Chapter 63

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Sitting outside on bench in garden.Varna looked at leaves dried up.On ground and could feel.Almost Winter knocking doors.She felt chilly winds.Touching her skin.Pranush was on her lap.Moving every minute.Getting restless.She moved empty bottle which had milk.Few minutes ago.He was very hungry.She wiped his mouth and lulled him to sleep.He wasnt acting normal from morning.Kind of restless.She smiled faintly feeling him closer.To her taking his baby smell.He has become fond of his father.Days they bonded so well.She felt jealous few times.But truth was she started.Adoring bond Vivaan shared with his son.She didnt knew how often she has judged him.But she didnt want to confess.What she had on mind.He is great father.

Pranush moved again.Not getting deep sleep.She softly patted his back.Now going inside house.It was time for afternoon.She gave bath to him and fed him.She went up stairs.Before giving smile to Lata.Who was sitting on table.Chopping vegetables.she reached room and went inside.It has been three days.From time argument took place.Between her and Vivaan.Deep inside she was ashamed of herself.For saying those words to him.Not that she considered her reason.For not coming to this room as invalid.But way she accused him was completely wrong.Least she knew his love for her sister.It was beyond any other emotions.These few days.She didnt make any fuss.Being in same room with him.He didnt care to look at her.Initiate talks with her.He was hurt.By her accusation.He left home  before her waking up.came late hours and again.Did same next morning.But he made sure to spend time with Pranush.

She tried settling Pranush on bed.His face broke as he felt himself.Getting away from her.He started crying rubbing his eyes.She took him back in her arms.Trying best to give him security.He is with her.He has been acting like that from morning.Couldnt understand whas wrong with him.Frowned checking his temperature.It was normal.She sat on bed.Comfortably and tried making him sleep.She yawned feeling her bones.Giving up.She feels so sleepy lately.Without any reason.Her presence in this room made.Everyone relived and happy.She could see their faces.Maybe they thought things were getting better.If only they knew.It has gone worse.She shut her eyes.It wasnt that bad experience.Spending time here.Except something happens to her.Once Vivaans presence starts.Affecting her mind in this room.She looked at walls now.Which had less pictures of.Vivaan and Ramya.More of Ramya and Pranush.One big frame of Vivaan.beside bed was side table.Which had frame of.Varna and Pranushs picture.

Varna took frame and touched there.Light smile graced her face.Was there something.Which can be called hers.She felt movement of baby on her lap.Kissed his head.Finding him asleep.She traced his lips and cheeks.With her fingers.Smile went deeper.He was such beautiful happy.With handsome features.She wondered and smiled.Already weaving dreams how he will grow up.When time will pass.He will sit and take his first step.She held his tiny hand.Placing kiss there.

V-"You are reason I smile.Always be my light Pranu."

While she was busy adoring her baby.She could hear noise from downstairs.She frowned.Hearing Vikrams voice.Her doubts increased.When she sensed it was Shivani crying.They were taking Vivaans name.She carefully got up.Placed Pranush on his crib.Seeing if he was comfortable.Fixed her stole properly and went to check.

V-"Shivani calm down.Reyaansh is there.He will take care of everything.They are getting back home."

Lata was trying to console.Shivani who was crying.Vikram was on call with someone.All looked stressed.Varna came down.In dilemma what to ask.She frowned finding Vikram going out.Shivanis cries became louder.As she saw Varna.Lata gestured her to come.She rubbed Shivanis back and gave her water.

L-"Vivaan had an accident.He was driving his car.Reyaansh informed us now.He is getting him home now."

Varna  stood still.With no emotion or expression.Lata held her hand.Shivani hugged her.She didnt knew to console her.Or judge her own situation.Something broke inside her.She was yet to come in terms with it.Sort of pain was there.In her heart.She couldnt express.She didnt have any tears in her eyes.Next she heard Pranushs cries.Rushed upstairs in room.Shivani and Lata were aware of situation.They didnt have any expectations for Varnas reaction.

She was changing babys clothes.With her mind being elsewhere.Latas words played on her ears.Making her restless.From inside.All she thought if he was alright.Safe and will she get chance.To say sorry to him.She remembered nights incident again.Shutting her eyes and all bad thoughts.Evolved her.Pranush was calling out for her.She came out of her thoughts.Picking him up in her arms.Kissing him and saying sorry.She prayed for his well being.For if anything happens.Where will life take them again.

Reyaansh entered with Vivaan.Who looked pale from face.His head had bandage and few cuts on face.His leg was fractured.He was leaning on Reyaansh for support.He was made to sit not being able to.Keep his head stable.Reyaansh informed them how.Vivaan started for office early and he couldnt.Concentrate on driving.Thats how he lost balance and met with accident.It was by luck that he was safe.It could have been deadly accident.Shivani was crying.Touching her sons head.Lata and Vikram were equally shocked.Find Vivaan in such state.He looked weak to open his eyes.

S-"How many times I have told you Vivaan.When will you listen to me.Could have taken driver.What was need.Drive in this state."

R-"He had fever from last night.I asked him to stay home today.But never listens.Doctor will be here soon.check on him."

V-"Vivaan you are stubborn.Never going to hear us or what."

Vivaan opened his eyes.Smiled at his family.He tried holding his mothers hand.She touched it lightly.Making him wince in pain.He assured them through eyes.He was fine.They could sense how much pain.He was in.

V-"Dad Mom please stop.Worrying now.Im alright and just.Accident nothing major.My had hurts.I want to sleep."

S-"Reyaansh take him to his room.No shift him downstairs.How will he climb stairs in this condition."

L-"Akka is right.Reyaansh take him to guest room.I will inform Varna."

Mention of Varna didnt do good to Vivaan.He took Reyaanshs help.Went to guest room.Reyaansh set everything in room.Pillows on bed and made Vivaan comfortable.He patted his back.Reyaansh was scared.To see his brother covered in blood.Vivaan was driving force of this house.If something happens to him.No one can rest in peace.His eyes said everything.

V-"Rey Im fine now.Look at me.My giant body can take any pain.Be it anything.Go to office now.Have lots of work."

R-"Im not going anywhere Anna.Have to be with you.Let doctor come.Anna why do you do all this.Cant you guys stop.Playing this tom and jerry game.I mean for how long."

V-"I didnt get you.Told you Rey.I had fever and headache.So didnt see another car coming.Let it go.Was just an accident."

R-"You know what Im talking about.You guys fought again?If Im not wrong.You look disturbed from days.I want everything to fall on place now.Anna you both need to stop.Being kids."

V-"Some things are not easy Rey.You wont understand all this.Dont have to worry muc.About all these things.It happens.Dont stress your head.Handle work now."

Doctor entered room along with others.He started examining Vivaan.He could hardly lift his right hand and leg.Head also had cuts and was given stitches.he had fever with bad cold.Shivani didnt move from his side.Listening carefully instructions from doctor.Just then Varna entered.She was panting.Stopped near door.Her eyes took second to find.Vivaan in such state.She never imagine strong person like him.To be like this.His face showed pain.Varna gulped hard and Reyaansh saw that.

D-"Its okay Vivaan.Your injuries are not deep.But need time to heal.You need to rest now.No moving around.For now I have to give stitches to injury on your leg."

S-"Stitches now.Doctor wont it hurt.Is wound too deep."

V-"Shivani let doctor do his job.We should all step out."

S-"Im not going anywhere.You know Vivaan cant bear pain.He is also bleeding."

Mention of blood made Varna feel nauseate.She covered her mouth.Not facing anyone.Vikram tried to make Shivani understand.

V-"Mom stop crying.Im fine.Injection will make me feel better.Start your work Doctor."

R-"I think we all should leave room.Varna can stay here."

D-"yes only his wife can stay.Dont worry.It will pain little brave boy."

Vivaan didnt have any sense.Think about something else at moment.He kept on focussing on his pain.As it deepened each second.Shivani looked at her son.Then before leaving she wasnt sure.If she can rely on Varna.Vikram assured her through eyes and all left.Except Varna standing near closed door.Doctor was cleaning wound.

D-"Please come here dear.I need your help.We need to get rid.Of his jeans.Here and then I can do dressing."

Varna was sweating with fear.Seeing blood and doctors words.Made her situation more awkward.Vivaan was still in senses.He heard doctor and tried helping him.He knew this will get uncomfortable.

V-"Doctor I can manage.She can stay outside.Actually she cant see blood."

D-"I understand.After all she is your wife.Cant see husband in pain.From time she entered room.Have been watching her so quiet.See your wife loves and cares.For you this much.For her you should be more careful next time.About now.She can only help you.I will get my bag.Till time you help him change.Something comfortable."

Doctor left room and two people.Present were in most awkward situation in life.Vivaan was struggling help himself.With his half body in dead pain.Varna didnt knew what her next move should be.She waited for some time.Playing with end of her stole.Till she saw Vivaan falling back.Not able to do anything.She immediately went for his help.Holding him from back.She looked at his wound.So deep.Blood which scared her.He was sweating.He opened his eyes.With blur vision and he could see her.In nervous state.He could barely speak.

V-"Let it be.I can manage.You go out before doctor comes back."

He winced in pain.Varna could imagine what he.Was going through.Amount of blood loss he had.He had difficulty to breath.With his hands not stable.He tried to keep them on his torn jeans.Loud moan came from him.As he realized wound was getting deeper.And painful every second.He felt helpless at moment.When he fell back.Giving up on his strength.Next he frowned.When felt her hand on his leg.His eyes opened.With shock and amazement.

V-"What do you think.You are doing.didnt I ask you to leave.That idiot man will come back again.Go now."

He cribbed being on pain.He had no strength to argue with her.Or make her understand situation.They cant give explanation.About their relationship to outsiders.He shut his eyes.On attempts to move his leg.Varna held one of his leg.Carefully.Blood didnt made her feel.Moved from what she was doing.She carefully placed his leg on pillow.Despite of his attempts.Went to get his clothes.Pair of shorts and shirt.She helped him to sit.He could see discomfort on her face.But he was in need of help.She helped him getting rid of blood stained shirt.Her face was flushed.With heat avoiding.Her gaze to fall on his bare body.She made him wear fresh shirt.Helping him with buttons.As she reached top one.Their eyes met.Vivaan felt dizzy.

She looked at shorts.Feeling confused what to do.When saw him extending his hand.She handed it to him.Turning her back to him.He somehow succeeded on changing his clothes.She took jeans and shirt.Going out of room.Vivaan felt weird as well.Confused with behavior she showed today.They werent on talking terms.From few days.What she did for him just now.Left him with puzzled nature of her again today.He heard doctor getting in.

D-"I think you can hold his hand.This can feel painful.But for few seconds.I will give him pain killer."

Doctor started giving stitches.Vivaans throat dried up.With endless pain.getting on his nerves now.Varna was made to sit beside him.On bed.Doctor smiled at them.Varna clutched on to her dress.Her hands going sweaty.She didnt knew how.Vivaan was going to take this deep pain.As needle pierced his skin.he groaned hard and he unknowingly.Gripped on to her hand.She found his touch.Gulped hard and let him hold her.For while till this continued.Finally stitches were done.Doctor looked at both of them.

D-"Done and see pain was less.Love makes pain vanish in seconds.Told you boy.You are lucky to get wife like her.Im giving you some medicines.As well bed rest is advised.Dear lady you make sure.He doesnt leave his bed.Till he completely recovers.I will take your leave now.Take care."

Vivaan was given pain killers.Injection made him fall in deep slumber.Doctor came out and informed others.Shivani saw Varna rushing out of room.She knew this wasnt easy for her.But she held herself back.This time because maybe this was chance.Meant for couple to make something happen to them.

Varna  gave blood stained clothes.Get washed and she went to washroom.Throwing up.Her face was wet with sweat and tears.She washed with water.Feeling weak and worn out.She looked at herself in mirror.Images of Vivaan in pain.His blood and stitches got back to her.Scared them to death.She washed her face again.Saw her stole also had his blood stains.Had to change her dress.She came out wiping her face with towel.Towel dropped from her hand.She noticed marks on her hand.Remembered they were given by him.She fell on bed.Not being able to understand situation.She had to give in and why.She wondered.Hear calls for her from downstairs.

It was evening time.Whole day Varna had hard time handling Pranush.It was as if she knew.Little one could feel something.Happened and he was missing Vivaan badly.Vivaan was sleeping.Feeling weak under effect of medicines.He woke up to have meals and medicines.

L-"Akka I think Varna should stay with Vivaan.At night.I will keep Pranush with me.Vivaan needs to take his medicines on time.What if he needs anything."

S-"I was also thinking this.But will she be alright with this.I mean."

L-"Realization will come only.When one falls in such situation Akka.Like today it happened.Didnt you hear doctor saying.How Vivaan was helped by his wife.Feel better in pain.I think this will be better.For both of them to bridge gap between them."

S-"You are right Lata.I will tell Varna."

Varna was staying with Vivaan for night.She didnt knew what made her agree for that.If it was her guilt for whatever she said to him.Days before or something else.She was tired from stress.Have gone through whole day.Didnt have energy to think more on this.She was sitting on bed.Beside him.Checking on him.He woke up twice to have water.He had to take his medicines in an hour.She thought to rest for some time.Shutting his eyes in sitting position.

He felt pain to move his body.Still opened his eyes.Whole day sleeping made him feel.Bit better but he wanted to get rid of body pain.He looked around.Moving his leg little bit.His eyes didnt believe.Seeing her sitting beside him.She was in sleep.Why was she doing this for him.He wanted to ask her.Not also at same time.He coughed making noise.Which broke her sleep.She adjusted her stole.Got him some water.She covered him with quilt.After giving him medicines.All this time he had his eyes on her.Not single second he moved them.

V-"Why are you doing all this.If you are forced.You can leave.I will make them understand."

She didnt answer him.Which made him frustrated.She was about to fix pillow.Under his right arm.When he caught her hand.She looked at him surprised.Didnt say word.Tried getting her hand out of his hold.She succeeded and moved to other side.Standing and avoiding him.

V-"You never have answers for any of my questions.I wonder why you do this.Running away every single time.If that day will come.When I will get to hear.Anything from you.Would have better.If something had happened to me today.Would have been saved.From this."

Var-"Im sorry."

Vivaan opened his eyes.Shock and sense of emotion.Visible on his face.As he saw her standing right.facing him.She wasnt crying but her face.Showed guilt.She wasnt able to say word more than.What he wasnt able to digest.She stayed like that.

V-"Whay are you sorry Varna.What did you do."

Var-"For my behavior that day.I shouldnt have.Accused you of.Anything like that.Im taking back my words.You need to rest now."

She left room.Vivaan stayed back in pool of unsorted emotions.Will there ever be any understanding.Between them.How will things ever change.One moment he thinks he understood her.Next he finds her completely different person.He wasnt able to get over his thoughts.When prepared himself for sleep.He frowned feeling something beside him on bed.As he touched thing.He could see it was ring.His frowned deepened.He heard door and pretended to sleep.Varna came running looking for something.She looked restless.As if her breath was stuck and her eyes fell on bed.There was her precious belonging.She held it.Shutting her eyes and feeling it closer to her.She wore ring on her finger.This was Shakthis last symbol to him.Symbol of what they had.She felt she lost herself again.She went out of room.To check on Pranush.Vivaan opened his eyes.He was confused.See her react like that.For a ring.Why did it mean so much to her.What was she holding on to.


Im going slow with pace of this story.This may disappoint few readers.But this is how I believe on transforming my imagination.Into words.Dont know how long it will take for.Good moments between Vivarna to start.I can say something has started off between them.Which will lead them to naming their relationship soon.Hope you have patience.Bear with me for so long.


I cant imagine writing on Vivaan and Varna like this.Way you have and exact emotions.This is why you is one of my most.Precious friends and writers here.Just love you.Thank you for writng this on Vivarna.I dont know if I can do half of justice.To what you have done here.Thank you.I want more.Hope I get to learn from you.You made fans happy too.With some happiness finally.Love you. Those who havent.Check one shot written on Vivaan and Varna.Its must.

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