Chapter 24

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The house was filled with guests.Yet an emptiness prevailed in hearts of family members.Relatives started coming.Wedding date just a day away.Rituals started off.

Prakash was in his room.Karuna was seeing the arrangements downstairs.He couldnt find his new shirt.He was exhausted in between the wedding preparations.To some relief he didnt have to visit office.

V-"Here.Aththai sent this."

Varna came inside her father's room.Kept the neatly ironed shirt on bed.She was about to leave.



Varna stared at her father in awe.She didnt knew how to react.It was like this always.She stayed mum.Heard someone calling her downstairs.

P-"Varna listen.

I am glad you are taking care of office work.It gave me chance to keep an eye on stuff here.This wedding is important for me.I hope we all know that.Thank you."

Varna gave a nod and went away.

She was climbing down the stairs.Her face became bright after seeing people dancing.Having fun.Music was played.Priyamwada was dancing in middle with other girls.Ladies were singing.In between Varna didnt miss to catch her sister having time of her life.

Ramya's smile brightened hers too.She looked so happy.She was getting henna designed on her hands and feet.Karuna was also participating.

The moments she wanted to capture forever.One thing hit her hard in all this.Few minutes a go the conversation she had with her father.He remembered how she made it possible for him.To free him doing arrangements for his daughter's wedding.Never did he mentioned how she was good and efficient at work.Will he ever do that.

Varna shrugged off the look from her face.Smiled and joined the gang.She didnt dance.Sat beside Ramya.

R-"Varna.Now its your turn."

The henna girl took her hand.Which she had taken back before.Karuna came and eyed her not to do so.

K-"Varna.Its also a part of ritual.You are bride's sister.Come on give your hand."

Varna scrunched her face.She hated sitting for long time.Getting that design on hand.No ways she was going to do this.Priyamvada came and had her hands behind her nieces.

V-"Aththai please.You know I feel.Frustrated sitting for this long.No from me."

P-"Varna.You cant say no.See how even I got in both hands.You are still young.See it for yourself.What will happen when you reach old age."

Ramya giggled.Karuna shook her head.

R-"Exactly.Okay go for a simple design please.For me?Its my wedding."

She couldnt say no to Ramya's pout.Sat there for some time.Making a face.

R-"Chittii imagine.Her wedding time.Poor husband.Will get whacked.During all rituals."

Varna glared at them.

Vivaan found his family on some different level.Dancing their hearts out.Even his father didnt budge from being left out.He joined the ladies.Showing moves.

Satya pulled Lata.Who shied away.Then danced.Reyansh was in middle.Trying to dance at his best.With ladies almost smacking him.he made his way to the groom.

R-"What is this Anna.Its your wedding and all are having gala time.Except you.Come."

V-"No no.Are you mad.I cant move like this.Iam better here.Clapping."

R-"Just a dance.Today is last day you are getting chance.Enjoy.Who knows what is your fate after Annie comes."

Reyansh winked at him.Vivaan pulled his ear.Shivani and Lata came to them.

Sh-"Vivaan.Dont stress yourself.And yes.You need to sleep early once the rituals finished.Remember you have to wake up early.The muhurtam is early morning at 4."

Lata pulled his cheeks and smacked Reyansh.Both left leaving brothers.

V-"Why do weddings have to take place in early mornings.I mean."

Vivaan scratched his head.Thought of waking up so early made him.feel lazy.And sleepy.Reyansh tapped his shoulder.

R-"Its okay Anna just a day.I can bet after tomorrow.You will lose out sleep."


Karuna,Priyam and Varna were setting everything for Ramya.Marriage was to take place early morning.They didnt want to take chance and set everything ready beforehand.Jewelry, dresses and all important stuff were scattered on bed.

Ramya and Varna's beds were joined making it as one double bed.It was last few weeks when they did.Bonding of sisters for last few moments.After which they wont get much chance to be together like this.

Ramya came out after taking off her henna.She widened her eyes at sight in front of her.Such heavy neck pieces.Bangles.Jewelry.Her head was already spinning.She bit her finger.Varna tapped her from back.

V-"Princess.Give me your make up stuff.Need to pack them.Other stuff are covered.This needs to.Ramya?"

R-"Aththai.I have to wear all this?"

K-"No.You will go like this.In wedding dias.Torn jeans and loose shirt.

This girl."

Priyam laughed kissing her niece's cheek.Ramya went to Varna who was packing her make up pouch.

R-"I wanted to wear lehenga.This saree will make me look more fat.People will laugh at me.These neck pieces are so heavy.What if I fall down."

V-"Your prince will be there save you from falling.I will capture the moment.Frame it.You can hang it on your wall of new home."


K-"You girls.Stop now.Ramya enough.A bride needs to be relaxed.Its a big day tomorrow.So sleep now without arguing.You have to wake up early then take shower.Get dressed."

Priyam came with Varna beside.She hugged Ramya from back who stood.With pout on face.

P-"Dont worry Karuna Akka.I will make this sweet bride ready on time.Thats my responsibility."

V-"Thank God.I can sleep some more time."

Ramya pulled her hand and got her on his side.

R-"No ways.You have to be with me.Every second.What if I get panic attacks.I cant imagine.How will the day pass."

V-"again started.I am feeling sleepy.Chitti you manage."

K-"Okay.Good night.Priyam come.I have to discuss few things."

Priyam and karuna left.Now Shetty sisters were in room.Varna cleared everything on bed.Made the bed tidy.Keeping pillows.And quilts.Ramya was standing one corner.With face down.

Varna came to her.took her hands and found the color of henna already dark.

V-"This looks so pretty.Show me your feet."

Her smile faded off.When she felt something wet on her hand.Ramya's tears.She hugged Varna and burst into tears.Varna rubbed her back.Confused.

V-"Whats the reason now."

Ramya faced her.Wiping her face in cute manner.

R-"I dont want to leave this place.Appa.Aththai.My home.

I dont want to leave you Varna.We came to this world together right.Took first step together.Learnt everything together.Lived together till now.How can we live apart?You think its possible."

Varna's heart churned with an unbearable ache.She controlled the lump on her throat.faked a smile.Making Ramya sit on the bed.

V-"Listen you.No need to get emotional last moment.Why did you say yes jumping around.Still time.Say no.Your Prince will find some frog and get married."

Varna winked.Ramya covered her open mouth with hand.

R-"No.I thought it would be easy.But Vivaan.He cant live without me.Oh.How can I make choice.Why do I have to."

V-"Because you are stupid.Just getting married.Not leaving this place forever.There is nothing called impossible in life.Remember Ms Shetty."

R-"Will you be able to live without me?"


When I didnt.I mean.My official tours."

R-"I know you cant.Dont fake."

Ramya pinched herself hard.Varna shut her eyes.Bearing the pain.It pained her.She didnt say a word.

R-"you love hiding your feelings dont you.I worry a lot for you.Who will be here to take care of you.Varna.Come with me.We will live together.I will convince Vivaan.he wont say no."

Varna gave a horrified expression.

V-"You serious?He will jump off the well.Haha ."

Ramya opened the door of balcony.Went there.In cool breeze.Her hair was open.She felt Varna behind her.Stroking her hair.

R-"You wont miss me."

V-"You know me so well.Brat."

Ramya hugged her.Varna closed her eyes.She didnt knew how she is going to prepare herself for this.

V-"its okay.Wont be that hard.Just ask your husband not to dump me.If ever I visit your place.Or you can come over here.Right.Once a month."

R-"No.Once a week."


Varna tried to pull Ramya inside.She didnt wanted to.She frowned and stayed there like a stubborn kid.

V-"get in.Aththai will be angry.We need to wake up early."


I want to do something."

V-"Dont tell me.You feel like having blueberry ice cream now.because I am not going to climb down pipe at this hour."

Her face softened.Finding Ramya shaking her head.

A while later.Ramya and Varna were seen.Beside each other.On soft mattress on the balcony floor.Hands entwined.Fingers getting a fix hold on each other.Just like they had when they were born.

They were watching the stars.Ramya sneezed.Varna did same.

V-"Swear,you are going to get us killed tomorrow."

Ramya smiled lightly.Then gazed back at stars in the sky.Varna looked at the sky.This is something they used to do in childhood.Whenever they were upset.Angry or sad.Both sisters had way to calm themselves.Under the stars they had seen all moments of their life.Sharing grief,pain,laughter and happiness.

It hurts to think it will be gone.Varna and Ramya will be separated.

R-"Varna.Remember.Aththai told us once.Amma has become a star."


R-"Is she watching us from there.On my big day."

V-"She must be."

R-"It would have been.So nice if she was here with us.Why did she leave so early.I miss Amma."

V-"Some questions do not have answers.Better if we.Embrace what we have with us.She is there.Looking at us.Blessing us."

Ramya bumped her head with hers.Then opened her eyes.

R-"You have to promise me something."

V-"What now"

R-"You will get married in Hyderabad.Stay there.Then we can be together."

Marriage was far thing to be discussed.Varna laughed.Ruffled Ramya's hairs.

V-"when will you grow up Ramya.Life isnt that easy.It has its part of.Course.Needs.And.Outcomes.We are no one to decide that."

R-"I dont understand your philosophy.Tell me.I will find guy for you then."

V-"Okay.We will see it then."

The silence.Said a lot.In many ways that night.Ramya was sleeping.They were still in same position holding hands.Varna had her eyes wet.She looked at person lying beside her.Same face.Was she a reflection of hers.Can people live without heart.What if it stops beating.

Varna couldnt express herself.To her own self.Tears made their way out of her eyes.The night was witness to it.She held on to Ramya.Tightly.Her heart was beating fast.

V-"Why is so difficult."

She tried to let go of the void pain.When it hit her hard.Were things going to be changed.Why does she have the feeling.They wont be same anymore.What was next chapter bringing in their lives.

Ramya tossed and turned on other side.Facing her back to Varna.Varna did the same.Both were at a distance.Something pulling them from inside.Ramya heard a message on her phone.Which was under the pillow.

She checked it with half sleepy eyes.One eye open.Blushed.

"Sleep tight.Princess Ramya.

Few more hours.For you to become Mrs. Ramya Vivaan Reddy."

She couldnt stop herself.from melting at the wink emoticon at the end of message.He would be her husband in few hours.So strange.

Varna and Ramya slept.After some time.The night was one for the sisters.Cherishing old memories.The times they fought and laughed.Being with each other.Like a strong pillar.The morning would decide the fate of their lives.It was really strange.Was such fragile their bond.If the strength lets them overcome every step ahead.


A much needed chapter dedicated to the sisters.I felt so sad writing this.My heart goes for both Ramya and Varna.How will they survive without each other.

The other characters in this story can be imagined.To be played by anyone.Except the central ones.So.I won't have any problem if you imagine some other face as Shakti.or whoever it is.Its the story that matters.

Do not forget to vote and comment.



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