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[Setting: At the front door of CODY's home. QUINN is standing by it, humming as he makes to knock on the door. It'd early in the afternoon, and there's a faint distant bark somewhere in the neighborhood, while the birds in tree at the backyard of CODY's homemade noise as they jumped from branch to branch.]

QUINN: (Knocks again when he didn't receive an answer.)

QUINN: (Frowns a bit when he hears shuffling at the other end.) Hello?

[QUINN's mother had sent him out to bring CODY over for lunch. CODY didn't have a phone, so QUINN couldn't call him, so he had to walk all the way to CODY's house instead.]

QUINN: (Presses ear against the door.) Is anyone home?

[QUINN steps back from the door when it suddenly flies open, revealing a dark-haired boy with a glare on his face. QUINN looked away, wondering why the boy seemed so angry.]

BOY: What do you want?

QUINN: (Runs a hand through his hair.) I'm looking for CODY—

BOY: (Cutting QUINN off.) Why?

QUINN: Nothing really. I want to hang out with him, why does that concern you?

[QUINN could see the boy's frown become deeper, but QUINN stood his ground, staring right back at him with a blank gaze.]

BOY: You're the one he's fucking, aren't you?

QUINN: Excuse me? (Frowns.)

BOY: Don't pretend, you're sleeping with him. Disgusting fag.

QUINN: I'm not — well, not yet. I'm dating him though. Is that a problem?

[The BOY's face seemed to grow warm at QUINN's answer, but he didn't have anything much left to say.]

QUINN: CODY! (He yelled, spotting the smaller boy behind the person who was at the door.)

BOY: (Steps aside, letting CODY walk out of the house.)

CODY: (Winces at the sound of the door being banged close behind him.)

[CHARLES must have been angry.]

QUINN: Who was that?

CODY: My brother. (He says as he steps down the stairs with QUINN.)

QUINN: That's your brother? (Frowns.)

[QUINN didn't think the two looked alike at all. The boy was huge, and had a reddish tint to his skin, while CODY was ghostly and small. Or maybe it was a nutrition issue? QUINN wasn't quite sure.]

CODY: Half—half-brother. (He clarified.)

QUINN: Oh... (Nods at explanation.)


QUINN: (Changes the subject.) My mum made pork chops, that's why I called you out — to eat lunch. I'm sorry if I might have caused any problems.

CODY: (Smiles.) It's okay. Thanks, really. I haven't eaten lunch.

QUINN: (Smiles at they both continued to walk towards his apartment complex.) That's good — not that you're hungry, but that you want to eat... Am I making sense?

CODY: (Laughs at his boyfriend as he gives him a bright smile.)

[He used to feel exhausted after smiling because he didn't do it very often, but now he smiled with ease around QUINN and his family.]

[The two eventually hold hands after a period of their fingers brushing as they walked side by side. CODY was a bit worried about his brother, but he didn't want to worry QUINN with his troubles — he himself personally didn't want to remember they existed, so he thought about the present, about heading home with QUINN to eat lunch.]

Curtains fall.

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