Chapter 18

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Varna felt her eyes wet.She didn't knew what were those for.But at the moment she felt nice.Happy for something.She put the phone down.Shivered feeling her aunt's hand on her shoulder from back.

It was almost noon.They were planning to go for lunch when Varna went inside to get her phone.Priyamvada was watching her niece with much concentration.Trying to read her face.

P-"Varna.Your crying?"

Varna gulped down the lump which almost formed on her throat.Then faced Priyam.She moved her head side ways in protest.Priyam touched corner of her eye.A drop of tear she picked and showed to Varna.Who bit her lips.

P-"I believe this cannot be without any reason."

Varna's face broke into a smile.She hugged Priyam.

P-"Maa.Is this Varna only.Who is this girl out here."

Varna shook her head and felt embarassed.Priyam held her hands.

P-"Would you mind telling me the reason now.Your highness."

V-"Ramya is getting engaged."

The Shetty house was filled with new air in morning.As soon as Vivaan broke this happy news to his family.They couldn't wait and called Prakash early morning.Prakash and Karuna already sensed what was coming.The final confirmation gave content to their heart.

Karuna did her prayers and then went to Ramya's room.She was sleeping.She made flowers touch her head.Kissed her.Saw the twins picture on the wall.Wiped her tears.She was waiting for Varna's arrival.Things would be fine soon.

V-"I cant believe this.I have to rush from office back here.what made you guys land here this early.I mean didnt we talk this morning only?"

The Reddys couldn't wait hearing the news from Vivaan.They took next flight and landed in Chennai surprising him.Vikram hugged his son and patted his back.Shivani kissed his head.

Vik-"I knew it.My son has to take the wise decision himself I am glad you took it.Gave it a chance and see."

V-"I am sorry Dad.I guess I overreacted a bit with things.Should have given a thought before."

Sh-"Now thats enough.Leave what happened in past.Vivaan.We are going to prepare for engagement then other rituals and marriage.Since everything will be taking place here so we have to.Reception will be arranged in Hyderabad we have guests there and."

Vikram and Vikraan kept looking at Shivani who was very hyper.She stopped seeing them giving her that look as they started laughing.



Vik-"She cant.From time we got your call she has made half of guest list also..What functions to be held.Dress code and etc etc.A mother's mind you see."

Sh-"Yes.Because all work has to be done by me only."

V-"Okay you both stop fighting.Where are others.Lata Aththai and ?"

Vik-"They will be here too.Once we decide on everything.See we ended up being here in such hurry.They will manage work there and then come."

Sh-"Vivaan you are happy right?I mean you took this decision because you want this.Not for us.tell me?"

Vikram wiped his glasses and then fixed them back.

Vivaan held his mother's hand.

V-"Not at all Mom.You know in these few days I realised how we can never expect those things in life.Which may have been destined to happen with us.I came here then met Ramya.We ended up developing this unknown and special bond.Now I can't think of my life without her.She is the one for me.I know that without any qualms."

Vik-"Didnt I say proud of my son.Vivaan Reddy.See.Ramya will prove to be a sensible life partner for you and also for our house.She will bring happiness.I cant wait to have her in my team.You and your Mom just wait.Shivani?"

Sh-"Ramya?Vivaan.You.I mean.You said yes to marry Ramya?"

Vivaan raised his brows in confusion.Shivani looked a bit taken back.

V-"Mom.Of course.I chose Ramya.What did you think?I mean we were here for this earlier.Then why are you."

Sh-"No.I thought.You liked Varna and.Because she suits you and your lifestyle.In all ways.I mean.dont get me wrong.I thought you are giving this a chance because you have met her.And."

Vikram looked confused.Vivaan covered his face with his palms.When will the name and misconception leave him.Can he wish for that.Firstly the confusion with twins.Then his mother had this new confusion.

V-"Mom.How can you even get confused.I.I have come to meet Ramya and so.I never had confusion regarding this.Iam marrying Ramya and this has to be.Best decision of my life.I cant be more sure about this."

Vikram gave a nod to his son.Looked back at his wife.She gave Vivaan an understanding look.When Shivani took a sit.

V-"Mom.Whats wrong?Arent you happy"

Sh-"Ofcourse I am.I have been waiting for this day when you say yes.Vivaan.its just that.I thought you would choose Varna out of sisters because.She has a lot of things common with you and.ramya.She is no doubt a wonderful girl.But."

V-"She has a weak heart?Her medical condition cant allow her to lead a normal life?"


Dont think your mother is so mean.This had nothing to do with what I guessed."

Vik-"She is right Vivaan.How did you know about Ramya's health.We didnt tell you anything.Then."

Vivaan smiled and remembered the day Prakash told him everything.Not that he cared to get into details with him.This was before he met Ramya in orphanage.This thought never crossed his mind when he was unknowingly falling for her.

Sh-"Vivaan.Whether you have chosen Varna or Ramya.Both are same in my eyes.For me what matters my son has finally made my dream come true.You are getting married.So nothing can be more important for me.Ramya is a sweetheart."

V-"she is.I want to be her strength Mom.Remember you once told me.If we have togetherness then nothing can break us down.I need to give that same support and love to her."

Sh-"I have full faith on you."

Vik-"So do I.Can we have a family moment now.A hug."

Vivaan smiled at his parents.Hugged both of them.

V-"I feel so lucky to have a family like this.You guys knew about Ramya and still.Never said word to me.I thought if you knew about this.Wouldnt have objected."

Vik-"That girl has a heart of gold.You cant deny that."

Sh-"Now he cant.Because that already belongs to him.Right."

V-"Stop you guys."

Vivaan tried best to hide the blush.Shivani pinched his cheeks.It was decided they will be visiting Shettys in evening.

Ramya was sitting in between Shivani and Karuna.Vikram and Prakash were busy trying to find out what the priest was going to say.Vivaan looked tensed and impatient.He gazed at Ramya.who asked him not to steal glances.When his mother was sitting beside her.

Shivani coughed.Embarassing the new love birds in town.She touched Ramya's cheeks with affection.First thing she did after coming here.As Ramya touched their feet to take blessing.She made her wear the traditional bangle of their family.Kissed her.

After taking so much time.Priest broke the silence.

Pr-"There are two auspicious dates for engagement in this month.One in coming week and another in next two weeks."

V-"We are going for this week."

Vivaan wished to bit his own lips.All were looking at him with hint of teasing smiles.Ramya widened her eyes at him.He scratched his head and looked down.

Vik-"I dont think we should have problem for this week.Lets see what others have to say?"

P-"I also think this week will be fine."

K-"But the preparations.Invitations has to be distributed and so much work."

Sh-"It will be managed dont worry.Engagement can be with close people from family.We have wedding to prepare as big one."

K-"yeah.That would do.Prakash you okay with it?"

P-"yes Akka.So we are going for coming week that is."


All shifted their gaze to Ramya.

R-"Please not coming week.Cant we have it in two weeks."

P-"Ramya.Whats the has to take place and we are here to take care of everything.Dont stress yourself.It will happen as we have decided."

Ramya eyed Karuna to do something.Vivaan saw that.

V-"I think we can wait.just a week.If ramya wants then."

Sh-"Ramya.Whats the problem dear.You can tell us.We are your family only."

Ramya looked at his father then Karuna and Vivaan.Even Vivaan couldnt get reason for her sudden protest.

R-"Actually Varna.Is.Not here.She is in Australia will be returning next week.How can I get engaged without her.Sorry."

Ramya spoke in slow voice.When a second of silence prevailed in the hall room.Soon Vikram and Shivani laughed.

Vik-"Why not Ramya.Its your engagement and youhave every right to decide the date.We will wait for Varna of course.So date has to be next one.We can fix it."

All got busy in having sweets and already starting with plannings.Vivaan and Ramya were fed some sweets.They stood in one corner.

R-"Vivaan thanks."

V-"For what?"

R-"You are not upset.I asked for the date.Actually varna."

he held her hand.She got conscious.

V-"Its okay we are getting engaged soon.Ramya you dont have to thank me for every other thing.I know who are important for you in your life.So I cant risk to start a new life for us at cost of your happiness.Which is in.Your sister unfortunately for me."


He made a sad face just to tease her.She held on to his arm as she fed him some more sweets.He shook his head at this childish nature of hers.Shivani and Karuna took her away from him.For some work.He stared at her.

It was true her happiness matters to her most.Vivaan wasnt sure about something.Today he has accepted to let go of this matter which held importance for both of them.It had to do something with their lives.He knew Ramya's heart resides in her twin.Varna.But can he suffice to this reality when they are going to become one soon.

Will he be able to accept the strong bond the sisters share.When he had some issues with Varna already.For some reason he felt uneasy.Ramya had told him a lot what she feels  for Varna.He has no reason to ask her to create distance from her sister by any means.He was just taking a chance.To see till how far this goes.He wasnt prepared.To face this.


Firstly apoplogies for constant errors regarding this Ramya/Varna confusion.See when I am getting confused by names poor Vivaan he is in for some turns.Sorry I have edited the mistakes.It was Ramya having dinner with Vivaan.Ha ha ha.Don't worry I wont torture your brain  for this story least. So relax.

Thank you for the love and likes for last chapters.I am taken a back.That was not my best.You all are such amazing readers.I love you.

Happy reading.


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