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When Johnny came back from work he seemed even more frustrated than earlier. His hair a mess probably from running his fingers through it so many times. His sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up and his tie loose. Donghyuck had cooked him dinner to make up for earlier. Johnny set his keys down on the countertop and threw his blazer on the couch and plopped down. "I made dinner" Donghyuck said.
"I don't feel like eating" Johnny sighed and rested his head back on his couch with his eyes closed.
"But you have to, you can't skip meals. You've always said that to me" Donghyuck said and took a step forward but not yet in the living room.
"I'm really tired Donghyuck, I'll eat in the morning" Johnny said and rubbed his temples. Donghyuck frowned and bit his lip. He can take care of his Johnny like he's cared for him.
"But-" he started to say but then Johnny sprung up from the couch and faced Donghyuck.
"Goddammit Donghyuck!" He shouted. He had a scowl on his face, brows frowned in aggravation. Donghyuck felt his blood run cold, felt fear run up his spine. His lip trembled and his eyes became teary.
"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he started whispering and Johnny's face turned into panicked instantly as he quickly walked over and went to hug Donghyuck but the younger flinched and tumbled back and fell down to the floor curling into himself. Images—no, memories, flashed through his mind.
God dammit Donghyuck! Leave me alone so I can work! I don't care about your fucking drawings!" His dad had screamed at him that day, had beat him later that night because he tried to show him again at dinner.
"Donghyuck, Donghyuck come back to me okay. I didn't mean to yell, I'm sorry" Johnny said softly. Donghyuck started rocking and covering his ears. He felt himself slip.

Haechan was pissed. He uncurled and got in Johnny's face. "Are you fucking crazy?!" He yelled and Johnny's breath hitched. Haechan saw tears down Johnny's cheeks. Johnny never cried in front of them, never. He almost felt bad. Almost. Haechan stood up. "You know better John!" He yelled. Johnny stood up and rubbed his hands together.
"I didn't mean to, I was just tired an-" Johnny started to say but Harchan cut him off.
"You're tired? You? Well Donghyuck's tired too! He's been crying for the past few nights!" Haechan felt his eyes sting from upcoming tears. "I'm tired too Johnny! I'm tired too" he felt a tear slide down his cheek. Johnny looked broken hearted, he looked worried and scared. Haechan's vision went black, he slipped this time.


Donghyuck looked at his brother worriedly, he's disoriented and his head hurts from the constant switching. "Johnny, please don't cry. I'm sorry for whatever Haechan said... I'm sorry" he sobbed and walked towards his brother hesitantly and Johnny stood still as to not scare the younger.
"H-Hyuckie, no I'm sorry, I yelled at you. I'm sorry" he said. Donghyuck walked towards him, not feeling any fear because, well... well it's Johnny. Johnny wouldn't hurt him. Johnny's the one who would put bandaids on Donghyuck since he was clumsy and fell a lot, Johnny's the one who would play with him when no one else would, and Johnny's taking care of him, even now. Donghyuck threw himself at Johnny and wrapped his arms and legs around the older and buried his face in his neck as he cried. Johnny held him up and told Donghyuck he loved him and he's sorry. Donghyuck held onto his big brother like a koala.
After awhile Johnny took Donghyuck to his room and laid him down after moving his stuffed animals out of the way. Donghyuck hugged Johnny one more time. "Love you" he whispered.
"I love you too Hyuckie" Johnny said. Johnny walked away and shut off Donghyuck's light and shut the door after saying goodnight.

It's 3 a.m and Donghyuck wasn't able to sleep. His mind was too busy. He squirmed out of his comfortable bed, cringing at the cold air that tickled his skin. He flipped on his light switch and opened his closet. He dug around and found what he was looking for. His suitcase. He picked it up and placed it on his bed and unzipped it. He shuffled back to his closet and began picking out a bunch of his favorite clothing and threw it onto his bed. Then he went to his dresser and grabbed underwear and socks and jeans and threw them in the pile. He shut the drawers quietly and walked back over to his bed. He folded the clothes so they were tiny and could all fit together in his suitcase. Once finished packing his clothing he went to the bathroom and grabbed his pill cases and toothbrush and toothpaste. He held the items close as he tiptoed to the kitchen to grab a plastic sandwich bag. He placed the items in it and zip-locked the bag. He walked back to his room passing by a picture of Johnny and his friends that was on the wall. He doesn't belong here.
He wouldn't be able to fit himself in that picture.
He placed the bag carefully on top of his clothing and then grabbed a few of his small stuffed animals and put them in the case and zipped it all up with a sigh. He can be brave, brave just like Johnny or Haechan.
He then went to his desk and sat down in his comfy chair. He hesitatingly grabbed a piece of notebook paper and one of his gel pens and began writing a note.

Dear Johnny Hyung,
I don't think this is the right place for me. I don't fit in with your friends or even my classmates. I've caused a lot of trouble for you and people around me and I'm sorry about that.
I think it's safer for me and others if I go back and move in with mom and dad. I could also find another college with the scholarships I applied for.
Thank you for letting me stay with you and for taking care of me. I won't cause anymore trouble. I hope I can still visit when we both have time. I love you lots!

Love, Donghyuck

He sighed reading over the short note and then placing it back on the desk. He looked around the room and bit his lip and went back to the note and picked up the pen.

P.S. I'll pick up the rest of my stuff soon so it'll be out of your way.

He nodded to himself and placed the pen back down and grabbed his backpack and wallet. He shoved his charger in his sweatpants pocket and slipped on his shoes. He carried his suitcase to the door so it wouldn't be loud and grabbed the key that he had shoved in his hoodie pocket. He looked around once more and felt tears well up in his eyes but quickly wiped them away and left quickly so he wouldn't turn back. He locked the door and then slid the key underneath it back into Johnny's apartment.

Once he was outside the apartment building he had no clue where to start. Should he take a bus, train, subway? He sighed realizing he doesn't have a solid plan. He licked his lips and walked down the sidewalk rolling his suitcase behind him. He should have enough money to get a hotel room for the night. Should he walk or call an uber? He groaned and pulled his hair getting angry with himself and then sighed. He can't go back, he returned the key and he didn't want to wake Johnny. As he walked he didn't realize someone was behind him. He bit his nails lightly as he walked down the sidewalk. Suddenly his shoulder was grabbed and he jumped back and spun around dropping his suitcase in shock and fear. Oh god am I going to get robbed?! He was met with a very familiar, yet tired, face. Mark Lee stood there with his eyebrows raised and eyes wide with shock and confusion. "Haechan?" He asked. Donghyuck gulped.
"Donghyuck" he whispered and Mark nodded and replaced his shocked face with a small smile.
"Donghyuck what are you doing outside at this time and why do you have a suitcase?" Mark asked. In that moment Donghyuck shivered from the cold air and Mark sighed and picked up the suitcase. "C'mon, I'll take you back to Joh-" he started to say but Donghyuck grabbed his arm.
"N-no! I don't wanna wake him up cause he was tired... I was just gonna stay at a hotel or something" Donghyuck said.
"Why?" Mark asked. Donghyuck bit his lip not knowing how to explain the situation. Mark seemed to catch on that it was complicated so he waved Hyuck off. "Just come stay with me okay?" He said.
"Are you sure hyung?" Donghyuck questioned and played with his hands shyly.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Here, the bus is leaving soon" Mark said and offered his hand and picked up Donghyuck's suitcase.
"Wait hyung I can-" he started but Mark gently grabbed his hand and led him to the bus stop while dragging the suitcase in his other hand.
"It's okay Donghyuck." Mark smiled. Donghyuck felt his cheeks heat up from the handsome smile. He looked down and followed Mark silently to the bus stop.

Mark led him into a small but nice apartment. Mark set his stuff down along with Donghyuck's suitcase. "I can sleep on the floor" he said and Donghyuck frowned.
"N-no I should, I'm intruding" he said and Mark shook his head.
"Not at all" he said.
"I don't mind sharing hyung" he said and Mark raised his eyesbrows and then nodded.
"Okay, here follow me" he said and carried his suitcase along with him to a room. Donghyuck looked around, it was nice and simple and the bed looked big enough for the both of them. He had posters around and a desk with a laptop.
"Uh lets go to bed okay?" mark said and Donghyuck nodded.
"Can I change into pajamas? And brush my teeth?" Donghyuck asked shyly and Mark nodded.
"Of course, bathroom is down the hall" he said and Donghyuck unzipped his suitcase that Mark had place by the bed. He grabbed his bag full of toiletries and a pair of pajamas and walked to the bathroom and shut the door making sure to lock it. He quickly changed into a larger sweater and shorts. He brushed his teeth and brushed his hair. He bundled up his clothing and unlocked the door and stepped out. He then walked back to Mark's room and stopped at the threshold seeing Mark's side, his shirt halfway off on his arms. "Oh hey" he said and finished taking off his shirt and went to his closet to grab a plain white one. Donghyuck blushed when he realized he was staring and went to his suitcase and stuffed the clothing in it and covered his face with his hands and patted his cheeks a bit to snap himself out of it. Mark has a nice toned body but not too toned. "You okay?" Mark asked coming around the bed to look at Donghyuck. The younger nodded not being able to look up and Mark hummed. "I'll shut off the lights, go ahead and lay down" Mark said and Donghyuck hummed and determined he shouldn't grab a plushie because he was scared of being laughed at. He shut the suitcase and got under the warm covers. He cuddled up, curling his body and resting his head on the pillow. Mark shut off the lights and walked back to the bed and laid down, his back to Donghyuck. The younger kinda wanted to cuddle since he loves physical affection, Johnny and him haven't been able to cuddle lately and now he's craving attention. He bit his lip, there is no way he can ask Mark to hold him, he'd think he's weird. He turned around so his back was also facing Mark's and he hugged himself. He fell asleep soon after.

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