Chapter 17

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Sitting at roof top set up which looked drop dead romantic from every angle.Vivaan and Ramya were quiet from last fifteen minutes.Since they arrived in venue.Vivaan had exclusively booked place for the evening making special arrangements.

He went to pick Ramya from her place.Making it a point to her family that it was friendly dinner.Who would take that looks Karuna was giving him.When she happily wished them to enjoy evening.He wished if he could hide the embarrassed look that came on his face.

He coughed and had some water.Something he has been doing for number of  times.Ramya on the other hand.Looked at her surroundings.Her eyes sparkled when they entered first.She had imagined these to be unreal.Far away from her dream world.Which she had seen in those fantasy movies.

The fact that all this was real.Her heart wouldnt budge to relax for a while.She have been on such nervous break down spell from morning.Who wouldnt when you are sitting with man you have lost your heart to in first meeting.That in a romantic friendly date.She smiled sheepishly inward.

Vivaan's cough gained her attention.She found him running his hand in his hair.Time and again fixing it.He looked dapper in that colored blazer.Which did justice to what she was wearing.A saree suggested by Varna.She had to go for it.The pain and efforts she had to take while practicing for normal walk.She could hardly remember the times she dropped herself on bed and floor.

She bit her lips.How to start and break the awkward silence.Both didnt knew.

V-"You need water?"

R-"You need water?"

Both happened to break the silence at same time and with same words.They shared a small laugh.

R-"I guess you do need.Some."

She extended her glass to him.He finished his one.He cleared his throat loud enough.Then shifted in his sit comfortably.His eyes looked at her.

She was playing with the bracelet on her wrist.At the moment he couldnt wait to muster up courage.The reason why he wanted to spend some time with her.He was frustrated with himself.How he was not able to start it and do justice to whatever he has done for the evening.

Ramya continued playing with the piece on her wrist and her eyes were on Vivaan.A sharp smile played on her lips.She could sense he was in some dilemma.

R-"Its beautiful."


R-"This place.And arrangements.Something beyond one's imagination."

He finally let a smile pass his face.Had his hands on the table.She was gazing at the sky while he was at her.When she chose to shift her eyes back and then.He was there.Both shared an eye lock.

V-"I am glad.You liked all this.I am not good with such things.Can tag me as a dull personality."

R-"not at all.Your taste reflects rather a convincing romantic persona.That you are.With words and.Actions."

Vivaan raised his brows and smirked.

V-"Actions.It feels great to hear that."

Ramya lowered her gaze and shifted her hair flicks behind her ear.

V-"Please.dont.They look better the place belong to."

She let her hair hit by the breeze.As it touched her face sending shivers.Not more jolting than the looks he was giving.Ramya thought if she was going to survive the rest of evening.

R-"Your girl friend will be lucky.The kind of efforts and thoughts.You have gathered.Looks so convincing."

V-"Why girlfriend.I think have passed that stage or so.I believe to be wife.Now."

R-"Wife.So.decided your mind."

V-"Never been this sure.I do feel so."

Ramya straightened herself and checked the end of her saree if it was okay.Vivaan didnt move an inch.Be it his posture or his eyes.


May I know reason for this special invitation."

V-"I thought you would guess."

He had some water keeping his gaze fix on her.

R-"I can't.Vivaan.You are master with words.How do you play with them so well.Twist and turn.Goes above my head."

Vivaan smiled lightly.Things were for a change getting smooth.He just needed to hit right chord.

V-"You are no less.Dont act."

Ramya widened her eyes and then covered her face with palms.

V-"Did I made you blush.Ramya Shetty."

She moved her two fingers.Letting her eyes have look at him.He was teasing her indirectly.

R-"Dont be mean.This is supposed to be friendly date.Lets stick to that."

V-"Ouch.Now that did hurt."

She smiled and it was infectious.The sound of her laughter could make him sit like that for eternity and he would wait to hear again and again.

Food was served.It was a grand menu and Ramya had her mouth open.She scratched her neck and shifted in her sit.Vivaan thanked the waiter.

R-"Surprisingly.These are all my favorite dishes.How did you."

V-"I have my ways.Shall we start."

R-"Food will be wasted.How are we going to eat all these.Not fair."

V-"You have to think about this at this moment.Wow."

He rolled his eyes as they started eating.He saw her relishing the food and it gave him much needed content.He happily and slowly had good time watching her.She was cute and funny.

Ramya started coughing because of spice in one of the dishes.Her coughs didnt stop and Vivaan made her drink some water.When she felt ease.

V-"You alright?"

She could give a nod.Wiped her mouth with the napkin.Caught her head.Took some time to relax.

V-"I am sorry.Was it too spicy."

She moved her head sideways.Took heavy breathes.He didnt miss how she wiped the small lone tear that formed corner of her eyes.She was being careful to hide that from him.He looked down and continued eating.

After dinner dessert was served.Cheese cake,brownies,mixed fruit custard,ice cream and a lot more things.ramya sit back taking a glance at them.Then at Vivaan who already started.He looked excited.

V-"My love for dessert.Specially when it has to be the week you have freedom to eat and eat."

He winked at her and she smiled.He found her still not taking anything.

V-" didnt like any of them?Shall I order something else."

R-"No.are you mad.So many and you are asking for.Just.I feel heavy.Dont know if I should.I can taste."

She felt so dejected at the moment.Disappointed with herself.He has done so much for her and she was giving back in a way.What would he think of her.She wished if she could get rid of something in her life not being part of her.

Vivaan looked around and thought of something.He got up from his sit and went to her.Ramya felt him approaching her.

V-"Hey.Its ok.

Not everyone can be glutton like me.Come let me take you to this place you would love."

She smiled lightly as he took her.Both walked and reached place in the middle.From where the sky as well as ground can be seen.The light breeze hit them slowly.Ramya rubbed her arms and then  enjoyed the breeze.Both held on to the railing.Looking somewhere soothing their minds.



They werent looking at each other.Facing straight out.

R-"Can I ask you something?"

V-"Dont.Or else you will be making it difficult for me.Ruining my efforts."

R-"That I already did."

She now chose to look at him.Her face fell down.He wished to cup those cheeks with his hands and comfort her.She moved her head.Facing other side.

V-"Ramya.Do you know why I did all this today."

R-"As a gesture to thank me for.How we have been all these days."

V-"That you believe?Surprisingly.Your eyes are defying that."

She shut her eyes.And opened feeling his touch.He held her hand slowly and like a true gentleman.She wasn't shivering.She was scared.She took deep breathes.

V-"Its okay.Relax.

You know Ramya when I came here.I had nothing on my mind.With confusion engulfing me and.Restless mind what decision to take.Regarding my life.My family has been waiting forever for my one yes.I didnt knew what to do.

But past few days.I feel they changed everything.To such extent that compelled me to think.If I am same person.Who.chose to refrain from.Giving this a chance."

Ramya bit her lips and he was still holding on to her hand.She looked at him.He sounded so genuine.She wished to stare at him like that.

V-"When I first saw you I didnt knew if it was you.Then I chose to judge you wrongly.without giving you a chance.I had made up my mind when.You chose to devastate it.With your goodness.and.Perhaps I failed badly.With battling my mind.This heart has fallen for you.Tell me what can I do to cure this."

She shied away.As blush crept her cheeks.She tried to take her hand back when he gripped on to it.Tighter than before.

V-"This friendly date.I dont know what it was planned unplanned.Whatever I did it was out of feelings which I have for you.You can give this any term.Friendship.Bond we share now.Or.What I would believe this to be.Love."

She raised her eyes.They were still at him.Words didnt come out of her mouth.When he further sealed her way.

V-"Marry me Ramya.

I would be honored for rest of my life.Having you by my side now and forever."

Vivaan tried to judge her silence.Before she breathed and her hand slipped away from his grip.She went few steps back and touched her hair.Then moved to other side facing the sky.He went after her.

V-"Say something.Did I offend you.Dont you like me."

When she turned to him.He could see her almost in tears.He didnt wait to cup her cheeks.She trembled at his touch.He asked through eyes and spoke.

V-"What are these for.

Its ok.I can also be happy with friendship of yours.Trust me."

She shut her eyes letting the tears make their way down her cheeks.He wiped them with his fingers.Tracing their mark on her face.She sniffed and stopped.Breaking the silence.It made him in distress.

R-"If I say.I have never seen you as friend then.If I say.From first meeting I have been having weird dreams of you being on my side.If I say.I wished to hold your hand and walk side by side for eternity.If I say I wish.."

She felt his finger covering her lips.He smiled and let the moment pass.

V-"Say it out.Your ifs would offend me right this moment."

She laughed through tears and then calmed her inner turmoil.

R-"What can I say.when my heart beats so rapidly when you are with me.I feel weird and happy at same time.Vivaan.Is this a dream.Feels like one.What if this breaks and."

V-"I dont know about dreams.But I want to make myself a part of your reality."

Ramya's smile soon faded off making Vivaan stare at her in confusion.

R-"Life is not always.The way it looks like so easy.There are things need to be given privilege.Vivaan.No matter how hard I wish to.Be part of someone's life.Do I have that right.I want to be yours.But.Is this possible."

V-"why not.If fate has made us cross each others path.We are no one to judge the decision."

R-"You dont know perhaps.I.Its not easy to give acceptance to me in your life.What if I dont turn out right one for you.Vivaan.I cant be normal leading a normal life.Like a girl.A wife you would desire to be."

V-"Who says.You are normal.You are special.I have felt it in all ways.I would want my wife to be special."

R-"I have a weak heart Vivaan.I can choose to love someone.Cant promise to get it back in same manner.Why would you risk to go with a fragile heart."

V-"because.My heart feels for you.And from now on.This wont anymore be weak.Dare you say that.Because I know.ramya's heart cannot be weak.Its strong and big enough with so much love and warmth to give to every other person."

She broke into tears.till he stopped them.Holding her hands.

V-"Ms Ramya Shetty will you marry this poor man who has been saying same thing to you from last few minutes."

She couldnt take chance to give her nod and sooner he slipped a small shining diamond piece on her finger.She gaped at it and then asked him through eyes.He smirked.Chose to bring her closer to him pulling her from hands.Kissing her both hands.

V-"I have locked you.In my heart.In case you made plans to run away."

With no more wasting any time.They took the moment to be submissive enough.Ramya rested her head on his shoulder and he patted her there.Placing a kiss on her head and then both drifting off to another land.Looking forward to new journey ahead.

That night finally after much resistance and battle of emotions.They found their way out.He came to drop her at her place.She opened door of car feeling tug at her hand.

V-"You are not forgetting this.Are you?Or shall I complete rest part of work now only.Inform your Dad and Aunt."

Ramya felt her cheeks would burst with heat and color.Since he has slipped that piece on her finger.She havent missed time to check on that again and again.He teased her and they chatted.About everything.She discovered how far they have come to know each other.Not knowing exactly how it transpired between them.

V-"Now Iam serious.Ramya.I better go and talk."

She pulled him from shoulders.He gave coy look to her.She felt shy and jittery at same time.

R-"You dont have to now.Go home.Come tomorrow with."


R-"Your family and.Let elders decide."

She couldnt keep up with pace and got out.Closing the door.Going away a bit far from him.He was out and leaning his back on the car.Crossing his arms.Giving that look to her.She ran and then turned back to get to see him.He was there standing.

He mouthed those three words to her.Her eyes shined with pride and heart jumped with levels of jitters.He again mouthed something.

V-"I love you.Do you?"

she moved her head side ways.Then run inside.He shook his head at her innocence.Then was about to get inside car.Till he felt something.She was there from window of her room.He eyed her.Then got to see her doing something.It was sign language.First she showed herself through hands then made a heart in air and then.Pointed to him.

He got it.What can she say with that almost red face and happiness.She loves him.He was on cloud nine.Completely.


A very difficult chapter for me and it took me lot of time to pen this down.I know we have mostly Vivaan-Varna fans here.Have patience and yes this story is not based on any one of couples.Its how the individuals face a journey taking different twists and turns in their lives.

Thank you those who are voting and giving me such positive comments.Keep voting and encouraging me.

[ this was such a boring date damn. haha]


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