[cobra style.]

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22 | Cobra Style.

"WHO missed us!" A female's cheerful voice called from outside the kitchen.

Currently I sat in the kitchen eating chicken tenders. Heidi, Demetri, and Felix flanked my sides all on orders to watch me. It had been about two days since I woke up, and Aro had been babying me non-stop.

At first it was nice, then it got annoying. He wouldn't let me leave the bed unless it was too eat, or for the bathroom - claiming I needed to rest. I most definitely could not leave the room, as he was scared I would pass out again. Finally I was able to convince him that I'd be fine.

To my luck he had to be in court all day anyway and begrudgingly deemed me healthy enough to be up and around. Though he still assigned his most trusted guards to follow me around all day in case anything were to happen. I didn't mind all that much as they were all pretty entertaining characters.

"They did it again! How do those two get in and out of this castle without anyone knowing?" Demetri exclaimed mouth opening referring to the voice I had previously heard.

"I don't even know." Felix sighed in exasperation pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers.

Heidi simply smirked raising a brow at the two. "Fatherhood certainly has screwed the both of you over."

"It most certainly has not." Demetri scoffed.

"Yeah right, the both of you were much more fun before." She laughed.

"What! I'm more fun now if anything." Felix cried looking as her in shock.

"Ha! You can't even last five minutes in bed anymore." Heidi crossed her arms accusingly with narrowed eyes.

Demetri bent over laughing, while Felix choked on his breath. "What! I last way longer than five minutes." He scowled at her.

"No you don't, you're all like 'oh, god I'm cumming' or 'Heidi!' And then you pull out before I can finish. You use to be able to last even longer than I could." Heidi snorted picking at her nails.

Demetri looked to Felix wide eyed before letting out loud laughs pointing. "You can't even last five minutes!"

"Yes I can, this is a lie!" Felix growled at Heidi who pursed her lips.

"Okay, whatever you say." She mocked looking to the door.

My eyes darted back and forth between the two. "Let me guess, 'friends with benefits'?" I asked thinking of Laura and Dr. Carson.

Both Felix and Heidi began stuttering out 'no', while Demetri scoffed at the two.

"Pretty much." He answered for them.

Before either could object the kitchen door was slammed open.

"I said who missed us!" The same female's voice yelled as the door opened.

Two teenagers who looked to be around eighteen danced inside. I mean quite literally danced. The guy spun around the girl gracefully as they entered the room. The male wore a blue hat over his blonde hair while spinning, a good-looking girl.

The girl was adorned with dark hair, and dark brown - almost black eyes. She was relatively pale, both were, but not as pale as a vampire. She looked very similar to Felix in my opinion. The guy was sported with sandy blonde hair, and light caramel eyes. He somewhat reminded me of Demetri.

"Why are you all in the kitchen? Vampires don't eat?" The guy asked ceasing his dancing with the girl looking over all of us with confusion.

The both of them held perfect English accents alike to every other vampire in this castle. The girl stood next to the guy equally as confused. "I know every vampire in this castle, but I don't know you. Who are you?" The girl narrowed her eyes at me sticking her nose slightly in the air.

"You smell vampire, but I can hear a faint heartbeat." The guy noted examining me.

The girl walked over to me at a surprisingly human rate. She placed her face extremely close to mine, her brown eyes boring into mine.

"Miranda." Felix sighed, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder pulling her away.

I remembered Aro telling me that Felix's daughter was named Miranda. Of course this had to be Miranda, that was why she looked eerily similar to Felix. That mean't the guy must have been Alexander, Demetri's son. Demetri and Alexander only shared the same hair color and height, the other features must have come from his mother.

"I'm confused, I don't like being confused." Miranda held a finger up, her eyes darting around angrily. "Why the hell is there a human here?" She gave her father a look.

Aro had said the two were on their honeymoon at the Bahamas. They must have just gotten back. Alexander stood by his wife's side, gently he wrapped an arm around her waist facing his father with furrowed brows.

"Father." He spoke in a concerned tone. "What's happening?"

"Alexander, Miranda." Demetri said calmly with a smile. "Meet Frankie, your sister, Alexander." Demetri gave a believable soothing smile.

What the-? Why was he saying that.

"What the fuck! You knocked someone up! Who the hell even is her mother? She's like my age, why am I just now finding out about her!" Alexander screamed out toward Demetri his eyes burning in fury.

Miranda simply had a bored expression crossing her arms looking to Demetri with raised brows. It was apparent she didn't believe this. I watched a smile light up Demetri's features as he burst out laughing. Alexander stopped his raging, looking to his father in aggravation.

"I don't understand, is this suppose to be funny? How this funny?" Alexander looked around at everyone else in the room throwing his arms in the air, as if looking for an answer.

"Hello, brother?" I told him in an almost questioning voice.

I guess I was Alexander's sister? I wasn't sure what was happening anymore.

"You're such an idiot, he's lying to you." Miranda smacked Alexander on the back of the head in an almost scolding way.

"I-I can't believe you actually bought that!" Demetri threw his head back laughing hard.

Oh, so this was a joke. I cracked a smile, now understanding.

"Ignore this fool." Heidi glowered at Demetri. "This is Frankie, Aro's mate. A lot happened while you two were vacationing." Heidi popped out a hip.

Miranda's eyes lost all negative emotions, and was suddenly alight with a new sort of happy. "Thank god, Aro finally found his mate! I thought he'd be alone for the rest of eternity." She cried dramatically with delight.

"I think I just about had a heart attack!" Alexander yelled in relief placing a hand on his chest leaning against a wall. "Sometimes I truly hate you, father." He let out a breath.

"Just like I hate you." Felix blinked, narrowing his eyes at Demetri's son.

"Were you just waiting to tell him that, dad?" Miranda said in astonishment.

Felix shrugged in mock innocence, a wide smirk playing at his lips. "You're unbelievable." She shook her head.

Well, Felix obviously held something against Alexander. I finished the last chicken strip watching the scene before me unfold with leisure.

"I'm not sticking around to listen to you lie." She pointed a finger at Demetri. "You offend my husband." She told her dad, putting pressure on the word; husband. "And, I absolutely do not want to listen to you flirt with my father, which is bound to happen." She accusingly yelled at Heidi.

"So instead I'm going to go bond with the newest member of our coven." Miranda walked over grabbing my arm. "And you're coming with me." She pulled me along with her before she took her husband by the ear.

"By the way our honeymoon was great, I really enjoyed myself. Thanks for asking!" Miranda pulled Alexander out by his ear, and dragged me along with her.


"I can't believe you're actually from the dead! It's like something from the DC comics!" Alexander smiled largely.

I sat on a couch in their room. Their room wasn't even close to the size of Aro's bedroom, but it was still larger than the average master. I would say it's around the size of a hotel suite. It had it's own little kitchen and everything!

"Yeah, that is pretty cool. I'm just glad Aro finally found his mate, I mean he's been alone for so long. Even when Sulpicia was alive they were more like close friends rather than lovers." Miranda pitched in as she unpacked a Gucci suitcase, hanging all the clothes up in their closet.

Something about the way she acted reminded me a lot of Athenodora. This peaked my curiosity.

"Aro had mentioned something about Athenodora and Sulpicia taking your place as mother's?" I stated in a questioning tone looking at the two of them.

"Yeah, Athenodora is the mother figure toward Miranda, while Sulpicia was more my mother figure." Alexander smiled sadly. "Sometimes I think that I was more upset about her death than even Aro himself."

"That's because you were." Miranda snorted shaking her head as she folded a pair of jeans.

"Hey, just because I seem to be the only one who holds any sort of empathy around here, doesn't mean you need to pick on me about it." Alexander frowned.

"Oh, don't worry prince charming. You're just a natural softy." Miranda walked over to Alexander patting his cheek.

"No." He argued his cheeks turning pink.

"Well, I know that newly wed couples go at it like rabbits. Don't worry it's perfectly healthy! I know plenty of couples like that - Carlisle and Esme, Dr. Carson and Laura, Edward and Bella." I began listed off couples who were largely involved in the sex industry. "Yeah, you probably don't want me around watching as the two of you get intimate, so I'll just go." I motioned to the door before speed walking out leaving them both a gobsmacked.

Why were they so shocked? I was just pointing out that they were being a healthy married couple?


The gardens were exceptionally big, littered with rows upon rows of unique flowers. Despite Aro's boring lecture on it they were quite the sight, gently I stroked the petals of pretty little pink flower. A smile lit up my features at the beauty of it.

"It's called a Lotus, real beauty isn't it." My head snapped to my right only to see a male literally appearing from thin air.

I stumbled back shocked at what I was seeing. This wasn't like when someone would run up to me using vampire speed, no; this guy just appeared out of no where. Like he teleported or something.

"H-how did you that?" I stumbled over my words, voice shaking in shock.

He was a rather handsome looking vampire, more than most. In a way he sort of reminded me of Heidi or Rosalie. Not that any of them looked alike, it was just their breathtaking beauty that would cause even the top models to look like trash standing next to them.

"Oh, sorry I sometimes forget that I'm not visible. I have the gift of invisibility, you see." He tossed me a friendly smile.

"That's so cool!" I exclaimed taking a better look at him. "I'm Frankie." I held my hand out.

"I know." He carefully took my hand in a gentle hand shake. "I'm pretty sure the entirety of the Volturi know about you, with you being Aro's mate and all." He shook my hand slowly before letting go.

"Oh, yeah, duh." I shook my head rolling my eyes at myself, earning a laugh from him. "What's your name?" I questioned not able to remember if I saw him when Aro introduced me to the guard.

"Afton, I'm Chelsea's mate." He smiled at me.

It was then I noticed just how cloudy it was. Looking up I frowned at the clouds, I was hoping it to be sunny out.

"Well Afton, what brings you to the garden on this cloudy day?" I slapped my hands against my thighs, raising a brow.

"Chelsea's off on court duty, so I'm wandering around until she get's off." He looked up at the cloudy weather as well, a gleam in his eye. "What about you?"

"I met Alexander and Miranda earlier, Miranda stole me from Heidi, Felix, and Demetri. I just left the two so they can perform intercourse." As soon as I said that Afton burst out laughing clutching his stomach. "I'm pretty sure I was suppose to stay with the guards all day, Aro's orders. So yeah they're probably panicking running around trying to find me." I shrugged nonchalantly.

Afton recovered with a shake of his head. "You are quite the character, aren't you?" He said amused.

"That's what Edward say's, personally I think I'm a bit boring, but whatever - people are entitled to their own opinions." I waved my hands with a shrug.

"Aro must really love you." He let out a laugh looking at me in amusement. "Actually not just Aro, I bet the entirety of the Volturi do, well maybe except the twins - but other than the masters and each other they don't care much for anyone."

Before I could respond a voice cut in. "Oh, there you are. Demetri, Felix, and Heidi are just about loosing their heads trying to find you. They really don't want to face the wrath of letting Aro know that they lost you." Alexander walked over to us at a steady human rate.
"Hey! Invisi-boy, how are you? I haven't seen you since the wedding!" Alexander patted Afton on the shoulder.

"Don't ever call me 'invisi-boy' again, or I swear by the god's I will-" Afton was cut off by Alexander tilting his head forward letting out false snores. He snapped his head back up dramatically acting as if he had briefly fallen asleep and was just woken up. "Nobody cares, now Frankie, Afton here is like that dull library mom no one likes-" Alexander was cut off by Afton this time.

"Excuse me! I will not hesitate in snapping your neck, little hybrid!" Afton snarled taking a step toward Alexander threateningly.

"Is that a threat? Are you threatening me! You know what 'mister i-can-turn-myself-invisible-but-not-anyone-else', I am going to go straight to Aro and let him see exactly what you said!" Alexander yelled.

"Why? Because you're little hybrid self can't handle fighting with me?" Afton mocked in a childish voice. "Oh the poor wittle baby." He pretended to wipe tears away from his eyes.

"I'll show you!" Alexander screamed lunging at Afton in speeds alike to a vampire.

Well, that went from 0-100 real fast.

I knew from the Cullen's, that because Renesmee was a hybrid, she was physically weaker than the average vampire. She was not as fast either. It wasn't by much, and maybe it was just Renesmee who was like this - but I got the feeling that Alexander wasn't physically as strong as Afton, nor as fast.

Alexander somehow got his hands around Afton's neck and began shaking him. Afton's eyes went wide as his head was shook back and forth. I couldn't help but snort at the scene, as this honestly had to be the funniest fight ever. The two were immortal creatures and here they were fighting like some petty teenage girls.

Within seconds Afton grabbed Alexander's hand and flipped him over so he was on the ground. "Fuck you!" Alexander wailed before throwing a hard punch at Afton's nose.

A sickening crack sounded. "AH!" Afton let go of Alexander gripping his nose tightly.

Alexander quickly jumped up at vampire speed and charged at Afton. However, I didn't expect for Afton to let go of his nose - which in my opinion looked perfectly fine - and shove Alexander just as he was a few inches away. The impact of the shove caused for Alexander to go flying into a flower bush, completely destroying it.

In seconds Alexander was out of the bush and standing in front of it. "Aro's gonna be really angry, he was fond of his Dahlia's." Alexander breathed out, a terrified edge to his voice.

Afton was next to him, the two seemingly forgetting about their fight, looking at the destroyed flower bush. His eyes were equally as panicked. The both of them looked around frantically, as if paranoid someone other than me had seen them.

"I know, let's just not tell him?" Alexander suggested perhaps the most stupid idea I had ever heard.

"You idiot, he can read minds! As soon as see's this he'll be checking all his guard to see who's responsible for it. I say we just tell him flat out, it'll be better if we tell him rather than lying or avoiding the subject." Afton said nodding, though he fidgeted nervously.

"Are you mad! He'd kill the both of the us!" Alexander dramatically yelled, flinging his hands in the air. "I want to go back to the Bahama's." He mumbled before his eyes lit up. "I know let's just take a surprise trip to the Bahama's right now! You, me, Miranda, and Chelsea."

Afton almost looked to be pondering the idea for a second before he quickly shook his head. "No, we can't just take a vacation! This is the Volturi for crying out loud, Alexander." Afton stressed in exasperation.

"Maybe you can't, but Miranda and I sure can!" Alexander stated stubbornly.

"What do you think the master's will do when they learned that you destroyed the Dahlia's, and then decided to flee to the Bahama's for a short vacation. Especially after you've only gotten back!" Afton growled at him eyes blazing. "Come on! The longer we hold it off, the angrier he'll be." Afton said.

I watched the two in amusement. "I can try to get him in a better mood tonight after court if you want." I suggested trying to be helpful.

"Please do!" Alexander wailed looking to me in desperation. "Don't let him kill us!"

"He's not going to kill us, must you be so dramatic!" Afton sighed in annoyance. "Here let's go, we'll walk you back to the guards Frankie." Afton nodded to me.

I walked behind Afton, Alexander to my left walking in a slightly sluggish way. The two were quiet trapped in their own fearful thoughts.

"Where's Miranda?" I questioned noticing they had obviously not engaged in reproductive activities A.K.A; sex, like I had expected.

"Yes, I thought the two of you were having 'intercourse'?" Afton turned to look at him with a Cheshire smile.

Alexander growled at this. "Miranda was too tired, she's having a nap. I was going to take one too, but my dad came pounding at the door begging us to help look for Frankie before Aro found out. Miranda refused, but I decided I'd help - I regret that decision now." Alexander groaned.

"Yeah you should, look where we are now." Afton sighed.

I awkwardly scratched the back of my head as the rest of the walk was drowned in silence. The both of them trapped in their mind, fearful expressions plastered on their face.

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