Chapter 36

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Another week passed.With each day.Ramya felt more scared.Tensed and her hormones.have not been on her side too.She felt hungry.Irritation and need to vomit.Had to take care.Saving herself from everyone's eyes.It was normal day when.She wasnt feeling well.Thought to go out for some time.So that her mood becomes normal.On her way back home.Bought a packet of chocolates.Opening wrapper.She had one.

She reached door of her house.Frowning her brows.No one came hearing door bell.When she was ringing it.For quite number of times.She took her phone.Dialing land line number.Door opened with a boom.She heard.


Her mouth was left open.In shock.Reyansh and Nandini were at door.Welcoming her.Then stood in line.Vikram,Shivani,Satya and Lata.All giving her a hug.Presence of next two people.Widened her smile.She broke into tears.Seeing Karuna ad Prakash.Went on to hug them tightly.Prakash kissed her head.Karuna pulled her cheeks.

Nandini and Reyansh came to them.Getting everyone.In center.The house was decorated with.Colorful balloons.A big cake was placed.In table.

Ramya covered her mouth.With her hand.With eyes brimming in tears.Karuna wrapped her arms around her.Prakash was also in tears.Ramya looked at everyone.Still in confusion.

R-"Whats the ocassion.

Aththai.Appa.Im so happy to see.You.But."

Vikram came forward to her.Shivani eyed him.

Sh-"Ramya.We should be asking you.About ocassion.

Why couldnt you tell.This to us.Dont you consider us.As family."

N-"Iam a doctor.Ramya.

Should have told me.Least.So exciting.First case from family."

Reyansh smacked his wife's head.

R-"Annie.This is not done.

If not us.Then there is one person.Who deserved to know news.Anna.

Come out."

Ramya turned her head.Find her husband looking handsome in black.He was walking to her.With smirk on face.She gulped hard.fearing him.When her back hit.Shivani.She touched her cheeks.Kissing her head.Ramya was in tears.

Sh-"No need for tears.Ramya dear you dont know.

How happy you made.Us with this news.My Vivaan is going to become father.This has news for me.A new member is coming to family."

Ramya broke down into tears.Hiding herself in Shivani's arms.All felt sad.Seeing her in this state.Vivaan shook his head.Coming forward to handle.His emotional brat.

V-"Did you see.Appa.Karuna Aththai.

How bad your daughter.Thinks of her husband.Scared to.Give him bestest news.Of his life."

Ramya raised her head.To look at Vivaan.He came to her.Cupping her cheeks.Pinched her there.She flinched in pain.Shivani and others gave them privacy.Moving to table area.

V-"Brat.what did you think.I will scold you.

Mad at you.For what reason?"

She sniffed.Wiping her nose and cheeks.Which got red.

R-"for getting pregnant.You said you dont.Want.I was scared.

You will throw me.And baby out of house."

He pinched her cheek hard.And nose too.Then pulled her ears.

R-" hurts."

V-"Do you know how it feels.Idiot.What are you made of.

This.Has to be.Something.I never experienced in life Ramya.A feeling I cant explain.I will forever be indebted to.You for.Showing me this day.Most precious gift of my.Life."

She hugged him.Hiding her face in his chest.Crying more.He was in tears too.Kissing her head.He touched her stomach.Feeling a different emotion.Others watched them.Blessing the couple.Reyansh nudged Nandini's shoulder.

R-"Nandu.Anna looks so happy.I have never seen him.

Like this."

N-"Of course Rey.he is going to become.Father.

Biggest news of happiness."


when will you make.Me happy."

He blushed like girl.nandini laughed seeing her  husband.He made a face.

R-"care to act like.Wife.Sometimes?

Blush.Give me news soon."

He tried to hold her hand.She smacked him.Running away.

Meanwhile Ramya rubbed her face and.Nose in Vivaan's shirt.he gaped at her.She made pout.he wiped her tears.

V-"Congratulations.Mrs. Ramya."

R-"Congratulations.Mr Vivaan."

They giggled.Soon called for cake cutting.Ramya was made to stand in middle.All clapped as she cut the cake.Feeding every one.By turns.She took two pieces for herself.When Vivaan caught her hand.

V-"Ramya no.

From now on.Strict diet.Only healthy food."

R-"How mean.I need to eat more now.

You know needs food."

He made her sit on chair.Getting plate of cake away.She glared at him.

V-"baby needs food.Not garbage.

Come on.I have asked Nandu.To make chart for you."

The rains were not going to stop.Since an hour or so.Bad weather and network problems made Varna.Angry and restless.Shakthi got two mugs of coffee.They were seated in their favorite place.A small cafe which have become special for them.Lately.He watched her.Then rains.Weather was apt for romance.But poor him he would take sip from mug.Look at his girl.In a bad mood.

Sh-"Varna calm down.Network problem is there.

You wont get.To call.try later."

Varna gave him stern look.Felt like banging her.Phone in table.Shakthi widened his eyes.Looking around.

Sh-"Madam.Sorry Iam not rich enough.Like you or your father.If you break table.Things here then who will pay.For loss.I have to sell my.Broken bike.That would cost."

Didnt she knew.This man can make her smile.In odd situations.She caught his head.Looked at coffee.With a smiley face.Drawn on it.

V-"You are mad.Do you know."

Sh-"mad in love.Or something else.


She looked back at her phone.Avoiding his words.He sipped his coffee.

V-"This girl.Always careless.Why is she not taking.My calls."

Sh-"She must be busy.All are there."

Varna bit her lips.She couldnt tell anyone.How bad she was feeling.From time she got news.Of Ramya's pregnancy.Keeping her own self aside.her heart knew one way.running to her sister.Taking her in a hug.The baby would be special.Like Ramya has been.For everyone.For her.Their life will witness.Someone new soon.Tiny and fragile.She smiled.Unknowingly.Watched by Shakthi.

She wanted to go with Karuna and Prakash.Someone had to stay in office.With big meetings taking place.For day.Prakash trusted her.Giving her word.They will handle Ramya.But Varna knew.when it comes to.Ramya.She wont take from anyone.She wants Varna.From then on she has been.Trying her number.

Sh-"Its okay.She will understand."

Shakthi touched her hand.Bringing her back.She took deep.breath as usual.Hiding her real feelings.Trying Ramya's number again.

Ramya came out of washroom.Washing her face.After throwing up whatever.She ate.She felt better.But exhausted.When heard her phone.She walked slowly to get it.Then sat on bed.With closed eyes.She mumbled a hello.

When she heard other person's voice.She got sudden.Strength.Clutched on to phone.Breaking into sobs.

R-"Bad Varna.I dont like you.

You are mean.Forgotten me so easily.Months you didnt talk to me.Now when I am becoming new.You didnt come.Everyone came.You changed Varna.Dating Shakthi.I will screw him.Let him come in front of me.he made you forget me."

Varna smiled.Not minding words from her.Hyper sister.She laughed.Seeing Shakthi trying to read conversation.Poor him getting brunt.After whole session Ramya was done.Fell down on pillow.Losing strength.

V-"Are you done?

Princess Ramya.What to do.Sorry.

We have to work.Under your Appa's instructions.He had to go.Ramya.To meet you.cant leave everything here.I will meet you.Soon."


You have to come.Tomorrow.No I will come.Iam coming this week.I want to talk.About so much with you."

Varna shut her eyes.Her heart was busting with thousands of emotions.It was true she maintained distance.From Ramya willingly after marriage.For reason was known to her.Why did she have to.Let go of her sister.Who was her soul.Life can be tough for her.All time.She gripped on her emotions and spoke.With a balanced tone.

V-"You wont come here.Ramya.It.

You may need to rest.Now Since.

Congratulations.Can I believe.Baby is going to have.Another baby."

Ramya giggled on other side.She sat with her legs up.Talking.What not.Sharing details with Varna.When Varna announced she has to leave now.Before promising her.To visit her soon.Asking her to rest and.Take care of herself.

Ramya heard line.On other side.Dead.Crying again.Wiped her tears from face.Touching two hearts.On chain in her neck.When her eyes fell.On her husband standing.With arms crossed.Near the door.She lowered her gaze.Biting her lips.Vivaan came to her.Cleaning her face.She hugged him.He knew.It was difficult for her.Slowly things would be fine.

Prakash and Karuna left for Chennai.Same night.After bidding tearful farewell.To Ramya again.Reyansh ,Nandini and Vivaan.Made her smile.With their lame jokes.And antics.Satya also participated.With dinner.Becoming get together with lavish meal.Ramya was given special.Treatment.

Vivaan was getting read to go to bed.He gave Ramya her vitamin tablets.Kept glass of water on side.He kissed her hand.She looked at him.Both were soon.Cuddled on bed.As he switched off light.She rested her head on his chest.He was careful.From now making her.Comfortable.he stroke her hair.Trying to make her sleep.

R-"Vivaan.How did you come to know.

About.My pregnancy."

V-"Want me to tell.You?"

She raised her head.facing him.Pinching on his cheek.He glared at her.she then kissed same place.Making him kiss her lips.She opened his shirt buttons.Resting her head deep there.

R-"When did you come.To know.

What was your first reaction."

V-"I came to know.That day only.

When Dr. batra called me.To inform about your reports."

Her face fell.With mention of reports.He sensed it.He continued patting her back.She gripped his shirt in fear.

V-"He informed me.You are expecting.We done your tests few weeks ago.

How can I miss such.Important thing.Seeing your sudden.Behavior.Sickness.And.I was angry with you.When come to know.You made visit to hospital.Without informing anyone.That was wrong.Ramya.Why did you do that."

She felt bad.Knowing how wrong she was.Fear made her do so.

R-"I was scared.Told you.

Sorry.I will say sorry.To everyone.Doctor was good.Do you know what she said.Vivaan I will have no problems.In having baby.He will be healthy.Not like me.Born with weak heart."

Vivaan kept looking at her face.Which changed colors.He could see her pain.She wanted their baby.Not to be like her.When he wanted.To be just like her.He kissed her head.Rubbing his thumbs.On her cheek.

V-"Nandu works on that hospital.How did it slipped.From your mind.

She got to know first.Came to me.I was very angry.But news itself was.Made me.Happier.I wished to hug and kiss you.Right then.We had to plan surprise.Before I do this."

He leaned for a kiss.Letting it last for few seconds.She frowned at him.he shook his head.

V-"From now on.

I wont bear.Any carelessness.Towards your health.Understand.Brat."

R-"yes husband."

She giggled.But then became serious.

R-"What did Dr Batra say.

Any complications.?"

She bit her lips.Expecting some bad news.When felt his lips.On hers again.He brushed his nose with hers.In a second he took her hand.And made it rest on her stomache.Both felt their baby.Together.Experiencing.Bliss first time.She nuzzled closer to him.he smiled.

V-"baby is special Ramya.

Who cured you.Us.Your health have showed.Miraculous improvements.Even Uncle was shocked how.Power of our love.

And.Vivaan magic.See?"

She smiled through.Tears.Kissing him.Number of times.

R-"Your love healed me."

He rested his head.Near her stomach.Giving her a cute smile.She giggled.Feeling ticklish.They were happy.To embrace coming days.Fill their lives with happiness.It was just beginning of.Their dreams.Vivaan knew and.Ramya knew.Wished if fate would knew.


I love Ramya.She is bundle of cuteness.such a blessing.

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