Chapter 27

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Vivaan and Ramya were nervous at same time.Vivaan kept on fixing his hair.Sweating.He gave a smile to Ramya.Stumbled upon his step.Ramya played with the rose petals spread on white sheets.She was sitting now.

He continued giving sheepish grin.

V-"Please sit.

I find this too awkward."

He made the statement.Finding her about to stand seeing him approach her.He adjusted temperature of the ac in the room.Suddenly he was feeling so hot.

Then he joined her.Sitting beside her.With a distance between them.Both shared an awkward smile.Ramya gave glass of milk to him.

V-"Ramya.Since we are done with most of rituals.I just wanted to tell you that.I believe in institution of marriage.Taking as as equality in everything.Husband and wife both are like either sides of a coin.You are my better half.So.You hold equal right in my decisions regarding anything in life from now on.And I guess.So do I?In your case."

Ramya gave a nod and smiled at him.She was playing with her fingers.

V-"Please say something.This silence.Is.Annoying."

She bit her lips.When he touched the glass on her hand.Their skin came in contact with each other.A current wave passed her.

V-"Lets start with this.

You have it first."

R-"This is supposed to be for you?"

Vivaan.Eyed her to do what he said.She nodded her head.Then touched the glass with her mouth.After few seconds he found her.Gulping down the contents in full speed.She was adorable.

She was done.Then looked at him.Feeling embarassed.He was mesmerized by her beauty.He took the glass keeping his eye on her.Then got shocked.It was empty.He looked back at her.She bit her lips.

V-"You?Finished it."

R-"You only asked me to.

I.Was thirsty.and.Hungry."

It took him seconds to burst out into laughter.He couldnt stop himself.She frowned at him.Confused.He kept the glass on table beside.Then took her hands in his.

V-"Why are you so adorable.Ramya.

I.Love you."

She lowered her eyes.Blushed like a typical bride.When he stopped laughing.Cupped her cheeks.She suddenly felt her knees getting weak.Caught the sheets tightly in her grip.Feeling his lips on her forehead.Nose and.Chin.

He slowly whispered to her.


He pinched her cheek.She gave a nod.


She hid herself in his chest.He wrapped his arms around her back.His chin touched her head.

R-"I still feel like.This is a dream."

V-"No more dreaming.Because I am here to make all your dreams come true.Understand.Mrs. Reddy?"

She shook her head.Playing with his shirt.

V-"You tired?Its too hot.You want you can change to comfortable clothes."

She came out of hug.And nodded her head.He was a little disappointed with her nod.Yet gave in.Her comfort mattered to him most.

He rested on bed for a while.Ramya came out after taking shower.She looked like a fresh flower.In light blue sleeveless gown.Wearing her wedding chain.Slowly she was rubbing her long wet hair with towel.

Vivaan's eyes caught the breathtaking view.His wife was going to give him hard time.He felt his breath stuck.He was gawking at her from bed.She found his gaze.Then smiled.The gown had a deep cut making her skin visible.He tried to move his eyes.It wasnt just possible.

Ramya find it hard to hide her smile.It was gifted by Trisha.She remembered how she advised her on first night.Giving tips how to lure your husband.When she was busy with her thoughts.She found his missing.He was gone to shower.

She kept towel on bed.Then remembered something.It completely went out of her mind.She had it on her hand.Asked Nandini to keep it safely in her hand bag when they came.Varna's gift for her.She want to open it now.

Finding her bag she unzipped it and.Saw the box.A lump formed on her throat.When she touched it.Taking it out.She bit her lips.Tracing the box.She was already missing her.As she was about to open the ribbon heard the door of washroom.Kept the box inside the bag.

Vivaan found her engrossed in something.He came from behind.Touched her shoulder.He was in his track pants and a loose white shirt.

V-"Hey.May I know whats making my wife cry.So early.

I didnt do a thing."

Ramya faced him.A cute smile.Her eyes were moist he could see.He wiped them.Then pulled her from waist.

V-"You okay?"


 V-"But I am not."

she frowned her brows at him.He lessened distance between them.She inhaled his manly cologne.His lips touched her earlobe.She caught his shirt.Closing her eyes.

V-"Because.My wife is making it difficult for me.

So much humidity."


A sigh escaped from her mouth.When he looked at her.Losing breath.He touched her chin arching her face up.She was nervous.His eyes bored into hers.

V-"Do you know.Whats love.

Its about melting into each other's arms.Like no tomorrow."

He hugged her.Letting her melt into his embrace.He whispered to her.Marking her neck and ears with his lips.

V-"When you heard the beats of heart.Going rapid.

Cannot maintain.Pace of breath.From going high."

Ramya clutched on to his shirt from back.She gulped down the saliva her throat.True she was breathing deeply.Her heart racing with thousands of emotions.This was a night for which every girl feels.Unusual.Nervous to death.

She couldnt come out of state.When he picked her up in his arms.Making her land on bed safely.She shied away.Not facing him.When he went on top of her.Taking her hands kissing them.

V-"Ramya look at me.

Its okay.If you need time.This is all new for us.I can wait for lifetime if you want."

Ramya started biting her nails.He was about to get up.When she held his shirt.He raised his brows.

R-"its.I am not experienced.In such things."

He smiled.Then bumped his head with hers.

V-"You think I am.Please.

You doubt my chastity?I am still a virgin.By all means."

Her face got red.She hid it with her palms.He moved them away kissing softly.

V-"Hey.Where is my name.Show me."

R-"he he its there.Find yourself."

V-"I dont have time.Energy."

He looked at her both palms carefully.Ramya ruffled his hair.They were still wet.

V-"Okay I cant.Let it be."

R-"Boo.Mr Reddy.

You couldnt find a name."

V-"Okay?whats in a name.

When I have it inscribed on your heart."

he winked at her.She played with buttons of his shirt.His chest was bit visible.Her touch awakened fire inside him.

R-"Romantic lines."

V-"Its all.For the night.You have to trust me.To make your wife comfortable."

Ramya laughed finding him undoing his shirt.

R-"Like this?"

V-"Of course.Ask me."

He came on top of her again.Getting her hands on his back.She stopped laughing.getting conscious of seeing his body for first time.His voiced sounded hoarse.

R-"Someone said.He is not experienced."

V-"Its all about.Whats in your heart.Sweet heart.First time with actions."

She moved under him.He entwined their fingers together on sides of the bed.His lips fanned her face.When it reached near her lips.He smirked.She had her eyes closed.

He remembered their first kiss.His lips broke into a smile.She moved her hand.he got it back.Tightening the grip.They played with their hands some more time.Till he won the slow wrestling.She opened her eyes.Looking at him.

He kissed her on her lips.Giving her no chance.It was sudden.She took time to respond.He sucked her lower lips.Wanted her to open her mouth.As she did he took chance.Entered.Her hands made their way his hair.They continued kissing.Discovering each other in some new level.

Finally striving for breathe he left her.Her lips were swollen.He pecked them once more.Tracing them with his fingers.She was panting for breath.

V-"not bad.Better than first time.Nevermind.

First french kiss.Next time I will teach you how"

She kept her hand on his mouth.He laughed kissing there.Silence prevailed again.None of them exchanging word.When passion intensified inside.He brushed away her hair.From her face.His touch was burning her skin.Placing trails of kisses on her face he moved to her neck.Till he reached her shoulder.Sliding down strap of her gown.She got conscious first.When his eyes met hers.She let him invade her.

He kissed her bare arms from both sides.Letting his touch jolt her inside.She clutched on to the sheets.Curling up her toes.When his kisses were steaming up.He reached her feet.Kissed there.She looked at him with admiration.

He picked the quilt with his one hand.Smiling at her.Covering them both.Next dimmed the lights off.The darkness gave him every right to discover more about her.every feature.When she moaned.He unleashed barriers between them.For a second.She would burst with the unknown sensation hitting her body.Feeling his bare body brushing hers inside the quilt.

She moved her face other side.While his lips were busy.He reached her face making her face him.Pecked her lips.She touched his hair.As tear slipped down her cheek.He rubbed his nose on hers.Then showed concern.

V-"You okay?"

Her nod.gave him a signal.He knew she was weak from inside.His love would never exhaust her.Harm her in any way.She made it clear to him.Kissing his head.Then lips.He entwined their hands and fingers.Her heartbeats were racing.A knot formed on her stomach.She couldnt explain what she was feeling.

He kept on kissing her everywhere.To soothen the uneasiness.That was her resort.For the moment.She gripped on his masculine shoulder for support.He reached her ear.Whispering sweet words.

V-"You are insanely beautiful.Do you know that.Its torture for me."

His whispers.Made her wriggle in his hold.Tears formed in her eyes.As she gripped on to him more.Digging her nails in his skin.The sharp pain jolted her.Which his words and kisses soothed.

V-"Its okay.I am here."

He kissed her lips.When they continued to struggle.The battle of passion and emotions.Stepping into their new life.It was a start.A feeling which cannot be explained in words.They moved their bodies.Signifying the pure bond out of love.

He breathed deeply.Then fell on her bosom.Feeling exhausted .So was case with her.He invaded her.She invaded him.A night of bliss.

When the early rays of morning entered their room.Vivaan frowned.Then slowly opened his eyes.He stretched his arms.Finding him sleeping on one side of the bed.His newly wedded wife facing him.On other side.They were covered with the quilt.

A smile came to his lips.Remembering how they marked the night.He went to her.Covering her properly.Kissed her head.She was sleeping peacefully.

He checked the time.Brushed his hair with his hand.It was already 9 am.They had to sit for some rituals.He wondered if he should wake her up.Before anyone else comes.He gazed at her.Resting his head with his one hand on pillow.His fingers brushed her head.Long hair.

She frowned in her sleep.Still in deep sleep.

R-"Aththai.Please.Ask Varna to let me sleep.

She is troubling me."

He changed his expression.And continued doing that.Till she looked full unnerved.

R-"No.Varna stop doing this.

Or else.I will punch you."

She pulled the quilt covering herself.Vivaan shook his head.She was still back at her house.Did she forget last night.He leaned towards her.Kissing her cheek.His stubble itched her.

R-"Varna.When did you started having beard.Its.Its."

He wished to hit his own head.

V-"Morning Princess.Wake up.From dream land."

He continued tracing her face.With rose petals damaged from last night's event.

Ramya heard his voice.Something struck her.Opened her eyes slowly.With one eye open she spoke.

R-"Varna.Your voice is heavy."

She widened her eyes.Seeing her husband.Gaping at her.With a no expression face.

She bit her lips.Recollecting her surroundings.She was married last day.Then last night.Red hue formed on her cheeks.When she found herself in the state.Held on to the quilt.Till her neck.Not looking at him.


Good morning.I.

I thought I was.

Varna.Used to wake me up.Like this."

She pushed her hair behind her hear.He loved that about her.Such innocence.Came to place a short kiss on her lips.Giving her a shock.

V-"No worries.Will get used to this also."

His wink.Made her blush hard.She got up.Feeling bit exhausted.Widened her eyes.Checking time.

R-"Oh no.Its so late.Why didnt you wake me earlier.Vivaan I am late.What they  must be thinking."

As she was blabbering.He listened to her.Participating.Inching closer to wards her.Then pulled her on top of him.Her hands were on his bare chest.He nuzzled in her face.Neck.

R-"What are you doing.I am already late."


Its ok.We will be considered."

R-"Leave me please.I need to get ready.You too."

He kissed her cheeks.Rubbing her nose.She was so shy.

V-"On that case let you."

She refrained from meeting his gaze.He kissed her wrists full of bangles.Gathering sheets she found chance.To get away from his hold.Running into the washroom.

He smiled at her.Hitting the bed.Again.Hugging the pillow.How he was looking forward to every morning with her like this.

Back at Shetty house.Karuna and Priyam were sitting beside Varna.Prakash went to see off doctor.Varna had high fever from last night.She had to be given injection.With temperature not coming down.

Priyam put wet cloth on her niece's head.Brushed her hair.Karuna looked at picture of siblings.

K-"hope she feels better soon.This girl doesnt listen to me.How many times have asked her.Not to strain herself so much."

P-"Its okay Karuna Akka.dont we know reason for this.

It will take time."

Priyam tried to hide the emerging emotions.She knew what poor soul must be going through.It wasnt easy to bid farewell.To part of yours.

P-"Varna is very strong.Give her some time."

Karuna nodded.Wiped her tears.Prakash was standing at door.He was still not in terms with Ramya's leaving.

P-"Akka.Let her rest.Doctor has given injection.I was thinking let me go and see off.Them at airport.They have flight in hours."

K-"Yeah.Varna's condition is also not well.You can handle Ramya.No need to inform her about her sister's health.She will come running here.Just a day she went there."

Priyam got up and walked to the duo.

P-"Karuna Akka.Its ok I am with her.You both can go and visit ramya.She will feel sad if she doesnt get to see you.Make some excuse.That I fell sick.varna is with me."

Karuna agreed.Prakash left.They stared at Varna who was mumbling in sleep.Effect of medicine and high temperature.


Extremely sorry for the delay.Been sick from last two days.Finally got some strength to write.Thank you to readers for being patient.

The chapter did not come out how I expected.I wanted to go ahead with story rather wasting time.

Please do not forget to comment and vote.


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