Chapter 57

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Vivaan was sleeping.His lips curved to smile.In sleep as he was lost in some dream.He could see himself.With Ramya.He was going towards her.After her to catch her.He didnt heard her voice.He could see her running.Till he lost his breath.He grabbed her.Making her turn towards him.He was shocked to find.Someone else.He was sweating.Got up switching on lamp.Had some water.He caught his had.It was still dark.He didnt knew when he fell asleep.Dream was sudden and shocking.What made him stressed was.When he turned her face.She was Varna.Same face he saw before.First time they met.He was confused with his own self.In dilemma what to take for his life.He covered his face.

V-"Help me Ramya.Im losing my strength."

He wasnt able to come to terms.From time came back from Ramya and Varnas house.He remembered whatever he came to know.About sisters and their deep attachment.It pricked him inside.How he every time judged them.Love for eac other.How could he feel insecure when he wasnt in picture.He was pondering on thoughts.If he was third person.Reason for gap in Ramya and Varna.How can he be as he never said anything on face.To Ramya about his weird feeling for Varna.He was confused.He went to door.Outside house.Get some fresh air.When he heard some noise.Someone was crying.He could feel pain in voice.

"You blame her for taking Ramya away from you.Have you ever thought.What was her state when you took.Away Ramya from her.What pain she was going through.You lost your wife.She lost her sister.Her fiance.Harsh truths of her life.What she did to deserve all this hate.She is human too Vivan.Thought you can understand her pain.But you are doing same like others.Blaming her."

Vivaan came out of his thoughts.These words were of Priyam.Which she told him.Before leaving as last ones.She didnt blame him.Reprimand him for his behavior towards her niece.She wanted him to realize something.He could sense some reason behind her words.He wasnt able to guess what it was.His heart churned with pain.Sudden feeling of loss and misery gripped him.Remembering day when he lost Ramya.He hasnt seen someone crying.With such deep pain and agony.He found Varna lying on floor.In room and crying heart out.Hugging doll.Some pictures were scattered on floor.Of her and Ramyas.That was first time when.He related her pain.He remembered each persons words.How they spoke about Varna.He couldnt see her anymore.Closed door and went away.

He went back to his room.Pranush was sleeping peacefully in his crib.Varna needed sleep due to medicines.So he got Pranush on his room for night.He kissed on his head.Could feel his eyes wet.He didnt knew how untold wave of emotions.Were catching him.Made him feel burdened.He felt weight on his heart.For doing injustice to her.He couldnt decide his own actions.What disturbed him more.Dream where he saw Varna.Then her cries made him worse.Did she ever meant anything to him.Wasnt it Ramya always.Whom he fell for her.He shut his eyes for moment.Complete black out.

"Why did you love me Vivaan.Was it because.I was an easy girl.Less complicated to understand.How you always wanted."

Vivaan opened his eyes in seconds.Blackout didnt do good to him.It worsen his state.His eyes widened.In horror and Ramyas words were warning to him.Made him scared.He wanted to remember and try.Let realization sunk upon him.He wasnt able to.Why he couldnt and he just wanted peace.Night felt so long.So did darkness.None knew when darkness would leave their lives.

Taking a deep breath she moved on bed.Feeling somewhat relaxed after last night.Crying and venting out did good to her.Varna yawned and opened her eyes.Staring at ceiling.She remembered last night she passed out after feeling weak.She felt some movements beside her on bed.She frowned and her face changed to light smile.Finding Pranush beside her.Placed carefully on center.With pillows supporting his side.His charming smile melted her heart.She held his tiny hand and kissed.

V-"Good morning.Only person who is left.for my wish."

Before she could play more with him.Strong burning smell hit her nostrils.She raised her brows.Left bed to check on what was wrong.She came out of room.Tying her hair in bun.She could feel silence in house.When she was in dining room.Smell of burnt toast got stronger.She found breakfast ready on table.Pranushks milk bottle also ready.She turned around to bump into his hard structure.Plate fell down.

V-"Its ok.I will pick this up."

Varna stared at Vivaan.Coming out from kitchen.With plate and toasts fell down.She was confused with all this.He picked up burnt toasts and went back.To kitchen.She stood there clueless.He came back with coffee.Keeping mugs on table.Adding milk and sugar.He could see her standing unoblivious.

V-"Helper called in morning.She wont be able to come for today.I made breakfast and coffee.Will call some restaurant for lunch.Fed Pranush some time ago.His milk is also ready."

He said everything in hurry.He wasnt amazed to see no reaction from her.She was looking down.Playing with her hands.She did hard him.He moved from there and stopped.Looking at her he spoke.

V-"Have breakfast and then medicine.Im working from home today."

Varna didnt feel right with.Whatever he did.He could have called for her.Top of that he was showing concern for her.Why does he care if she eats or not.She got angry.Glaring at him.

Var-"There was no need to do.All this.I would have managed."

V-"You are still advised for rest.This was needed in this situation.Sorry for toasts.Can have fruits."

He left taking his mug of coffee.Making her shut her eyes.In anger and irritation.With no strings attached.She wasnt used to someone doing any favor on her.Be it her health.She was capable of helping herself.she went inside to check on Pranush.It was different start of day altogether.

Varna took shower.Did some light chores for house.She came with Pranush and found Vivaan working.On table with his laptop.She knew she had to manage lunch.Least for herself for day.Her body wasnt permitting her.Still she was adamant not to take any favor.Specially from Vivaan.She didnt knew how to tell him.Handle Pranush while she will make lunch.His eyes found her.Standing without saying anything.He frowned and almost understood.As he saw her holding Pranush.It was time to take him for stroll.In his pram.He smiled and got busy sucking his hand.Without saying any word he took him from her.

Var-"Can you handle him for some time.I have work.will wind it up within an hour."

He gave a nod and found her instantly leaving.He shook his head.Every time he finds himself stuck.In any conversation with her.He feels his head heavy and unknown state of mind.He didnt knew what he would say.Will flare her up.Another misunderstanding would follow.He looked at his son.Busy in his own world.Smiled and pulled his hand out of.Little brats mouth.He made sound.Showing anger and Vivaan showered him with some kisses.

V-"Anger issues is family problem."

Varna was working in kitchen.Suddenly she felt dizzy.She wasnt able to keep her body in balance.Pan fell from her hand and she was about to hit floor.When Vivaan came on time and held her.He was shocked to find her in this state.He tapped her cheeks.After some time she was sitting in chair.Had some water and found him.Standing with his hands crossed.He was giving her look.She was still feeling uneasy.

V-"Where are you going?"

Var-"Have to make lunch.Im fine now."

V-"Stop and dont have to make anything now.Ordered for food.didnt I tell you in morning."

Var-"Thanks but I dont need your concern.You can have it.Im making for myself."

V-"Varna I said.I ordered for both of us.Why are you doing this."

Var-"Doing what.Im doing my own work.I made it clear to you.Dont need any help."

V-"I know you dont need any help.Look at yourself.Cant stand properly.You dont have to be stubborn always.Go to your room and rest.Will call you when food arrives."

He closed his laptop.Picked Pranush in his arms.Varna felt her face flushing.With hat of anger.She glared at Vivaan.She couldnt be happy from inside.For care.Rather sympathy thrown towards her from his side.He turned to her.Hearing her harsh breaking voice.

Var-"Why cant you leave me alone.I dont need any sympathy or conern.Im fine way Im.Im used to handling myself alone."

V-"Didnt I tell you.Know that you can handle yourself.Situation right now requires me to do this.Thats why Im doing."

Var-"Whatever be situation.I dont need any help.Leave me alone.Didnt you hear me.What do you think.Will take from you.How you feel like.Day ago you insulted me.Showed me my place.Now you are trying to sympathize me.Am I doll to be played with.You are last person I want help from."

V-"You have some serious problem Varna.Im not sympathizing you.Im human and any person with humanity.Will do this.We live under same roof.Please stop thinking everything.From your point of view.Will make things difficult for you."

Var-"Let it be.I can think for myself."

Vivaan wanted to give it back to her.But he stopped seeing her.She was weak and broken.Her ego wasnt letting her reach any escape.If he would have been same Vivaan.Before realization struck him.He would have misbehaved with her.At moment he felt bad and messed up.Whatever he was doing.Was to find some way.Which will make things easy for them.Least something would come out.One cant spend whole life.In his or her own world.Of misconceptions.He wanted to give time.For both of them.Think it over.He was ready.he knew she wasnt.

V-"Know what your problem is.You never let anyone judge you.But you have every right to judge every person.Why is it so difficult for you.To think in simple way.Without letting any complexity hindering your mind.Varna I agree I misbehaved with you.Said alot bad things.You did same.I was at fault.I realized maligning over past.Wont give us peace.Whatever happened we have to think.Some way.I thought if for once.We can try to settle this out.I dont think you wish to do it for your own self.Think about this.Even if for Pranush.What do you wish to do.Its up to you.No one will force you for any decision.You are free to do your will."

Varna broke down.she covered her face.Feeling lump on her throat.She wanted to cry loud.But she stopped herself again.Vivaans words didnt anger her.They gave her sense of realization.His sober tone made her.Doubtful what was their future.In true sense.Where were they heading to.She thought about Pranush.As tears made their way through her eyes.He has become her life.Giving her hope and will to take breath.Will she be able to part her way.From him.How will she choose to survive.Going away from everything.But living with Vivaan under same roof.Wasnt option she would choose.What will she do.She wanted to from always.Time she was pronounced as his wife.She wanted to run away.Leave everything behind.In hr own world.Where there will be no one to judge.Misunderstand her.She will be herself.


Extremely sorry for making everyone wait.For longer time.Have been thinking lot.Working on many books together.So that isnt easy.It will take bit time.

Those who know my instagram account.Kindly check it.Have posted short trailer of my upcoming one shot.Wish Upon a Star.Thank you.

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