Chapter 47

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Vivaan was sitting in balcony.Of his room.Was last day in Chennai.Will be leaving tomorrow.Everything went away in daze.Made him feel lonely.He was holding on to light.Of his life.His son in his arms.Patting him to sleep.He acts fussy around everyone.Except two persons who handle him.One was his father Vivaan.Another person was Varna.Vivaan sighed he recalled.Something he seen last few days.Varna didnt create chaos handing over Pranush.She was calm.When he went to get his baby.After night's incident.Didnt share any words with her.He didnt knew he felt.She wasnt at rest.Sort of disturbance played in her mind.

Shakthi and Varna's relationship came to end.Vivaan didnt have idea about tiffss.Reyansh and Nandini were on two minds.They knew about this coming.Since they never saw that love in Varna's eyes.Vivaan kept himself away from all this.He wanted to be connected to Pranush.He wants him to feel safe with his father.He would do anything keep him happy.He missed Ramya terribly.But he has to keep his breath alive.

He heard his family talking about Varna.How poor soul was affected by sister's death.Another tragedy hit her life.Breaking relationship isnt easy to deal with.She was going through health problems too.Keeps on fainting.Weakness and depressed mind.Nandini and Reyansh went to see her.Few times and they said she was completely broken.She keeps quiet.Doesnt talk much.Eats less and keeps on staring with blank face.This couldnt break Vivaan's stubborn.Stand that he had taken for Varna.In his mind.He shut his eyes.Remembering Ramya's last words.She called out for her.She wasnt there.

Week passed and return to Hyderabad.Vivaan got busy with work.But things werent fine home.Pranush had high fever.From few days.His health isnt keeping well.Since they returned.Keeping by words middle aged woman.Was kept for him.Take care and be with him whole time.He wasnt pleased  with her.Whole day he would continue crying.Till he was forcefully fed milk.Put to sleep.Everyone get worried with this problem.They couldnt find any solution.

Varna was looking at open sky.Sitting on swing in garden.She has stopped going out.If its not necessary.She knew her family needed her.She laughed at her fate.For giving face to her.She felt herself as replacement of Ramya.She didnt knew if it was her feeling.Or they made her feel so.Lone tear escaped her eye.She played with ring on her finger.Shakthi made her wear.She still wears it.Prakash came to sit beside her.He touched her head.Making her look at him.

P-"Know I have never been.Good Appa to you Varna.I know how you feel.

Cant live see this day.My daughter breaking apart.With each day."

Varna didnt say word.She sat with face down.Playing with ring.She looked leaner.Than before all colors drained off.Her health made her worse.Dark circles under eyes and she felt her vision.Blank at times.

P-"Why dont you talk Varna.It lessens ones pain.Please dont lock yourself.

If Ramya was here.She wouldnt have liked.See you like this.Cant you live for us.I promise.

Will get good guy.Than Shakthi for you.Who couldnt see good in you.Doesnt deserve you dear."

V-"Did you ever see good in me.Who Varna is."

Prakash stunned by his daughter's words.She gave sarcastic smile.Stood up and fixed her stole.On shoulder.She started walking back to house.Leaving Prakash in deep thoughts.Of how her words were true.They knew who Ramya is.Like an open book.But Varna was still unknown to them.He wanted to be with her.Show her his support.Truth was Varna has gone away far.From them and its too late.

After Satya's death Reyansh had to handle pressure.When he was alive came to decision.Wasnt easy handle business alone by Reyaansh.What they did went for partnership with Reddys.Their business was one now.It reduced some work pressure.New project in Chennai which took off.Needed someone's attention.Reyaansh wanted to go but few months.Proved crucial for every member.Situation was same at home.Lata took responsibility take care of Pranush.Shivani was an author.She had to manage her publishing house too.She refrained from working for days.How long can one stay home.

Nandini was checking Pranush.He sneezed as she kissed his head.Feeding him medicines was another battle.Shivani sat in front of her grandson.Looked at his pale face.Baby was suffering most.She thought of something.Scared to talk to Vivaan about it.He hardly sits and talk with anyone.Busy and drowned in work.Responsibilites made him hard person.

L-"Akka get some rest.Im here with Pranush.Nandu will be checking on him too."

S-"How do I rest Lata.Tell me when I can see.My children sufferring.

Who is happy in this house.No one.Vivaan is busy with problems.

Reyansh cant handle so much work alone.Vikram is also gone.For some work purpose.

I feel burdened.Evil eyes casted on this house.Happiness gone."

L-"Dont say like that Akka.What has to happen.Happened and it was decided.We cant change.

Take some time.I have accepted my fate.Satya was sufferring.He is in better place now.

We have to live.For others often.Im doing that."

S-"We can live life like that.Lata but Vivaan.He has long life.How will he live.

Pranush cant manage.Without mother.No one can see baby.Like his mother.Cant we see that.

Its been months.Problems are increasing.Today we are here.What about future.

I cant see my son.Living miserable life."

L-"Vivaan loved Ramya madly.You think he can accept someone else.As wife.

Who can give same love to Pranush.Like Ramya.Its not easy Akka.We can bring daughter in law.

But mother has to be someone.With mother's heart.So that poor soul's suffering ends."

Lata's words hit Shivani.In way that she remembered.Who can give same love like Ramya to Pranush.She gave light smile.There was one person.Who can love Pranush.More than life.She just needed to join dots.But she didnt knew how to.Talk with anyone about this.It was too early.But getting late for Pranush every passing day.He needed that person.Be with him.Vivaan needed too.Save himself from breaking down.

Reyansh and Nandini looked at each other.Baffled at what Shivani told them.She caught their hands.Asked them to sit.Lata was with Pranush.Evening when they returned from work.Shivani told them about.What she thought.

R-"Do you know what you are saying.I mean.Anna will never agree for this.

He will kill us."

N-"I agree.Leave Vivaan Anna.What I can be sure of.Varna will never agree for this.

She is hell stubborn.One cant imagine."

S-"Whats harm in talking.If this is way.How two broken souls.Can mend their hearts.

You both cant see.What I can.Just tell me if you are.With me in this.

For Vivaan and Pranush.For Varna too.Please."

Vivaan finished attending meeting.In hotel and zipped up his bag.Shaking hands with associates.He took his bag.Walking to main area when bumped into someone.Guy said sorry and helped him.Picking his bag and things.When Vivaan felt voice familiar.Shakthi 's smile faded off.He saw Vivaan but he managed.Keep warm look on face.Both got up.Vivaan kept his brows frowned.

V-"Shakthi what you doing here.In Hyderabad."

Sh-"Pleasant surprise Vivaan."

V-"Dont think can call.It pleasant."

Sh-"I do live in Chennai.But had some work here.So."

Vivaan gave nod.He saw girl calling for Shakthi.He turned to her.Asking her for few seconds.He faced Vivaan.Who made stern face.Giving him glares.Shakthi understood what.He must have thought.He looked other way.Vivaan gave sarcastic smile.

V-"Didnt knew equations change.Like that.So soon.Wasnt expected from you."

Sh-"We should expect from them.Who are in position.Fulfill those expectations.

You are too early.Judging me  Vivaan."

V-"Maybe Im not.Better I should.Thought you were better person.

Who value love.Relationships over superstitious belief.I was wrong.We all were."

Shakthi frowned not getting.Vivaan's words.Vivaan glared getting angry.Over seeing him with girl.No matter how he was hating on Varna.He wouldnt blame her.For what happened to her.He would blame Shakthi.For leaving her in situation.Coward would do so.

Sh-"Sorry I didnt get you."

V-"Thought you were different.But did prove me wrong.Just because she cant give you child.

Love and promises broke.Love meant so costless for you.Im shocked."

Shakthi understood and frowned.He wanted to clarify few things.Surroundings didnt let him.He later give light smile.Looking at Vivaan he continued.

Sh-"We are all fated to be.In ones life.Any stage or other.

Varna and my fate.Never become one.We collided and happened.We are over.Written on fate."

V-"Dont malign fate.For your selfish reasons.Actually Varna deserves better.

In my opinion.One who doesnt love.From heart.Deserves this only."

Sh-"You are right.She doesnt deserve me.Fate has someone else.

Could be you."

V-"Shakthi.What nonsense.Watch your words."

Sh-"I know my words.Tell me Ramya always meant.Most to her.

After her its her baby.So where does her in her life.Has to be one she feel connected.

Dont get me wrong Vivaan.Ramya and Varna were one.Maybe you dont realize.Sooner you will.

Get to know only someone.As close to Ramya.Can get closer to Varna.My advise to you.

Join your fates.Before both you.Get messed up further.Good luck."

Shakthi left saying words.He clenched his fist.Shutting his eyes.As female friend approached him.He knew it was difficult.Say those harsh words.To Vivaan but it was necessary.One could never deny.Shakthi loved Varna.What can he do if fate doesnt want.Her in his life.Varna never wanted him too.Let fate decide.Who belongs to whom.Vivaan stood stunned by Shakthi's raging words.He felt his anger bursting from inside.He wouldnt dare.Think about Varna that way.For him its Ramya.From before and till end.Was Vivaan sure.


Dont be too quick judging on Vivaan.When you love someone.Want same love.If you see person.Being possessive and extremely close.Someone else and yearn for other person.When you cant help her.Pain is unexplainable.Vivaan have gone through same with Ramya.

His views will be clear.Next chapters soon.have patience.Go with flow.Thank you for comments.Just realized Pranush is such.Tantrum throwing kid.Gone after mothers Ramya and Varna.

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