Chapter 86

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V-"Tonight is night.When I wished stars to gaze at me.Like never before.Tonight is the night.I wished you would hold me like never before.Be with me for eternity.

You remember this line.From one of your favorite books.Varna?"

Each step Vivaan was taking towards her.Made Varna more nervous.Anticipating his next move.He had something in his mind tonight.Which she could feel.As he inched distance between them.He gave dreamy smile to her.She felt her throat dry.Hardly meeting his eyes.

Var-"You.You were keeping an eye on me.All this while."

V-"If I say yes.Then?"

Varna turned back.Not facing him with pout on face.He went beside her feeling cool breeze.Hitting their faces.

Var-"I always thought you were different kind of person.Till I get to know.You believe in something called love.I was taken back.Say something Varna."

Var-"There is difference between reality and stories.They never happen in real life."

V-"Love will get you.Even if you dont want it to.Come to you."

She couldnt bear it any long.Trying to leave from there.He held her hand strongly.She tried to loosen his hold.He was way more stern in his hold and decision.She struggled to speak word.

Var-"Please Vivaan.Leave me."

He softly came to her.Holding her hand.She was shivering.He could see that.Standing like that facing each other.Vivaan have never seen her from this view.So serene and beautiful.Breeze was making her hair come on her face.He touched them making her shut her eyes.He got closer to her.Blowing air and hot breath made her numb.Her one hand was with her.Other one gripped hard on her dress.She opened her eyes to see him touching her hand.He smiled and kissed on top of her palm.Sending shivers down her spine.He gazed at her from corner of his eyes.Next he placed light kiss on her wrist and before he could move upward.She tried to run away again.

Varnas heart was thumping with fear.Sort of tension gripping over her.But Vivaan knew no folds tonight.He was in different land.Dazzled by her.He came behind her.Touching her hair making them set on one side.His lips softly touched her yet again.This time on her cheek.Moving her to no limits.She gulped hard.With each of his touch.While he continued to torture her.His nose rubbed on her hair.Taking in sweet fragrance.With his hand loosely set on her waist.He kissed her ear.Seeing it going red.

V-"I can see something in your eyes.For me Varna.Isnt this love."

Varna seemed prepared.Like everytime.But he did make her weak.Continuing his attempts.Her cheek braced with drop of tear.He noticed that.He went ahead facing her.Letting that drop fall on her thumb.He kissed it proving serenity of his love.

V-"I cant see them in your eyes.I always want to see you smiling.Dare you bring them again on your face."

He caught her from waist.Pulling her to him.She became more scared.With her hands unconsciously set on his chest.She breathed with difficulty.


His finger was on her lips.Trying to make it less difficult for her.Ruin this moment for them.She saw his eyes.Warmed with tears.Both didnt say word to each other.Letting silence convey whatever it had to.

V-"Tell me.You love me."

Var-"I dont.Dont."

He pulled her more closer.Almost making her bang with his chest.Catching her from cheeks.Making her face him.Her cheeks wet with fresh tears.Finding it too painful.Not to reach to his touches.When each of them were breaking her.Truth was she was responding to him.

V-"You do.Tell me."

Var-"I.I.I dont."

V-"You do.Varna.You do."

She shaked her head in no.As if he knew how to press right moves.By not pressurizing her but making her feel.How is it to be deprived by her every time.He went closer to her.Their faces inches apart.Heads joined together.She cried now.Helpless and he shut his eyes.

V-"Say it.Please."

Var-"I dont.Dont.Vivaan."



She gripped on his shirt.So tight.As if leaning on his support.His hold loosened on her wist.Though he was going weak.Professing his love to her.He was begging her.She cried and through her tears.She knew this time he wasnt giving her pain.

V-"You love me.Varna.You do."

Var-"I hate you.I hate you."

V-"I love you.I love you."

Var-"I hate you Vivaan.I hate you."

V-"I love you."

Var-"I hate you Vivaan.I.I.Hate you."

I.Love you."

He heard it right.Still his heart didnt so he felt.He opened his eyes.Facing her.Felt pained to see her in this state.Her hiccups broke him from inside.He caught her from shoulders.She was losing her support.

Var-"I hate you.I love you.I love you."

He didnt wait any longer.To take her in rib crushing hug.Finally breaking barrier of misunderstanding.Confusion and pain between them.She had her hands around him.Feeling close to him.She needed him and she never felt this secured.Protective than being in his arms.She hugged him feeling content.Satisfied and they kept on standing like that.Being in moment of confession.Which was no less than storm filled ride for them.Loud thunder got them back.Varna opened her tear brimmed eyes.Still in his arms.His hold tight enough.

She didnt dare to move or come out of hug.Till felt something wet on his cheek bones.He kissed her there.Slowly making her come out of hug.With his steamy yet fresh kisses.Filled with love and promise.His eyes looked he was in some daze.Still being happiest with her words.He cupped her cheeks.Her shying away and keeping gaze down.He felt this wasnt time to exchange any words between them.Taking opportunity.He reached her lips.With thunders an urge ignited in them.His lips touched her quivering soft ones.Lightly and as if waiting for her response.She was as nervous as she could be.Being unknown to all such feelings in life.She wanted to forget if she was same Varna.

Well nothing could shake Vivaan today.Before sealing it he made sure to profess it in most beautiful way ever.Whispering on her lips.

V-"I love you.Madly ,fiercely and like no tomorrow."

Varna wished not to smile.Even in this moment.This was another of her favorite quotes.From books.Rain started pouring down.While moment got locked.In something precious witnessing as start of them.He softly kissed her lips.His hand securing her from back.As gently as ever.She felt her feet will give away any time.Her hands had their own accord.Going to his hair and didnt knew.They were giving right push to him.Rhythm of love and confession.Was stronger than any emotion.Same happened with them.Kiss deepened with passion.Brewing inside their souls.She stayed still.Letting him invade her.He sensed that but smiled.Knowing her well.He left her lips.Giving her chance to breathe.Looking at her again.Then kissed her again.Not in mood to leave her.He wanted it to reach peak till heard her moan.Leaving her instantly.He was trying to catch some air.Panting seeing her open her eyes.Her lips swollen.As if they invited him to invade again.Vivaan didnt gave second thought.He joined their lips again.With kiss turning heat on.Things were much steamy.In moment of time Varna felt herself picked by him.Not giving her second to realize whatever was happening.While taking her inside room he didnt leave her lips.Making sure to be in touch with kisses.She wasnt objecting either.Need of breathe made both come out finally.

He kept on looking at her.While her gaze was still down.Her hands secured on his torso.He put her down on bed.As gently as possible.Her back hit bed.Both staring at each others eyes.Till he almost fell on top of her.In a minute as if moment stopped for them.Varna felt her heartbeats rushing.His breath on her face and neck.In such close proximity with him.She didnt dare to open her eyes.Meanwhile Vivaan only knew.How to be fierce tonight.He was in love.With her.He raised his face.His intoxicating eyes doting some magic on her.His long fingers touched her face.She shaked with each of touch.He loved that effect on her.

Possibly he moved fringes of hair touching her face.He loved staring at this angelic beauty.Who belonged to him.He could only remember words that escaped from her mouth.Few moments ago.She loved him.He shut his eyes and joined their heads.Few breathes deep and long they took together.She wet her lips by herself and this was another trigger for him.As he opened his eyes.Both didnt knew where this was leading.Except mold of passion that was pulling them.He kissed her forehead.As beautifully as ever.Feathery kiss on her nose and both cheeks.She kept on moving taking high breathes.Under his hold.He hid his head on her neck.Marking bare part of her neck.With his kisses.She gasped.


His name from her mouth.Was pushing him to edge.If only she knew.It wont stop him.He moved to other side.Trying to get more access.His lips loving every inch of her.Coming down through her shoulder.She tried to move her hand.He saw her face.Her eyes were screaming loud.She belonged to him.He kissed her both eyes with love.Unknowingly Varnas hands went back to his hair.He felt her touch.Budding his desires to another level.

Loud thunder bolted.With rain getting heavier.Vivaan clasped his hand with hers.Tighter entwining their fingers.Her moans could be heard.As he was seen discovering her more.He threw stole to some place.Bed was messed up with desperate souls.Looking for some relief.Varna curled her toes as his ones brushed hers.He would go breathless each time.Kissing her like no end.She felt his hand at her back.Tugging at zip of her dress.He almost took it down.Moving her hair to one side.He kissed below her ear the sweet spot.Giving her something.Which pained as a first shock.She didnt knew.One can feel like this too.Later her pain subsided by him in his own way.Like this she felt few times more.She wasnt in her senses to know.What he was doing.She ruffled his hair.Igniting him more.And more till he tried to cross barrier.Feeling her soft hands.On his bare torso.As shirt was loose now almost.

Vivaans eyes would give up.Any moment.He wanted to make her his own.Willing to do.His hand touched her bare back.Giving her shivers.He slid her dress down.from shoulder.Kissing her there.Hovering on her with his lips.Not leaving an inch.For Varna all this was new feelings.Which naturally brought her down to tears.Before Vivaan pulled her dress fully down.He felt something.Her tears.Her mumbles.He panted raising his face.Hardly able to see her.Still he saw her eyes shining.With pearl like tears.


In brief moment.As if everything stopped.Both realized what has gotten into them.Whatever they have been involved into from few minutes ago.It sinked upon them.Their gaze moved from each other.As Vivaan looked down.Catching his head.He found her lying on her back.In dishieveled state.She clutched on to her dress from chest.Breathing heavily.Shock came upon her too.Realizing position they were in.Vivaan got up slowly.Giving her chance to quickly proper herself.Finding heat turning on her face.It was too hard on them.

Staggering on his steps.He found her stole down.Picking it up.He gulped down guilt.What would have happened.If he wouldnt have stopped.Varna sat still.Hugging her knees.Still shaking with fear.Guilt of losing herself too.She felt him wrapping stole around her.Covering her from his eyes.Fresh tears braced her cheeks.She could only hear his whisper.Before he left her view.


Vivaan rushed to shower.Closing door.Turning on knob feeling cold water touching him.It was need of hour for him.As water ran down relaxing his wrecked muscles.Every inch of him was aching.But along with that he thought what just happened between him and Varna.Part of him was elated for confession.He just heard from her.But he felt it wasnt somehow time.For taking it to another level.He became victim of his own emotions.He feared how she would take him as.A desperate man in need.He failed badly.

He caught his head.Next moment punching wall.Having a break down.Deep down he didnt feel this was wrong.He loves her.All was out of love.Then nothing has been normal in their relationship so far.

Varna clutched stole tightly.As if hiding herself.Underneath and her soul too.She cried hating herself.How can she lose.To his touch.How dare she.Before she would have thought to take step ahead.She have showed this side of her to him.She would have never thought of.She felt ashamed.His touch was still there.Devastating her.With thought if they wouldnt have stopped.What would have happened.She feared.She was scared.What he would be thinking about her.Confession was less that she messed it up badly.Not having grip on her emotions.She bit her lips cursing herself.Crying and slowly curling up her fragile body.She didnt knew when she felt so weak and went into deep slumber.

The rains stopped in early morning.After leaving cold yet touchy ambience.For wedding it was almost disaster having rains before ceremony.So all were tensed checking on arrangements.To their luck marriage was to happen at late night.All were busy in work.Rushing here and there.Reyaansh found Vivaan.calling him out.

R-"Anna why dont you rest for some time.Your eyes say you didnt sleep last night.Came here early morning working till now.Im here dont worry."

It was true.Vivaan looked tired.More than that stressed.Because of tension.Who was sleeping till now in their room.He didnt dare to wake her up.Finding her in deep sleep.But he knew he has to face her.He wasnt scared or guilty.

V-"Dont worry Im fine.You go and check once our flight details.We are leaving tomorrow."

He only wished now.This wedding to be over and once they reach home.They will have discussion over this.This night should pass somehow.

Feeling her head bit heavy.She opened her eyes.Be welcome by light cold wind touching her skin.She moved blanket.Slowly getting up.As it dawned upon her.It was late morning.She slept like anything.But soon enough last night came to her mind.She bit her lips.Remembering horrific reality.What they shared and later.Her break down.But he wasnt seen anywhere.Where he must be.It was relief for her for time being.Not having him around.She shoved away blanket.Trying to find Pranush.He was still with Lata.How can she be so careless.She caught her head.Life can never be easy on her.Why does even beautiful things come to her.With sense of guilt or repentance.She touched herself and could still feel after effect.Of moments they shared.His touch.Was there on her.

Vivaan was feeding Pranush.His baby food.Almost struggling to feed.He was not taking it.As he was used to be fed by Varna always.It wasnt easy task for anyone else to make him have his meal.He made face and almost pushed spoon.When Vivaan made serious face.He was already not in mood.

V-"Pranu stop making fuss.Have it come on."

He made face and cried.Soon breaking down.He felt bad and picked him up.Wiping his tears.True little one was more fussy.Because he havent seen his mother from last night.Vivaan rubbed his back.Kissing him trying to feed again.He woudnt take it anyhow.Shivani saw her son struggling and came there.Patting Pranushs head.

Sh-"Vivaan what happened.Why is he crying."

V-"He has become so stubborn Mom.Not having food."

Sh-"Missing his mother.Where is Varna."

V-"Ah.She had headache so I told her to rest.Its not good to be spoiled like this always.He needs to learn it."

Sh-"Stop being harsh on him.Give him to me.Pranu will have foodie.From Paati today."

Baby rubbed his eyes.He was hungry but not ready to give up.He asked Vivaan to take him back.When he did that he hid his face in his shoulder.Tugging at his shirt.Shivani and Vivaan smiled seeing that.

V-"See his drama.What antics he learned."

Sh-"Enough now.See how Varna manages all day.Now you know.Vivaan I wanted ask you something.Are you both leaving with us tomorrow?"

V-"yes Mom why.Do you wish to stay longer?Please no."

Sh-"Vivaan.No.I thought Varna would like to meet her family.Her Aththai called that day and I told her we are coming here for wedding."

V-"Amazing you did it.Now another problem."

Sh-"What.You both should meet them and maybe spend a day or two more here.They miss Pranu also."

V-"Mom I dont know.I cant be sure.Have so much work.Back at office.Have been missing out for long.You shouldnt have informed them."

Sh-"Vivaan they also have right on Pranu.In my opinion you both should visit them.At least.Now go and wash his face.And yes I sent something for Varna.Ask her if she liked it."

Shivani left after kissing Pranush.Vivaan was done feeding him.He wasnt able to think of solution for one problem.Here another came.He himself didnt wanted to force Varna.For visiting her family.He was aware of turmoils she has been on.But now he has to think of something.

The warm water gave her much relief.As it ran down her body.Varna could feel burning from water.On her skin at some places.She frowned as she didnt knew why it burnt them so much.After taking shower she wore her bathrobe and came out drying her hair.Some different sensation she felt on her neck skin.She threw towel on bed and went to check herself in mirror.She frowned again.Feeling light burning sensation.As her hand touched her skin part on neck.She moved her hair and looked there deeply.Her eyes widened as it came to her sense.What those light purple marks were.She hid them with her robe.As if unseeing them.Shutting her eyes and checked other side of her neck.Unwillingly and to her shock.Marks were there too.She gritted her teeth.Feeling angry on her own self.Felt like crying when heard knock on door next moment.

She was in fix what to do.What if Vivaan was there.She tried to look for her clothes.At moment Nandinis voice came as relief to her.She opened door with nervous smile.

N-"Hii.Im sorry were you busy?"

Var-"No.I.Just took shower.Come in."

Nandini got inside.She had something on her hand.As she found Varna bit weird.She have been tilting her head.In either sides.

N-"Are you alright Varna.Is something.Wrong with your neck?"

Var-"What.No.What will be wrong.I.Im fine."

N-"You must be heaving headache.Even I have.Last night hardly got to sleep."

Varna bit her lips.Her heart beating fast.She pulled her robe.From neck trying best to cover herself.Nandini touched her hand and found them dead cold.

N-"Madam.Are you fine.Your hands are so cold.You are sweating?"

Var-"No.Im fine.You say."

N-"yeah.I came to give you this.You were sleeping in morning.So Mami asked me to give it to you once you wake up."

Varna opened box.Which had this small gold necklace.Along with it pair of ear rings."

N-"Beautiful na.Mami got one set for me too.She wants us to wear them tonight.By the way.You are wearing Saree right for night."

Box dropped from Varnas hand.She bent down to pick it up.In process Nandinis eyes saw at which she smiled.She coughed.Finding Varna smiling at her lightly.

Var-"Thanks Nandu.I dont know how I slept till this late.I should go to her and say thanks."

N-"Hmm.Its alright.I understand.She will also understand as it happens."

Nandini tried to hide her smile.Varna frowned.Moment she remembered it and caught collar of her robe again.Already it was itching her skin.Then she had to hide it with so much tension.She was confused at Nandinis expression.When Nandini held her hand.Touching her cheeks.

N-"Im very happy for you Varna.In fact for you both.I dont know if I should say this but I knew.One day you both will find way together.You are my favorite couple."

She cooed Varnas cheeks.Leaving her confused.She looked at box keeping it on bed.When Nandini was at door step she turned back and said something.

N-"By the way Varna.If you are wearing saree tonight.Please make sure not to wear deep cut neck.You know.If you need any help do call me out."

She giggled and left room.Varna was irritated more.With itching as it was getting worse.Then it dawned upon her what Nandini meant.She has seen those marks it meant.She felt embarrassed.At moment fearing what if someone else spots them.

Var-"Its all because of you.Why to blame him.Im also responsible for this.I hate myself."

She broke down into tears.Moments after she heard door.Raising her head and there he stood.With blank face.Vivaan shut door and found her in bathrobe.Her eyes were red.Glaring at him.He knew he was in for some face off again.


I know many maybe disappointed.But this was need of time.Vivaan and Varna will sort it out soon.Dont worry.Hope the chapter wasnt messy though I tried best to keep it clean.

I have to think a lot for writing this particular chapter.Not making it hyped or too simple.Hope you will understand time I have taken up.All these days.

Please do not forget to vote and comment.


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