Chapter 62

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Varna was sleeping peacefully.Pranush has adjusted his sleeping times.Early in night and doesnt wake up.Much during mid nights like before.She shifted on her small bed.Her face frowned as she felt disturbed.She could hear some noises.Frown deepened on her face and she caught her head.In sleep not being able to.Know how to wake up.She wanted to see what was wrong.But same time she was in deep sleep.She felt her heavy eyes.Opening with blurred vision.Once she opened them.They closed on their own.Second time her eyes almost widened.When she felt her body hitting carpet on floor.

Pranush saw her falling from bed.He chuckled clapping his hands.Saying something to his father.In his own language.Vivaan turned around.He was eating banana.With Pranush relaxing on his arms.He saw Varnas state.Went to her.She winced in pain.Still in daze of sleep.

V-"Hey are you alright."

Varna could see him in senses.So her eyes wasnt witnessing.Some nightmare.Its him in her room.What was he doing in this early hour.How did he managed to open door.Enter her room like that.She tried to get up.Her back was hurting.She shut her eyes in pain.Pranushs coos made her look at him.Vivaan noticed that.

V-"Pranu you shouldnt mock like that.See your Amma got hurt."

His words would have infuriated her usually.But she was stuck with one word.He was telling Pranush about her.She was his Amma.First time she heard word from someones mouth.She got lost in thoughts.Till felt someones touch on her cheeks.Pranush was trying to extend his little hand.Vivaan loosened his hold bit.Little one went to Varna.His small cute lips.Touched Varnas cheeks.It melted her heart and anger.

V-"Great effort my boy.So this is your way of saying sorry.Such naughty brat."

Varna realized her situation and went back to anger.She looked at herself.She was without any stole.Her front revealing.Vivaan got busy with his son.Trying to give him hard time as possible.He sensed Varnas glares at him.He gave her hand so she can take help.But she glared at him.Got up on her own.

Var-"What are you doing here.How did you came.I locked room."

V-"Answer to your first question.Im spending time with my son here.Second answer is.I came on my own feet walking.Was there any third question?"

Var-"I know why you are doing all this.To torture me.Cant I sleep in peace."

V-"when did I stop you from sleeping.Or did anyone else.Thats what you do only.Whole time."

Var-"What did you say.I only sleep.So you are giving me taunts.I dont do any work at your house.Only eat and sleep."

Vivaan made face.Not arguing with her.This was shocking for her.She kept on walking behind his back.With pain on her back.It just hit her.She was to find her stole.She looked around and fixed it around her neck.

Var-"You cant come here like this.There is something called privacy.If you want to spend time with him.There is fixed time."

V-"You are not in state to argue right now.Go and freshen up.Already so late today.Dont tell me you are going to blame.Me for that landing on earth from your bed.It was good in way.You woke up."

Varna checked time and realized.It was late today.How did she got so late.She was still feeling sleepy.Vivaan came to her.

V-"Its okay.Humans are bound to make mistakes.You are human too.Before you start giving me lectures.Pranu has taken his bath.had breakfast and now.Will be downstairs with everyone.You come down too.Have to tell you something important."

Varna saw him leaving room.She caught her had and kicked bed.What made her sleep like that.Her back pain added up to her problems.It was all because of Vivaan.Why was he slowly trying to enter.Her space and bring her to more ruins.Pranush was only string she was holding on.Why is he trying.Taking him away from her.She cursed herself.For doing such blunder today.

Shivani was too busy.Looking at Vivaan and Pranush.Than having her breakfast.Nandini saw that and smiled too.Pranush was sitting on his fathers lap.Vivaan not only had his food.He concentrated on making cute faces.To his baby and giving him kisses in between.Reyaansh came and wished everyone morning.He wished Pranush in way.Making him giggle.

R-"Nandu you are not early today.Or day off."

N-"Are doctors allowed to take day off.I had to leave in mid night for emergency.Mr Reyaansh you were too busy snoring.Thats why didnt knew.I will leave in afternoon now."

V-"For how long do you sleep Rey.Bad for health.Its your old habit to snore like bull."

R-"Anna this is too much now.I do deserve some good sleep.After working whole day.This Nandu snores too.Shall I open your secrets here."

S-"Enough you both.Have your breakfast.Its too late today.I will ask helper.Send Varna breakfast.She went earlier.She was sleeping.Hope she is doing well."

N-"Varna still sleeping.Let me check on her.She doesnt sleep this late.But Pranu is up.Who did his work?"

V-"Pranus Appa.Mom you were right.he has become so naughty.Doesnt let me do anything with ease.Made me took an hour to give him bath.Then other things.Its not easy to handle him.Such brat."

N-"Anna you handled him.Rey learn something from him.You cant wake up an hour early.To drop me at work.Here he managed to do everything for Pranu."

R-"Thats commendable Anna.My brother rocks.Nandu you are not my baby.Have to wake up and give you bath.How do these both things match."

V-"You two calm down.My son is here.Have some shame."

Nandini became red with shyness.Vivaan glared at Reyaansh.Just then Varna came down.Looking lost.Her eyes were puffy unlike other days.She tried to check.Who were present on table.Vivaan noticed her.He thought of something.Shivani came from kitchen.

S-"Varna you are here.I was about to send helper.Check on you.What happened.Are you alright.Have fever?"

V-"No Im fine.Dont know how slept for long.Couldnt wake up on time."

N-"Its okay Varna.It happens.There are days when you should sleep more."

R-"Why doesnt this apply to me?Being partial."

S-"Come Varna.Sit and have breakfast.I will get strong coffee for you."

Varna was hesitating standing there.Shivani was making coffee.Vivaan put Pranush on his pram.Busying him with toys.He smiled at Shivani.Serving him and others tea.Nandini pulled Varna.making her sit in chair beside her.Shivani could sense change.In varna as she was sitting with them.For breakfast like yesterday she came too.

V-"Mom I will be leaving for office.But I discussed everything with men.They will be here in an hour.Fix Pranushs room.I guess work will be starting from today.It will take week or two."

S-"You already called them up.But how.Vivaan could have informed me at least.So many things needs to be removed from there.I will ask them now."

V-"Mom relax.I have taken care of everything.Luggage and other things.Are already moved to my room.I have asked helpers.They are doing it now.You just need to see if workers.Need anything.I have told them.How I want room to be.New furniture and all too."

Shivani saw blank look on Varnas face.She wasnt eating.Reyaansh and Nandini exchanged suspicious looks.

S-"Its okay.Varna I will help you.Move your things to guest room.Have your food now."

V-"If you guys are not aware.I have given them contract for.Renovating guest room too."

Varnas spoon fell on plate.She looked at Vivaan.With sharp eyes.Reyaansh knew something was going to strike again.Nandini and Shivani were equally shocked.

S-"Vivaan are you out of your mind.Who goes for renovating all rooms like this.Should have given it thought."

R-"Anna yes.I mean we have only one guest room."

V-"yes and thats also not eligible for guests.To sleep.Full of dust and broken window.Bed has been there for ages.Air condition doesnt work.So I thought better get it changed.Remember last time.Uncle came for few days.Poor man has to suffer so much."

Var-"Its okay.I will manage somewhere else."

N-"Yeah Rey will sleep with Anna.You can move in to our room Varna.that would be fun."

V-"I cant sleep with your husband.His snores annoy me.Dont worry I have thought of solution.So relax guys."

S-"Would you mind sharing solution with us.So immature of you Vivaan."

V-"Pranush and Varna will shift to my room.Pranu is used to be around her only.If he wakes at late night.I cant afford to try handling him.At that hour.Its better if Varna stays there only."

Var-"Thanks but I said I will manage.There is lot of space in this house.I will check on Pranush too."

V-"So where will you manage.Kitchen floor or main hall?You plan to shift outside in garden area.I doing this for you also.You cant tell this to anyone.That its difficult to manage on small bed.Thats how you fell on floor.This morning."

S-"Vivaan stop it.Give me some time.Stop arguing now.Go to your work."

Reyaansh and Nandini left from there.Hiding their laugh.Shivaani rubbed Varnas back.Asking her to finish her food.Vivaan was sitting.He could feel someones gaze burning him.Didnt he knew this was coming.He did all that for this.Before he was about to leave.

Var-"This was left only.You could have told me.To get out of your house.I know I have no right.Hold any place here."

Vivaan went to her.Giving her calm look.He spoke to her with his eyes.Intensely meeting hers.He down to her face level.She was on verge of breaking down.

V-"Do you know this is your biggest.Problem that you think.You are always right on assessing things.You are wrong.You have been given right that day.When you entered this house.As my sons mother.Let me remind you.How you became his mother.By becoming my wife.You have right on this house.As well as people here.So stop giving pain to your small brain.I dont want any further problems.Want to see your luggage shifted.In my room along with Pranus.When I come back in evening."

Var-"I wont move in there.You cant force me.I have only one relation in this house.Pranushs mother.Im here for him.Dont need any other ties."

V-"Think whatever you want to.Like I said.I cant get into your small brain.Stop you from breaking your own self further.You are bringing ruins for yourself Varna."

Var-"Then let it be.Who are you to tell me all this.We dont share anything.You are forgetting Mr Vivaan Reddy."

V-"Im not forgetting anything.Not word more.Mrs Varna Vivaan Reddy.You hear me.You dont know what else I can do.We are in such situation.Where I cant let my worse come out.Do as I say before.Its too late."

Vivaan threw napkin on table.Varna wiped her cheek.Getting red with tears.She knew what she will do.She wont move to that room.At any cost.Why was this sudden change in Vivaan.Both knew why they were tied in this unwanted relationship.How can he expect things be normal.This soon.He wants her to be with him in his room.Where he lived with Ramya.She wont ever do that.She will show him mirror today.

It was evening when Vivaan came home dead tired.He found Shivani giving him faint smile.She was reading book.Kept it aside.Reyaansh and Nandini went for dinner.Lata had her dinner and was already taking rest.In her room.Whole house felt quiet suddenly.

S-"I was waiting for you.I will set dinner.Go and freshen up."

V-"Sorry Mom.I had something in office.Not feeling hungry now.did you take your dinner?"

S-"Yes I had dinner with everyone.Vivaan wanted to tell you something.I know whatever you are doing.Its for Varnas good.Maybe your way is right.But be gentle with her.Dont be so harsh.It will ruin things.We dont know her fully.How she reacts to situations.Little I got to know about her.Please dont do something.Which makes things worse."

V-"I get you Mom.You dont have to worry for that.Already mess has been created.Im just trying to gather it back.I know her well me.She is like puzzle.More you try to understand and solve her.She becomes complicated."

S-"What are you going to do.Dont force her.Raise your voice like that.You shouldnt."

V-"You think your son.Can stoop so low.Never Mom.I will do what.I think is right.Its late.You go and sleep.Where is she?Must be sulking from morning."

Vivaan entered his room to find.Lights switched on.Pranush was sleeping in his crib.He undid his watch and took out his blazer.He was tired today.Working till late and attending meetings.In bad need of some sleep.But his eyes went to.Closet still empty.He knew Varna wont shift her things like that.He cant expect her to do that.Their relationship didnt had any name.He wasnt looking to start one.That soon too.He knew storm which just passed them.Destroying their world.Least he wanted her.Not to die every day.He closed his wardrobe.Looking for her.

He found her in Latas room.Massaging her feet.While talking with her.He was surprized to see it was Varna.She looked normal.Lata was also talking with her.In friendly manner.He was relieved to see.Her opening up.He went back to his room.

Clock struck 2 at night.Vivaan didnt knew when his eyes felt heavy.He went to sleep.He rubbed his eyes.Seeing lights on.Went to check on Pranush.He was sleeping.Then he looked for Varna.She wasnt in room.How did he not think about this.He should have made it clear.For both of their presence in room.Specially with adjustment.He made sure he will ask her to shift bed.He will take couch.He went out to get her.

V-"At least she should have come inside.Asked me.But no her ego is bigger than this planet.Where did she go now."

He checked every place.Couldnt find her except outside.He opened door and heard Alice barking.It wasnt normal for her to bark so loudly.He went to calm her down.When found her aiming at someone.Varna was standing distance from Alice.Shaken up and scared.She had shawl wrapped around her.But sweating like anything.Vivaan made Alice calm down.Getting her inside her house.He turned back to Varna.

V-"Do you have sense.What are you doing here at this hour."

He found her gaze still on Alices house.From where she was barking.Vivaan caught her from hand.Taking her to another corner.Varna tried to push him.

V-"Let her sleep.Else her full family will come out.Why do you love creating problems.For everyone.All will be awake.If you dont leave now.get inside."

Var-"I wont go.Where will I go.I dont have room inside.I was sitting here quietly.This dog started shouting."

V-"She wont shout now.You could have tried.Calming her down.She is friendly.But no.You have problem with that also.Now get inside.Before something else happens."

Var-"I said I wont go.You go and sleep.If Pranush cries.I will come."

V-"Talk some sense Varna.Want me to wake up my son.Make him cry to get you inside.What do you want.Tell me."

Var-"I never wanted anything.All I asked for was.Peace and you destroyed it.I understand everything.Tell me if you want me to leave.From here.You couldnt bear my presence.Thats why doing all this.So that I leave on my own.I cant leave without Pranush.its my weakness.Else would have left before."

V-"Its useless.Giving justification to your nonsense words."

He pulled her and she started struggling.He had to be harsh with her.He dragged her inside.Locking door.He could see her face turning red.

V-"Leave me else I will shout.Dont touch me."

He left her.Glaring at her.His hold left small red spot.On her hand.She touched it and winced in pain.From inside.Feeling pulled by him.He made her look at him.She pierced her nails on his shirt.His eyes said he was very angry.

Var-"What do you think you are doing.Stop it."

V-"You stop it.I had enough.Dont wreck my senses."

Var-"I didnt do anything.Its you.You think forcing me will.Make things easy.You are no one to me.I cant live with you in same room.Makes me feel suffocated."

V-"Im dying out of excitement and pleasure.Cant you see on my face?Dare you not to shout.I dont want my family.To suffer because of me.You get me.Not one more word here."

He was successful in dragging her to room.When he threw her on bed.Locking door and taking breath of relief.Varna seethed in anger.She got up.Failing on her balance to stand on feet.Her shawl was dropped on floor.Vivaan saw her and he wanted night to end somehow.He picked pillow from bed.Throwing it on couch.

V-"Make yourself comfortable on bed."

He was about to relax on couch.When heard her nearing door again.He had enough.He ran to her.Catching her as she protested.He locked door again and she unlocked it.They realized Pranush was also there in room.Luckily he was sleeping with frown on face.Vivaan gained control over his anger.But he took her to other side of room.

V-"Are you mad.Cant you see he is asleep.What if he wakes up.What do you want me to do Varna.Im sick and tired."

Var-"Let me go.I cant stay here.Why dont you understand.Or you are doing this deliberately."

V-"Yeah say that all.Thats what Im left with.To hear.Im playing circus with you in midnight.You are ruining yours as well.My sleep."

Var-"You think I will get to sleep here.No ways.Im getting now.You never loved Ramya.If you did.You would have never did what.You are doing now.Your sense of doing these actions.Prove it for me."

V-"What did you say.Repeat that.I asked you to repeat Varna."

Varna was scared to see.His face turned stiff.His eyes had rage.She became silent.Even she wasnt aware what she.Was saying in that state.Vivaan pulled her from shoulders.

V-"Speak up."

Var-"You are in hurry to bring wife for you.In this room.Talk about big things like love.How can you ask me.Move in here.Share bed with you.I will never do that.You want wife.So early.Just because your wife is not here."

V-"Just shut up.Shut your dirty mouth.before I do something.You will regret.Are you out of your senses.Do you ever think before speaking.Hear me.You have no right to judge my love.Or what I shared with my wife.Dare not to.You make me feel sick.I thought you have lost will to live.But you know.You have lost all your senses too.Your brain and art.Both ended up in some.Dustbin which cant be recovered."

Var-"If Im pathetic.What are you.We both knew why we went ahead.With this marriage.Why are you hell bent on.Getting me to this was all your play.To make me share room with you.Tell me if Im wrong."

V-"Yes I did all this deliberately.Heard me.I did this.Arent you tired.Running away from people.Their questions and making them tired too.Varna we have one life.To live and its up to us.What we prefer to do.To let others live.Or give them pain and endless worries.Who are they.To suffer for us.We dont have right to let this happen to them.I cant be selfish like you.I can kill myself thousand times.But save my family.They mean to me.Not like you.Girl who never tried looking in eyes of her own people.Our relationship means nothing to us.But it means lot to others.To our families.Who are looking upon us.To my son.Who lost his mother and now.He doesnt know what his fate is destined for.Mad girl like you.Can leave him anytime.Why should I trust you.tell me.You couldnt give yourself to anyone in this time.How will you be mother to him.For life time.Pranush is your responsibility.But thats not enough.We have to live in this family.In this society.Where baby needs parents love.From both together.Im not fool.To get you here.Arguing with you endlessly.For how long you think.You will live in that separate room.Days will pass.People will start talking.My own mother cant sleep.At nights thinking about my uncertain future.You know how to do what you want Varna.Have you ever given thought.What others feel.if you cant but.I do and I will do this.Even if its against your wish.You have to change yourself.take that as imposition on you.You cant run away from this.Our hatred for each other.Will ruin Pranush.If you dont get this.Im sorry I have nothing to say.Now you have to decide.Whats bigger and greater for you.This burdened relationship.Or only thing you have with you now.I dont need wife.To share bed with me.For my needs.I want my son to get mother.Who will be normal.Not with pathetic thoughts like you.You are impossible."

Vivaan left room slamming door.Varna fell down on floor.She broke down into tears.After realization of Vivaans each word.Dawned upon her.Did she even knew what she was doing to herself.To everyone else around.Pain and losing so much in life.Has made her stone.That she didnt have anything to answer him today.She wronged herself.Was she reason.Life is bringing ruins to her.What did she do to see this day.In all these days.Never  for once she saw reasoning with Vivaan.For bringing her as wife in this house.What made her utter those words to him.Ramyas love for him.Was greater than anything.Thats why he wants to save her last symbol to him.He was doing all this.To save Pranush.He was all that mattered to him.Varna Shetty doesnt have existence.In anyones life.She wished she could tell him.How he mattered so much to her.Why he did.That more she tires getting herself away from him.More she is failing on her own attempts.She cant be with him.For he reminds her of what could.Have been her place and her things.It never happened.


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