Chapter 93

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*You may avoid reading this chapter if you are not comfortable.Reading few parts which has some adult content.

It seemed like four months passed in blink of eyes.Everything was going smooth in life.Nandini's pregnancy was something which kept everyone in house.Busy looking forward to new member.Vivaan and Varnas life also changed in this time.Be it him leaving for office in morning.Stealing kiss from her or both having dinner together and going for late night coffee date sometimes.These small moments were becoming precious for them.Vivaan makes sure to take care of his wife.As well as give their newly formed relationship time to develop.Varna was happy.But was she satisfied in life?Amidst all this.She still feels something missing in her life.Like introvert person she has been.She didnt knew how to open up about her feelings.And to whom she should.

Reyaansh was getting ready for office.He was in full mood of romancing his wife.Who was looking more beautiful each day.With  a different  glow on her face.She was fixing his tie and at same time blushing at his naughty remarks.She pushed him playfully on chest.As he tried to steal a kiss.

N-"Cant you stand properly.You are already late for office.Anna left in morning."

R-"Hmm.How to leave my poor beautiful wife alone at home.I think I should take leave for few days.Then me and you."

N-"Shut up Mr Reyaansh.The way you have been missing work.Feels like you are pregnant not me.You have become so shameless.Ahh Rey.door is open someone will come."

R-"Let them also see.How much I love my wife.You know its becoming difficult for me.You look so beautiful from time.Our baby is growing inside you."

He kissed her cheek and took her in his arms.She slowly melted in his touch.As both closed their eyes savouring the moment.

N-"So I wasnt beautiful before?"

R-"Now you look more.I love you."

N-"I love you too but you have to leave now.Come on husband."

He cooed her cheeks and she had to drag him down in cutest way.Making face he followed her orders and she laughed.Varna looked at them with smile on face as they came down.Reyaansh and Nandini became conscious seeing her.Finally Reyaansh had to leave and Nandini was blushing like anything.

Var-"Ahem.Sorry I guess I interrupted morning romance session."

N-"Varnaa please."

Both ended up laughing and went to have breakfast.Pranush was in his baby chair.He was very excited as Varna made his favorite custard today..Nandini got busy relishing freshly baked muffins that Varna made.

N-"I love you for this.I dont know how much weight Im gonna put on in this time.I already feel bloated."

Var-"You still need to put on some weight.Here take some more."

Varna served some more muffins on her plate and cleaned Pranush's face which had custard smeared.He frowned getting disturbed.She kissed him to make it up.He was making cute sounds having the sweet taste.Varna smiled at her little chub and then her eyes fell on Nandini playing with her chain with a smile on face.

Var-"Hmm new pendant.Nice."

N-"No actually its my wedding chain.Got to wear it after long time.Being doctor cant afford to wear these things always.Since Im doing half duty nowadays so thought to take this chance.You know Varna after marriage these small things mean so special.I dont know I feel somewhat different.Wearing this even after such long time.As if it makes me feel complete.I feel for any girl these small things.Hold value more than anything else.Isnt it?"


Seeing smile and content on Nandini's face.Varna felt something inside her.Though she smiled but deep inside she was thinking something else.It was true that after marriage a girls life changes.Only if she accepts change in her life.These small things are so precious.How would she figure out when all this time.She was discovering her messed up life only.

Same day she was standing in front of mirror in her room.Looking at herself.Her empty neck and forehead.does she look married?She remembered circumstances under which they got married.It wasnt perfect time or situation.But it holds truth that they are married.Today seeing Nandini and her words affected her.Even she also wants to feel joy.Happiness of being complete woman.She opened wardrobe and started looking for something.She became restless on not finding it.She checked all boxes of her jewelry.

Var-"how can I be so forgetful.I kept it here only."

Vivaan came back from office.Taking yawn he undid his watch.Looking at his wife.Trying to look for something with frown on her face.

V-"Did I entered my room only.Someone looking into jewelry and stuff wow."

Var-"Where did it go.No.I cant lose it."

She closed wardrobe.Sadness visible on her face.She checked al boxes and couldnt find her wedding chain.How irresponsible of her to lose it like that.She cant even tell anyone about this.It was her fault only.Vivaan came to sit beside her.

V-"What happened.Anything wrong?"

She shook her head and left from there.He gave confused look to her.

Next day Shivani was showing pictures of her friends to Lata Nandini and Varna.After men left for office they settled with coffee for some time.Last night only Shivani informed everyone about attending birthday party at her friends place this evening.Though Vivaan sulked.It was strictly his mothers instructions that all of them have to go.

L-"Akka she looks so young.Who will say she has four children.Two grandkids."

Sh-"yes she used to be fittest among us in college.Now see still the same.I have given up long ago."

N-"But you do look fit mami.Oh look at these babies so cute.Must be twins."

Sh-"Yes its their birthday only today.First birthday so they are celebrating it big.Sanya must be very angry with me.I couldnt attend her sons wedding and then didnt go to see when twins were born.After long time we caught up and she invited me."

While they were busy in discussion.They silently noticed Pranush making his way to pics.Grabbing tab in his hand.Talking to himself seeing babies.This made everyone laugh.

L-"Our Pranu is happy seeing these pictures.See how he is trying to chat with babies."

Sh-"Yes he is growing up now.Slowly he will start looking for someone to play with him.Usually kids do like that.Nandu is solving this problem for you Pranu.You will get to see cute little baby sister or brother soon."

Nandini and Lata smiled seeing little one looking at them and as if he understood their words, he clapped smiling.Making everyone plant kiss onhis chubby cheeks.Varna was observing her son very well.He was growing every day.He came back running to her feeling shy rubbing his eyes.He played with all of them for some time.Later Nandini helped Varna picking mugs.As both discussed about what to wear for evening.

It was already evening.Nandini and Reyaansh were as usual bickering over Nandinis dress.Which wasnt fitting her.She even started crying making Reyansh shocked over it.Lata made him understand that mood swings were common.She solved problem by finding another dress.Which Nandini loved.

On other side Vivaan was feeling too lazy to get ready.In some formal attire.Lately he started hating on attending functions or parties.Meeting people and talking with them with typical fake smile.He tried to make some excuse or other but Shivani made sure.he had no escape.He finally changed to simple black kurta and pant.Brushing his hair he looked at his son fully dressed for party.

Pranush was wearing cute yellow tshirt.With cute pair of small jeans.His curls messed up allover and  standing on bed he gave a perfect pose for camera.Vivaan was amazed to see these new skills of the little one and captured pose in his camera.Giving thumbs up to the chub who winked at him and this made him pick the bundle of cuteness in his arms.Pamper him with all kisses.

V-"I can see all girls will be flattered.In party today.What say chub."

Pranush have started doing something new in these days.His cute winks are adorable specially the way he does it.Varna laughed at duo.As she came with little ones shoes making him wear them.He was not liking wearing shoes.Because most of time he is empty feet in house.He frowned showing dislike but Varna had her ways.She brushed his hair and finally put black dot behind his ear giving him kiss.

V-"Ahem.All pampering he gets.What about me."

Var-"You are not baby.Who will eye you."

She giggled and went to take out her dress from wardrobe.Pranush chuckled and Vivaan made face.He saw his wife taking out black dress.It was simple but perfect for party.

V-"I was thinking.Before leaving can I get a ahem."

Var-"Out now."

He made grumpy face and left room with Pranush.Varna closed door hiding her smile.Seeing time she rushed to get ready.

Checking herself out in mirror she recalled Shivanis words about fitness in morning.She was meeting her friends first time.How will they see her.In all this time she hardly paid attention to her looks or spared any time for her own self.But she was all happy and satisfied looking after Pranush.Be it house chores or anything else.She took deep breath and tried to get over nervousness.Taking golden pair of ear rings she wore them in her ears.She did little bit touch up and brushed her hair.For change she curled them a bit today.Taking small red dot she put it on her forehead.Then her eyes fell on something.Change of heart happened due to Nandini's words or maybe something have been going on her mind from last few days.As she thought to do this but keeps on stepping back.

She picked small box finally.Opening it and looking at content inside it.She pursed her lips and looked at her reflection in mirror.She didnt knew when her fingers touched pinch of red vermilion and she filled it in her hair.A smile came on her lips seeing herself like that.She smiled to herself.Sometimes she wonders if she was same Varna.Her eyes fell on time then.

Var-"I guess this will be enough.Its already so late."

She took her stole fixing it on one side of shoulder when heard door.She could see her husband standing there looking at her.With dreamy smile on face.She looked nothing but simply gorgeous in that black dress to him.He found something about her strikingly beautiful today.She got conscious of his gaze and looked down.When he was almost close to her.She tried to leave from there.Before he held her hand.

Var-"Vivaan please.We are getting late."

V-"You are forgetting something."

She frowned and looked at herself again in mirror.Dress hair and makeup.Everything was done.Even stole was okay.She checked again and made face.He came behind her.

Var-"Its fine.I cant put anymore makeup.I feel suffocated."

He slowly put his hands on her shoulder.Making her shiver from inside.Resting his chin there.He whispered to her ear moving her hair on other side.

V-"Something which will complete your look.In my eyes."

She shut her eyes and frowned to feel something in her neck.His fingers brushed on her skin.Enough to give her chills.As she opened her eyes she could see her wedding chain on her neck.He gave smile and asked her through eyes.She touched chain with smile and tears in her eyes.She bit her lips.As he cupped his cheeks and kissed her forehead with love.

Var-"How did you.You knew about this.I was getting mad trying to look for it and."

V-"Lets leave past behind us.I got this new one made for you.Some time ago and didnt knew how to give you.You would have strangled me."

She giggled hiding her laugh.He held her hand and made her closer to him.

Var-"I dont care if its old or new Vivaan.All I know is that.I can feel importance of this in my life now.I.Thank you."

V-" I thought.If this could be special gift for you from my side.And see this is actually first thing Im giving you.You liked it?"

Var-"I loved it.You kept it simple thinking about me.Means a lot to me.Thanks."

V-"Well you can thank me in different ways you see.Or gift me back something."

Var-"What can I give you.When you have given me everything."

Her eyes said it all and he couldnt bear to see tears forming there.This is an emotional moment for any girl.When she feels connected to bond of marriage with her husband.Vivaans eyes fell on her forehead and his heart skipped a beat seeing the vermilion there.He shut his eyes embracing feeling and realized that this not only marked beginning to them today.But also to something which will make him feel that she belongs to him.He kissed her hair as she rested her head on his shoulder.

The party wasnt that boring as Vivaan thought.He met Shivanis friends and few people.Who didnt bore him.Being typical and what kept him busy was Pranush enjoying best getting to see kids of his age.Toys,chocolates, colorful balloons and gifts.Games were also played.Vivaan got busy in accompanying his son.

Reyaansh and Nandini were also having good time.Seeing kids around and they were already.Excited thinking about their baby like that.Shivani introduced Varna to her friends.They were very impressed by her.She was happy hearing praises for Varna from her friends.And few others too who knew her from business circle.She was proud of her choice before and today.Varna was perfect one for Vivaan.And she was glad today to see that Varna has given acceptance to their relationship.She was no longer worried.As she could see genuine smile on her children's faces.She took one picture of duo in her phone and sent it to Vikram.What else do parents ask for except their children's happiness.

Varna was watching all babies dressed up cutely.She couldnt stop herself from adoring these little bundles.Mother of birthday boy and girl came their with her kids.Twins were very cute and chubby.Friendly too as they gave heart melting smile to Varna.She went to take them in her arms and kissed babies one by one.The girl went back to her mother while boy was still with her.His mother laughed as she saw him holding Varnas stole playing with her hair.There was different love and warmth in babies.Way they shower love on you.You couldnt stop yourself from feeling bliss.Varna played with baby for some time but soon she frowned feeling tug at her stole.Baby started crying as she tried to pacify him.She then saw Pranush standing with frown on face holding Vivaans hand.

Who gave an embarrassing look to twins' mother.Pranush broke down into sobs.Vivaan picked him up as Varna gave baby back to her mother.She gave an understanding smile touching Pranushs cheek.Which irked him more.Varna then took Pranush in her arms.First he was angry but as he found baby no longer with them.He calmed down hiding himself in her shoulder.

Var-"Im sorry sorry.Amma wont take anyone else.Okay.My Pranu is big boy.Doesnt cry see we will get you balloon now."


Var-"Fine then we will get you choco.Amma loves you."

Vivaan got balloon for him and he got busy looking at it being in his mothers arms only.Varna saw smile on Vivaans face and raised her brows.he shook his head at her.

V-"Your son is too possessive for you."

Var-"Why.Shouldnt he be?"

V-"Hmm.I have some strict competition."

He winked at her.Making her face red with heat.

Dinner was served after cake cutting and all enjoyed evening. Shivani met her friend taking leave  when they heard Nandini wasnt feeling well.She was taken to rest room by Reyaansh.

Sh-"Lata I think its  better if Nandini rests for some time.Dont think she can travel in this state.Vivaan you do one thing.You leave with Varna and Pranush.We will come back once she feels better.I have to be here else they will feel uncomfortable."

Vivaan went to get car and Shivani and Lata went to Varna.Seeing her trying to handle crying Pranush.

Sh-"What happened?"

Var-"he doesnt want to leave it seems.Normally he feels sleepy in this time."

Pranush was enjoying playing with other babies.With all toys and gifts there.Varna was surprised to see him like this.He was bit stubborn also they knew.Once he will start crying he wont stop and this wasnt good for his health too.She tried best to pacify him but he wanted to be there.

Sh-"Its okay Varna.It happens.He must be enjoying playing here.If you force him now he will cry more.Do one thing.You leave with Vivaan.Im here with Pranu.We will leave in some time only.Vivaan is having headache.cant ask him to stay any more."


L-"Varna dont worry we are here only with him.We will leave as soon as Rey and Nandu comes.You go Vivaan must be waiting."

Varna kissed Pranush who busied himself with toys.He was happy to be back with his friends.She didnt had heart to leave him like that.Shivani sensed that and assured her through eyes he will be fine.She left for car and once got inside informed Vivaan about this.

Vivaan was driving back home and could see Varna upset.Suddenly they could hear loud thunders.The weather was pretty bad and it seemed like storm was on its way.They reached home somehow and it started raining.Getting out of car Vivaan rushed inside to open door when Varna felt her stole stuck in door which Vivaan already locked.She was standing outside getting drenched in rain.He came back to see her like that and unlocked door.Both were caught under heavy showers and made it to door of house.

Vivaan found himself fully drenched too.In process of getting her back.He locked main door trying to contact them back at party.It will be difficult to drive back home  in this weather.Varna cover her ears as the thunders cracked loudly.He saw her face losing color and remembered her fear of thunders.

Opening room she dropped her ear rings first on table.As her ears couldnt take weight of them anymore.She saw Vivaan speaking with someone on phone.

V-"Storm seems pretty bad.Rey called.Nandu is fine now but they cant risk to drive in this situation.Due to heavy rains and storm.Some roads are blocked by trees.They are staying there for night.As soon as roads get clear.Didnt see this coming."

Varna gave nod as safety was priority in this situation.But she had mothers heart and Vivaan could read that on her face.He gave an assuring look to her.

V-"Mom and Aththai are there dont worry.Pranu is already sleeping.Its better not to take any risk now."

He opened the windows and could hear sounds of rain.Looked like it will rain whole night.He unbuttoned kurta which was wet and got rid of it.Varna turned and her eyes were stunned to see him standing without any shirt.


She turned her face on other side shutting her eyes.He sneezed rubbing his nose and smiled at her.He knew both of them have reached a point in their relationship.Where physical intimacy was in limits.He would still wonder how his touch would make her shudder.It wasnt like he didnt feel need to complete their relationship.As husband and wife.He was scared knowing how sensitive everything has been in their case.He was ready to wait for her for whole life.She passed towel to him.He wiped his body and hair.

Var-"I will get.Some coffee."

V-"Wait.I will help you."

She ran as fast as she could to kitchen.He frowned and wrapping towel around his body went after her.

She mixed coffee on two mugs lost in her thoughts. The thunders disturbed her and more than that thought of being with Vivaan.For whole night alone was troubling her.If it was before she wouldnt have worried much.But now their equations have changed.She always wonder how he never showed her interest to take their relationship forward.Or be in limits whenever they got close.Even she feels something incomplete in her life.Still being unaware of few things.She was scared and confused at same time.She turned to bump into him.She didnt realize when her hands were resting on his bare chest.He saw that and smirked.



She kept on stealing glances at him as he helped her making coffee and both returned to room.Vivaan could see change in her body language but he was aware that it wasnt her discomfort.Rather she was nervous to face him.In a way he felt it was chance or time they needed.Be with each other maybe.He found her having difficulty in getting rid of stole.She frowned and soon felt his fingers on her shoulder.He casually took pin off and stole fell down from her shoulder.His eyes met hers and both were locked in moment.Seeing her wet locks of hair he felt urge to touch them.Adding to his misery she was looking way more beautiful tonight.Only  he knew how hard it was for him to control his inner desires.

A loud thunder cracked and it all went dark.Varna shut her eyes in fear hugging Vivaan.Storm and rain so powercut was an expected thing.He wasnt sure if he should thank his stars or what.Feeling her wet body clinging to him.In such state he didnt wanted to take advantage of situation.But as he wrapped his arms around her.Both could feel current pass through them.There was need in their touch.For each other but both denied to accept it.She came out of hug.He moved his hand on his hair.Shunning moment.

V-"I will.get emergency light."

Var-"Please.Dont go now.Its dark here."

Even in dark he could feel her breathe and that she was scared.He went closer to her touching her hair and cheeks.

V-"Im here.Didnt knew you were so scared of darkness.All this while."

She heard him whisper those words.His finger softly playing with her cheeks and lips.She tried to stand not losing her balance.Being with him in such close proximity.

Var-"Im scared of being alone.Dont want to be alone anymore."

He could see her face glowing in dark.He crushed her in his arms right there.Without any second thoughts as her words pierced his heart.Towel was long forgotten in floor.Feeling his bare skin in contact with her.Varna didnt knew how she managed to stand on her feet.

V-"Im not gonna leave you ever."

She shut his eyes feeling his lips on her ear.As he kissed there gently and moved her hair to kiss more.When she came out of his arms.Feeling shy.Like thunders outside she was feeling storm inside her.She tried to look for some candles.As he came following her way.Feeling his presence behind her.She found some scented candles and she could feel her hands shivering.He came to lit those candles keeping his intense gaze at her.With help of light he could get better view of her.With red hue covering her face.She took step back from him.While he took step towards her.Both kept on playing like this till she fell on bed.He smiled seeing her affected by him like this.

He sat her down on bed.Looked at her with her eyes lowered.using his finger he touched her chin making her face him.She felt her throat dry with sense of nervousness.She had no experience how to romance but he wasnt like her.This thought played at back of her mind.Her pulse raced as he moved closer.She was in awe of his gentle touch.As he kissed her both cheeks.Letting his lips linger there for some time.He could sense her reciprocating to his touch.He just wanted to hear it from her mouth.Even she wanted this and then there was no turning back.

Cupping her cheeks he left hot breathe on her face.While she breathed heavily and saw nothing but love for her in this mans eyes.He looked at her eyes  and spoke hoarsely.

V-"I swear I will take this step back.If you dont feel its right.But I want to love you.Varna and want you to feel same for me."

She bit her lips and seeing her shut her eyes he felt disappointed.But respecting her as always he was stepping back.A smile curved on his lips as he felt her hand in his hair.Which made him get more closer to her.That one smile of hers said all to him.A current ran down through her body as he kissed her preciously.Holding her mouth and she was still.He went on to deepen kiss when she responded.Her fingers in his hair holding on to him as support.He held her with such possession as they came out of kiss.She felt shy to even look at him.

She didnt knew when slowly he started consuming her.Making her lay on her back on bed.He mounted on top of her.She closed her eyes as feelings bud inside her.Clutching onto sheets she curled her toes.His lips could be felt on her forehead hair cheeks nose and chin.Before kissing her again.His hands roamed around  all her body as he couldnt resist her touch on his bare chest.Kissing his way he came down to her feet.His lips gently touching fingers one by one.She became restless with this sweet torture.

The dark scented room was high in edge and emotions.She was trembling with her cold body colliding with his.He entwined his fingers with hers.Kissing her neck and collar bone.As he gained more access she could feel him trying to open knot of her dress.She moaned as he did that and lowered down her dress from shoulder.It wasnt first time they were experiencing this.But thought of taking this to peak made Varna shudder.He sensed that.

She felt rim of his mouth on her bare shoulder.He managed to loosen her dress completely bringing it down till her chest.His lips hungrily devoured her skin with her hands igniting fire in him.Digging her fingers more in his hair.

Shyness took over her as she found his eyes gazing at her.Like never before.His hand pulled sheets on them as he smirked at her.Falling under his grip she clutched on to sheets now.His mouth touching every part of her.Soon enough her dress was shown floor in urgency and moans could be heard.His passion went high as he caressed each and every part of her body.Discovering secrets by unleashing barriers between them.

He could see her eyes tearing up with feeling.Of being bare under him like this.She was shivering and he was perfect heat she needed.He kissed her again and again till she hugged his body like no tomorrow.Both stayed like that for some time.A strong gush of wind came from window and in moment blew off candles.


V-"Shhhh.Im here.With you."

She felt this darkness was needed.As she wouldnt have been able to look at him.Feeling shy as she tried best to match his passion.Varna was experiencing jolts every moment.With all unknown feelings rising insider her and what he was giving her.Her hands and fingers clutched on to pillow tightly.While he kept on torturing her with his lips.She hissed in pain feeling him leave some sweet marks on her neck and chest.He was on different line today.With an unending wave of passion hitting him.He didnt knew how to stop.He was being gentle with her as well as rough.His need was pushing him to the edge.

He looked at her face and placed light kisses.To sooth her and she cupped his cheeks and rubbed his stubble.Both were trying to catch their breathes.Tracing her jaw line with rim of his mouth.He soon went down to consume her fully.She shut her eyes in pain and need.Moaning taking his name.Her eyes caught him in dark getting rid of only piece he was wearing.She felt shy to find him naked in her eyes.As he covered them under sheets.

Varna jerked up in reflex feeling his hand in her waist.Something precious protective.As he tried to remove it.He felt her hand stopping him.Her eyes pleading him but he was in no mood to do that.With swift movement he didnt let her feel there were no longer any barriers between them now.Except their bodies colliding inside sheets.A sense dawned upon her as her eyes looked onto him.There was no backing out after this.A way where only love will meet passion.Varna saw something in his eyes which made her believe in moment.He closed his eyes with smile taking next step which is going to make them one forever now.


Hearing his name from her mouth.Sense of possession gripped on him.With realization too that she belonged to him only and no one else.She shouted and struggled.Under his hold tears making their way out of her eyes.As he entered most protective space travelling his way inside her.His name from her mouth was pushing him more to edge.She was pure and untouched he knew as he unsealed.He could feel it right then and as she cried he went to hide his face in her neck.Kissing her and pacifying her.Whispering nothing but sweet words to her.Her hands dugged in his back.Leaving marks as both moved in rhythm.Not taking second to break it.Moans couldnt be silenced by thunders or rains.As more than scent the essence of love and passion was in room.

His finger traced her eyelids.Opening them she arched her neck up.Both shut their eyes in pleasure as it hit them.A tear trickled down from her eyes.She passed out feeling him complete her and he collapsed on her shoulder with satisfied look on face.He was panting and took her name.In most sensuous way ever.He consumed her all.Their passion reached heights and now it felt like storm went calm outside as well as inside.Facing her he kissed her tears away and she knew she was in arms of her man.He kissed her head softly trying take all her pain away.In most gentle way ever.

He claimed her in every way.With need with love.With sense of belonging and she let him do that.As she wanted to belong to him.They were one now.Varna smiled in tears.Her hands softly brushing his hair and she thought of her journey.From being girl to woman now.She was his wife and he was her husband in all means.A beautiful start of their journey.It was indeed.


Well now I dont know how this chapter was.I tried my best to keep it simple and  a perfect reunion for all Vivaan Varna fans.Who have been waiting from day one to see them together.So here it is.Hope I did justice to all my readers.Thank you.

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