Chapter 20

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A day was left for engagement.Ramya was asked to stay home.It was evening when she was seen munching on some snacks.A can of soft drink kept on table.

Varna heard Karuna's voice being top of her lungs.This was happening from morning.Few minutes a go Ramya's dress came from her in laws place.She is going to wear tomorrow along with other things.

Varna closed the door.Found her sister lost in some deep thoughts.She went to have sit beside her on the couch.Switched off the tv which was making noise.

V-"I know you eat a lot when in stress.You need to stop this habit or else.Your in laws are going to call you glutton."

Ramya kept the plate down on table.Hugged her knees and became silent.Varna found it weird.It was unlike of the chirpy person she is.

V-"Whats wrong.Lost energy or need some.From this drink?"

Ramya bit her lips.Varna's eyes were beaming with naughtiness.Ramya shook her head.Then looked down.Varna pretended to throw can in dustbin.

R-"Varna No.Dont do that."

V-" can make you talk Ramya Shetty."

Ramya snatched the can from her.Started taking sips.

V-"you know what will happen when Aththai finds out.You are not allowed to drink this."

R-"One wont harm.I am tired of all restrictions.In life."

She was done with soft drink and wiped her lips.Threw the can aiming for bin.It dropped on floor.She looked at Varna with sheepish grin.

Varna took the pillow on her lap.Shifted closer to Ramya.

V-"Its ok.You are getting engaged tomorrow.There is month left for marriage.Dont be so nervous."

Ramya nodded at her.Then continued playing with the soft toy on her lap.It was a doll.Chubby and with light curly brown hair.

R-"I dont know.I never felt like this.You know Varna.All this.Sounds so weird to me.As if its like a dream coming true.I never imagined this happening.How did I end up getting.So much happiness."

Varna kept a hand on Ramya's hand.Ramya's eyes were depicting the happiness.From time she has come back she has noticed.Her sister's face glowing with a different shine.She never looked this happy.

V-"Ramya.You look happy.Aren't you?"

R-"I dont know how to tell you.This feeling Varna.Its like.You cant express.My heart beats so fast when he is near me.When is not with me I think about him.A mere thought makes me smile.If I dont get to hear his voice for a day I feel sad.The way he cares for me.Treats me.No one did that.Cared to do that."

Varna could see her sister's eyes getting moist.Ramya caught Varna's hands.

R-"Varna.I never thought I can get someone like Vivaan in my life.You know what he told me.When I confronted him about my health.He said.I have a big and special heart which is ten times stronger than what normal people have.He never cared to know or dig about my medical condition.When I look into his eyes I dont see sympathy for me.its.Love."

Varna clutched on to the hold Ramya had on her hands.She smacked her sister's head lightly.

V-"You love him.Your eyes say that."

Ramya wiped her moist eyes.Then smiled.

R-"You know what he says.he was wrong judging me on our first meeting.He keeps on saying sorry for that.When I dont even remember exact reason what happened.All I could remember first time I saw him.he fought with goons and saved me."

Ramya giggled with dreamy smile on face.Varna shifted on her place.Ramya noticed that.

R-"Varna.Tell me something honestly.You dont like him?"

V-"What gives you that impression?"

R-"No.Dont get me wrong.Whatever happened earlier.I thought.Arent you happy with my decision.I know you both didnt have nice start.Now when we are.Have you given acceptance to this relationship?"

Ramya watched her sister with eyes full of hopes.Varna chose to look other side.Keeping her face straight.Then she faced Ramya with light smile.

V-"I am no one to give acceptance to anything Ramya.We all have different lives.We have to think about our own self.As individuals.Your choice,likes and dislikes.Have always been different from me.When all these years we never cared to cross our paths on those.Why should we now.

As far as my rapport with Vivaan goes.I dont.Dislike him.Or hate him.These are very strong emotions.I would say it was not fair on my part to judge him.Maybe too quickly.I am glad you got time.Things worked out.If this makes you happy.I am happy in your happiness."

Ramya jumped with excitement and gave a rib crushing hug to Varna.Varna hugged her back and they stayed like that for some time.

R-"Oh shit."


R-"I need to call Vivaan and ask.If he has included chocolate mousse and blueberry cheese cake on dessert menu/For tomorrow.I told him to do so.if he forgets?"

Varna gave her an unbelievable look.Ramya vanished within seconds.

Washing her face with cold water.Varna closed the tap.Had a close look at herself in the mirror.She took a deep breath.Recalling the past happenings.Whatever took place in this time span.She couldnt deny the trip had been like a boon to her.In refreshing her mind.She wanted to be away from everything for a while.Thats how she loved.

Then her thoughts went back to what Ramya said.Priyamwada asked her same question.Why do people have this misconception she hated Vivaan.She didnt.BUt she couldnt argue also how.She disapproved of him.It wasnt fair.She was being quick.

She was glad alas.Ramya was happy.Maybe he was perfect for her.Way she heard.He treats Ramya with love and respect.What more does she need.She have reached conclusion.The marriage was happening for good.

Then she registered something.If for good or bad.Cant be said.Vivaan haven't mentioned to Ramya about the meetings he had with Varna.Ramya knows about how they have met once or twice for professional work.Wasn't it better to let things go.How they were going.There wasn't need to mess up.For no reason.She closed door of washroom.Found Ramya still busy on phone.private talks.She rolled her eyes and went to catch some sleep.

Lata,Satya arrived along with their son Reyansh to give big surprise to Vivaan.He was happy to see have his whole family grace the most special event of his life.

A night before getting engaged how does it feel.Vivaan was in his room.Other side fits of laughter were coming from.Reyansh.Vivaan felt like giving him a kick.

Both brothers were having some time together.When they were meeting after long.Vivaan punched in his younger brother's stomach.

V-"Stop laughing like an idiot."

R-"Oh God.Anna.What do you expect.I mean this sounds like a well entertaining movie.Climax also reached.How did you manage the ride.Well?"

Vivaan pulled his ear and it hurt.Reyansh joined his hands together.And when he left.He started again.Vivaan closed his eyes relaxing on the pillow.With closed eyes.

R-"I swear.This is.Damn.Interesting.Same faces.One hero.Two heroines.Much like fairy tales."

V-"Shut up.This is no fairy tale.In reality.Vivaan is the hero and Ramya.Heroine.So stop working out this dumb brain of yours."

Reyansh straightened and had closer look at Vivaan.

R-"Okay I am sorry.But.Anna.Way you said I mean.All these interactions with number 1.Did you tell about these to number 2?"

V-"What number 1 and 2.I dont get you."

R-"I mean.Number 1 whom you met first and tried to flirt.I mean you were smitten by her.Dont lie."

Reyansh's eyes sparkled with hint of naughtiness.Vivaan glared at him.Then picking pillow dumped it on Reyansh's stomach.

R-"That hurts.Man.come on.You share everything with me."

V-"Rubbish.I can still share everything.Thats why told you?"

R-"But Anna."

V-"What makes you get this idea.I fell for.I mean I was smitten by Varna?"

R-"Because you said so.The interactions how you reacted and wanted to reach her.First meeting."

V-"There has to be a way how we connect with people.In certain situations.Rey.I know maybe this sounds like.How I met Varna and found her different from others.I was curious.Being a guy I wont say.I wasn't curious to know more about her.Its like how opposites attract.Could be.But you see its about how you end up.At a point.Her rudeness and arrogant nature.It just infuriated me some point.I was boiling inside."

R-"Then?She didnt respond so you thought.?"

V-"How can you think so lowly for your brother.

Not even my dreams.I can take this for granted.Rey.There is a difference between curiosity and attraction.Between at edge of wanting to discover someone and.Being sure of.You can know a person well.More than your life.

When I saw Ramya I didnt knew if she was different person.I took her as.Varna.When I started knowing her.What I discovered.My heart has become helpless.I have fallen for her.Simplicty.For being person she is.Because I have known her.I never.Say that for Varna.

Ramya and Varna have same faces.But you know when.I am with Ramya I feel peaceful.She is like a blessing to be with.I can never feel like that with anyone.I love her.Looking forward to spend my rest of life with her.

R-"Okay.I take that.With much conviction.

Tell me.If you ever have to come across such situation.Both sisters standing same line.Facing you.You have to identify.Will you be able to do that?"

Reyansh had a teasing smile.Vivaan frowned his brows.Then smirked at his brother.

V-"Love is not about.Seeing.Much to do with how a person looks.You get to feel that from here."

Vivaan pointed at his heart.Then ruffled Reyansh's hair.

V-"You get me little brother?You wont get these things now.Better fall in love first."

He took pillow covering his face.Its a long day ahead tomorrow.He needs some sleep.Reyansh shifted with an unsure expression on face.Vivaan noticed that.

V-"What.Already in discovering mode.Need someone to do that."

Reyansh looked down.Then kept his eyes at ceiling.He looked lost in some deep thoughts.

V-"Hey.I was joking.Rey.This look gives a very not you like impression to me."

Reyansh smiled a little.Then shook his head.

R-"Love is very complicated.Isn't it Anna.Specially when you cant discover if.You are feeling strongly for someone."

Vivaan raised his brows.Looking at Reyansh with confusion and shock.

R-"What?Dont give me that stare."

V-"You dont give me such shocks.At this hour.Come on spill the beans."

R-"No beans.No spilling."

V-"Rey.If you wont.I would ask Aththai to find girl for you and trust me.You cant doubt ladies of this house when.It comes to hunting brides in these functions."

Reyansh had horror written on face.Vivaan knew he hit right spot.


V-"Would you care to?"

R-"its.I dont know.I cant be sure of.This girl I met.Few years ago.I mean we spent some good time together.Was on dating spree.Till she.Parted ways because.I couldnt promise her commitment."

V-"You serious.Reyansh.When did you become commitment phobic.Wasn't it love from your side.Or just like random."

R-"No.I.I felt strongly.I realize that now.Earlier too.But maybe.Its too late now.She would have got married."

V-"Yeah.having kids too.Who knows."

R-"Anna.Stop spreading salt on my wounds."

V-"Why have you hidden those wounds for this time then.Didnt feel like sharing it with me.Idiot.

Now look at me.What made you do that.Why did you let her end this."

R-"I dont know myself.It was my fault.She was giving her finals for MBBS.Wanted me to.Give her assurance.Not that she needed badly.We were sure about how we felt for each other.It was.Out of sudden for me.Thinking about marriage and.Any commitment.I was studying.Not even thought about joining business."

V-"You were being a fool.Right of her to take that decision."

R-"You too.Maybe.I am at fault.I have to bear the consequence."

V-"You intend to spend rest of your life.Like that.Being a Devdas."

R-"If it takes that for me.I do get dreams.Nandu.She looked so beautiful.Doctor Nandini."

V-"We lost doc our family.So sad."

Reyansh took a deep breath.Vivaan punched his shoulder.

V-"If you love.Be brave enough to.Treasure it with you.For rest of life.I know you did mess.By allowing her to leave you.Now you have time.Find her.Correct the mistake.Its never too late."


I love you."

V-"Keep that for.Her.Now.

Let me sleep.

have you told about this to your parents?"

R-"You want me to get killed.Mom is already disturbed with me.Last year I have rejected these alliances.Glad you were in the line and.Got them busy.I can take breath of relief."

V-"Thank me.Later."

That night.Vivaan was sleeping.Remembering the conversation he had with Reyansh.He said every bit from heart.What he felt.The difference between the sisters.He had no qualms admitting.He found Varna intriguing and wanted to know her more.Till he gave in to his.Limitations.He didnt wanted to know more.Of her.Reason is unknown to him.They say.Whats written on fate has to happen.

He knew one truth now.Ramya was written on his fate.he loved her.Does he need to prove.To himself.He shrugged off those thoughts.Then.It strike his mind.Why couldn't he recognize Ramya the other day.Taking Varna as Ramya?Was it a mere coincidence.He needed to challenge his heart and mind for that.Sleep covered his eyes.

Finally the day of engagement came.From morning all breathes were stuck.If everything happens on time.Accordingly and ends..On good note.

Reddys came on time.Vivaan looked handsome as a bridegroom.He was in traditional attire for groom.Dressed in white.With gold chain on his neck.As his mother ward off evil eyes off him.He moved his head sideways.Could see smiling faces.Reyansh looked dapper.In blue and traditional attire.He wished to save himself from eyes of single girls and their mothers were giving to him.

He was sticking to Vivaan like a glue.

Ramya looked like an angel coming down on earth from heaven.When she was brought on center.Accompanied by her friends.Vivaan had his eyes glued on her.Leaving the crowd of guests hall was filled with.

He could manage to whisper to her.When she was made to stand beside him.Having her eyes down with shyness.

V-"Orange suits you.I love oranges."

His voice sent down shivers to her.She met his eyes.They spoke without saying anything.She was seeing with her eyes.How handsome he looked.

Guests from Reddys side were heard praising beauty of Ramya.Their eyes got big and what became the center of attraction for rest of function.The twin sisters.Who had similar features and faces.For a change.Ramya had a glow on her face today.She was beaming with joy.

Varna didn't leave chance.To get the looks.She chose to wear a simple dress.Keeping the saree for other functions.The on lookers were baffled by her beauty.Some knew about her.For professional work she has done.Ladies were busy finding out if Shettys has find groom for their other daughter also.

When it was time for ring ceremony.Rings were called for.Karuna got ring and gave it to Ramya.Vivaan caught his head.Cursed himself for something.How can it slip from his mind.What have got into him.Reyansh gave him a confused look.

The ring was brought.And he didnt dare to look at it.How would he face Ramya he only thought.He felt guilty.Ramya was ready with ring on her hand.Claps were heard as Ramya slipped the simple platinum ring slowly on his finger.She smiled getting showered with flowers on both of them.

Next it was his turn.Vivaan scratched his neck.Closed his eyes.Shivani was heard thanking Varna she passed tray of ring.Vivaan opened his eyes.His mother nudged him.

He was given the ring.Merely looking at it.He was taken a back.It was same ring.It looked like one.Ramya had big smile on her face.He could see the happiness shining on her eyes.He fulfilled her promise.

Taking her hand in his he made her wear ring.Same one which she took promise.Which was the witness of their special moment in life.He clasped her hand and places a small kiss there.Getting whistles from everyone including Reyansh.Leaving no chance to spare the newly engaged.Ramya wished to hide her face somewhere.Vivaan wrapped his arms around her from back.He asked her through eyes.She answered without saying.Their happiness.To last forever.In all this Vivaan didnt forget.To have his eyes.Searching for person.One who had brought the ring.Perhaps it was her only.

Varna looked at him.With smile on her face.He mouthed a thank you.She nodded her head.Later one by one family members were called for capturing the moments for the day.Vivaan and Ramya were giving different poses and expressions for each one.Teasing and expressing every other way.

All were busy with guests as food was served.Vivaan was seen greeting few of his colleagues who came.He shook hands with them.Ramya was taken away by Shivani and Lata to introduce her to family people.

Reyansh put a plastic smile on face and was after Vivaan.He almost banged his head on his brother's shoulder from back.

V-"Easy.Whats wrong."

R-"Nothing is right.I think i should have skipped this function."

V-"You are mad.Behave.did you get mobbed."

Vivaan couldnt stop himself from laughing.Reyansh glared at him.

R-"Laugh at my state.Only if you could have tried to imagine.Yourself on my place and I."

His mouth stopped.It was wide open seeing someone.A beautiful girl in saree.Entered the hall along with her parents it looked.She was seen hugging Varna.

Vivaan stared at Reyansh.raising his brows at the direction he was gaping at.He stood with hands on waist.

R-"I cant believe this.Nandu."


Reyansh left the time Vivaan could take to stop him.he shook his head.While greeting some more people who just came.

Varna kept bouquet aside.Nandini.Doctor Nandini Iyyer.Her parents were friends from business fields for Prakash.She studied in same school with Varna and Ramya.

V-"So good to see you Nandini."

Varna came out of hug.Nandini looked around.And then smiled.

N-"Varna.I am glad I could make it.When Appa told me.I was so elated.Ramya getting married.Its been long I was in touch with you guys.Rare you get to meet your school friends.Such this ocassion.

V-"Come.ramya would love to meet you."

N-"Oh God.I still have hard time making out.Whose Ramya and Varna out of you two.You still look so similar."

While they were walking to Ramya, Reyansh.Followed the path.One he has been looking for years.He would get to see her in such an unexpected manner.

Amidst all the celebrations.The couple finally got some time.ramya was seeing everyone.Standing beside her.Vivaan felt he was sweating.Then glanced at his fiance.Who didnt looked interested to spare a glance at him.

He coughed.Ramya finally looked at him.She touched ring on her finger.Then faced him like a happy child.

R-"Vivaan.You managed to get this?I thought we lost this.You dont know how precious you have made this day for me.I will treasure this forever."

V-"even if we would have lost this.Ramya.I want you to know.Our hearts have already been connected.irrespective of exchanging rings.Which is just formality for me.I vow to be yours.I want you to be mine.Forever."

He took her hand and kissed there.She closed her eyes living the moment.Instead of sweets.Vivaan fed blueberry cheese cake to Ramya.Who was ready to gobble whole piece.She was making faces relishing the taste.Vivaan adored at sight and had spoon his hands.To taste mousse.It was finished.Ramya offered to get for him.

She went away.He was checking his phone.Meanwhile.Then he saw Ramya with Varna having a chat.Both were standing close.Ramya was smiling telling her something.Varna controlled her laugh.Vivaan's face changed expression.When he widened his eyes sensing something.

The chandelier looked like.It was hanging down loose.About to fall any moment.Without wasting a second Vivaan chose to run at speed and pull Ramya from hand.In his embrace.Almost letting his heart face wrath of consequence.

Ramya as she found him in his grip.Before that she pushed Varna.When she looked on to the top.Sensing the danger.

Varna was pushed by Ramya.One side.She composed her breath.Vivaan stood on other side.Having Ramya tightly in his hold.He locked his arms.Still finding it too hard to get in terms she was fine.With him.


Everyone rushed to the spot.Luckily the chandelier was loose and it came down mid way hanging.Rest was taken care of.What transpired was.Vivaan hugging Ramya tightly.Letting her be closer to him.As he took that feeling.She was safe in his arms.Ramya felt scared.But she knew he saved her on time.

He came out of embrace.Cupped her cheeks.His eyes were almost moist.

V-"You okay?"

Ramya gave a nod.She was very scared.He could only take her back in his arms.Placing a light kiss on her head.Closing his eyes.At that moment it registered his mind.She mattered to him.He had no doubts.

It was notably how.Among sisters he chose to pull her.Varna was examined by Karuna and others.She assured she was fine.Her eyes went to look back at the duo.Her heart knew.Ramya was in safe hands.


Would like to tell something to all readers.I would always love to expect feedback from you.Be it positive,negative.Because as a writer I do fail to notice loopholes at times.On my story.So feel free to share it with me if you find.The story stumbling at places.

Another important thing I would like to highlight.This part was necessary to showcase Vivaan's feelings for Ramya.I have read how some have mentioned.He has been shown in bad light.

Dont be so quick on judging any character here.I would say wait and go with flow of the story.I am going as how it is planned.Slowly things will come.I hope after this update there would be less confusion.

Varna's take and view would be more clear from next chapter.Don't worry.

do not forget to vote and comment please.


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