Chapter 4

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*Do check out  the new cover :) 

Despite of being jet lagged he did not felt it necessary to stay at his place for even few hours.Vivaan Reddy was a stubborn soul.He sneezed twice and pulled down the window mirror of his side of car.The village was undoubtedly beautiful.

From taking flight Cape town he landed to Hyderabad and taking luggage.Next stop was a village in remote areas of Chennai.He knew he was in for some session from  his family.He can never avoid work and when it is for some good purpose.

Reddys has got a name when it comes to contributions for good work.He had to visit this village for some charity work.The poor people were affected by heavy floods and he came to make sure supplies were provided from their side.In good amounts and if he could be of any help.

"Sir you should have taken rest at home.This could have taken care by anyone."

Vivaan rubbed his nose which got slightly red due to bad cold.Tucked handkerchief neatly in his pocket.

V-"Kumar you know how important this if for me and Dad.My family reputation lies here.I dont want to take any chance."

He sneezed again and Kumar smiled at him with concern.

Health has been one reason for which he felt too disturbed to think about work.There was something else which Kumar didnt knew.A girl had nerve to push Vivaan Reddy to this extent.Ms Varna Shetty didnt turn up other day after promising coffee same place and time.Vivaan never felt insulted and a feeling of rejected.

Something wrecked him.If it was his ego or the audacity of girl.Who could have left message for not being able to turn up.Worst he had to wait for an hour or more the same place.He came to know she checked out of the hotel.Before he came.

A woman with ego and he hated them.Vivaan was clueless how he took such interest on one personality.Any case deal was made.Professional terms were different.

"Thank you so much Mr Reddy.Its all because of you nice people humanity seems alive this earth.People here can hope for tomorrow.All thanks to you."

Vivaan shaked hands with the person in charge of distribution.He was glad could be of some help.The villagers looked relieved and he personally showed interest to meet them.

V-"If you dont mind I would like to give them few things from my end.Some dry food items,clothes and something for children."

"Of course why not.Your father has been helping hand through your organization as well as the trust he opened here years ago.I am in charge of that.So I would have any how requested you.To meet them personally.There is also some one else just like you.With big heart.From last few months she comes here.Makes sure to contribute handful amount.for education of children.And those homeless.Come this way."

Vivaan gave a nod and made his way along with Kumar and helpers.He walked with slow steps taking care of his dizziness.Sneezed for quite few times.

"When she heard about tragedy people facing here.She had to come.Its been a relief for us.We were short of funds as well.Thankfully you also came right time."

V-"Would love to meet such person.Must be generous and kind enough."

Vivaan seemed to feel better.The fresh air and the greenery gave him much peace than city life.He always had on mind to go for vacation from his busy life.Somewhere he can breathe fresh and spend some time of his own.

"Yes that she is.The Shettys you must have heard about them.Mr Shetty is renown business tycoon from Chennai.But its his daughter who looks like taking legacy forward.Ms Varna Shetty.A heart warming personality.Self less girl."

Vivaan froze on his spot.When his eyes fell on the person standing at bit distance form him.His ears did not fail to recognize the name he heard.Inside was burning.Something struck him seeing that same girl.In a different look this time.He didnt want to remain aloof.For some reason he was being adamant for dislike towards her.

"Ms Shetty.Here I told you this morning.Mr Vivaan Reddy, will be here.Both of you have been helping together.Such rare occasion for us."

Kumar could recognize the tall and rigid personality lady.But he flinched when found Vivaan's eyes cornering him.He coughed and excused himself with distribution process.Vivaan and Varna were left in the scene.

Varna passed the last packet she had on hands to an old woman.She blessed her by kissing her on head.Varna smiled for a change.Vivaan stood with arms crossed.So she can smile too.How does it matter to him.He havent seen her do that.

Var-" see you again.Mr. ?"

He stiffened again at gesture that came from her.Tucked his shades inside blazer and spoke.

V-"Looks like you have very weak memory.Ms Shetty.Forgotten me easily we met few days ago if you remember."

Varna registered his tone on her mind.Smirked because she knew what he was referring at.She hasnt forgotten.

Both started taking small steps together.Didnt dare to look at each other.

Var-"I must be miffed with me.Mr Reddy."

V-"Arjun Reddy.In case you want to address me with surname.only."

Var-"That would do well for me."

Her body language and way of talking gets him a different thing every time.Unlike last time he was to develop strong dislike towards her.How his mind was not working on that.Instead it just poked him for something else.

V-"Professionalism is appreciated.How I wished keeping professional terms on mind you would have kept things.that way least."

He faced her with a smirk.Her eyes bore into his.They spoke something.Vivaan felt if he could stare at them and battle out right there.This lady was a mess and puzzle.He already knew.

Var-"Apology.if you want that from me?"

Varna now crossed her arms.Facing him with equal determined look on face.He smiled and looked around.

V-"Wish if I wouldnt have to say that.but if you insist then."

Var-"I had an emergency.had to leave .Moreover I didnt have it on mind.Why would a businessman like you lose out time.Waiting.You must have left within a minute or so."

Her helper passed her the bottle of water and she drank from it.Taking a pill.She had sever headache.Heat and exhaustion does that to her.

V-"You have such judgement skills.I am not at all.Pleased."

He let last word escape from his mouth in lingering tone.She could get the taunt that came on her way.Wiped her mouth and asked helper to leave.

Var-"I am sorry.being professionally connected I do have reason to apologize.If it makes you happy."

V-"could have left a note or message.All about impression you see."

She passed a sarcastic smile.

Var-"Sorry.I dont believe on creating impression specially how people perceive me.Anyways.Our companies are working together on this project.So I believe.Its better to let go.of whatever happened.Lets take a call?"

She extended her hand to him.He looked confused but shaked hands with her.The touch did something to him.Varna felt an unusual spark.Ignored and took her hand back.He gazed at her.

After meeting the people and spending some good was time to leave.Vivaan found Varna talking with someone.He already took leave and was waiting near his car.He stood there supporting his back and crossing arms.His eyes didnt leave her sight from time they had conversation.

It was his mind was commanding him to not let it get affected by the egoistic and rude nature.His heart was defeating commands.Every single time.He wore his shades.Kummar opened door for him.

Varna's car was beside his.Before getting in she chose to give him a look.Went to him.

Var-"It was nice having you around Mr Vivaan.Hope if we meet again.that be a pleasant and cordial meeting."

V-"Glad could make you register my name.Hopefully next time.It will be."


V-"A cordial and pleasantry exchange.Who knows."

Var-"good bye."

V-"Good bye.

Varna Shetty.A maze for me."

He preferred to get some sleep after journey back home.It was a very good saying nothing could comfort you like your own sweet home.Where your family resides.Next day was full rest for him.

Late evening Lata was serving tea to everyone in hall.Lata is Vivaan's father's sister.Her husband Satya Prakash remains busy mostly with his business.Travelling to countries.So she stays with Reddys.They have a son Reyansh two years younger to Vivaan.They were like best friends and could care least about age gap.

Vivaan felt fresh after taking  shower.Came down to see smiling faces of his aunt,father busy reading something.Mother too busy shouting on phone call.

L-"Vivaan good you are here.We were about to wake you up.How are you feeling now."

Lata gave him cup of coffee.He hugged her and got seated with others.

V-"Much better.Glad could catch some sleep.Travelling can be such horror."

Vikram Reddy ( Vivaan's father) spoke sipping coffee and having his eyes on book.

"Then why do you strain yourself so much son.Time is not running away,You have to match with it be it your health or work process."

Shivani was done with her call and gave stern look to her son.

V-"Please you all stop giving me that look.I am fine.I mean not first time I have gone out for work.It happens alright."

Sh-"Yeah it does.How do I make you understand when you are no less stubborn than your father.Genes of Reddys."

Vikram put his specs down done with the book.He joined them on conversation.

"That goes for you too Mrs Reddy.Mother after all."

L-"Okay enough with these healthy fights.Ahem Akka you wanted to say something.Say now."

Lata gestured something Shivani.Both were up to something.Vivaan sensed that.He munched on the snacks ad looked at his father.He shrugged his shoulders.

V-"What are you two up to now?"

Shivani made an innocent face and sit beside Vivaan.Lata came on other side.She massaged his hair and Shivani pressed his back.While Vikram got busy with snacks.

V-"Dad.I do smell something fishy."

L-"Oh Vivaan.Listen to us first.then you can decide."

V-"What is it?"

Sh-"Something regarding your life.At end its going to be your decision so .you know we wont force you for anything."

V-"Dad.get me out of this.big NO."

He tried to get out before gripped by both the ladies.Vikraam threw a challenging look at him.

V-"This is not fair."

Sh-"What is fair then?Making your family wait.Not taking such big decision of your life.Its just a small thing.say the girl and if you dont like then."

L-"Then we have options."

V-"Big and small at same time Mom.You serious?I told you guyz Iam.not ready for marriage yet."

Sh-"You are ageing.Why dont you say something Vikram."

VR-"Mm what can I say.Already fixed meeting this weekend.We are going.So"

V-" are also part of this.I dont believe this."

VR-"Whats the harm son.tell us.if you like someone else.We will get you married happily.Ask the lady brigade of this house."

Sh-"yes but.After meeting her.Tell me love someone?"

His face changed colors as he heard mention of word Love.Did he knew if it was love.It could be infatuation.Moreover he took it changed to strong dislike.He felt clueless.

L-"Vivaan.We are waiting come on."

He moved his head side ways.Went to stairs.When heard his mother.

Sh-"We have fixed meeting this weekend with nice family.Meet girl for our sake.then its your wish."

V-"I dont know.I am hungry.send me some food."

At night he was lazing around on bed.With phone on his hand.The profile of Shettys.Company details.Not like he was interested.What interested him he caught his breathe when the name and picture got his attention.

A smirk formed in his lips.He traced the picture and rested his elbow on the pillow.He switched the lamp on and off.Still remembering the previous meetings.Something was a miss he felt.Wish he could solve maze and know exact girl behind that rigid face.

It has become an ego for him also now.He wanted to defeat her and win in this.Challenge her.Wanted to get tangle in the mess himself.

V-"Unbelievable.Vivaan Reddy stop being impatient.

Hope to catch my business colleague soon.Some day.I am waiting.

A knock came on his door and he knew who it can be.He covered his face with pillow.Vikram entered and found him pretending to sleep.He shaked his head and ruffled his son's hair.Snatched pillow from him.

Vivaan gave him space to sit next to him.Vikram stared at his son.He can be such a kid at times.

VR-"So.Eligible bachelor and tycoon Vivaan Reddy."

V-"Dad please.You know I do see marriage in my life but at this stage.I am still unsure.Give me some time.To figure out."

He played with his fingers.Before felt pat by his father.Such was father and son conversations.

VR-"It happens and I am your father.Who knows you better than me.Your in the same position I have been years ago.Its ok.We are not forcing you.But think about it.Thinking wont harm anyone."

V-"You want me to accompany you their place and then?What if they like me and settle marriage damn no."

VR-"Vivaan stop being a girl.You are not show piece we will show you off and then fix marriage without your consent. me.You trust me?Your mother and family?Dont you."

V-"with my life Dad."

VR-"Cool enough.give it a chance.See the girl and meet family.Can be cordial meeting.What say.Like you do every day business ones."

He still looked unsure.

VR-"Shettys are a well known name and I have known them professionally some level.From Chennai but Prakash Shetty used to come for business purposes here quite often.Your mother met him and he knows our family.You were very small."

V-"What did you say?Shetty?"

VR-"Oh yes.My fault.You do know about them briefly.You fixed deal South africa instantly.We are working with them only.See what convenience."

Vivaan remained mum for few seconds.He got busy registering very fact his brain.Was he actually in reality.What was happening.Did he hear something wrong.

V-"Are you sure its same Shettys I mean.He got daughter.And"

VR-"yes he has this daughter and we want you to meet her once.Then you can decide.Well I think you should stop stressing your brain on that and get some sleep.We will talk later about this ok?Good night."

Vikram left the room and Vivaan slumped on the bed.He run his hand through hair and coy smiled came on his lips.He took his phone back and checked something.Varna's cold and intriguing eyes were a challenge for him.

He rested his head on pillow and played with the phone.He could remember the meetings and every word that came from her mouth.

V-"Ms thats interesting."

Soon he heard beep from his messenger and it was his mother only.A picture she sent taking time to load.

"Dear Son she looks beautiful.Give it a thought :( "

He could laugh at this and then what made him lose his breathe was.The picture.

V-"Vivaan you are in for a mess."

He kicked the pillow and spent rest of night in thoughts.


Thank you so much for the comments and appreciation.Glad you are liking the story.Those who have confusion this is flashback both Vivaan and Varna are thinking about their past.

Lets see how Ramya comes in to the picture in flashback.Happy reading,


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