Chapter 26

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Post wedding rituals continued for time.Which got Vivaan and Ramya tired.They were asked to rest for a while.Will be called when lunch will be served.

Reyansh and some of his Vivaan's friends were with him.In one room.Ramya was taken by her friends.

Trisha gave a tight hug to Ramya.She felt out of breath.Kept the garland aside.

T-"I cant believe this.So much happened.You are married.To man of your dreams.Woho."

R-"Even I cant.This feels like a dream."

Trisha sat beside her.Ramya looked sober today.Unlike the chirpy one she has been.HAppiness was visible on her face.With something else too.

T-"This is reality baby.I am so happy for you.

You have to tell me everything in detal.Dare you skip that.Then."

Ramya smacked Trisha.They chat for a while.When Priyam came.

P-"Ramya.You rest for some time.You and your husband have to sit for lunch together.Do you need anything Maa?"

R-"No Chitti.

Chitti.Where is Varna.Traitor.Havent seen her since rituals started off then.Ended."

P-"Its her sister's wedding.Busy with work.Plus your Aththai.Panics so much.You dont worry I will send her to you okay."

Ramya gave a nod.Wasn't satisfied with the answer.

Reddy and Shetty family were busy with the guests.Introducing each other to the respective families.Prakash and Vikram had some common associates in business circle.The ladies of family also mingled with the guests well.Shivani was too busy.Lata attended to Nandini's parents.

Wedding was one occasion where.People come to bless the couple getting hitched.As well as.Looking for prospective alliance.Such was case with Reyansh and Varna.On one side guests from Shettys inquired about the handsome and tall brother of Vivaan.Ladies from Reddy family guests were mesmerized by Varna's beauty.They had hard time believing.The identical twins.How different they looked together.Yet similar to many.

Vivaan was having a laugh.With his friends cracking jokes.Reyansh sulked sitting at one corner.He tried getting Nandini for some minutes.To spend some moments together.When her mother came and whisked her away.


So boring.Why are you and Ramya Anniie kept in separate rooms.After marriage.You are legally husband wife now.Whats the problem."

Vivaan had his arms around Reyansh's back and answered.With a smile.


Its my first time also.How would I know.Mr. Reyansh."

R-"Let me go and talk.How can they.

I wont let them do this.To me.Once married I will rest with Nandu and."

He stopped.Getting a glare from Lata who just came.

L-"what happened.Any problem."

V-"Aththaii.Yes.He wanted to."

Reyansh jumped in and stopped.Vivaan.

R-"I was only asking.Anna must be hungry.He has been awake for long.Right Anna."

Vivaan folded his arms across his chest.Shaking his head.Lata asked everyone to join for the lunch.

Only Vivaan and Reyansh were left in the room.Vivaan went to freshen up and came.Reyansh gave him his stole which he kept aside.

R-"You nearly got me killed.Anna."

V-"You know my love for you.This much."

R-"how mean.There Nandu.And here you.Both are."

He stopped finding someone at the door.It was Varna.Standing with a nervous look on her face.Playing with her both hands.

R-"Look whose here to take you for lunch.Anna.Your sister in law."

Vivaan gave him a look.He was unsure.At the moment.

V-"Varna.We were about to come.Lets go."


May I have a word with you.Before.If you allow."

Vivaan raised his brows.Then asked Reyansh to leave.he will follow.Then he went to Varna who was still standing near the door.He faced her with a smile.

V-"Tell me.Anything wrong?"

She continued playing with her fingers.Vivaan sensed her uneasiness.He took a breath.and spoke softly.

V-"Its ok.Varna.I mean I know we didnt have good start.But since now.We do share something.Ramya is special for you.and for me as well.Its likewise.We accept this with open hearts.You can feel free to say anything."

Varna didnt expect these words from him.She felt better.Looked up.She knew form his eyes.How much he loved Ramya.

Var-"Dont get me wrong.I am here.To.I know you love her a lot.And.You will take care of her.We.We have been together for years and.Its.I.

Dont know how to say this to you.I."

Vivaan could feel her voice.Breaking in between the words.Her tone cracked.He was trying to understand the bond the sisters shared.

V-"Varna.Its okay."

Varna breathed deeply.Controlled her self.

Var-"I wanted to tell you before.Ramya leaves.With you.

You know her medical condition.She can lead a normal life.But.Needs care.Her medicines.and list of what she can eat.Cannot.I have.Prepared this.Please dont be offended.I know you will give best to her.Wanted to let you know.Since she will be with you now.I.

I am sorry.If you.These are her medicines."

Vivaan didnt say a word.Varna gave him a pouch.Inside which things she mentioned were kept.Varna was scared.A bit.Did she took wrong step.What if he creates a scene and.To her shock.Vivaan took the pouch.Kept it safely.Then came to her.He found her frowning.

V-"I may not know how exactly.You both are connected to each other.But.

I do respect your love.Care for Ramya.Thank you for this.I will take care.Dont worry.

From now on she is.My responsibility."

Varna nodded and he left after giving her a smile.While he was walking he frowned his brows.He still couldnt get.Varna.More he tries to know her.She ends up being a maize or puzzle for him.

Lunch was served.Vivaan and Ramya were made to sit together.While they were being teased.Repeated times asked to feed each other.On other note.Ramya wasnt eating much.Vivaan noticed that.She was slowly taking morsels.That also when Shivani , Lata or some other person.Filled her plate with.

Vivaan nudged her from shoulder.Making sure no one catches them.Whispered to her.


You need to have lots of energy.For the night."

She choked on her food.Had some water.Vivaan continued having food.With an innocent face.She realised what he said.Then her cheeks became red.Trisha and her friends.Continued teasing the newly weds.

Nandini came to Ramya.Both were sitting after lunch.Some post wedding rituals were to start in a while.She hugged Ramya.Both had nice interaction.Reyansh was seen following Nandini.With a love struck face.

N-"Congratulations.You look beautiful.

Didnt knew .One day we would get to be part of same family.Sounds exciting."

R-"I know.We will have fun.

Well.Someone looking restless.Already.Behind you."

Vivaan pulled Reyansh to stand beside him.Nandini blushed.Four of them took a picture.

Reyansh cornered Nandini as he got chance.

N-"Reyansh.We have people.What are you."

He stopped her by taking her hands in his.Kissed them.

R-"Can you come with us.I will drop you home."

N-"I see.Why."

She was teasing him.

R-"Ramya Annie must be upset.Since its new place for her.I was thinking if you would be there with her then.If you can.he will feel better."

Nandini looked at eyes of man she had chosen to spend life with.She spoke with such pride.

N-"I feel so lucky.Going to spend rest of my life with you.Reyansh.

You are too nice."

Reyansh pulled her in a hug giving a quick kiss.

R-"You had doubts?

I love you."

It was finally time to leave.Ramya went to her room.For last time.Looking around the walls.Pictures of Her and Varna.Felt the walls.Then her bed.Every single thing in the room.She could feel the love and warmth.Why was it difficult to let go.

She cried.Touching her soft toys.Hugging them.When felt a hand on her shoulder from back.Varna's eyes met hers.Ramya pinched Varna's hand lightly.

V-"Idiot.You will also feel pain."

Both couldnt keep themselves in hold.Hugged.This was tightest hug ever.Sobbed uncontrollably.

R-"Varna.I am leaving.finally."

V-"I am so happy.Relieved.This room will be mine."

R-"So mean.At least now.Dont be."

They came out of hug.Varna wiped Ramya's tears.She did same.

R-"I will stay.Lets forget all this.I cant.Go away."

Varna got a grip on herself and spoke.

V-"Please.Let me take this chance to celebrate."

Ramya hit her again.Both smiled through tears.Varna cupped Ramya's cheeks.Who continued to pout.

V-"Listen.Whenever.In whichever situation.Miles apart we are.Any distance.Keep this on mind.You will find me with you.Just close your eyes.Take my name."

R-"If you dont come.I will.

Pinch myself.Prick.Till you get to me."

V-"Meany Ramya Shetty."

R-"Less than you.

Varna Shetty."

They hugged again.Till came out.Varna gave something to Ramya.A small cute box.Wrapped with a ribbon.Ramya was about to open.

V-"Dont.You should open this once you are away from.Me."

R-"Wedding gift?"

Priyam came and found sisters involved in an emotional moment.

P-"Come on you two.Varna she is not going away forever.Will come soon.Ramya all are waiting maa.Lets go."

Varna and ramya reached the door.When Ramya stopped.Taking a last look.

R-"Varna.Take care of my bed and things.Dont separate these beds please.

And.Take care of my soft toys.Panna,doggo,Bozo and.Millie.If they feel scared make them sleep with you.I am taking.Nyle with me."

Ramya cried with hiccups.Priyam went ahead.Varna and Ramya held on to each other's hands tightly.Walking down the stairs.All looked at the sisters as they came down.

Bidding tearful good bye to Prakash ,Karuna and rest of her people.Ramya was made to sit on car.Beside Vivaan.Who knew how difficult it was for her.To leave everything behind.The rest of the family were taking leave.

Vivaan found Varna coming to them from window.Ramya held on to her sister's hand tightly.Varna smiled at her.Then as the cars started.Ramya's hold loosened.Till at a point she went away.Leaving behind Varna.Standing with her hand in same reflex.It was empty.

Priyam came from behind and embraced Varna in a hug.Prakash and Karuna knew.What Varna must be feeling.

As the cars reached the gates of bungalow.Reddy family welcomed the new bride of the house.Nandini accompanied Ramya.Who was feeling much better now.Shivani welcomed her daughter in law.Kissing her head.

Vivaan and Ramya took everyone's blessings.The love and warmth Ramya was getting from her new family.Gave her relief from nervousness much.They were to sit to complete some more rituals.When it was dinner time.And after they were asked to retire to room.

Sh-"Nandini.Please take Ramya to her room.She must be tired from morning.Have to wake up early for some rituals.Then we have to board flight in evening."

Nandini took Ramya upstairs to room.Specially decorated for newly weds.Vivaan was already there with his cousins making a ruckus.He looked tired.Irritated.Reyansh made sure to let the crowd get away.Vivaan thanked him.Pomising a bribe later.

Nandini made Ramya sit on bed.Left after wishing them both good night with a smile.Vivaan was relieved.He locked the door.Then looked at his wife.Who had an innocent face.

She stood up.With glass of milk on her hand.Both felt nervous.Vivaan gave sheepish grin.Then fixed his messed up hair.Confused what to do next.


I wanted to write more.This was getting too long.So lets continue in next chapter.

Thank you for your response on last updates.I loved the comments.

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