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[Setting: In front of CODY's house. QUINN and CODY are together, and they talk a bit before QUINN leaves him to head back home. It was late in the evening now, and only a few street lights were on since most of them had burnt out.]

CODY: (Smile falls as he looks towards his house's door.)

CODY: (Sighs as he makes to knock on the door after finding it to be locked.)

[CODY hugs himself, biting his bottom lip as he looks at the door. He knocks, knowing that his brother was the one that was going to end up opening the door. He wondered if he'd be able to get out of being hit today.]

CODY: (Looks up when the door flies open.)

CHARLES: Oh, you're back. I thought you were staying over at his place.

CODY: (Stays quiet.)

CHARLES: You're a leech, that's what you are. You hang on to anything that will take care of you.

CODY: (Stays silent.)

CHARLES: Why aren't you saying anything. Talk, say something. Don't just stand there and act like you're being victimized—

CODY: I don't have anything to say.

CHARLES: (Raises a brow at CODY's words.) Ah, I see. It's that boy. What's his name?

CODY: QUINN. (Smiles a bit, when he remembers QUINN telling him that his full name was QUINCEY.)

[CODY was already exhausted from the conversation. CHARLES had a habit of jumping around and not really saying anything. CODY was just tired. He need to sleep — would CHARLES even let him into the room they supposedly shared?]

CHARLES: Does he know what you've done?

CODY: (Frowns before looking straight at CHARLES.) What?

CHARLES: (Chuckles, glad to have finally received a reaction from CODY.) Does he know you killed my father — your father? Does he know that?

CODY: (Looks at the floor.)

[CHARLES rattled on and on about the incident that CODY was tired to even try and defend himself. CHARLES needed someone to blame for his father's death, and CODY was an easy target.]

CHARLES: So, he doesn't.

CODY: (Stays silent.)

CHARLES: I might tell him — just for his own good. He needs to know what he's getting into.

CODY: (Shakes his head before looking at CHARLES with disbelief.)

CODY: You're going to lie to him—

CHARLES: (Cutting CODY off.) They're not lies.

[The two boys stare at each other, none of them saying anything.]

[After a while of just staring at each other, CODY looks away before making to walk into the house.]

CODY: Excuse me.

CHARLES: (Steps away from the door.)

CODY: (Sighs in relief, and thankful for the fact that CHARLE's didn't decide to start a fight.)

CHARLES: (To CODY.) You don't deserve to be happy.

CODY: (Ignores him and makes a beeline for the room they shared.)

[Although CODY wanted to ignore CHARLES' words, he couldn't help but reply them in his mind. He'd believed those words once upon a time — but not again. He wanted to be happy — to live.]

CODY: I deserve to be happy. (He mutters under his breath as he curls up on the spread bedsheet on the floor beside the bed CHARLES' stayed on.)

[Hearing the words from his own mouth made him feel stronger, and he closed his eyes right after, deciding to sleep.]

Curtains fall.

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