Chapter 49

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Shivani wiped her son's eyes.Vivaan kept on sitting.Crying making his eyes red.He went uncontrollable.Others went home.Since Pranush was stable now.Nandini was there with Varna.Shivani took Vivaan.Making him sit one bench.She made him have water.He kept on shaking his head.No at her and showed anger.Shivani remembered.He did same when he was baby.She cupped his face.Made him move his stubborn.Eyes and look at her.He was refusing her.

V-"No Mom I cant do.This beg you.Cant do this to my Ramya.I wont allow anyone.

In my life.Till death its her."

Sh-"Vivaan look at me.Its not for you.For your baby.Who is fighting for life.

Do you want to lose him.Like Ramya tell me."

V-"No he wont go anywhere.I know he will be with me.

Nothing will happen to him."

Sh-"We cant fight with fate.It has to happen.It will happen.

You have to accept Varna.Part of your life Vivaan.She is Pranush mother."

V-"No she isnt.Ramya is his mother."

Shivani pulled him with force.Dragged to cabin.They found Pranush snuggled to Varna.She was showering.Him with kisses.Nandini looked at them.Varna made him have medicine.Within seconds.After which baby calmed down.Holding on to Varna dress.With his tiny fingers.Varna shut her eyes.Feeling bliss and better.Kissed his forehead.All staff smiled.Finding baby calm.He has been crying.Time they admitted him.Shivani looked at her son.Furiously and they were witness.What happened.She pulled Vivaan back to place.

Sh-"Cant escape what your eyes saw.Dont act stubborn Vivaan.

Varna can give life.To Pranush.Marry her and make her his mother.She will save him."

V-"Take my life Mom.I cant do this.I love Ramya.She will be only.One for me."

Vivaan walked slowly.In trance leaving Shivani.In confused situation.She didnt knew how to handle.Her broken son.She looked back at Pranush and Varna.At Vivaans back.He was walking aimlessly.Till she called him.He wasnt listening.She had no option.Go for what she remembered.

Karuna caught her head.She was in tension.When they got back to home.Her attempts went fruitless.Shakthi was angry.He left without saying anything.She was clueless.What she should do.Next they heard Varna went to Hyderabad.Pranush condition was not well.Now she understood how.Varna shared same bond with Ramyas baby.Fate had it planned.She prayed for Pranush safety.As well for Varna.She hoped things will be fine.Back and they could convince Shakthi.What left her in shock.Prakash thoughts regarding Varna.He suggested and had on mind something.

K-"Prakash how can you think.About this.Thought Varna and Shakthi.Could get back."

P-"Akka whatever Im saying.After gave it thought.Havent seen Varna caring.For life for someone.

Pranush is her life.After Ramya left she.Has gone back to her shell.We cant force her.

Share with us.Whats in her heart.But I understand.She doesnt love Shakthi.She wants to hold.

Onto something to live.If not Shakthi.Pranush can be reason."

K-"Im not saying Pranush cant be reason.But Prakash how can we.Vivaan was Ramya's husband.

Pranush is their baby.Will he allow her to be.His babys mother.Ramya and Varna are not same."

P-"Its my thought.Only way to save.My daughters life.

From breaking further.Tell me Shakthi has shown back.Who will marry her.

Knowing her medical condition.Its reality akka.World doesnt think how.We do.As father.

I know.This is best.But depends on Vivaan.His family too."

Karuna fell down.On chair lost.In Prakash words.He said truth.World is harsh.Will raise fingers at Varna.For breaking her relationship.Her medical conditions wont.bring any good alliance for her.Her bond with Pranush wasnt questionable.How long can she handle him.Being his aunt.Day will come when Vivaan might marry.Again in life.Varna will be empty handed.With no one look after her.No they cant let day come.She thought when things get better.Will talk with Reddys.

Varna felt her head dizzy.She had some water.Checked on Pranush sleeping.She touched her head.With light smile.She didnt remember how long.She came here.Got call from Nandini and she came straightly here.Journey made her hold breath back.She felt same when.Ramya would have called for her.She wasnt there.She would remember this.Whole life she couldnt be.There for her.She felt shock.Remembering about Shakthi.He left calls for her.She got calls from home too.She dialed many times.Came unreachable.

V-"Aththai sorry couldnt.Inform you.Have to be here.For Pranush.

He is very weak.How is Appa."

K-"Dont worry he is fine.Good that you went.without wasting time.

Varna didnt tell you.Shakthi was in airport.Came searching for you.He wanted talk to you."

V-"Shakthi really Aththai.He called me.I couldnt receive his calls.Ahthai tell me.

He came back.For me.I want to go to him.Coming back right away.Please tell him."

Varna cut call before.Karuna could tell her full matter.She weeped at fate.Of poor girl.She has to face.See alot.Top of that she didnt knew.How she will take.What Prakash was planning on.She wiped her tears.Thought to pray for some time.It strike her something.

Shivani have gone home.After Vivaan.Nandini wasnt convinced to know.Varna wants to leave.Pranush was in better condition now.She thought she was here.Stay till he recovers.They needed him.For baby to get better.It was her who called.Varna after consulting Shivani.She remembered her words.About getting Varna in house.As Vivaans wife.Pranush mother too.But Varnas behavior didnt give her positive feeling.She could see feelings for Pranush.Vivaan and her havent interacted.With each other single time.Since Ramyas death.

V-"Know Nandini I was fool.Came here in hurry.Not thinking about Shakthi.

He wants us.back together.I should have informed him."

N-"Varna is it necessary.For you get back.I mean if you could stay.

He hasnt recovered fully.He needs mother to be with him."

Nandini bit her lips.Pranush stirred in sleep.She went to him.Clothes fell from Varnas hand.She realized Nandini said.Ramyas face came infront of her.She gulped and looked back.At ring on her finger.Shakthi needs her.More than it.She needs Shakthi.She kept on dialing his number.Left message.he would have angry on her.She would talk with him.

N-"Varna Im sorry.What I meant.If you here.We can be relieved.

Look at him.Doesnt listen to anyone.Just like Ramya.He needs you."

V-"He will be fine.Dont worry.Ramya couldnt live without me.For second.

She got used it.Now he will too.Give him time.Im there.Whenever he needs me.

I have to go now.Call me if anything happens please."

Varna placed kiss.On babys head.Nandini didnt look happy.With her leaving.Pranush moved his hands.With frown.If he sensed Varna was leaving.She gave last look to him.her heart felt different.She was leaving something behind.Nandini found her leaving room.Before she could stop him.Maybe they were wrong.On judging Varna.Her life wasnt about Pranush only.She has some other priorities.She have rights.To think about that.

Shivani found door closed.To Vivaans room.He shut himself inside.Feeling restless.He touched soft toys of Ramya.Missed her terribly.Went angry on her for leaving.Him and their baby.In this situation.He fell on floor.Sobbing hard and avoided.His mother banging door.He knew what she wanted.Him to do.He didnt have courage.Save his babys life.Cost of giving up.What he held onto.Ramya was his life.She will be his life.

V-"Why did you leave me.Miss you Ramya.Dont do this to me.

What they are asking me to do.I cant please.Better if I come to you."

Ramyas pic fell from wall.Glass breaking into pieces.Vivaan rushed to it.Picking it up.His hand was bleeding.With glass pieces.Shivani opened door.Finding him in state.Unbearable to watch.She rushed to her.Holding his hands.She cried seeing her son.Losing his senses.He had Ramyas pic.

Sh-"Vivaan when will you stop.Punishing yourself.

Dont do this son.Im mother.Cant see you like this."

She was cleaning his wound.He smiled sarcastically.Taking back his hand.

V-"My heart is bleeding Mom.Cant you see that.Would never allow.

What you want to happen.I belong to Ramya.Only her."

Before Shivani could argue with him.Heard call.She felt her breath stop.Her voice got Vivaans attention.He came to her.Asking her who was it.It was from hospital.Nandini informed that Pranush condition.Worsened again.He was coughing badly.Crying since Varna left.Shivani didnt say word to Vivaan.He understood.Took call dialing Nandinis number.He begged Shivani tell him.She showed him eyes.

Sh-"You loved Ramya only.Not her last symbol for you.Wish you could understand.

What she had to say.Before leaving.She wanted you.Save your baby.Symbol of your love.

You lost Vivaan.You will be reason.For losing Pranush.Ramya wont forgive you."

Vivaan fell back.Shivanis words pierced.His heart.He went insane.Looking at Ramyas pic.Her last words before she left.She took promise from him.Look after Pranush.Save their baby.If anything happens to him.He wont be able to forgive himself.He caught his head.Cried out loudly.Wiped his tears.rushed to hospital.With heavy heart.When he reached there.He found everyone.Vikram was there.Along with Lata and Reyansh.Vivaan didnt speak.Anyone of them.He kept on looking through mirror.His son fighting for life.he touched mirror.Shutting his eyes.

Varna was sitting in airport.Waiting for her flight.She was about to switch off phone.When found call.She cut it.Looked at number.She went inside.Waiting to reach back.Shakthis thoughts kept her occupied.She didnt knew where life would take her.Turn would change everything.She was feeling uneasy.Leaving behind something.But she didnt let thoughts.Disturb her from doing.What she should do.She shut her eyes.

Started raining with no electricity.At night.Karuna was scared.She got no news of Varna.She informed her.Would be boarding flight.Prakash wasnt informed anything.He was given medicine.Sleep and Karuna tried number.get news of Pranush.She heard doorbell.Found Varna completely drenched in rain.She scolded her.For acting irresponsible.When she came back.With towel dry her hair.She found her.Falling on her knees.Crying loudly.From heart.her pain was visible on face.Towel fell from Karunas hands.She rushed to Varna.

K-"Varna what happened.Tell me.

Where were you.Did you.Met shakthi."

She shook Varna times.After which she became silent.She cried again.In Karunas arms.Whispering to her.

V-"He left me Aththai.he left me forever.Without any questions.

Leaving them unanswered.He left me."

Varna went to his home.Directly from airport.She found his brother.Sister in law at home.They didnt greet her.In good way.Cursed her for what she did to Shakthi.After whatever happened.He was ready to accept her in life.But she insulted his love.Again and left no way for him.He left for his destination.Telling them not to disclose it to anyone.Varna begged to them.They threw her out of house.Giving her good hearing.She didnt knew.Where he went.But he wont forgive her.

K-"Varna open your eyes.Varna look at me."

Karuna felt her body.Burning with temperature.She fainted.she called out for help.Other side Pranush was critical.With high fever.Vivaan kept his eyes close.Praying for last chance.Save his life.Varnas breath was going slow.Lives were fighting.To survive.In same manner.


Would like to thank.All readers for being so patient.Thank you.Without you.Wouldnt have been possible.Write this in calm.Relaxed way.I need time.Hope you understand.My health is getting better.Cant use my hand.For long time.So updates may not come regularly.Will try best.

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