Chapter 37

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Amidst the loud claps.All guests gathered.having eyes on them.being on center.Varna felt her nervousness rising.Palms getting sweaty.She used her hand.To iron her traditional white and red saree.Gifted by Shakthi and his family.

Shakthi slipped ring on her finger.His eyes hinting.Something towards her.he looked handsome.In white traditional attire.She looked at his eyes.As he kept on holding her fingers.Being teased and blushed.

Varna came out of her thoughts.Then slipped the ring on his finger.Soon claps were heard again.Karuna came to give sweets to both of them.Varna Shetty was engaged.Going to get married to Shakthi Ranganathan soon.

The news was shock for everyone.As soon as decision was taken.Prakash and Karuna were most happy.Varna was finally looking forward.To life without taking a stop.Seeking for happiness.Shakthi was an amazing guy.Perfect partner for Varna.No one had doubts.

The first person to gran Varna for hug.Was none other than.Her sister.Ramya was in sixth month of her pregnancy.She was happy for her sister.Always after pulling Shakthi's leg.Since got to know about engagement.Vivaan came a head to congratulate newly engaged couple.Shakthi shook hands with him.Then a formal hug.As he moved to Varna.She became conscious.Keeping herself busy with fake smile.At people and Vivaan extended his hand to her.Both shared an awkward moment.When she accepted.Shaking lightly hands with him.

V-"Congratulations Varna.

Happy for you both."

Varna mumbled a thanks.Photoshoot started.Ramya being herself eating head of.Photographer team.Making everyone laugh at her antics.Vivaan had to hit his head.Handling his pregnant wife.Every time making her remember.She had another life inside her.For which she needs ot be careful.

The Shettys and Reddy were busy.Shakthi's family was known to almost.People in business circle.His father was respectable businessman.Brother and sister in law were also nice people.Prakash was relived they would.Keep Varna happy.

Reyansh was having drink.Sitting in one corner.Nandini found her husband.She has been looking for.

N-"Rey you are here.I have been looking for you.Cant stop drinking.Here too.

Mom is asking for you."

She looked at him.With an expression she didnt get.Reyaansh gave a nod.Kept on sitting in same place.He had his eyes.On stage where newly engaged couple stood.greeting guests.

R-"Nandu cant you see something.Amiss.Looks weird to me."

N-"What.You and your weird tales."

R-"Iam serious.

Do you think Varna is happy with this.She doesnt look like.

There is something missing.From her face.Happiness.Which you expect for bride.Is she happy

with this alliance?"

N-"Of course Rey.She must be.

Both know each other for time.Its love marriage."

R-"Is it?

I dont know.Doesnt convince me."

N-"Its very difficult to understand Varna.Rey she is not like Ramya.

From seeing face you can read anything.She is Varna.It takes courage and.Patience to understand whats going on her mind.Undoubtedly Shakthi.Is one for her.I can see him.In his eyes its all love for her."


Thats what I cant see.In her eyes.For him.

Come lets go."

Nandini's smile changed.Reyansh went from there.She felt same.Trying to read expression on Varna's face.Somewhere she has seen.Same thing which her husband.Was talking about.But maybe they were.Being too judemental.There was nothing to worry about.

Vivaan was trying to make.Ramya have juice.With stern expression on face.She didnt feel like having it.Her mood swings started earlier.Till now it has already been.Roller coaster ride for him.He had to say.Ramya was girl.With patience and.Submissive.When she needed something.She would say openly to him.But taking care of.His needs and wishes first.In these months of pregnancy.She never forced him.Or made his work suffer.because of her health.Such was his darling Ramya.

V-"Ramya if you are not having this.Then Iam taking you back.Next morning itself.

Thats it."

She took glass immediately.Made a sad face.Glaring at him.Finished the juice.He cooed her cheeks.

R-"This is cheating.You are every bad.Husband.

I will tell Appa.Stay here.Not go back with you."

Prakash arrived then.making both of them stand.Vivaan helped her to stand properly.Prakash touched her head.

P-"What did you wanted to tell me.Ramya."

Vivaan smirked at her.Eyeing her to go ahead.

V-"yes say Ramya."

She was caught in a fix.Bit her lips.Prakash kept on asking her.She stammered.Vivaan hid his smile.

R-"Appa.I.I wanted to say.

The arrangements were done.Well I loved them.Who did them.

Ask same for marriage."

Vivaan asked her.In naughty expression.

V-"Is that so Ramya."

She showed him tounge.Making a face.Leaving with Nandini as she came there.Prakash laughed at his daughter.Still acted like a baby.He had chat with Vivaan for some time.It was great help to them.Since Reddys arrived a day after.Vivaan,Ramya,Reyansh and Nandini came.They helped with all preparations.Glad Vivaan and Reyansh were there.

P-"I forgot to ask you in all this.Vivaan.Everything happened in hurry.

Date got fixed and.How is Ramya doing.Her health."

Vivaan smiled.Knowing well a father's concern.

V-"Dont worry Appa.She is fine.

A little weakness.Doctor has asked to take rest.And talk less."

Both laughed.Then talking about something else.

Later that night.Vivaan and Ramya were given guest room.Ramya had to stay with her family.For her sister's special ocassion.So Vivaan couldnt say no to her.His fmaily were at their house.While he was with his wife.

Ramya was done applying lotion on her hands.Vivaan just came back attending a call.He found her looking at him.Went to her.Pulling her cheeks.Kissing her head.

V-"What.Little brat

Why giving that.Scary look."

She held her baby bump.Walking to him.To bed.He played with her long plait.

R-"You are leaving tomorrow.

Didnt tell me."

Now he knew.Whats making her angry.He coughed.Settled his head on her lap.she pinched his arm.He faked hurt expression.

V-"Im not taking you.You can stay here for some time.

If you wish.Can stay till delivery.With your family.You will feel good.Mom was also suggesting."

R-"My family.I will stay here.

Without you?And Mom,dad,Lata aththai,Uncle, Reyansh and Nandu.Arent they my family too.Mad husband.Huh"

Vivaan widened his eyes.Laughing at her.She picked pillow.trying to vent anger on it.He got up kissing her cheeks.She was such chub.He loved playing with them.Annoying her.


Dont do this.Iam angry."

V-"when are you not.

Ramya.I can see.Varna is getting into Ramya.Dont.My baby will be born.Angry and always.Giving people scary.Impression."

He giggled.Soon getting beaten.By pillow.By his wife.Ramya pointed finger at his direction.Warning him.

R-"hey.Dont say anything about my sister.Okay.

Varna Shetty is best."

She touched her baby bump.Lightly rubbing her palm.Thinking something.

R-"I want my son.

To have traits like his.Chitti.Best at everything.Unbeatable."

Vivaan saw expression on her face.He felt blessed.Seeing her like this.Baby growing inside her.He couldnt wait to hold.Bundle of joy in his arms.Both will become parents.Which still feels like dream.He took pillow from her.Faking a cough.

V-"I see.So you decided already.

It will be boy.Too bad.I want girl.Just like Ramya.Naive,innocent and.Mad."

R-'What did you call.Me mad?you monkey.


She started hitting him with pillows.Karuna opened door.Seeing view.With an open mouth.Vivaan took pillow back.Both felt embarassed.She had glass of milk in hand.

K-"Ramya.Is this how.You raise hand at your husband.

Very bad.Says sorry.Husband is like."

R-"I raised pillow Aththai.

That also doesnt hurt him.So strong."

She had milk.Karuna hit her own head.Vivaan smiled.

V-"Its okay Aththai.

Cant argue with this brat.She gives me respects.More than enough and.Love too."

He mouthed kiss to her.Making her widen her eyes.Karuna smiled.Not seeing what was going behind.Ramya became red.He closed door after Karuna left.Came to do some romance.When found her getting up.Taking her stole.

V-"Where do you think.You are going."

R-"Sister time.

Been days I came here.Hardly spent time.With Varna.You sleep.I will be there tonight."

He made sad face.Dumping pillow on his face.She giggled.

V-"How mean.Leaving your poor husband.

Come to me.She will be busy.On phone."

R-"Varna and romance.

Last thing on earth."

Varna was standing in front of mirror.In washroom.Shower open and noise came out.From water flowing down.She stood like statue.Observing herself.New phase of life she was entering.Her head couldnt come in terms with it.Still she was in shock.And confusion.She traced ring on her hand.Shakthi just slipped this evening.

She bit her lips.Feeling hollowness inside her.She wouldnt budge to.Control war raging inside her.The somersault her emotions played.She took deep breathe.Slowly and then passing out.Looking at her reflection in mirror.Her sobs intensifying.Loudly and she cried her heart out.The water didnt let her voice.Go out and it subsided inside walls.Within herself.

She made her whole face wet.With tears and caught her head.It started paining.With run of emotions and.What she was doing.Why she was doing.Her ears heard.Priyam's voice again.When she called her to give.Engagement news as it got fixed.The decision she took.Surprisingly wasnt liked by Priyam.What she said disturbed her to no limits.That day Priyam.Said her some harsh but true words.

"Varna I cant se you in rruins further.Dont ruin him too.For giving yourself satisfaction.You are fine.Moving on in life.When its just settlement.With life.It stays there.Cant move forward.Cant become more than that.

Dont deceive Shakthi.Play with him.He is expecting love.You cant give love.Unless you erase.Memories of your past.Which is still in your present.You have someone else.Whom you are trying.To replace with Shakthi.Will it be easy."

After the conversation.Varna became more broken.From inside but she had taken decision.herself and stayed with it.Good or bad she wont disappoint anyone.Anymore in life.Life disappointed her in ways.She wont let it.

Do same with others.She will be happy.Having life of her own.Far from people.She wanted to go from.She is faking.Happiness if.Let it be.Marriage with Shakthi.Will be difficult.Not impossible and she would make sure.Rubbing her tears way.With strong face.She made oath to herself.She have to.


"Its easy to love.More difficult to let go of first love".Don't we know?

Varna is going through.Very hard time.Decision she made.Hope it gives her relief.Ramya and Vivaan are experiencing most beautiful.Phase of their life.

Thank you for love.Concern and demand for updates.Haha.I wrote this chapter.In less than hour.Call it madness.

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