Chapter 94

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The fresh smell of soil after rain never felt this much calm and soothing to Vivaan.As he opened his eyes seeing sun was up remembering night.A smile automatically curved on his lips.Feeling their bodies glued to each other under sheets.Thought hit him how they submitted to each others desires last night.It happened and he saw his wife.Sleeping with her head on his shoulder.The calm look on her face.Which was glowing more.He traced her cheeks with his long fingers.Kissing her head and closing his eyes savoring the moment.Her long traces of hair spread on pillow.He played with them.As she moved he could see smudged red color on her forehead.Something which made him feel that she belonged to only him.

He couldnt believe his eyes that this happened.She surrendered in this battle.Between them.Their needs and desires,longing to be with each other won eventually.There was sudden silence outside.After storm which seemed like nature was witness to their reunion last night.

Varna felt rays of sun pricking her eyes.As she opened them and still it didnt dawned upon her.In what state she was.She took yawn and moved feeling warmth of something hard.Which perfectly pulled her in giving comfort.She felt something on her cheeks and then widened her eyes.Seeing him smirking at her.

V-"Morning my Cinderella."

And it all came back to her mind.Previous night and she couldnt stop heat covering her face.Closing her eyes she wanted this moment to last as he pulled her closer to him.Feeling a warm kiss on her forehead she opened her eyes.To look at her man staring at her with nothing but love.Soon enough she laughed lightly making him frown.On asking what made her do that she bit her lips.Taking small red dot that was on her forehead till last night.Now it was on his cheek.He smirked seeing that.

It was enough to make her blush.She realized their state and pulled sheet covering herself fully from his eyes.She batted her lashes down.He rested his one arm and fully bent over her.Looking at her intently.When something pricked him.He used his fingers to find source and his hand found out way more precious thing.Smirking at her he showed her chain that was beneath him.She touched feeling her neck empty.He kept it to himself.Looking at her.She culdnt even tell him to give it back to her.His eyes were intense.

V-"Hmm.So bad.You couldnt keep my first gift safe with you.Lost within day only."

His voice was husky.Leaving warm breathe on her face.He was surprised to see smile on her face.As if remembering something.

V-"Why this smile."

She shook her head.He wished to stare at her like that for lifetime.If he could.He straightened and lay beside her.Arms wrapped around her bare shoulder.Giving her chills.He kissed her head again as she hid herself in his arms.Both had their eyes closed.

V-"Say something.Please."


V-"Are you alright.Did I."

He felt her hand on his lips.Kissing them and she couldnt be more clear how gentle he was with her.Tracing her lips he kissed her softly.He could feel her eyes wet.Cupping her cheeks his eyes had many questions.

Var-"I never imagined to be loved like this.Every girl experiences this day in her life.When she becomes woman in true made me feel like were only man in my life and I never thought.This day would come."

He didnt wait to take her fiercely in his arms.His chin touching her temples.She felt most secured.Caged there feeling his breathe.

V-"Life has taught us a lot in this journey.I promise you from today.There will be only love awaiting for you.Varna Shetty.I never imagined your love would be this fierce.Ride of passion and longing."

She made imaginary circles with her fingers on his bare chest.Silence was speaking so much.

V-"Can I ask you something?"


V-"You have been with Shakthi for so long.Were getting married then.Werent you both close.I mean.You didnt even."

He wished not to have asked her this at moment.But being man this had to come in his mind and he couldnt stop himself.He didnt meet her eyes but she smiled.Giving an understanding look.

Var-"You left such imprint on my mind and heart.That noone else could pass that.Shakthi was my fiance but I never had courage to let him get closer to me.Even his touch made me feel uneasy.It was always you for me."

V-"Still you believed it was love.Crazy."

She hit his shoulder playfully making face.As he wrapped his arms around her again.They never knew this could be so easy.The talk and it was.He removed strands of hair from her face.She slowly whispered out looking at his face.

Var-"You know I.I still have it safe with me.That can be said as first gift from you."

His frown turned deeper as he tried to recall.She wasnt disappointed either.Knowing well about turn of events in their life.She wanted to let things have their own accord now.In her smile remembering first time those orchids he sent for her.They might have dried but the first feeling of love.She can still feel them in her heart.

Var-"How did you know.I.Like orchids."

He shut his eyes as he could remember now.But next he could feel lump in his throat thinking about how fate had everything twisted for them.He made her face him.

V-"You.You still have them.Were those dry orchids?I.Im sorry wish this could lessen pain.For all you had to go through.I wish."

Var-"We promised to leave past behind."

V-"Some things cant be left like that Varna.I did wronged you in some sense.Your rejection.It hit me so hard that I."

Var-"You went on being harsh at me.How can I avoid you.It was always our ego.Maybe we werent meant to happen."

V-"Only a womans heart can be this strong.Experiencing such different wave of emotions."

Both remained in each others embrace for some time.Not wanting to let go of present.Their present which seemed nothing but heaven.Past which make them shiver even at thought of it.Varna let out sigh and smiled.As she tried to move she felt light pain in her body.Her throat felt dry for water.She shut her eyes feeling chills.As his hand crawled from her waist to abdomen.

V-"You alright.Is it paining."

She shook her head with closed eyes.He wiped lone tear at corner of her eyes.Kissing her nose cutely he then played with her hands.She opened her eyes to see his hair all ruffled.His smile reminded her of Pranush.Both were same.Though of him made her upset.Never been like this she was away from him for so long.Vivaan saw that.

Var-"Vivaan.I miss Pranu."

V-"Hmm.Till he comes.I can be his proxy."

She could see glint of naughtiness in his face.As he started tickling her making her smile.He pulled her down leaning again for kiss.Both didnt realize when sleep took over them.

The bright rays of sun made their way into room.As lovebirds were snuggled up together on bed.Varna frowned feeling rays touching her face.She opened her eyes with difficulty.She couldnt recall when and how they dozed off.She was trying to get up feeling his hand on her waist.His head resting on her shoulder.She massaged his head softly.Making him stir in sleep.Frowning being disturbed.After much efforts she shifted him back to pillow.Wrapping sheet around her body.She was sitting feeling pain in every muscle of her body.Red hue didnt leave her cheeks as she saw their clothes on floor.He touched every part of her.She widened her eyes seeing clock.It was 11 in morning and they slept so late.

Var-"Oh no.They must be back."

She rushed to take shower and get ready.Thinking if they returned from Shivanis friends house already.While Vivaan was in deep sleep all covered with blanket.

Standing in front of mirror she dried her hair with towel.Smile played on her lips seeing her husband still on bed.Sleeping like baby.Wearing simple dress she saw wedding chain on her neck.This wasnt going anywhere now.Taking look at herself as she thought how she had to hide all this marks.Given by him at night.She remembered last time and it strike her again she had to go down.

Var-"Vivaan get uppp.Its already late."

He moaned feeling disturbed.As she tried best to move his body.But he was in no mood to get up.She tried again and was about to leave when felt him pulling her on bed.

Var-"What are you.Ahh."

He pinned her under him.Taking in fresh scent of her.Her wet locks of hair and something on her face.Blush or glow which made him have urge to kiss her lips.But she moved her face on other side.

Var-"Ahh.You started again.Go take shower first.We are late."

V-"Hmm.We are already late in everything.You realized it now."

He rested his head on her shoulder covering her body with his.She ruffled his hair playfully.After all attempts she was successful getting out of his grip.He sat on bed wrapping himself from all ends with blanket.She laughed seeing him like that.Even his head was covered.

V-"I thought we can get fresh together.You ditched me."

She found stole fixing it on her shoulder.Before he can embarrass her further by being shameless.Or saying about last night she left room.He smiled at himself sitting there.It feels different and peaceful.

Shivani and Lata were on breakfast table.Nandini was sleeping and Reyaansh left for office.They saw Varna coming down from stairs in hurry.She felt embarrassed for being late.Her eyes were looking for Pranush.They could see that.

Var-"Im sorry I didnt knew.How slept so late.When did you all came back?"

L-"Its okay Varna.We had spare keys.You both must have been awake due to powercut.It was horrible situation last night.With storm and heavy rains.Have to get whole house cleaned."

Shivani came back from her room with sleepy Pranush in her arms.He was rubbing his eyes.She smiled at Varna before she took her baby.Feeling his warmth.Little one was finally at peace feeling his mother.Shivani and Lata exchanged smiles.

Sh-"He has been crying from time he woke up.In middle of night.Lata and I got scared how to handle him."

Var-"Im sorry.Shouldnt have left him alone.You both couldnt sleep whole night."

L-"We did in turns.No need to be sorry.We are used to all this.Where is Vivaan?"

Sh-"Must be sleeping.He is like his son only.See how Pranu will cover his sleep whole day today."

Var-"Im sorry Pranu.Amma missed you so much.Did you miss me.Amma is with you now see.We will have Pranus favorite apple pudding now."

Varna kissed baby keeping him closer to her.Shivani could see longing of how mother feels being away from her child.Varna shut her eyes at mere thought of being away from Pranush.He was precious to her  no matter what changes take place in her life.At same time the mention of Vivaan and night.Didnt stop blush forming on her cheeks.As she left for kitchen to make Pranush's food.Shivani didnt fail to see change in her.She wondered what change was.

Breakfast wasnt easy for Varna.As she had to feed baby alongside participate in conversation taking place on table.Vivaan didnt leave any chance to gaze at her.Making her red though he saved his actions from all eyes.Nandini was quick to catch them once.She sensed some change in them.

Pranush was sleeping peacefully.Vivaan was getting ready to leave for office though he wasnt in any mood.He tried a lot to give it miss.Till an important meeting came up and he have to attend.Varna was in kitchen making coffee for Vivaan.Nandini came munching on fruits.She smiled at Varna.

Var-"How are you feeling now?"

N-"Much better.I feel bad for me all had to suffer last night."

Var-"Nothing like that.Reyaansh should have stayed back for breakfast."

N-"I was sleeping already so tired.Ahem.Seems like last night all missed out their sleep.Must be difficult for you two also here.Alone and the rains."


She was stirring coffee with spoon.With smile on face.Still gave her goosebumps with thought.How Vivaan have been teasing her not leaving single chance from morning.Nandini saw that.


Var-"Yeah.Sorry I."

N-"Its okay.Happens.Coffee is ready?Anna must be waiting go."

She gave nod to her and hiding her blush left with coffee.Nandini was all in smiles thinking about how.She could see much needed change in Varna.She wanted this happiness to last for duo.

Making him wear blazer was nothing but difficult.When he hardly let her stand.Either touching her or trying to catch her hand.She showed him eyes but again he tried to steal some kisses.Vivaan was lost in world of romance.Getting him back was next to impossible for Varna today.He caught her from waist standing in front of dressing table.She took brush.Combing his hair.He kissed her cheek hugging her.

Var-"Mr Vivaan Reddy will you behave.Get out of magical land."

She passed him his watch and purse at which he sulked.She bit her lips and smiled at him.

V-"I will set you right once come back home.Be ready at night."

He smirked at her having his coffee.She passed him his bag almost barging him out of room.

Var-"You wont be lucky every night.Go now."

V-"Throwing me out after taking advantage of me.I will tell everyone what all you did with me last night."


She looked down feeling blush on her face.He laughed taking her in his arms.Placing light kiss on her forehead he went to little one on crib.Giving him quick kiss as he made pout in sleep.Both smiled seeing him.

V-"See you.In evening."

She waved at him as he left in his car.Gazing at her sitting inside.Till car left she was standing there all smiling playing with her chain.Shivani witnessed all this from inside with content on her face.They waited long time for this.She was glad finally things have fallen in place.Varna got inside to see her mother in law.Her smile said it all.She couldnt look into her eyes.Shivani touched her cheeks with affection.

Can life get better than this.Varna thought whole day.With Vivaan calling her number of times and annoying her.She was busy with house chores whole day and then being with Pranush.Who was in cranky mood not leaving his mother at all.He made her sit with him.Showing him his dolls.Playing with him and then listening to his non stop banter kissing his cheeks.How much she missed him.Experiencing such newly feelings Varna thought to do something.Today she was used to before.She took out her diary.Touching cover of it feeling nostalgic.Remembering last time she penned down anything.Maybe its time again to start living her life.Caging small moments in words.This time with real happiness.


Thank you to all my readers for love and support.Wrote this chapter in hurry.Hope it wasnt messed up.Please do not forget to vote and comment.So how did you like new version of  Vivaan and Varna?


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