Chapter 5

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Meet Ramya Shetty.

A beautiful mind,open heart and care free girl.

R-"I believe in living life full.Till end of time.Spread love and search for love.Who knows you may get some one who has been ready to fill your life with happiness like never before".

Ramya danced away with all her friends.Till they felt like giving in.Calling it a night.It was Trisha her best friend's birthday.She made friends from every corner.People love to gel with her because of her positive attitude towards life.The way she spreads kind of vibes.It makes every one happy.

She was packing her bag.One week she has been in Hyderabad.She was to leave a day ago but she didnt wish to skip best friend's birthday and also the party with friends.

Ramya sings very well.She has a sweet and seductive voice.Thats what her friends tell her.

"Ramya why do you have to leave like this.Stay few more days."

She smiled at her bestie and pinched her cheeks.

R-"Wish I could stay longer honey.You know Appa ( Dad).He will be mad at me.If I disobey his order."

Trisha crossed her arms and gave her a look.

T-"Please i cant believe this.Your appa being mad at you.You are apple of his eye.We do know how he doesnt leave you for a day.Have to convince him so hard for this trip."

Ramya smiled remembering her father.He is some one who never gave her chance in life to ask for anything.He would bring moon and stars for her she felt at times.The best father a daughter can get.

T-"Madam where are you lost."

R-"Done with packing.And yes Appa does everything to make me happy.He is the best.We havent seen our amma.But you know he has been the one for us.Never gave us chance to miss her.Gave us equal love and warmth."

T-"Yeah.You and Varna are very lucky.By the way where is she.Its been long got to see her.You and your sister are twins for name sake.I mean do look alike.Nature wise so different."

R-"I know.When we were small we used to fool around with people.Giving them hard time.No one could recognize whose Varna and whose Ramya.Even Appa used to find it difficult.but with time.I felt she just went far from me."

Trisha kept a hand on her shoulder and Ramya shrugged away her thoughts.

T-"So any plans ahead?Back to Chennai.Your exhibition went well here and paintings were fabulous.Uncle must be happy."

R-"Yeah I told him.Dont know about plans but.Appa.Has someone.He wants me to meet the guy's family for.Marriage."

Ramya played with her hands.Trisha jumped on her back getting excited.

T-"I see.Damn.Ramya Shetty getting married.This sounds exciting."

R-"Please.I dont know.I mean.I feel weird and nervous.What if they dont like me.I dont want to disappoint Appa."

T-"Listen you have to marry.Not Appa.Mind you see the guy first how he looks.Any bad habbits and if he is rich?"

R-"Relax.Just in talks now.Trisha I dont think guy with such qualities will ever find me appealing.I mean think about it.A tycoon with good looks and brilliant degrees why would he wish to marry a girl like me with zero eye cue.Who couldnt achieve much in life."

T-"Oh Ms Shetty dont start this again.Ramya degrees and achievements are not everything in life.One can look for heart and a bond which plays role in marriage.You have got this clean and sincere heart.How can a guy not wish to be with you.You look hot too."

Ramya laughed and hugged her friend.Deep inside she felt nervous.She would be last person to disappoint her father.


Vivaan brushed his hair and checked himself in the mirror.He hated going out for such parties after work.He wasnt workoholic but has his own limits.If it was not his childhood friend Satish's birthday he wouldnt have spared time to go and meet him.He will be leaving town soon.So he wished to meet him before that.

He took keys of his car and went downstairs.everyone passed a look to him.with teasing smiles.Dont know what went wrong with these people after the kind of gave nod to meet the girl this weekend.Well he had a lot of things to handle now.Better to leave them.

Trisha had to pull Ramya inside the crowd and get the uneasiness out of her.Ramya looked nervous when she wasnt one of kind.She bit her finger and then looked around.There were guys and girls dancing like mad people.Alcohol loud music and everything required in a pub.

R-"You are.going to bring my death.What if Appa gets to know.I lied to him about your bad health and staying over for the night.You got me here in a pub?"

T-"Its ok.chill.We will leave in an hour or so.Sanjeet will drop us back home.Enjoy for now.Who knows if you get to see hot stud here.See.There are many."

R-"I will kick you.Hot stud.Right."

t-"Oh I see.already made up your mind for the tycoon guy."

Trisha winked at Ramya and she just made a face.A while later she did involved herself with dancing and enjoying.

Vivaan parked car outside.Fixed his hair and met one of his friends out.He did party in his time with friends.But he didnt prefer pubs and discos to be a fun and enjoyable place.He liked calm and quiet places.

He met Satish and wished him.

S-"Come on Vivaan dont tell me.You are still keeping away from alcohol.A drink wont harm much."

V-"Yeah.There is nothing like that.I am just not in mood.You guys enjoy."

He took a fruit punch and settled on the counter.It was nice for a change but the environment didnt please him much.Girls barely in clothes and clinging to guys.Few losing their senses and Vivaan caught his head.If people knew how to have privacy.

"Excuse me.Water please."

He was paying attention to the music but amidst a voice hit him.He felt confused first.If he knew whom it belonged to.

Ramya gulped down the water and left to the dance floor.When Vivaan turned around he didnt find anyone.

V-"Must be my illusion.I need to keep that girl out of my mind.For sanity."

He was done with the punch when Satish called him on dance floor.He showed through his hand he was fine sitting there.

It was late and Ramya and Trisha were found standing outside pub.trisha was calling Sanjeet and Ramya looked scared.

R-"What happened?he didnt receive your call.I told you.You didnt listen to me.Ho are we going to leave for home now.This place.Its so.unsafe and."

T-"babe relax.We can make it to home.Let me look for taxi."

Trisha went ahead.Ramya held her bag closer to her chest.She bit her lips and felt tensed from inside.

R-"taxi at this hour who will bring taxi here.I shouldnt have listened to her.Appa will lock me up inside house if he gets to know.Ayiyoo.Save me God one last time."

She opened her eyes and found a pair of luring eyes at her.She got alert and moved away.Three boys looked heavily drunk were approaching her.She gulped down saliva and looked for Trisha.She wasnt back yet.

"What happened Ms.Need any help?"

Other guy kept hand on his shoulder and spoke.

"Cant you see she needs help.We can help you out if you want."

Ramya kept a stern face.

R-"No thank you.I can manage."

She was about to leave when the guy caught her wrist.She got scared and her bag fell down from hands.She tried to struggle and take her hand bag.When the guys surrounded her.

"Whats the hurry baby.Come we will drop you home.after having some fun."

R-"Leave me."

Ramya was on verge of tears.She called for Trisha.When a pair of hands held on to hers and drifted her apart from the guys.She had her eyes closed.

V-"This is problem with snobs like you.If someone says No have to take that as No and get lost."

The guys tried to indulge in a fight with the savior of hers.When she opened her eyes she got to see the man alone fighting out the creeps and they went away saving their lives.

Ramya was yet to see the person's face.He finally turned around and she was in for a toss.Heavenly features and tall framed body.He fixed watch on his hand and wiped sweat off his face.She kept on looking at him without blinking an eye.

Trisha in time came and found the mess.

T-"Oh God.Ramya are you alright.Sorry Sanjeeth is here.Actually I.Ramya?"

It didnt took Vivaan a second to recognize the same face.How can he not when been troubling him for heaven sake.He didnt look pleased and approached the ladies.Kept a stern look and spoke.

V-"Didnt knew how many looks I will get to see you on.Practically speaking wasnt expecting you like this.But well.

Huh.Freedom and so called independence."

He frowned and Ramya was still lost.Trisha nudged her getting her out of her thoughts.

T-"Do you know him?"

R-"?No.I.He.saved me.

Thanks.If you wouldnt have been there then."

Vivaan paused for a second and then observed her carefully.How did she managed to change from that formal look (first day) to the saree (in village) and then today in modern wears ( with braid and new hairdo).More he wanted to solve this maize more she traps him.

V-"I am obliged by your apology.At least you cared to.Unlike.Last time.

Anyways Ms Shetty.May I drop you."

T-"No its ok.We will manage.We have our friend coming.Come Ramya."

Trisha thanked him again and almost dragged Ramya out of the sight.She was in a daze.How can a guy look so dreamy and perfect.

Vivaan had his hands on his waist and fumed.

V-"Again.Insulted me.Left without even saying a word?Aint worth it.

I do wish to teach her a lesson.But wait.Varna Shetty see how I do that now."


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