Chapter 69

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Vivaan spent two days in Sydney.It was hectic.Attending conferences and he came over.This morning to catch up with.His old friend in some cafe.He was about to leave when heard.Someone from back.he could make out from voice.Someone he knew.He turned around.Looking at person.Priyamwavada gave him smile.Soon taking him in hug.He smiled at her too.

P-"Vivaan Reddy here.This has to pleasant surprise.In my town."

V-"It is.How have you been."

P-"Good enough.Guess you didnt like me one bit.Thats why didnt inform about your arrival.Guess our last meeting was.Bit overhyped."

V-"Im good at forgetting.Specially with past few months."

P-"So charming you are.what say.Have cup of coffee and conversation?"

Vivaan smiled and both took seat.He didnt mind spending some time with her.He always found her.Sane and brave her.Live life on her own choice.They were clumsy last time with conversation.Priyam placed order.Playing with her hands.As they started chatting.Knew one name has to be common.In their next step of.Conversation it was heading to.It was Varna.

P-"So how have you been.Since last time we met."

Coffee arrived.Both adjusting on their seats.Priyam had a smile on her face.Vivaan felt confused.Unsure mind to know.Where this conversation will head to.He was uneasy.Face any questions.Which he wont be able to answer.He touched rim of his mug.Not meeting her eyes.

P-"careful boy.Its too hot."

V-"Yeah.Sorry what were you asking."

P-"You dont have to be.Formal with me Vivaan.I hope you know.I prefer friendly vibes.Between us more.Go easy."

V-"Thanks.I havent met someone like you.Easy and calm."

P-"Im taking this.As compliment.All say that.Very few could understand me.Im glad for those.Who couldnt.I have seen.Enough in life Vivaan.What taught me.To be what Im today.Life is like test.For which you have to sit.Withotu preparations.Once it gets over.You are back to.Life."

V-"Its not for everyone.For some tests keep on happening.There isnt ending."

He took sip from coffee.Priyam smirked drinking from her mug.

P-"Must be hard.Dealing with Varna.I get you."

He choked on his drink.Before Priyam giving.Laughable expression.He said sorry.Taking back by her.

P-"Varnas name does that to you.Told you.Its too hot."


P-"Get grip boy.Varna is hot.Im not saying about her now.Look at your face."

V-"I give up.Your nieces have gone.After you.Word plays."

P-"Im sorry.I was pulling your leg.Im not expecting.What you must be thinking.From you.Take that Im not Ramya or Varnas aunt.Not speaking for anyone."

V-"I respect you for that.Well if you ask me.Nothing has changed much.Life is going.Like it is.Except your niece.Who is growing new roots.For being stubborn every day.It is difficult.I dont know how.Handle her and her moods."

P-"I see.Expected from Varna.She has always like this.You take step towards her.She will take step back.Its how her mind works.Once she decided on something.She wont move from that."

V-"Life cant be spend like this.Im sorry.May sound selfish.But Im trying from my side.To give family to my son.Give her something too.Which I may not able.From heart.Im human too.If I can try to move.On from my past.Take step.Whats stopping her.Was her love for Shakthi so much.Who didnt give time to her.Think twice."

P-"You are sure.Its her love for Shakthi.She is stopping herself."

V-"There cant be other reason.She says that.She havent taken out her ring.Cries on it every night.Tell me what should I do.In this situation.Cant go right.Or left.Anywhere.Everything uncertain."

P-"So you do notice her.Crying every night.Thats good.Ice has broken.Little much."

V-"Wont lie to you.I have tried.Think again.Forget our past.Try to look at Varna.I didnt knew.From before.Its her.Who doesnt want to give chance.To anyone.Except her stubbornness."

P-"Can she be easy.Forgetting her past.When its with her.Every moment.Right in front of her eyes."

V-"Shakthi is not there.I met him few days ago.Was with some girl too.Dont know how he is doing."

P-"Shakthi is not factor here.He had very less role to play.In Varnas life.Vivaan she never loved him.Love and liking are two different things.She liked him as friend.Ready to accept him as companion.In life.But dont know how to sum it up to you."

V-"You are saying that.Have you heard her saying.She has sworn words.Upon her love for him.I think you are mistaking."

P-"I can mistake on judging.Myself but not my Varna.She is whom.I understand."

V-"She is complex.More I try to understand here.I lose myself.Dont think I can ever."

P-"You give up so soon.If you had given some more time.Things would have been.Different now."


P-"For understanding Varna.You have to feel reason.Behind walls she has build up.Surrounding herself.Have to know why.She is keeping herself away.From you.From all emotions.Because she fears to be deprived.Of love again.Everything and everyone.Whom she was denied of.My baby is.Scared of losing.She has lost enough."

Vivaan stiffened.At every word spoken by Priyam.He could see her.Face changing expressions.It strike him.How she spoke.With affections dotted.

V-"Ramya was mine too.She is part of my life.Can never replace.She left us all.In way.We cant ever forget.But I want Varna.Live her life.She cant ruin herself like that."

P-"She has lost something else too Vivaan.Which moved her.This much.She has kept herself away.From her sister too.Varna was never like that.Have seen both sisters.Growing up.When they were small.Both were bundles of joy.Ramya was naughty but Varna.My doll.She was such happy child.Be in her own world of happiness.With her sister.Everything was going good.Till we get to know.Ramyas health condition deteriorating.With age she was growing.Her heart wasnt in nice condition.We all used to be.Tensed for that.Their father consulting doctors.Best of whatever he could.Left everyone disturbed.Being extra careful for Ramya.In all this.They forgot something.Varna existed too.She was child.Of Ramyas age.Her twin.With same face.One day both were playing.In garden.When Ramya fell down.Hurt herself.Varna got hurt too.She was blamed for why Ramya fell down.When she was child too.Look on her face.When slowly she was understanding.Concern for her sister.Will be more from her family.She never felt insecure.She started protecting Ramya.Only thing we failed to see.How Varna was drifting away.From her family.She made herself person.Who fears emotions.When she have them.Fail to get closer to people.It isnt Varna.Be blamed totally.For what she has become.There are times.We cant mend things back.Too late.But we can still.Make her better.Problem is she doesnt want to give.Chance to anyone.I do believe.You can."

V-"You never tried to.Speak to Appa or Karuna aththai.About this.How can they being partial.One of their kids."

P-"Werent partial.Its their fear for Ramya.Which didnt give them chance.See hollowness on Varna.She used to pin for attention.Love and care.I was there but.Then you cant take all places.With time it became more crucial.When both were young.Proposal came for Ramya.Family came to see her.But they chose Varna.When they saw her.Because of Ramyas illness.They rejected her.Something built inside Prakash garus heart.He developed this misconception.If theres someone.Who can be problem.In getting Ramya married.It will be Varna.Because they were identical twins.His words hurt Varna.Made her more stone like.She started living away.Busying herself with work.But I have seen girl.Crying over nights.Being aloof of her loneliness.Its how because of our mindset.One beautiful bond between sisters.Gets questioned up.Nothing could break them.Im glad..She has love and emotions.Within her.She has locked them up."

Vivaan went into some.Deep thinking.He caught his head.Coffee was cold.Untouched on mug.Priyam composed herself.He took deep breathe.

V-"Did you try.Talking with her.Ever.About this."

P-"What had to happen.Happened and we cant change past.I wanted good present and future for her.Would have got back her.But fate has its own play."

V-"Am I missing out something.Did something.Someone came to her life.Than Shakthi?"

P-"Someone who awakened.Feelings and emotions.Inside her.Made experience this beautiful.Thing called love.I have seen her smile.Her face which changed.Something I waited for."

V-"Why didnt it materialize then.I mean.Did he ditched her."

P-"I said so.Fate has never been on her side.She let go.Of love.Again locking herself up.Shakthi came much later.Into picture.If by all means.He stayed back with her.Maybe she could have lived better."

Priyamvada checked time.She was running late for work.Vivaan was confused.With every word laid in front of him.He saw her taking her bag.Paying bill.Before he could stop her.

P-"I have to rush now Vivaan.Wish could stay.Have to go for work."

V-"We havent finished yet.You need to tell me.More."

P-"More about what.Some stories are better.Closed when they ended.I want you to.Make Varna understand life.Herself and give her reason.Again to live.She deserves love and happiness.I have faith on you.You will do that.Just dont give up.Too soon.I request you."

Both got up.Vivaan frowned and something strike him.Still playing with his mind.

V-"Chitti.Varna was in love with whom?Was it one sided."

Priyam stopped.Turning back to Vivaan.With smile on face.She raised her eyes.Meeting him.

P-"I believe.Some questions have better answers.With you.Its only you who can answer them.Vivaan Reddy you saw Varna Shetty.Met her and judged her too quickly.Maybe if could have given some more time.Good bye.See you.Next time.Till you discover yourself first."

As she left.Vivaan sat back.On chair again.Having some water.He messed up his hair.Feeling pain on head.He shut his eyes.Trying to recall.What Priyam said.Every word of hers.What did she mean.He was frustrated over himself.Something was missing.He tried connecting dots.When water fell on his shirt.He was trying to dry it up.When suddenly he remembered.Something.Ramyas voice played on his mind.

R-"Vivaan why did you fell for me.Was it because Im more.Easy to understand.What if you met someone.You cant understand.Wouldnt you have feel for her."

Nervousness rushed inside him.Napkin fell from his hands.He shut his eyes.Getting over sudden disturbing.Thoughts and stood up.Only to meet reality.

P-"Vivaan Reddy you saw Varna Shetty.Met her and judged her too quickly.Maybe if could have given some more time.

"You give up so soon.If you had given some more time.Things would have been.Different now."  

"Someone who awakened.Feelings and emotions.Inside her.Made experience this beautiful.Thing called love.I have seen her smile.Her face which changed.Something I waited for."  

"I said so.Fate has never been on her side.She let go.Of love.Again locking herself up.Shakthi came much later.Into picture.If by all means.He stayed back with her.Maybe she could have lived better."  

"Can she be easy.Forgetting her past.When its with her.Every moment.Right in front of her eyes."  

 "I believe.Some questions have better answers.With you.Its only you who can answer them."

Vivaan caught his head again.In attempt to fail.Joining Priyams words.He went to restroom.Washed his face many times.Till he saw himself in mirror.Like a wave.Everything started coming back to him.Could see images.On mirror.His first meet with her.Their conversation and meetings.Why it stopped.Where it began and what was it.Something which could have.Happened to something else.What was it.Which didnt let him.Take step that time.Towards Varna.Did he had feelings for her?No he loved Ramya.He fell for her.He said to himself.He shut his eyes.Opening them with pain.

Varna-"Let it go.Right.Its easy for let go and you must have been.used to this.Letting go.Mr Vivaan Reddy.You forget.Thats how you are.But I cant be.Like that.Its because of you.You brought this devastation to me.You caused every bit of misery.Pain for me.I lost myself.Because of you.You are reason.I hate you.So much.I cant think of.I hate you."Was always right.Hating on you.I hate you.I hate you with strongest emotion.Do you hear me.Vivaan Reddy.I hated you.Because you.Took away most precious thing from me.In my life.You snatched my happiness.My emotion and my breath.You ruined me.Destroyed my world."

Vivaan stumbled on his steps.Catching on walls for support.Those few minutes of his life.Were most challenging to him.He couldnt think anything.Just be with himself.His mind and heart.After some time he came out of cafe.Opened door of his car.He rested his head back.Before coming in terms.With truth.Few truths and few shocks.Which werent meant for him.He opened his eyes.Red and lost.If there was something.Which made their lives.Complicated and twisted.He didnt knew.What he vouched for.Unknowingly he has become.Biggest mistake of her life.Hate for her.She loved him.Was it easy for him to accept.Varna gave up on him.Because of Ramya.He was still not.In terms.He needed time and senses.Face truth.


Thanking every reader of Fragile Hearts from.Bottom of my heart.Your love for this book.Precious than anything else for me.You push me to write better each time.Sorry for making you wait.Was caught up badly.Hope you consider me.

For those who messaging me.Dont feel bad and angry.Lately I havent replied or checked any messages.Will reply to them all.Thank you for being patient.Making me part of your lives.We are fortunate to be loved.I have you.In my life.You make me love writing more.

Hope you have read my new drabble series.On Pranushka.Love in Jaipur.

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