Chapter 95

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With smile on face she heard patter sound of rains.That brought different soothing feeling in her heart.Varna smiled from inside.Pursing her lips as she thought playing with pen on her hand.Penning down what have been missing from her life for long time.She was slowly getting herself back.As she was busy in herself she felt someone from behind.Trying to look at her diary.She hid it within seconds saving it from her husbands eyes.Who looked like kid deprived from candy.

V-"I see.Someone is still keeping secrets."

Var-"Bad manners.Why were you trying to sneak."

V-"There shouldnt be any secrets between husband wife ahem.Can I look what you were."

Var-"No.Stay there.Some secrets should be there.Else life becomes boring."

Vivaan widened his eyes seeing her having naughty smile on face.He gave nod and jumped on bed.Staring at her as she hid her priced possessing locking it safely and pushing her long traces of hair on one side of shoulder.

Var-"Would you have coffee or tea."

He pulled her to himself.Making her startle as she felt her stole going down.He has become very shameless lately.Whenever he finds her close he doesnt miss chance to tease her.

V-"I would like to have.Something sweeet.Hmm."

He closed his eyes taking her fragrance.Frowned soon feeling her pushing his chest lightly and moving away from there.He held her stole with pout on face.She moved her head sideways.

V-"Dont be so inconsiderate.Dont you think we should spend some more time.To discover our newly found love?"

She successfully took stole from him.Going closer to him seeing grin on his face.Which soon faded away as she touched his chin.

Var-"You better discover how to handle your sons mood.Than anything else."

V-"What?You are so boring.By the way what happened to your chub."

He sat down properly taking out his socks and unbuttoning his shirt.She told him how little one have been acting all grumpy nowdays.Showing anger or always crying in small things.

V-"Have you checked with Nandu?No health issues right."

Var-"Yeah he is fine.Just mood swings.Kids of this age do act like this finding no one to play with him.I was thinking.Why not take him to this park near our house.He can play with other kids there."

V-"Hmm not bad idea but.You know problem with him Varna.He has still not fully recovered.What if."

He felt her hand covering his mouth.Her eyes conveyed it clearly to him what she wanted to say.He held it placing a kiss there.Once she thought of it he knew she can never be wrong.With any decisions regarding Pranush.He didnt had more doubts.

At dinner table all were busy with some conversation or other.Vivaan with Reyaansh.Vikram and Shivani with Lata.Nandini was sulking at food.She wanted to have something spicy.Reyaansh forcefully filled her plate with something she made face at.She saw Varna handling fussy Pranush.He was crying loudly now throwing away spoon.His face was red.Varna looked around and was taken away by his sudden outburst.All looked at them.

Var-"Ssh.Pranu is good boy.Okay we will have something else.You want milk?"

Pr-"Naii.Nii.Plllli.Paanu plii."

Sh-"Its okay varna try sometime later.Maybe he isnt hungry."

Var-"He did same during lunch also.Not having food properly."

Vivaan dropped spoon on his plate while having food.Taking little one from Varna.Making him sit on his lap.He rubbed his eyes sobering down bit.Hid himself in his shoulders.All smiled at that.Varsa felt somewhat relieved taking back her seat.

Vik-"Vivaan you should spend some more time with him.He is missing you."

Sh-"When does he have time for family.Whole day work and when he comes back Pranu is sleeping.You leave for office too early now."

V-"What to do Mom.Work load and we have to complete this project on time else."

Vivaan ate himself and at same time fed Pranush.He looked fine now eating from his hand.Varna helped him too.Little one was being too naughty.All he wanted his parents attention.Vikram and Shivani didnt fail to see this.They exchanged glances at each other and thought of something.

Varna was making bed smiling at view.Vivaan was trying to read story to Pranush.Who was busy jumping on bed.As he fell on his fathers chest shrieking loudly.Vivaan picked him up tickling his tummy.Both enjoying their time.Vivaan took yawns in between.But he wanted to spend some time badly with his son.Its been while he did.He gave light smile to Varna.She joined them on bed.Trio sat together.After some time Pranush was completely on top of Vivaans chest.He patted his back playing with his soft curls.Varna covered them with blanket.She whispered slowly.

Var-"Give him to me.You must be tired."

V-"No.Let him be with me.If he is awake have to bear his tantrums for whole night then."

Both giggled feeling little on stirring bit.With pout on lips.Varna cooed his cheek and kissed on his head.Vivaan made face seeing that but soon smiled.When she kissed his head with shyness visible on her face.

Var-"You are no less than Pranu.He has gone after you tantrum king."

V-"You havent seen my tantrums yet."

Var-"Im saved then.Better I dont get to see."

She dimmed lights and pulled quilt over her.Both chat for some time till he felt his eyes giving up.Varna slowly shifted Pranush in middle.Adjusting cover on both of them and stared at father and son.They looked same while sleeping.She smiled and soon sleep took over her.

Next week was bit dull for Varna as Vivaan had to visit some place for business work.It was first time after they confessed their feelings.He was leaving her for few days.She didnt had heart to let him part away from her.Knowing well how they werent like typical lovers who would act like that.But dont we know love is love.Which struck upon them.Even Vivaan had hard time leaving her like this.Reyaansh couldnt leave Nandini in this condition so there was no other choice.From time he left Shivani have seen sadness on Varnas face.

Lata have taken Nandini to doctors place.Shivani and Varna were at home.It was sunny day and almost evening when Varna wrapped up chores.Pranush was taking his nap.It has become more difficult to handle him specially on Vivaans absence.Little one as if could figure out his father wasnt there.Vivaan made sure to call once day.In his busy schedule and thats when Pranush becomes hyper.Seeing his face on phone but soon he cries not able to go to him.

Varna smiledv at Shiani seeing her in kitchen.She was making coffee for herself.

Sh-"House feels empty today.Vikram and Reyaansh also will be late today."


Sh-"yeah not bad idea.At least we both can give company to each other."

Both went to sit on room where Pranush was sleeping.As his timings have become more odd now.When he would wake up and not finding Varna he starts crying.Varna saw Shivani coming with some albums on her hand.They settled on bed enjoying coffee.


Sh-"Yeah this is my wedding album.And rest some childhood pictures of Vivaan.Vikram used to love taking pictures.Specially every moment of Vivaan.When he did small things."

Varna enjoyed watching good old memories as Shivani shared with her.Some small incidents of her life.As well as Vivaans childhood.At which she laughed.Shivani saw her smiling at Vivaans baby pictures.She could see her eyes have different spark than before.

Var-"Pranu looks same.Oh this one he looks grumpy."

Sh-"He was.When we didnt let him take camera.He wanted to play with that and see whats that thing.He was very naughty.When he started learning how to walk.He used to roam around whole house.I was always in tension.If he falls or gets hurt."

Varna looked at Pranush and thought of him.Will she be able to handle him same way.Like every mother does.She have passed some stages of motherhood.Since time he came to her but with future she still feels uncertain at times.She felt Shivanis hand on her shoulder.

Sh-"You are great mother Varna.None of us have any doubts on that.In fact every mother feels that way.Once things come to us we start learning ourselves only.No one knows everything beforehand.Its all about experience.You know Vivaan always wanted to have little sister.Once he didnt had food whole day.Acting stubborn that he wants sister to play with.It took us time to handle him."

Var-"I never thought I would be able to handle situations like this in life.But now it all seems like.Even I dont realize sometimes how I handle him.Moments spent with him are so precious to me."

Sh-"You are mother thats why."

Varna smiled and looked down playing with her fingers.

Sh-"Varna actually me and Vikram.We wanted to talk to both of you about something.We were thinking.Since everything is more or less settled now.Why dont you both go on some trip.It will be change for you."


Sh-"Before I could discuss this with Vivaan he flew away.We all need some change in life Varna.Im sure this would make things more easy.And beautiful in coming days.A husband wifes relationship is much more than what we think.Every stage we get to discover something new about each other.I believe you both need to spend some time together."

Varna wasnt unsure of idea but thought of being with Vivaan.Away and alone strike her.She couldnt help remembering moments they were close.But wasnt it true they do need some time.To discover learn more about each other.Didnt she wish like all girls.To go somewhere with her husband.All these thoughts played on her mind rest of evening.

Vivaan came back after week.Exhausted with journey he was sleeping for some good time.Varna took Pranush out with her in park.She could see her happy there seeing other babies.She chat with some ladies too who seemed good to her.When she came back home she saw some guests visiting.On asking Latha she got to know they were family relatives.Surprisingly she wasnt nervous or scared.She met them with smiles and served them snacks and tea.All were impressed with her.

"Shivani your daughter in law is very beautiful.I was worried for Vivaan and his babys future after hearing about Ramya but.Seeing this girl handling things so well.Its good that you got Vivaan married again.One needs to move on in life."

Sh-"Varna is like daughter only to us.She have taken good care of us.Pranu and this house.We are lucky to have her."

"All that is good but I think.Dont know how to ask you this question.I had thought on mind.Times have changed and girls nowdays dont seem to follow what used to happen before.Varna is like mother to Pranush now.But will things remain same.If she has her own baby.Vivaan and her will have family too.Have you thought about it?"

Shivani made sure to let these thoughts be there between them only.Lata and her sighed in relief.As they diverted topic soon but they never thought of something like that for even moment.They knew Varnas love for Pranush and how she was his mother.But one cannot change peoples mindset.Some things cant be controlled.

Vivaan took yawn stretching his arms.He brushed his hair with his finger.Looking for Pranush when saw Varna entering room.She had clothes on her hand which she started folding.She didnt look at him.

V-"Where is Pranu?I slept for so long."

Var-"Downstairs with Aththai.Some guesst have come."

V-"Guests.I better be here then."

He faked to sleep again but got up taking look at her.She sounded off for some reason.He tried taking her attention.She opened wardrobe setting clothes there.

V-"Come to me.Do this later."

Var-"I have work to do.Already you have messed up this place with clothes."

She closed door and bumped into him.He made face taking her with him making her sit on bed.He sat on carpet and rested his head on her lap.She shut her eyes controlling herself somehow.

V-"What happened.Tell me."

Var-"Nothing.I.Have headache."

V-"Im sure its not because of that.Is something bothering you?"

Var-"Nothing.Im fine."

He took her hands and kissed them closing his eyes.She didnt knew why she hid her feelings from him.Maybe because she was scared what if he feels.She is going back to being her old self again.It wasnt like that but there are some things.Whih cant be explained.Varna felt same hearing over conversation of those ladies.Didnt she do enough to prove her love for Pranush.And mere thought of having her own child.Different feeling emerged inside her with mention of her baby.Was she this lucky to experience this feeling.Her destiny didnt choose this happiness also for her.Pranush was her everything.She knew and believed on that.

At night her eyes were wide awake.She was in deep thoughts when felt his touch on her shoulder.Pranush was shifted to crib.Feeling him inching closer towards her she shivered from inside.His breath and kiss on her shoulder.As he entwined their fingers.

V-"I thought you were asleep.Good that you are not."

She saw his smile giving her much needed thing.She face him changing side and he hugged her letting her melt in his arms.She looked at crib finding baby in deep sleep.

Var-"Vivaan.Pranu is here."

V-"Hmm.I know.Varna I wanted to tell you something."


V-"Mom wants us to go on honeymoon."

She came out of hug still.Not able to digest word honeymoon.When he rolled his tongue deliberately to see red hue on her face.She couldnt meet his eyes.He went closer to her rubbing his cheeks with his thumb.


V-"yes honeymoon.Its pending right.Thats what she said.So."

Var-"You have gone mad."

She changed side.Her back facing him.He shook his head and went behind her.His chin settled on her shoulder.She shut her eyes feeling warm breathe.

V-"I still need to give some gift to my wife.Will she accept this trip as one."

He made her face him finally.His eyes asking her and she didnt knew what to say.He kissed her lips and could immediately guess her answer.After some time both were awake.She was resting her head on his chest.While he stayed like that feeling her silence.

V-"Varna.You dont want to go?I can explain Mom."

Var-"Its not like that.I mean.We cant go like this in this situation.You must be required at office.Reyaansh should be with Nandu at this time.And.I.I cant go leaving Pranu.Please.Im sorry."

He could see her eyes watering.He was very well aware of fact that she has become mother first and then his wife.Truth reflected in her eyes each time this thought came to him.But he was more proud and happy from inside to see her love for Pranush.He cupped her cheeks making her look into his eyes.

V-"You really think.I would ask you to leave our son and come with me?Varna he is part of us.Our journey.He made us together.I cant imagine my life without you two now.You think Im so selfish?"

Var-"Im sorry.I.didnt think this way.It was."

V-"I get you.dont worry.Never in life I will ask you to choose between wife and mother.Because I know how much you love Pranu.I love you."

Var-"Im sorry.I love youu."

V-"Hmm.Now dont expect me to take whole family with me.It will be strictly three of us.Fine madam?"

She gave nod with smile on face.As he hugged her crushing her in his arms.

Var-"But where are we going?"

V-"Thats million dollar question now.So.Where does my wife want to see moon with her honey?"

Var-"That sounds too cheesy."

Varna started thinking of places smiling at herself.How she used to travel like mad from one place to another.Before for business trips.Its been time she cant even recall those days.Or places she has been to.She was expecting some romantic place like Paris.Or some island set with romantic ambience from Vivaan.What he said startled her completely.

V-"Australia?What say."

Her eyes stopped at him.Seeing his face calm yet something there.He looked down and knew mention of place did made bring lots of memories back to them.How can they forget same place.From where it all started.Even he didnt knew why this name came out of his mouth.All he wanted to do was give her happiness she deserves.Love she has been craving for in life.He wanted to experience life all over with her again.This trip will be change for both of them in many ways.


I know Im late about one day for update.Have not been feeling well suddenly.Managed to write this much.Hope to update soon this week about trip.Thank you for your love and support in every chapter.Your every comment is special to me.I read all of them.

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