Chapter 6

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Few things to be cleared : 

*Vivaan and his family live in Hyderabad.

**Shettys are from Chennai.

Prakash laughed at his daughter as the whole house felt getting life back with her entry.Ramya rushed to him and gave him a hug.Then went to touch her Aththai ( father's elder sister) Karuna's feet.

K-"Ramya slowly.You are like a storm.While leaving and now coming back."

R-"Oh Aththai you are getting old.Thats why jealous of my jet speed mode."

K-"Prakash see your daughter."

He patted Ramya's head and sided her.Both gave hi five to each other with naughty grin.

Karuna was Prakash's elder sister.She believed in old traditions and going for age was strict.After Prakash wife death she helped him alot with both Ramya and Varna.Loves them as her own daughters.

P-"How was your trip?And here something for you.Because Iam super proud of my daughter.Your paintings were really good I heard."

He gave her a small box.Ramya opened it with child like excitement.A pair of shining diamond ear rings and she hugged her father.

R-"I love you Appaa.This is so beautiful."

P-"Not more than my daughter."

R"but Appa I didnt do this big thing to be rewarded like this.I mean only few paintings and they got very average response."

Her face fell and Karuna eyed Prakash leaving the duo alone.

P-"Ramya.Creativity has its own flow.Who says you have to see how many liked.You tried and you believe on your skills thats more than enough.I am proud of my daughter."

Ramya rested her head on his shoulder.She was thinking something else.

R-"Appa.I wish I was like Varna.I mean Amma was also so talented right.Aththai and even Chitti told me.We look like each other why cant we have same brains.I am so dull and she is."

P-"Ramya you are starting again."

She bit her lips seeing her father with stern face.

R-"Sorry Appa I forgot."

P-"certificates,degrees and achievements all can be momentary.What matters how a person develops herself and her inner strength.I know my daughter is far more precious and lovable than any other superior degree.She is talented from heart.Her heart is full of love.No more comparison.Do you get me?"

R-"yes sir.

Appa.Where is Varna.I tried calling her for so many times.She went to Australia,then south africa.How does she travel so much."

P-"well its her call.Does she listen to anyone?You go and freshen up.Lets have lunch together."


Back to Hyderabad.Vivaan was in his office working in laptop.He called Kumar ( his PA) to check his schedule for the day.

His fingers were busy speedily working while ears on alert.

V-"Yes Kumar.Speak.

So whats for the day."

K-"Sir.You have an important meeting with this client.The project we are about to finish.Last moment they want some changes."

V-"Damn i hate these last moment nagging habits.Ok.fix it up.I wont meet.You take care or ask Mr Girish.I will lose my temper.


K-"The new project we just started off with Shetty Group of Companies.We have to sit and decide on few things.Ms Shetty is on town for that.She has given a time also if you permit then."

His fingers stopped and brows frowned.When he heard the surname.Her egoistic face and previous night's incident.He left the task and played with nip of his pen.

K-"Sir.Shall I say yes and fix the meeting this evening?"

Vivaan smirked and left the pen on table.He moved sideways on his chair.

V-"Nope.Cancel it.Say Iam busy today.Some other time."

Kumar gave a confused nod.


Karuna was oiling Ramya's hair and she sat down with a face.

K-"Ramya.This girl sit down.Without moving for a second.Such beautiful hair and you cant take care of them yourself.Get married then we will see who does all these work for you."

R-"I will take you as dowry.For oiling my hair."

Karuna smacked her head lightly and smiled at this mad girl.

R-"Aththai.This is not done.Why dont you scold Varna.I came today and she left for Hyderabad.I was also there she could have let me know.We would have stayed together.Shopping and having fun around."

K-"Shopping and fun with your sister?You know her well.If she has time for all this.Whom does she listen to.I have given up.She went for work.Will be back within a day or two.And your father would have panicked more if both daughter away same time."

R-"Aththai.Tell me something.Why does Appa worry for me so much.And Varna.she keeps on travelling whole world.He isnt bothered."

Karuna sobered a bit and brushed her hair.Then touched her chin.Making her look up.

K-"A father's concern is for both.He does worry for both of you.Just Varna is a bit strong minded.Can handle herself.And you little prankster.At times cant handle yourself.He treats you like a princess doesnt he.Thats why."

Talking about mess she created that day.Ramya bit her fingers if anyone gets to know.Then she remembers that tall heavenly looking guy.Have never seen such tall guy.But who was he and he was definitely blabbering something.Does he know her.She wished.

Karuna was to get up when Ramya held her hand and wrapped her arms around her.

R-"Aththai.When will I get married.Tell me.Will I get a handsome guy."

She hissed getting a smack from other end.Karuna twisted her ear.

K-"Shameless girl.Talking about marriage already."

R-"So what.But.Aththai.Will any handsome good looking guy fall for me?Agree to marry me.I am not talented like Varna.Beautiful and smart like her.well spoken.I have a weak heart.What if he who is coming rejects me?"

Karuna was silenced with the harsh words spoken by the girl.That also with a smiley face.Ramya rubbished her thoughts and hugged her Aththai.

K-"Its all written in fate.A Prince must be there for both of our Princesses.Stop working your head and yes.Come with me.I will show you your Amma's saree collection.Let the Reddys also see how pretty our daughter is.


Varna had last straw of her patience.From last one hour she has been waiting for Mr Vivaan Reddy.She was sitting on conference room alone.When Kumar came and had honor to face her sharp eyes spitting anger.God knows how many times.He lost the count.

He felt his throat dry and this time had water himself.This is it Varna banged the table and got up.Taking her bag.

K-"Madam.Sir will be here."

She looked at the poor guy and then paused for a second.A smirk formed on her lips.

Vivaan entered his cabin whistling.He had some water and then was sitting top of his table.Kumar entered following him.from the time he came back he was saying something or other but Vivaan looked unnerved.Instead he avoided him and went on looking so unlike of him.



He was reading a file.

K-"Mada left few minutes ago.She was very angry."

V-"Who madam?Anger is bad for health Kumar.Very sad."

K-"Sir Ms Shetty.You have forgotten you had appointment with her today."

V-"Oh.Seems like.Damn.

No worries fix it for tomorrow.?"

K-"There is no use now Sir.Because worse has already happened."

V-"What worse.Iam telling you.Fix it."

K-"Sir she called off the deal.With us.On the spot."

V-"What the hell?"

K-"Yes sir.I tried even Mishra Ji and others tried but.she was adamant on her decision.Sir.If your father comes to know about this.He will be disturbed I mean.We already started plans for this and."

Vivaan showed him his hand and asked him to leave.


Get me her number.Now."

Varna was on her car.When heard her phone.She was about to disconnect but.It was someone whom she couldnt avoid.

V-"Chitti.I am really very mad now.Can we talk later."

P-No.First tell me which part of world you are in now."

Priyam laughed on other side of call knowing temper of her niece.


P-"I see.So next stop?back to home or."

V-"Yeah.Home.I wish.I had some where else to.But guess done for this month,This back pain.

Wait I need to take this pill."

P-"Migraine?Or back pain.Varna.You cant avoid your health.When you know you are sensitive to allergies and.Health hazard.Whom am I even telling all these.You took an oath not to listen any of us."

V-"Its ok Chitti.We sisters were born with this special feature of health hazard.I can take care of myself.I am strong enough."

P-"Yeah.Keep saying that to yourself.

Anyways so whom did you have fight with."

V-"Not fight.But this ruthless and idiot guy."

P-"Guy.Seriously Varna.Finally found someone?"

V-"Yes.Wish I could knock him down."

P-"Or kiss him.Dance with him romantic candle light dinner."

Varna made disgusting face at mere thought of having those scenes.With the arrogant and fool Reddy.

V-"Out of your dreamland Chitti.Ok I need sleep now.Talk later."


Prakash caught his head and was found sitting on bed.Karuna saw that and went to him.He touched his shoulder and sat next  to him.

K-"what happened.You look disturbed."

P-"Nothing just.How is Ramya.I hope travelling didnt affect her health."

K-"Dont worry.She is fine.Dont worry so much about her.Tomorrow she will get married and leave house.Then.You have another daughter too Prakash.Dont forget that."

Prakash got up and faced other side.Slowly walking.

P-"Thats my concern Akka.When I should be worrying for Ramya more.I worry alot for Varna.This girl and her temper issues.At times I feel.How can she be so different unlike Ramya."

K-"You are comparing which is not right."

P-"I dont know how to judge whats wrong and right.I just got call from office.Varna and her temper issues.I dont like style she follows.She cancelled this deal with Reddys on the spot.Didnt feel like consulting with me.Anyone else.How can she be this impulsive."


P-"yes.Same people whom Iam thinking to give away my daughter's hand.Let her come this time.I have to clear few things with her.She cant spend whole life like that.Stubborn and not listening to anyone."

K-"She has been working hard for your own business.Keep that on mind before doing anything.When did you last sit with her and spared some time for her?I dont remember."

Prakash closed his eyes and massaged his temples.Karuna gave knowing smile and faced him.

K-"And I wanted to discuss something else too.Prakash.Ramya's health condition.I believe is okay for time being as long as she is on medicines.?Her heart is too weak from birth.We are aware of that.Thats why so much restrictions and extra care for her."

P-"Why are you saying all that now.Akka?"

K-"because there is a reason.This marriage.It would be wise if you would have thought about this alliance for Varna.Not Ramya.Do you think they will agree to make her daughter in law.When they find out about her heart condition?

I think there is time.Varna should be tying knot first."


Varna stirred in her sleep.Frowning her face.The constant noise from the door bell disturbed her sleep and finally she had to get up.The hotel service would be badly bashed up if she gets a chance.

A bouquet?Of orchids.

She closed the door and then kept the orchids aside.Well if it would have been roses she would have burn them or thrashed them right there.But orchids were her weakness.She loved them.If there was something girly about her regarding flowers.

She sat and opened the card that was attached with the flowers.Her face changed.

From Vivaan Reddy.She twitched her lips and messed up her hair.She felt too tired to react.Her health had taken on her it seemed.

"Apologies.For last moment cancellation yesterday.And I would be glad if I get to ask for an apology for today.Meeting personally.Will be waiting for your reply." 

Varna should have thrown card aside.Unlike of her, she kept it with the bouquet and glanced at the fresh orchids.She walked for few seconds and then went back to bed.She was sipping her coffee and checking her phone.When she found call from unknown number.


"Ms Varna Shetty.Your Prince Charming is awaiting your presence eagerly.Tell me when may I have pleasure to meet you."


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