Chapter 19

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The coming week got the two families busy preparing for engagement ceremony.On one side Ramya was eagerly waiting for Varna to come back.She didnt started with shopping.Karuna was angry at her.

Vivaan had taken a back seat.Seeing his family all hyper.Excited with preparations.He didnt knew till now what happiness he has given them.He accompanied ladies of his house for shopping.Rest was managed by his father.

Keeping all these happenings aside.The soon to be engaged were sailing on some different boat.They didnt get much time to meet.However managed to get glimpses of each other.It was one such day.Vivaan had taken Ramya out for selecting her ring.He wanted it to be of her choice.She happily obliged.

They have been sitting for almost an hour.Vivaan rubbed his neck.The man sitting in front of them had smile on his face.Ramya would be biting her nails any second.

V-"Ramya.We are here to select ring today.Not next month.If you can hurry.Honey."

She widened her eyes.Looking around place and people.He addressed her as honey taking her breath.

Vivaan took a ring a simple one with no heavy design.Tried to make her wear it.Finding the ring he gave her before already on her finger.

V-"You are still wearing this."

R-"Yeah.I am not getting this.Why do we need to buy another ring when you already gave me one."

Vivaan smiled at her and took the ring out of her finger.She was baffled at his act.

R-"What did you do.No.Its not good omen."

V-"Sorry?What did you say?"

He made her wear the new ring and saw if its okay.Then took another ring kept on trying.Ramya was struggling.He glared at her.

R-"Vivaan.Its not good.Aththai told me.Once you wear engagement ring you shouldnt take it out.Its considered a bad omen and can affect our."

Vivaan stopped to glare at her again.Shaking his head.

V-"Stop being dumb Ramya.We shouldnt really bother about these lame things.And we aren't engaged yet remember."

She snatched her hand from him.getting him startled.

R-"We are.When you slid that ring on my finger.From that moment I have accepted you as part of my life.This finger holds importance.Its not a normal thing.When a girl is made to wear a ring by a guy on this finger.You wont get.Leave."

She took her purse and got up from sit.Vivaan kept rings back and followed her.

V-"Ramya wait.Stop."

Vivaan waited for the waiter to place order on their table.He tried to hide his smile.After storming out of jewelry shop.He thought she left being angry with him.Then he found her sitting inside his car.Arms crossed and with a pout on her face.So that meant Ramya was angry.

Then she didnt say a word to him on their way.He stopped car nearby small cozy place.Which had become their favorites.It was Ramya's.Where street food was served in better manner and taste was really good.

V-"One dosa for me.And chaat for madam.Thank you."

R-"Wait.Two chaats for me.One paneer masala dosa for me and.One lemonade.One orange juice."

She stomped her feet.Not meeting his eye.Continued scanning the menu.Vivaan went silent for a moment.

V-"Cancel my order.I guess that would be all."

R-"No.Bring one separately for him.These are my order."

Vivaan caught his head and asked waiter to leave.

V-"Ramya.Look at me."

She gave royal ignore to me.Checking her purse.Doing touch up.Putting some more gloss on her lips.He was baffled at her response.He pulled chair closer to her and she shifted away.he kept on doing that.Till she was left with no option.He gave a victory grin.She stomped her feet.

V-"Look at me."

She zipped her purse and looked at walls of the place.Everything except the person sitting beside him.He had last ounce of his patience.He breathed deeply.

V-"if you would continue doing that then.Then.

I will."

R-"First do a mistake.Then now.Fumbling."

V-"I heard that."

He smirked at her.He knew she would be melting soon.He went closer to her.Making sure she would be having hard time with proximity.His lips were barely touching her ear.She flinched.he caught her hand.Rubbing with his one.

V-"If you dont talk with me now then.I will.


Ramya choked on water she was having.Started coughing.He rubbed her back.Not leaving chance to tease her with his touch on that process.She breathed normal.Finding him smirking at her.He shook his head and then teased her raising his brows.

Ramya jumped in her seat feeling him wrapping his arms around her.

R-"Vivaan what are you doing?We have people around."

V-"So what.We are getting married soon.I am your fiance."

R-"Not yet.According to you?"

V-"Oh God Ramya.Can we stop with that.Okay I am sorry.It was my mistake.Stop torturing me now and talk."

he held her right hand and kissed it.She felt shy.It was time how she feels conscious and shy.When they were taking every step closer in their relationship.Vivaan was being quick but being a girl.She was taking her own time.he didnt mind that.Holding hands was okay.Hugs she used to get red.What will be the next step.

V-"Dont tell me you are going to eat all this alone?"

Ramya attacked the food.Once it was served.Vivaan was cornered with his dosa.He stared at her in awe as she gobbled the food.Relishing it.

R-"These are nothing.I finished off ten plates of chaat at one go.When we used to have competition.At home and out.I love food.But Aththai gets so hyper not letting me have these.Less spicy and blunt food.I hate them."

She scrunched her nose.He shook hid head at her innocence.Taking the napkin he wiped corner of her lips.Letting his eyes linger there for a while.

V-"I see.Then what was that.All acts?When I had to fight my energy and brain planning a special dinner.Set special menu.Madam said she cant have so much food.Proved me glutton."

She stopped eating.Coughing hard.He got tensed.Made her have some water.Rubbed her back and her face got red.After few minutes she looked better.Food was too spicy.

R-"I feel like throwing up."

She didnt give him chance to ask for anything.Rushed to the washroom.He was sitting with blank face.

Vivaan paid the bill and got a bottle of water.Opened door of his car.Ramya was already sitting there.Her face was wet and she looked weak.After throwing up whatever she had in stomach.

He gave her the bottle.Had a stern expression on face and started driving.She tried to grab his attention all way.Doing something or other.She bit her lips.Tapped on the glass window.Shifted number of times.He was driving.



R-"Where are we going now?"

V-"I am dropping you home.Have to go office from there."

R-"No.Please.lets visit the lake.Its been a while.I want to go and sit there for some time."

V-"No.You are not well.If I take you in such state at your place.Your Appa and Aththai will murder me already.Forget going for engagement ceremony."

R-"hehe.No they love you a lot.Everyone in my family.So impressed by you."

V-"I see.Everyone?"

Ramya giggled.He frowned.Asking her what was that for.She shook her head.

R-"Take me to lake.Pleasee.Or else I will.Stop talking again."

V-"Stop being a kid.Ramya.We will go tomorrow.Okay."

R-"No.I wont be allowed to go out then.Rituals will start."

V-"I will make sure you are allowed.Okay.Now sit quietly let me drive you home.I warn you if you not improve your eating habits.Orange juice with lemonade?Who even goes for such combination?"

R-"Ramya does.Varna does.Its Shetty sisters' thing you wont get."

V-"Oh I see.Where the weirdness starts from."



Listen I was thinking about.."

R-"Oh my god Vivaaaan."

He applied brakes to car with such a jolt.taken a back by her loud shriek.

R-"My ring.What did you do.Its not on my finger."

He looked at her baffled.She had her eyes big staring at her finger.The ring which he gave earlier was missing.He left it at counter of the shop they went.While they were bickering.

V-"Ramya.We were about to face an accident."

R-"See what did you do.Where did you lost my ring.I want it back."

V-"Relax.I think we left it back at shop.Will bring it for you."

Her face fell as she rubbed part of her finger same place where the ring was.He patted her head and smiled.Ramya was someone who values feelings.That day he witnessed how their relationship was important to her.She loved him.He loved her.

Ramya was sitting on her bed with sad face.Hugging pillow close to her heart.Karuna came to her.She sounded angry.

K-"Ramya.stop acting stubborn.Your engagement is days away.You have to do shopping today.Come on.Tomorrow cant go out.Your in laws will be here with the engagement dress.Dont trouble me maa.I have so much work to do.We are left with Vivaan's shopping also."

R-"You go.Shop for him.I wont do my shopping.Without Varna."

K-"Varna will be here on time.For the ceremony.You cant sit like that.See look at me."

She made her look at him.rubbed her hair affectionately.

K-"Ramya try in understand now.You are soon going to get married.A new life you have to start with your husband.His family will be yours too.From now on.You have to keep them as your priorities.It was nice of Vivaan to side you and postponed date for engagement.Your Appa was very angry."

R-"But Aththai."

K-"I understand you.You and Varna are twins.From birth you are connected by heart and soul.One has to move on in life.You both will get married have new life.You cannot do everything together.Have to let go of this practice.Are you getting me?"

She gave a nod.Karuna kissed her head.She still looked dull from face.

K-"Good girl.Now come on get ready we are leaving for shopping."

They left for shopping.Ramya half heartedly participated.Karuna kept on asking her for her choices.She said yes or no nodding her head.She kept on checking her phone.It was Vivaan's message.He was to join them.She ddnt knew about that.

R-"Aththai.You asked Vivaan to?"

K-"Yes.We are getting things for him.Need to know his choice also.Like they asked for yours."

She smiled and waited for him to come.

Vivaan was already late.he was to arrive half an hour earlier.Due to traffic got late.He was in a hurry walking.When he bumped into a person.Making her and himself land on floor.

It hurt his back.He cursed under his breath.Glaring at other person whom he considered was to be blamed.Her face was covered with long hair.She looked like got hurt.

V-"Cant you use your eyes while walking.Damn."

Var-"Can say same thing for you."

He heard the voice.Got up standing on his feet.Shrugged off dust from his blazer.When other person also stood beside him.Vivaan was done and when he raised his eyes to have a look.He found her gaze down.Trying to zip her bag.

V-"Ramya.What are you doing here?"

She looked up meeting his eyes.Thats when Vivaan understood.Who the person was.He felt bit odd.Having to face this.This interaction was not needed.He shut his eyes cursing himself.

Var-"Still having confusion.Are we.Mr Reddy?"

Ramya and Karuna were on other floor.They were done buying things for her.Now waiting for Vivaan to select his ones.Ramya was getting impatient.It was her habit she cant stay still.Without doing anything.Or sit for hours like that.

R-"Aththai.I am hungry.Lets have something."

K-"No.Let him come.We have to go home too."

R-"But I feel hungry."

K-"You always feel hungry.Come lets go to that shop."

She dragged Ramya out from there.Going to next shop.

Vivaan took the lift.Varna was waiting on queue.He managed to keep himself calm.Asking her to join him.He has to.He didnt knew why he gets so hyper.Not being himself when this girl was in front of him.He cant stay cool.Or stable.She had that thing.He wanted to behave.So was doing that.

V-"Network issues.Ramya isn't picking my call.Where do I find her now."

Varna was doing something with her phone.Completely lost in there.Vivaan saw that and fumed.Least she could have responded.The lift stopped on the floor and they came out.

Varna was walking a head.Vivaan after her.He looked clueless trying Ramya's number.When he heard her speak.

Var-"I am sorry for.Whatever happened a while go.It was my mistake.Hope you wouldnt keep take that to heart."

He was taken a back by her words.She said that and was probably waiting for his reply.Never mind started walking.He came out of shock.Then followed her.

V-"Its okay."

He spoke like a gentleman.She looked at him from side.Both exchanged an awkward stare.They were outside one of the shops.

"Oh Sir.You are here.Good to see you.And madam is also with you.We have kept your thing safely."

Vivaan and Varna both frowned at the man.Who almost made them drag themselves inside the jewelry shop.Varna kept a distance and went on to other section.

" your ring.Remember you left here that day.Madam wasnt able to make a choice.So today.You are going to take the final ring?Must be.Please have a sit."

Vivaan understood what he was implying.He cursed his senses.How did he forget such an important thing.Ramya would have murdered him.Or stopped the engagement.That ring.

V-"I am sorry actually that went out of my head."

The salesman had a grin on his face.He took the box of ring out and by time Vivaan was out of shop attending a call.

Varna was done with her work.She felt the precious thing on her hand.And thought this was best thing she could think for Ramya as a gift.She hoped she would love it.She paid the bill and had the box safely with her.

"Madam.Wait.Sir is busy outside.You can take the have kept it safely."

Varna frowned at the man again.She gave royal ignore and started walking when he called her again.She was about to blast at him.When found her reflection on mirror.The face.Okay.So he was mistaking her.As someone else.

She looked outside and saw Vivaan already walking to other side.Unwillingly she took box from shopkeeper and kept it with her.Why she had to be stuck forever..In all these things.

Vivaan could finally trace Ramya and Karuna.He breathed a sigh of relief.Ramya looked irritated.They were almost done with his selection.When he found her sulking in one corner.

V-"Show some interest.For your would be husband's shopping."

R-"Rats are wrestling on my stomach.I cant stay hungry for long.Are you done with selection?Lets go and eat something."

K-"Vivaan come here."

Ramya stomped her feet.Vivaan cooed her chin and went to Karuna.Ramya took the chance and had her eyes on nearby cafe.She would die starving like that.So escaped.

Karuna paid the bill.Vivaan carried the shopping bags being a gentleman.Both neared the exit of showroom.Looking for Ramya.

K-"Where is this girl now.Ramya?


V-"She was here only.wait.Let me call."

After trying her number she wasnt receiving.Both panicked.Vivaan wiped the sweat off his face.They looked for her in nearby shops.She wasnt found.Karuna started getting tensed.

K-"I have told her not to move an inch but.See.What if she falls sick and.Vivaan.Do something."

Vivaan was himself confused at the moment.

V-"Aththai please relax.Let me."

He could see the name of cafe flashing top of the nearby place.He nudged Karuna and they walked there.

Meanwhile in the cafe.Ramya was almost clinging to Varna.The visitors watched with shock and amazement.Same faces.They noticed.Ramya was jumping with happiness.She was not ready to leave Varna till they got a table to sit.

Var-"We have people here."

R-"So what.I am meeting my sister after so long.Am I hugging my boyfriend.If it was Vivaan I should have felt embarassed."

Varna rolled her eyes seeing that red hue on her sister's cheeks.She made her sit and ordered for something.Sandwiches came.Along with juice. and a cold coffee.

Ramya started gobbling.She ate Varna's one also.Bit her lips.

Var-"its okay.I ordered for you only.Could hear your stomach rumbling."

She winked at her.Sisters had great time after long.Till Ramya choked on her juice.Varna got confused and looked back at direction.

Vivaan and Karuna stood with stern faces.Varna wanted to laugh seeing Vivaan covered in sweat and with shopping bags on his hand.

R-"Aththai.I. Was.I found Varna and we came here.To celebrate."

Ramya hid herself behind Varna.Karuna came and her expression softened on seeing Varna.Varna smiled and hugged her.

K-"When did you come.Could have joined us in shopping."

Var-"I wanted to surprise this brat.And.Had some work here so.Didnt knew you guys would be here."

Vivaan held Ramya's hand.And cornered her.Varna and Karuna looked at them.

V-"Where do you think you went like that.Do you realize how scared I was?"

Ramya giggled finishing her juice.Then wiped off sweat from his face with her stole.He couldnt keep himself angry with her.Smiled at her and held her hand again.

K-"Vivaan.Ramya you come with Vivaan.We are leaving."

R-"No no.I will come with Varna.

You go home now."

Karuna felt like slapping her head.Varna and Vivaan shared a cold stare.

V-"Its okay Aththai.You guys carry on.I have some work at home."

They reached parking lot.Karuna and Varna went ahead.When Vivaan pulled Ramya.In one corner.She gave him confused look.

V-"Just one day left.After that you owe me something."

Ramya raised her brows at him.He smiled coyly and breathed near her face.

V-"That.I will tell you.

After engagement only.Now go."

She didnt get what he was saying.So gave nod to him and walked ahead.When suddenly he placed a kiss on her cheek.She opened her mouth and he was smartly smiling at Karuna.From distance.Till they reached car.Ramya got inside with her hand on right cheek.Still in shock with the kiss.

Vivaan said good bye and left for his car.Varna saw her sister lost.She nudged her but no response.She found her face all red.

Var-"Ramya.What happened.Why are you getting red like tomato?"

Ramya came back to senses.Brushed off her hair.And moved her head side ways.Varna still looked at her with confusion.

K-"Varna.I did shopping for you also.A very pretty saree.You will wear on the ceremony."

Ramya and Varna were both sitting close to each other.But Varna sensed something.Ramya was hiding from her.For first time.What was it.She eyed her from corner of her eyes.A mosquito had bitten Ramya making her skin all red on her hand.Varna also scratched her own hand.Then she noticed Ramya wasnt that in sense to notice.She was busy in her own world.Iwth a dreamy smile on face.


Varna is back and next we have the engagement.

Here 1K votes for Fragile Hearts.

A big thank you and gratitude to all my readers.Who supported me and inspired me to write and come here till now.I didn't knew this story would fetch this much love.All because of you .

An announcement from my side.This story is no longer a short story now.Changed to a normal fiction.And also genre changed to Romance.

So this chapter dedicated to all my readers.You are the best.Keep supporting me and encouraging me.I will try my best.


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