Chapter 25

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The final day started off.Shivani,Lata and rest of ladies of their house.Started with the rituals.In the early hours.Vivaan had hard time keeping his eyes open.Reyansh was laughing at his brother.getting glares from him.His time will come soon.

Shivany was applying turmeric on Vivaan's cheek.Lata equally busy with other ladies.Warding off evil eyes from him.Vivaan looked at them with confusion.He looked funny.Felt cold too.Shivering in that weather sitting.Without anything to wear on top.

Vikram and Satya were on other side.With the preparations.They have to leave for Shettys place soon in an hour or so.

V-"Mom.Why all this.I mean.I feel deadly cold.In this weather.Sitting like this and."

L-"Vivaan all these are rituals.Have to be followed.Sit quietly.You are getting married.Have to go through all rituals.So dont start cribbing already."

The ladies had a good laugh.Poor Vivaan was sulking.When they were done.He got up.

Sh-"Vivaan.Go and take some rest now.Then you have to get dressed."

Vivaan scratched his head.Then spoke in a cute way.

V-"Rest?Why now.Cant we all leave already.Its late."

Shivani widened her eyes and laughed.Lata pulled Vivaan's ears.Reyansh whistled from one corner.He was fixing flowers in the entrance.

L-"Akka.See how impatient our boy is getting.To get married."

R-"Dont worry Anna.Just about time.Anniie will be with you.

I mean with us."

Reyansh winked.Vivaan felt like hiding himself somewhere.He ran hand through his hair and.Rushed out of there.In embarrassment.

The Shetty house was on fire.The early rituals ended well.Karuna had her temper high dealing with Ramya.Priyamwada and Varna took care of everything.Ramya was sneezing a lot.From time she woke up.

Ramya sneezed.Karuna came to see her off.In her room.Priyam stood with everything ready to get the bride ready.

P-"Karuna Akka.Dont worry.I will take care here.You go and get ready.They will be here soon."

Varna sneezed rubbing her nose.When Karuna glared at her.Ramya sneezed this time twice.Priyam eyed her not to repeat.Ramya gave a helpless look.

K-"Thats why I say.These girls never pay heeds to my words.What was need to have picnic outside.At late night.I have to wake them up.By shouting in early hours.Found them sleeping on floor of terrace.My head hurts.So much tension."

R-"Aththai.It was my last night here and."

Another sneeze was enough to cross level of Karuna's temper.

V-"Aththai.Its ok.Just a bad cold.It will."

K-"Yes do whatever comes in your head.Varna you should have given in a thought.Its her wedding she is the bride.What if she falls sick.She already has."

Karuna blabbered some more words and made an exit from room.Ramya saw it from corner of her eyes.She high five Priyam and both laughed.Varna looked at them baffled.

Ramya was in her wedding saree already.A beautiful green color.Which suited her well.Varna was doing her hairs.Priyam started with make up.

Shivani took some kohl from line of her eyes.Put a small dot on her son's cheek.Marking an end to preparation of big day of his life.She was smiling in tears.Vivaan shook his head.Then cupped his mother's cheeks.

Sh-"My son is looking so handsome."

Vivaan touched everyone's feet.He was looking handsome in the white traditional wear.With the black dot on her cheek.For which he got teased badly.He liked simple things.Much persistence from his mother and aunt he.Had to wear the gold chain.

Reyansh looked no less handsome.In his dress for the special occasion.He came supporting his brother from behind.Adjusting Vivaan's stole.

R-"Not bad.Anna.You look deadly handsome.Annie is going to have hard time."

Vivaan tried not to blush.He couldnt wait to have first look of his bride.How would his innocent Ramya look as bride.

Their eyes turned.Nandini's parents came greeting Reddys.Vivaan nudged Reyansh.Who checked himself.If he was properly dressed.

V-"Oh.Look at whose trying to act prim proper now.

Where is your fiance."

Reyansh gave a cute blush.Playing with Vivaan's stole on shoulder.

R-"She didnt listen to me.She is coming from Annie's side.Said she has long association with them so.Send her parents here."

V-"My poor boy looks so.Sad.

Dont worry.Will meet her soon.Now listen.

You are not allowed to leave my side for a second."

Reyansh gave a baffled look.They were called for departure.


V-"Yes.I cant keep my eyes open.So.You better be with me or else.Oh.Your wedding date.Can be fixed next to next month.Or wait next year?"

R-"Anna.No.Okay I will do whatever you say."

V-"Good boy.Come."

Reyansh went ahead with a heavy heart.

Varna tied the last neck piece on Ramya's neck.Then fixed the small bindi on her head.Both sisters looked at their reflection in the mirror.They had a beautiful smile.Ramya touched Varna;s hand in her shoulder.Varna rubbed it feeling it cold.

R-"I cant.Breathe."

Ramya breathed deeply.Then felt her throat thirsty.

V-"Ramya are you alright?"


She got on her feet.With Varna's support.The dress was a bit heavy.Adding the accessories weight.

R-"Varna.I look so fat.Vivaan will run away."

Varna chuckled.Ramya's pout made her pull her cheeks.She heard shriek from Priyamwada.

P-"Dont Varna.Her make up will be ruined.Oh you girls."

Priyam was ready.Did some touch up to Ramya's face.

P-"Now refrain from touching"

She kissed Ramya's head.The trio took a selfie.

 The girls smiled and Priyam asked them to stand together.She clicked a picture of the duo.Shetty sisters in same frame. 

Karuna entered in her blabber mouth mode.Till she had a look at Ramya.She stopped.Her eyes were moist.She went to her.Ramya smiled.She was also in tears.


How do I look."

Ramya smiled checking herself.Karuna took some kohl from her eye and put small dot.On Ramya's cheek.She touched her head with affection.

R-"You are still angry with me.I will leaving.Whom will you scold now."

Karuna controlled herself.Ramya hugged her.It was getting emotional.

K-"I will always be there with you.Whether you are here.Somewhere else.Always closer to my heart.You both sisters.Are like my two eyes."

Ramya nodded and continued hugging.

Karuna took some kohl and put small dot on Varna's cheek too.

K-"We may find a Prince for this princess too.Looking so beautiful Varna."

She took both her nieces.Hug from both sides.Wiped her eyes.Asked Priyam to capture this moment.The girls smiled and Priyam asked them to stand together.She took a selfie.

P-"So emotional.

Karuna Akka.We better rush out.They will be here.Almost.

Varna you be here."

Ramya sat on her bed.Checking her bangles.Hand and feet.Then hair.Varna was getting Ramya's luggage ready.In one line all bags.

R-"Varna.You still havent gifted me anything.Its already wedding day."

Ramya yawned then checked the time.

R-"I feel sleepy.What if I doze off during wedding.Vivaan will be so embarassed ha ha."

Varna was busy with something in her hand.She touched the box.Then kept it safely inside her almirah.Then she went on to check.being called by someone.

The groom arrived with his family.Prakash received them along with other relatives.Karuna felt a pride.When heard everyone praising Vivaan.he looked like a Prince.

Some rituals were done.With smiles and fun interaction.Till Vivaan felt tired.Finally when he was made to sit on wedding dias.Reyansh was behind him.

He heard the sound of anklets.Then found his lady love looking elegant.Laughing with other girls.Standing with tray of garland in her hands.

V-"Rey.Go and find out.How long will it take.For Ramya to come.Wedding to start.I am getting bored.


Vivaan turned around and found Reyansh busy.With fool grin on face.Gazing at Nandini.Nandini felt the gaze and went away in shyness.

R-"Owh Anna.Please.Dont smack me here.What is someone sees."

V-"If someone catches you.Gazing shamelessly then."

R-"She is my girl so what.She looks so beautiful in saree."

They were busy fighting.When heard the hustles.Everyone was staring.At the direction.Ramya was coming.With Varna on one side.Priyam on other.Karuna standing with Prakash looking at their  doll.Who grew up so soon and was about to enter.New life today.

Ramya had her eyes down.Looking shy.She walked gracefully to the dias.Vivaan couldnt help himself.From staring at his bride.She looked a divine beauty.

He didnt blink his eyes.Lata coughed breaking his trance.She touched his head.And then Ramya's who was sitting beside him.

Ramya heard the priest.The moment started.For which she waited in her life.It was her wedding with Prince of her dreams.She felt nervous.With her hands shaking.Hard to breath.Till she heard his breath.

Her moist eyes met his.He conveyed through one look.Assured her he was there.With her from now on.Forever.She smiled.That moment was captured by Reyansh in his camera.He gave a thumbs up sign.

Prakash gave Ramya's hands to Vivaan.A rather emotional moment for.Father daughter duo.Vivaan gave him a look signifying he will be there to take care of her from this instant.

Vivaan and Ramya took each vow.Promising  each other.In their heart.And conveying through their eyes.He held on to her finger strong.She got strength from him.

He made her wear the toe rings.Ramya tried to hide her giggles.Karuna shook her head.Vivaan got her and smirked.While finished it off.With a wink.

He was given the wedding necklace.When he tied the knot on her neck.She felt tears making way down her cheeks.They were blessed with flowers.Karuna hugged Ramya from back.Shivani and Lata was also there.Vikram patted Vivaan's back.

The red vermilion was glowing on her head.She was married.To her man.It was pronounced.Completion of all rituals.

As everyone was busy.Teasing the newly weds.They touched elders feet.Taking blessings.Ramya's eyes searched for one person.In the crowd.She gave half smile.Still.Lingering her eyes.Where was Varna.From time all rituals started.She wasnt seen.

Vivaan looked at her asking if she was alright.She moved her head sideways.

Varna was upstairs.In their room.Sitting in one corner.Tracing the pic.Captured few minutes ago.She wanted to hide those tears.She never cried.Why they betrayed her each time.She gulped hard.Then she knew.Whats coming.She is parting her way.Its time to.Let her go.And difficult part was..With him.


This was believed to be more difficult for Varna than Ramya.Let's see what life  has in store for them :(

Vivaan Ramya are married.I tried best to keep this chapter simple.And special at same time.Hope you will like it.

Thank you for your comments.They give me a boost each time.I dedicate this part to all regular readers.Who take time to appreciate.And comment.This story is nothing without you.

Please do vote and comment.Silent readers.


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