Chapter 48

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Karuna supported Varna taking her to room.She vomited twice.From morning felt weak to move.She fell on bed.Karuna went to call doctor.Prakash already got him.He was examining Varna.

D-"Have told you be careful about her health.Thought only Ramya was allergic few things.

For Varna can see whole list now.Prakash you got twins.How come you.

Never noticed Varna's health.Giving some tests.Get them done."

Doctor left with Prakash.Karuna massaged Varna's head.Tear fell down her eye.She had fever too.She mumbled taking Shakthi's name.Karuna didnt knew what to do.It was difficult make her understand.She prayed if things could mend up.Shakthi was sensible guy.Didnt make sense to her or Prakash.Why such decision was taken by him.

Same evening they were shocked by Shakthi's presence.He talked normally with them.Prakash stayed aloof.Karuna told him about Varna's deteriorating health.He couldnt stop himself.

P-"Akka why did you call him.Think if he ever cared for my daughter.

He is reason for all this."

K-"No Prakash we are wrong.Whatever is happening with Varna.We are cause.

We never tried to understand her.Things ended up like that.Our girl has become.Closed book.

For every single person.Thats why her life is becoming.One sided with no one.

We have to do something.Before its late."

Shakthi touched Varna's hand.Life breathed into her.He was shocked find her in weak state.Her lips quivered.She took his name.Pained his heart.He stole glances at her.Tried cheer her up.She was sitting with him.Karuna sent tea in her room.After keeping silence.

Sh-"Dont ruin yourself Varna.Wont get anything out of it.Think about your Appa.

He has no one besides you.Now you should be thoughtful."

V-"Should be thoughtful.For everyone always.What about me.

Why cant anyone think.I have heart too.Wishes and dreams.I can have too."

Sh-"No one said anything.To you ever.Just that your stubborn nature.

Kept people away from you.Change yourself before.Its late.I was here to see you.

As well inform you."

Varna looked at him.With hopeful eyes.She thought things will be fine with her.With them.When Shakthi stood up.He looked down.Not meeting her eyes.

Sh-"Im moving from here.Visa have come.Wanted to see you.For last time maybe.

Take care Varna.My wishes are with you.For life time."

Karuna stared at dinner plate.Untouched on table.She found Varna packing her bags.She didnt speak word.After Shakthi left.From then has been doing something or other.Fever was still there.Prakash and Karuna were surprised to know.Shakthi was leaving.Wanted to console Varna.But she shocked them too.

K-"Varna what do you think you are doing.Stop this.Your health is not well.

Not going anywhere."

V-"I have to Aththai.Before its too late.You only say.

Everyone saying.It will be late.Have to discover myself."

K-"Can be done here too.Why dont you understand.We need you.

Your Appa needs you."

V-"I need myself too.Aththai please.Give me chance.

I will be back soon.Just few days.With life and myself.Dont worry about me.Take care of Appa.

Chitti is there for me.She has not been well too."

Karuna knew it was no point.Trying to change Varna's decision.She will be leaving for Australia to get some time.Which gave them relief was.Priyam was there.Her health was not doing well.She couldnt come for Ramya too.They thought its better.Let Varna go.But they wanted to stop her.Prakash felt breaking down.He lost one daughter.On verge of losing another.He was slowly realizing his mistake.Didnt feel like accepting them.

Vivaan reached hospital.Catching his breath.He knew how he managed till there.Remembered  time.When he was fighting lost battle.Of his life.He came to hospital for Ramya.He shut his eyes.Reached emergency and found.His family there.Shivani came to him.He looked at door.His baby was being treated.He had fever from week.Treatment wasnt showing improvement.He has to be hospitalized.Nandini came out with reports.

N-"Have to keep him here.Cant say anything.If fever comes down.

Can say then.Need to have patience.He is not responding to treatment."

Lata asked Shivani to go with Vivaan.He was sitting on bench.Looking lost.Staring at floor.With hands joined.She touched his head.He didnt say word.Shivani rubbed his back.When Vivaan broke down completely.He fell on his mother's arms.He couldnt cry hard.Went on to hide his pain.Find solace in his mother.She felt terrible.

Sh-"Vivaan you are my strong son.Fate is testing you.Have to stand up.

Look at me."

She made him face her.He hid his tears.He had fear for Pranush.He kept on checking on him.He couldnt breath properly.Shivani made him have some water.Cleared his face.Patted his head.

Sh-"When you were born.Your father said you will.Be like King.

Thats how we tried making you.Brave and never facing away.Harsh truth of life.

You have been through worse.Have patience son."

V-"Cant anymore Mom.Im tired.I feel sick.Of this life.Why cant my life be.Like others.

Why all whom I love.Are going away from me.Why is it me always.

I want to go away.From this curse.Help me Mom.I beg you."

Sh-"Dont say like that.Everything will be fine.I will make it better."

V-"No one can do anything.For me now.I have been cursed.

Ramya left me.Her last gift is fighting.For life.I cant take care of.Her last symbol Mom.

Im such a bad father."

Sh-"Stop Vivaan.Dont be so broken.Pranush will be alright.

You hear me.He will be with us.Happy and like strong baby.He has to be here."

They found doctors rushing inside.Others also in panic.Pranush was having breathing problems.Nandini didnt give them nice look.She entered emergency.Vivaan felt his heart.Beating fast in fear.He cleaned his face.Shivani also saw her grandson.Fighting for life.His body have gone pale.He wasnt moving.Vivaan cried terribly.

V-"See him Mom.He doesnt listen to me.I called him out.

For once.I feel betrayed by fate.Please Mom.Save my son.I will die without him."

Sh-"Vivaan nothing will happen.To Pranush.I know.Who can save him."

Varna was in airport.Prakash and Karuna came to see her off.It was late night.They couldnt stop her madness.She was stubborn.Prakash went to complete formality.Karuna gave her hug.Kissed her head.She was sobbing.Varna looked restless.her mind was disturbed.Since Shakthi came in day.She made fak expression.For her Aththai and father.Prakash was somehow showing.He was alright.He wasnt from inside.Varna wasnt talking to him.In normal tone.She was in yes or no.Priyam was worried to know.She is coming leaving Karuna and Prakash.Behind still disturbed by Ramya's going.But she knew only she can handle.Varna like no one else.

Prakash and Karuna left.After seeing off Varna with heavy heart.They have lost him.Knew but what they could do for her.Was let her do what she wants to.Were shocked to find Shakthi.Sweating and looked he has run his way here.He looked at them with question on face.

Sh-"Where is Varna."

Shakthi has realized he did big.Mistake leaving Varna.Time when she needed him most.He loved her and he.Would do anything.Keep her happy.If he cant get her love.He would be enough.With his love for them.For life time.He knew how he has felt.Terrible without her in days.Karuna smiled in relief.Hearing him but Prakash was still.Miffed with him.They tried contact Varna.But her phone wasnt reachable.

Karuna was going after Shakthi.Stop him.He was leaving in angry face.He caught his bag.Stormed out of airport.He waited for hours.Get news Varna boarded flight.Without paying heeds to him.She wasnt willing hear him.When he tried best.He came for her.All way canceled his flight.She did nothing in return.He felt broken from inside.Heated with anger at her.Karuna stopped him.He looked at her with fury.Soon broke into emotional voice.

K-"Shakthi please wait.Know her anger.Must have been misunderstanding."

Sh-"What left to understand.Aththai.Am I important to her.

Do I have any place.In her life.She does what she feels.I tried.Saving myself.From breaking.

She let me down.Today again.With her doing.Should leave now."

Before Karuna could call him back.Prakash came asking her stop.She looked at him baffled.

P-"Better if we leave.Everything to fate.It has its choice.

Lets go home.She will never understand.What we feel for her.She cant understand anyone.

Only disappoint others."

Early morning rays came with Vivaan.Dozing off in bench.In hospital resting his head.On wall and he opened his eyes.In panic as saw nurse passing by.He asked for others.Saw all gathered outside emergency.Smiling with relief.Reyansh came giving him hug.He felt shocked knowing about Pranush condition.When he saw with his eyes.Heard his son's chuckle.He smile and it widened.He gathered tears forming in eyes.But it faded off.When he saw Pranush cuddling to person.Face made his heart churn with pain.Varna was patting him.With kisses.Giving him warmth of her love.

R-"Anna its miracle again.Our boy is angel.He just came to life.

When Varna came this early.Morning and touched him.Look at him responding to treatment."

Vivaan was nodding his head.To Reyaansh who looked.Surprised and happy with Pranush.Getting back to life.They were called in morning.Surprised to see Varna present.Shivani was there too.Doctors said Varna made it possible for baby.To recover and he has been.Responding to treatment quickly.Only mother could give this.Affection and make miracle possible.

R-"Anna are you listening.Varna has done with big favor.On us.

She was truly connected.By soul to Ramya anni.Now her baby too.She is saving.Pranush like.

His own mother."

Vivaan felt light.Seeing Pranush in better condition.He went to washroom.Washed his face.Stood watching his face.He felt dizzy.Wanted to throw out anxiety.Restless feeling he has been through.He caught his head and cried.Heart out.He didnt knew which way to go.Which way to choose.He remembered and missed Ramya badly.She showed him right path.Whenever he was stuck.Why she had to leave him.He fell down.Trying to gather himself.He was helpless for his baby.He saw same flashes.Varna carrying Pranush.Doting on him.He couldnt let image out of mind.

Door opened and Vivaan.Saw Shivani entering.She gave knowing look.At him and helped him stand.On feet.She touched his shoulder.Nodding at him.Asking him to gather himself.He looked down.Not meeting his eyes.

Sh-"Have to agree for this Vivaan.For Pranush and.For your own self.

Marry Varna."


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