Chapter 55

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Reyansh checked time.Whole day passed.He found Prakash coughing and got him some water.They came here from time Varna was found unconscious.Pranush was at home with Karuna.It was nearly evening when Reyaansh saw Vivaan.Making way to them.He was sweating and looked he came.Running to them.Prakash looked tensed.Reyaansh stared at Vivaan.With cold looks.

P-"Vivaan good that you came.They have taken her inside.For so long.Still nothing."

V-"Appa please sit.You will fall sick.Rey what happened.When did you come."

R-"Its not important at moment.Anna you got so late.Busy with work."

V-"How do I look.Like to you?My car broke down.There is strike today.Couldnt get taxi.

I came here.Walking and running all way.Need more explanation?Answer me straight.

What happened."

Just then Nandini came out.Discussing with doctor.She was same person who.Was regular doctor for Ramya and Varna both.Nandini had tensed face.Doctor told her something.Left again inside.Varna was in emergency.

R-"Nandu how is she.What happened to her."

N-"She is stable now.They are shifting her to cabin.But I fear.Lot has gone wrong already."

After some time.Prakash was sent home.His health condition was not good.Reyaansh and Vivaan stayed back.Nandini also went back to help Karuna.Reyaansh found Vivaan.Catching his head and sitting.On one of benches.Outside Varnas cabin.Reyaansh passed coffee to Vivaan.He looked at him.Didnt take first.

R-"Anna I think should go home.Rest for while.Im here dont worry."

V-"Dont mock at me Reyansh.Im your brother.You know that."

R-"Im not mocking.I dont intend to.We shouldnt force ourselves for something.We dont want to.

Still up to you."

V-"I cant do things on my wish.Anymore in life.Dont have right anymore."

R-"Me and Nandu thought.We will surprise you.Stay over weekend.Here Varna.

Surprised all of us.This girl is something."

Vivaan took coffee.Feeling much relaxed.Doctor came to them.He wanted to speak.To Varnas husband alone.Reyaansh eyed him to go.He was there.He wished no more complications should be there.Vivaan entered room.He felt his breathe getting slow.Heart beats going fast.For some reason he was tensed.Doctor asked him take some water.

D-"Vivaan I think you knew about Ramyas condition.Have known twins from long time.

Used to treat them.Later heard Ramya got cured.Didnt knew Varna had problems too."

V-"Sorry Doctor.I didnt understand."

D-"Ramyas heart condition was like that from birth.But Varna never showed up.Any signs.

Or symptoms of weakness.Thought she was perfectly alright.Did you all knew.Anything?"

Vivaan didnt knew what to answer.He felt clueless.From day they got married.Didnt speak word to each other.Regarding anything.He didnt have interest.Wish to speak to her.Same was with her.He was in dilemma.How to say that to doctor.They lived as strangers under same roof.Doctor understood his position.

D-"Its ok.Can understand.Your situation well.Vivaan dont know about before.Now as husband.

Should discuss this with you first.Varnas condition is not well.What she has done to herself."

V-"What happened doctor.Anything serious."

D-"We can save her by medicines and injections now.Its too painful for her.She has been.

Starving herself for long.Avoiding meals and living on.High dose medicines.Know how its.

Not right for body.Her health does not permit that.And dont know if you are aware.

Of her medical problem too."

V-"Know about that.But how does it matter.I mean she got treated.Already for that.In Australia."

D-"Dont know what treatment she went through.But dont think it went away.Its big thing.

For a woman to go through Vivaan.Infection spread inside her.Due to which she had unbearable.

Pain in her lower abdomen.I have examined her reports.Dont know how she managed.

Bear this much pain for long.Taking high dose medicines.Without any proper care."

V-"How is she now?Can we take her home."

D-"She will be fine within day or two.Keep her for observation.But there is something else.

Want to discuss with you.Varnas reports say that.She wont be able to conceive.Its risky for her"

Vivaan shut his eyes.He thought what was coming next.He made up his mind.Ready to answer the doctor.He said in calm voice.Being genuine and straight.

V-"Know that doctor.Better we dont discuss that.Give her best treatment.As possible."

D-"Im glad you dont care about that.Being husband this is important.She will need your.

Care and support.But let me tell you.She has to be.Taken proper care.

Follow up regular meals and be fit.Else her life will be in danger too."

After taking instructions from doctor.Vivaan was about to leave.When he stopped at door.Remembering something.He knew people at his place.Aware of Varnas problem.But they knew about her medical condition.She will have problem conceiving.They didnt knew she wont be able.To conceive ever.He remembered Nandini was there too.

V-"Doctor did you tell about this.To Nandini.About Varnas medical problem."

D-"Dont worry.Havent showed her all reports.They are with me.Wanted to discuss with you first."

Night passed somehow.Pranush wasnt at peace without touch of Varna.They were shocked see months old.Baby could understand touch of someone.Nandini saw Karuna in tears.It was morning.Varna will be brought home today.She wasnt coming to her place.Nandini was confused too with this.She found Karuna preparing some dishes for Varna.Pranush was sleeping peacefully.

N-"Aththai all Varnas favorite dishes?"

K-"Yes she needs to eat well.So stubborn wont come here too.I will take them there.

Did you talk with them.Vivaan is also there.From yesterday.Hasnt returned home."

N-"Dont worry.He has to be there.Reyaansh just left.For hospital.

We will be leaving in some time.Aththai can I ask you something.If you dont mind.Varna said.

Yes for this marriage.Her own will?Was she forced."

K-"No why are you asking.Did anything happened?"

N-"No but I find her.Bit unwilling.To care for herself too.Know she was attached to Ramya.

Have known sisters for long.Havent seen Varna like this.She was someone else.Now I see her.

Find her lost.Aththai you can tell me.What went wrong."

K-"Dont know should be saying this.Its true we lost Varna.Reason is still unknown.From time.

Ramya got married.She became more reserved.Shakthi was one.Whom she was holding on to.

When he left too.Her world shattered.We asked her to get married to Vivaan.She wasnt forced.

She had to because of Pranush.He is only one.Who could save her now."

Nandini was slowly getting.To know what matter was about.She wanted to join missing.Pieces and find out.What was really going in Varnas mind.She didnt tell anything to Karuna.About Vivaan and Varnas relationship too.

Varna opened her eyes slowly.She was under effect of medicines.Felt her eyes heavy.Came home in evening.After which she took medicine and didnt.Realise when fell asleep.Her whole body was under pain.Weakness didnt allow her to stand.She tried to get clear vision.Catching her throat and coughing.She was in her room.Pranushs crib was beside her empty.She managed get up in sitting position.Felt dizzy and about to fall down.Someone held her from arms.She had her eyes shut.She frowned to feel someone.

Var-"My throat is burning.Want water."

She was passed glass of water.She had it and felt better.She looked at person.Her heart felt tug.Trying to maintain distance from one.Vivaan kept glass on table.He had his face calm.Didnt look at her once.When he entered room.Found her about to lose balance.He didnt knew why he was doing this.What he understood he will help her.For humanity and for what.She is to his son.He could feel her uncomfortable.Finding him helping her once she came to senses.She settled her stole.Looked for someone.He tried to figure out.

V-"Reyaansh has gone out.Nandini is with Karuna Aththai.Handling Pranush.Need to rest.

Call out if you need help."

Var-"Pranush.How is he."

They heard cries of baby.She couldnt wait to hold him.In her arms.Her heart felt miserable.Without seeing him for long.Only one whom she missed.Parting away for hours.Was her life.She wanted to stand but Vivaan held her.She was too weak to respond.To any action.Vivaan made her sit on bed.He glared at her.

V-"Are you out of your mind.You are not in state to move.He is doing well.Rest now."

Var-"I dont want to.Have to go to him.Cant stop me."

Vivaan had enough.He shut door making her.Alarmed and she looked at him.With weak eyes.She shifted back to bed.Taking deep breathes.He wanted to blast at her.Seeing her state he wasnt sure.What to do.He caught her head.Getting control over his anger.She shut her eyes.Tears paining in them.

V-"Varna I think we need to talk.Once you feel better.As of now.Dont push me further.

Request you.Take rest."

He left banging door.She didnt have energy to think.She felt drowsy and sleep took over her.


Thankful to all readers for being so patient.For long time.Im sorry.Lets see when we get next update.

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