at him.he wasnt too close.yet felt closer to her.She shifted a bit.He felt her conscious.Looked down then took a deep breathe.

V-"I cant thank you enough Ramya.For all these days.I dont know if I should say this.Till date they proved to be most beautiful days of my life.Havent experienced felt like."

Ramya spoke as she played with small flowers she picked from the grass.

R-"You are too easy with the judgement.May be life has more in store for you.You may experience a lot more things."

V-"Perhaps.I want to.

I wish I get to.In same manner."

Their eyes met for few seconds and both moved their gaze.There was a different smell in air.The breeze never felt so endearing and nice.Ramya got hold of her scarf in process which hit Vivaan's face.He closed his eyes and smiled.Then caught it with his hand.Shifting it back to place it belonged to.

His finger brushed slightly her neck.She shivered at small contact.Vivaan run his hand through his hair.

R-"Say something."

V-"I have to say everything.Every seems."

She played with her fingers.Both got up and started walking.Reaching the end standing near the lake.They could see reflection there.Birds were aiming to return to their homes.

R-"When are you leaving for home."

V-"You want me to leave?"

R-"I didnt mean that."

V-"I was just pulling your leg.

But on a serious note.Thanks.and sorry."

Ramya raised her brows in confusing way.

V-"I bugged you alot.In these days.Asking you to be guide for me.I am glad had someone to show me around."

R-"So.Did you like our place."

V-"Like would be an understatement.Should say Love."

His eyes were so intense.Deeply trying to absorb her orbs.She looked other side.Not being able to hide the hue on her face anymore.His every words was making it difficult for her.

V-"I mean.This place.Your city.Has bewitched me with its beauty and.Hospitality."

R-"good to hear that.No one leaves empty handed and with empty heart from here.Taking away memories and precious things captured.In hold."

V-"I do want to take away.Maybe already had a lot.would like to discover that only.If I can capture the thing I wish."

R-"Why not.You have been shown places.For  quite lot of times.Next if you ask for showing around.Should be you.Not other way round."

Ramya smiled and Vivaan felt embarassed for the chances he has been taking.First day and second day then third day he has asked her to show around.Taking best opportunity let her know he is new to this place.Little did she knew what he was keen on.Place or spending some time with her.when he got to know her more.

V-"I can promise to be a guide for someone showing around.Next if someone accompanies me here.Thanks to the best guide I got."

Both laughed sharing the moment.When they were disturbed by a sound.Ramya turned around giving her attention to noise.Vivaan tried to reach her.

Finding her looking way more cute.Picking a small puppy and rubbing her hand on his head.He walked to her.

R-"He looks unwell.How mean of people to let him suffer like this.When no one noticed.He might have been here from long."

Vivaan could see her getting disturbed.A cute frown formed on her face.

V-"Not every one can be Ramya you see.One got to be special for that."

Ramya's hand was still caring for little friend in her hold.She raised her eyes equally matching the heat of moment with him.She felt shy.

R-"Vivaan.Would you mind if we take him with us.I mean he needs help.Will take him home and ask for doctor."

Vivaan scratched his neck and in response he went back thinking.He didnt dislike animals.There was a kind of uneasiness he feels seeing them so close.Specially dogs and cats.He cleared his throat.Ramya was still waiting for his reply.

R-"its ok if you aren't comfortable.I will do one thing.Call home and ask Dinu uncle to come.We can take him."

She went back comforting the puppy.Who looked in distress.

V-"No.I mean we shouldnt disturb Dinu Uncle for this small thing.Its okay we will take him home.Come."


They were on his car.Vivaan was driving and time and again checking her.Sitting beside him trying to make the little friend easy.He still cant believe he has given his blazer to her for covering the puppy.His mind went restless when she suggested to call home and not go with him.He wasnt ready to let go this chance.

R-"Vivaan.Thanks.For this."

She pointed at the blazer.He shook his head.

V-"Someone told me few days ago that friends do not need to say sorry and thanks to each other.Repeatedly."

He acted innocent with face and she just went red.he was a charmer with words undoubtedly.She remembered how these days have helped them to unleash the barriers of strangers.Making way for friendship and also.removing the tag Mr and Ms from their names addressing each other.

They reached home and she came back from her thoughts.He gave longing stare to her.Till escorting her to main door.

R-"Okay.Wont say thanks for help but.

Sorry for ruining plan for another visit.Can keep it for other day."


Actually I wanted to ask you for something."

Helper came in the time and Ramya handed over puppy to him.Asking him to do needful.She then was all ears to Vivaan.

R-"What is it?"


He paused and then went on blank.catching his head, massaging the temples.Ramya stayed on to give a confusing look.

R-"Vivaan.Are you okay?"

V-"Okay.let me do this in simple way.


It was late night when Karuna found Varna biting her nails.Sitting one corner.The tv was switched on loud music.Her cupboard was messed up open.Chocolate wrappers were on the floor.Glass of milk was untouched.

K-"Ramya what is all this.You have gathered all mess.Why."

R-"Aththai.Please not now.I am very tensed and confused.Please."

Before Karuna had time to react she was throw by Ramya and the door closed.She shook her head and went to catch some sleep.

Meanwhile Ramya stumbled on her pile of clothes and fell down on bed.The sound of music was like nuisance to her ears.She switched tv off.Hear her phone ring.

R-"Trishaaa.Thank god you are awake."

T-"I had to.You gave me 40 missed calls leaving no stone unturned wake me up from my dreams.Now tell me what is it.Did he kiss you?"

R-"no.Are you mad."

T-"Okay.So held your hand?"

R-"No.You are crazy."

T-"Proposed you?"

R-"I will kick you inside the phone.Shut up."

T-"Your story is not moving ahead.So boring."

R-"You listen.He.Asked me very weird way.For dinner tomorrow."

T-"Finally.thank God knocked some senses in him."

R-"What?But why only me.Could have invited all of us.Appa,Aththai,Me."

Trisha hit her head and felt sleep derived.

T-"yes why not.He should have called for your whole house including staff helpers.Why not whole office also.idiot.

He asked you for a dinner date.Grow up Ramya."

Ramya felt her head dizzy and sat in silence.

R-"Ddate?Dinner.No.He didnt say that."

T-"yeah probably he is like you only.Listen now hear me out wear something hot and please.Open this blabber mouth of yours.Let your love story kick start.Say it to him tomorrow."

R-"Say what?"

T-"That you want to be future Amma of his kids."


Ramya blushed and imagined her and Vivaan playing with their kids.

T-"Hullo madam back to dreaming?I warn you Ramya if you dont say word tomorrow.See that.He will be taken away by some other girl then cry whole life for Mr Reddy.he will be taking different flight."

Ramya's face fell.She was in double tension now.

R-"No.Dont say that.What should I do.He doesnt say anything.Even I dont know what is it.Am I in love or its infatuation."

T-"You dont have to think so much.Do as I say.Listen.Wear a saree.that blue one.You will look hot."

R-"Saree?No way.I cant handle it at home.Will trip for sure."

T-"good.Trip and fall in his arms.Then kiss.And confess.Both of you are good for nothing.Okay its late here.But make sure to do whats required tomorrow okay."

Ramya put phone down and then looked at her messed up almirah.She scanned through clothes.And had eye on her collection of sarees.She bit her finger and only one person came her mind.

Varna stirred in her sleep.Felt disturbed her her phone.She checked time and then caller name.

Var-"Ramya.whats wrong.You havent slept?Are you alright?"

R-"Oh I am fit and fine.But in tension.Varna wish you were me out."

Varna felt her breath almost losing.wished she could screw Ramya for doing that to her.


Var-"Yes.Tell me.Did you get a puppy home or your cat died.You should be sleeping now.Its too late.We can discuss cats and dogs stories tomorrow.Okay."

R-"No no.its not about them.its.about.


Var-"Same thing for me."



R-"Actually he invited me for dinner tomorrow."

Var-"And you want me to give tips regarding this dinner date.What an apt person you have chosen sister.Sorry I can advise you on logical and philosophical things better."

R-"Date.You think he takes it as date?"

Var-"What is it Ramya."

Ramya fell down on bed.On her back.Looking at ceiling.Varna took same posture at her place.As Ramya flipped in a second, Varna did same.She had to do same.Then Ramya moved again.Feeling restless and irritating.Varna felt same.Varna flared her nostrils.

Var-"Ramya.I will kick you hard.Once I come back.

Stop.Moving like fish in dry land."

Ramya nagged and sniffed.Varna calmed down a bit.

Var-"Calm down.You are going for a date.Not some war.That he will eat you up.You will have food for that."

R-"You are also making fun of me."

Var-"Okay.Wear something nice.Dont try to act.Abnormal.

Be yourself.I want to sleep now.So you should also sleep.Stop thinking too much.And.Dont forget.You werent born alone.Your late night moves are giving me big troubles okay."

Ramya giggled feeling a bit light.She went to almirah and started going through dresses.She was scared to ask Varna about what to wear.She will be fuming again.So she dropped the idea.

R-"okay you sleep.I wont disturb you.But.Keep messaging me.My tension melts like ice when you are there."

Var-"Good night.Sleep."

R-"You too sister.Mwuah."

As she put down the call.She went back to thinking mode.This time more confused.She looked at herself in mirror.Heard her phone.It was a message.

Var-"Listen.Wear that blue saree.It suits you."

Ramya smiled.Someone who has key to every happiness of hers.Every tension.Every confusion.They were connected from heart and soul.


Was missing Varna?There she is.Fit and fine.Ha ha.

Varna and Ramya share a lovely and serene bond.Which cannot be felt and understood easily by anyone.They are like chalk and cheese.Different yet so alike each other.

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